The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 388 Literacy Class Begins

"Then what should we do, let's not run the literacy class?" Kong Yuqin asked who was on the side after hearing Master Pian's words.

"How can this be done? We have already told Director Ren Wang, and we can't go back on our word just because of her, Xu Huizhen, and we also proposed the literacy class first." As a member of staff, if everything is suppressed by the tavern, then he will lose face.

"What do you think of Xie Cheng?" Seeing everyone's attitude, Wang Yi was a little uncertain and asked Yan Jiecheng.

"The literacy class is still going to be held. In this way, I will invite a teacher from our street primary school later. You guys go and clean up the room. Our literacy class can start tonight, and the notice will be posted on the door of our restaurant later. "Yan Jiecheng thought that since he had already told Director Wang about the literacy class, he would have to do it. Even if the resources were a bit wasteful, if a literacy class was to be disqualified, then Xu Huizhen would also be disqualified.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements here, you go ask the teacher."

Seeing that Wang Yi was in a hurry, Yan Jiecheng didn't wait any longer, left the restaurant and went straight to the elementary school.

After arriving at the elementary school, Yan Jiecheng went directly to the principal to explain his intentions, and said that he could give ten yuan a month as a subsidy for the teacher's teaching. Not only that, but also a share of leftovers from restaurants.

This condition is already very good. After all, the normal salary of an elementary school teacher is only more than 20 yuan.Working overtime for two hours a day can earn ten yuan, which is already a good income for teachers living in poverty, and there are leftovers to take home. Hearing the conditions given by Yan Jiecheng, the principal agreed directly down.

He also said that the best teachers in the school will definitely be arranged to teach in the past, so that Yan Jiecheng can rest assured.

Yan Jiecheng returned to the restaurant after dealing with the teacher's questions. At this time, several people in the restaurant also cleaned up the room, and arranged some tables, chairs and benches in the room. They even added a few more lights in the room. If the interior is not bright enough, it will definitely affect people's learning.

"Xie Cheng, what's the matter, the teacher's matter is settled." Seeing Yan Jiecheng's return, Master Pian asked.

"Don't worry, I've already done it myself, so there can be no accidents." Hua Yan Xiecheng, who heard the film master, said to everyone while looking at the classroom.

"That's all right. I thought it would take a lot of work to hire a teacher."

While several people were talking, Xu Huizhen walked in from the outside.

"Wang Yi, Yan Jiecheng, you are all here. It just so happens that I have something to discuss with you two." Xu Huizhen yelled at several people while walking.

"Sister Huizhen, what's the matter with you?" Wang Yi was full of vigilance for Xu Huizhen's arrival. After all, there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall. The restaurant has been open for such a long time. Children buy egg custard is something to do.

"It's like this. Yesterday we discussed in the tavern about setting up a literacy class, but I didn't expect your restaurant to be one step ahead of us. This is what I thought. Why don't the two of us hold this literacy class together? Come over and discuss with you two." Xu Huizhen walked up to the two and said with a smile on her face.

This idea was actually given to her by Cai Quanwu. Previously, Xu Huizhen thought that everyone should do their own thing, and each of them could do it according to their own ability.

It was Cai Quanwu who mentioned to her the relationship between Wang Yi and Director Wang, and asked her to come to Yan Jiecheng to see if the two families could run the literacy class together.

Hearing Xu Huizhen's words, Wang Yi turned to look at Yan Jiecheng who was beside her. She didn't know whether she should have her hair done together, so she wanted to see what Yan Jiecheng meant.

Seeing Wang Yi looking towards him, Yan Jiecheng quickly expressed his opinion: "Boss Xu, it's okay to talk about other things, I think I'd better forget about the literacy class."

"Why? Isn't it good for our two families to do it together?" Xu Huizhen was a little surprised to hear Yan Jiecheng's words, but she didn't expect Yan Jiecheng to leave it to him to refuse.When she discussed with Cai Quanwu before, they did not expect this situation.

"We have prepared everything for the literacy class, and your tavern will not be able to provide much help if you join in now. You see, this is the classroom we have prepared for the literacy class." Yan Jiecheng said casually, making an excuse while talking While pointing to the furnishings in the room.

This time, Xu Huizhen noticed that the room had taken on a completely new look. She was too busy talking to Yan Jiecheng just now, and didn't look at the situation in the room. Looking at it now, it really looks like that, which is much better than preparing the classroom by herself.

But Xu Huizhen still said unwillingly: "Our tavern can provide teachers. Teacher Xu, who used to come to our tavern for drinks, is good at teaching, and he is also a top-ranked excellent teacher in the school."

"This is really unnecessary, we have also invited the teacher."

Xu Huizhen looked at Yan Jiecheng and didn't know what to say. This was completely different from the script she and Cai Quanwu had thought about.

"Okay, then I won't bother you." Xu Huizhen walked out, thinking about going back to discuss with Cai Quanwu and see what to do next.

"Xie Cheng, let's just reject Xu Huizhen just like that." Wang Yi said softly. She felt that Xu Huizhen was a woman who ran a shop and took care of the children alone. Besides, she was not low in awareness, so she should be able to help is a handful.

"Then what should we do? Huh, we can't let us suffer for nothing, right? We've already prepared the literacy class, and there's no use for her. If we do it together with her, wouldn't that mean giving her peaches? What's the difference between this and deceit." Yan Xiecheng said righteously.

"That's right, Manager Wang, what Xie Cheng said is right, why should we start a literacy business with her, Xu Huizhen? It's not like we don't have the strength." Ma Liansheng, who was standing by the side, said directly when he heard Wang Yi's words.

Although he had worked with Xu Huizhen before, they didn't have much contact with each other, and if it wasn't for Yan Jiecheng, he wouldn't even be paid when he was transferred.

Even now, Xu Huizhen has not returned the wages of the two to the restaurant, and I don't know if the tavern really has no money, or Xu Huizhen is unwilling to pay back the money.

Seeing everyone's objection, Wang Yi didn't insist any more, calling everyone to return to their jobs and start working.

And Xu Huizhen, who came home, was talking to Cai Quanwu in a fit of anger.

"How could Yan Jiecheng disagree, it shouldn't be." Hearing what happened to Xu Huizhen in the restaurant, Cai Quanwu said to himself.

He has dealt with Yan Jiecheng for several years, and based on his understanding of Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiecheng is not such a strong person.

"Who knows, anyway, Yan Jiecheng said so, what do you think we should do now?" Xu Huizhen said angrily.

"What else can we do? At worst, let's open it ourselves. Anyway, it won't cost much. Didn't Teacher Xu agree to come to us to teach? The rest is just a matter of a classroom."

"I'm not worried about this. It's mainly because of the relationship between Wang Yi and Director Wang. Can Director Wang approve our opening of the literacy class? After all, there is one next to us." Xu Huizhen said with a slight frown.

"I think there should be no problem. Even if we can't use the street, we can go to the nearby streets to pull people. Anyway, we are responding to the above policy."

"That's right, let's do it this way. Without him, Yan Jiecheng, the literacy class in our tavern can still be prosperous." Xu Huizhen said with a hammer. She is not afraid of competition with Yan Jiecheng and the others, mainly because I was afraid that Director Wang would not agree, especially because there were still two unstable factors in the store.

These two people watched Xu Huizhen's every move all the time, trying to catch her and throw her off the horse.

"Okay, I'll leave if there's nothing else to do." Cai Quanwu said and was about to leave the hospital again.

"Wait, Cai Quanwu, I have something to ask you." Seeing that Cai Quanwu was about to leave, Xu Huizhen hurriedly stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Cai Quanwu looked back at Xu Huizhen and asked curiously.

"What do you think of Mr. Xu?"

"Teacher Xu? He is a very nice person. He even took the initiative to teach in our literacy class, and he didn't ask for a penny of remuneration. If it were someone else, he would definitely not agree." Although Xu Huizhen didn't know why Xu Huizhen asked herself, Cai Quanwu still be honest.

"Oh, it's okay, let's go." Hearing what Cai Quanwu said, Xu Huizhen waved her hand.

During this period of time, she was hesitating whether to accept Teacher Xu's pursuit. In her opinion, Teacher Xu is still a good person, and he has a great advantage compared with Cai Quanwu.

After all, Teacher Xu is also a cultural person, and the job of a teacher is also very respectable, unlike Cai Quanwu, who resists big people, and it will be embarrassing for the child to speak out when he grows up.

However, she has developed a habit during this period of time. She still listens to Cai Quanwu's opinion on everything. After hearing Cai Quanwu's evaluation of Teacher Xu just now, Xu Huizhen made up her mind.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Teacher Xu coming to help this time, we will clarify our relationship with him and get along with him for a while. If there is no problem, we will go to get the certificate.

And Cai Quanwu still doesn't know that he was eliminated by Xu Huizhen in this way, or because of his own words, otherwise he will regret it to death.

After talking about Xu Huizhen, let's talk about Yan Jiecheng.

After working all day, the teacher sent by the school didn't arrive until six o'clock in the evening, and it was five o'clock after the school got off work, so the teacher had to eat.

Because of the notice posted at the entrance of the restaurant and the propaganda of the neighborhood committee, quite a few people came to attend classes at night.

Even many aunts and aunts came over, holding a ball of wool in their hands, knitting sweaters while listening to the teacher's lecture.

Yan Jiecheng was worried, so he came here to listen to it, and felt that the teacher's lecture was really good.I know that the lecturers below are all elderly, and the way of teaching is different from that in school.

"Xie Cheng, where did you find your teacher? It's really good, even I can listen to it, just like telling a story." The master on the side stood at the door and listened to the teacher above. Yan Jiecheng said over his shoulder.

"Where else can it be, just our street primary school? Not bad, it cost a lot of money to find, if it's not good, I have to go back and find their principal." Yan Jiecheng also joked with Master Pian .

"That's right, two hours a day can earn ten yuan a month, so I'll do it if you want."

"By the way, Mr. Pian, when the teacher leaves, remember to pack a portion of the leftovers for him." Yan Xiecheng said to Mr. Pian at the side, remembering what he promised the principal.

"Hey, this salary is higher than mine." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's order, Master Pian said a little angrily.

"Okay, I'm a teacher anyway, so it's normal to get a higher salary, go to work quickly." Yan Jiecheng waved Master Pian away, then stood at the door and listened for a while before turning back.

As soon as she got back to the store, Wang Yi ran over and asked, "Xie Cheng, how is it going? Is it okay?"

"No problem. After all, I've been a teacher for so many years. If I can't even teach you how to read, it's not in vain. That's fine, don't worry about it. He speaks well, so hurry up and get to work. Facing Wang Yi's worries, Yan Jiecheng said directly.

The literacy class started at six o'clock until eight o'clock, exactly two hours.When the teacher finished speaking, people were still unsatisfied, and wanted to ask the teacher to talk for a while, but Yan Jiecheng came forward to persuade him, and said that he would continue tomorrow, and he could come here to attend lectures every night from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], big guy! Only then reluctantly left.

After all, it is dark and late, and there are no other entertainment programs at night. I dare not even turn on the lights at home for fear of electricity consumption. I finally found such a place, and it doesn't cost money. How can I miss it.

Putting aside the knowledge you have learned or not, it is also good to chat with the neighbors in the neighborhood, and there will not be so many people gathering at other times.

"Xie Cheng, it seems that our literacy class is quite successful." Wang Yi said to Yan Xiecheng with a smile as he watched everyone leave.

"That's for sure, just watch, the street office will definitely come to our place for inspection in a few days, and maybe give us an advancement." Hearing Wang Yi's words, Yan Jiecheng replied with a smile.

"Really?" Wang Yi didn't believe what Yan Jiecheng said. After all, they are not the only ones who run the literacy class, and Xu Huizhen's literacy class will start tomorrow.

"Believe it or not, let's go, I'll take you home." Yan Xiecheng saw that the customers in the store had also left, so he said to Wang Yi beside him.

It happened to send Wang Yi back and discuss with Director Wang about their engagement. After all, it was already the end of April, and the day of their engagement would arrive in a few days.

I have to tell Director Wang about his godfather and godmother, and see what the process will be then.

When they came to Wang Yi's house, Director Wang hadn't fallen asleep yet, and was coaxing the children of Wang Yi's family in the living room.

"Look who's here?" Director Wang said when he saw Yan Xiecheng came and stood up with the child in his arms.

"Little aunt, little uncle." The two-year-old speaks quite neatly and can already remember people.

"What are you shouting about? Your sister-in-law isn't married yet. Where did uncle come from?" Wang Yi's sister-in-law who was standing aside said bluntly.

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