The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 389 Liao Yucheng Was Beaten

Chapter 389 Liao Yucheng Was Beaten

Wang Yi's sister-in-law had a big opinion on Yan Jiecheng. She originally planned to introduce Wang Yi to her relatives, but she didn't expect Yan Jiecheng to take the lead after working in a restaurant for a few months, so Wang Yi's sister-in-law talked to Yan Jiecheng. Time never gave a good tone.

Every time Yan Jiecheng came to Wang Yi's house, whenever he met her sister-in-law, he would either be eccentric or sarcasm, or point fingers at Sang Huai.

"Li Mei, if you can't talk, go back to the room quickly, don't come out and make yourself embarrassed." Wang Yi's elder brother Wang Gang came out of the room and said after hearing Li Mei's words.

He didn't know why his wife didn't like this little brother-in-law. He didn't offend her, and he was polite to them every time he came.

"Am I wrong? The child's sister-in-law is not married yet. Where does her uncle come from, so that outsiders can't hear about our family." Li Mei carried the child back to the house while talking.

Yan Jiecheng couldn't say anything about Li Mei's attitude, so he could only stand aside in embarrassment, and it was Wang Gang who took the initiative to apologize and said:

"I'm sorry, Xie Cheng, your sister-in-law is the only one, don't pick me up."

"How could it be? It's fine." Although Yan Jiecheng was dissatisfied, he didn't show it.

"Xie Cheng, come, sit down and talk, the main reason for calling you here today is to ask you who else is coming on the day of your engagement with Wang Yi, and see how many people there are and what preparations are there?" Director Wang pulled After passing a stool for Yan Jiecheng to sit down, he asked.

"Why is my godfather participating? By the way, there is also my god-sister Chen Xueru. There is no one else. If you need any preparations, just look at it and do whatever you want." Yan Xiecheng He answered honestly.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements. A few days ago, your elder brother went to someone to take a look. June No. 18 is a good day, what do you two think?" Director Wang was very satisfied with Yan Jiecheng's attitude, and as for Yan Jiecheng's recognition of his godfather Yan Jiecheng had already told Director Wang about the matter.

Although I don't know when Yan Jiecheng got involved with the old Chen family, Director Wang thinks that Yan Jiecheng's recognized relative is quite good.

It's just that Chen Xueru is a bit rough, after all, she is a divorced woman and she looks good, so it would be bad if something happened to Yan Jiecheng.

In the past few days, Director Wang is also thinking about telling Chen Xueru a partner, so that she can feel at ease.

"Okay, I don't have any objections, Wang Yi and you." Yan Jiecheng felt that getting married after more than a month of engagement was very suitable, so he looked at Wang Yi who was aside, and if she had no objection, they would get married on June [-]th.

"You have the final say, I'll listen to you." Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Wang Yi replied shyly, blushing even as she spoke.

"Okay, since the two of you have no objections, then I'll make the decision. It's getting late, Xie Cheng, take your time on the way back." Director Wang looked at the wall clock on the wall and said to Yan Jiecheng after the matter was finished.

Because of the time spent at Wang Yi's house, it was past ten o'clock when Yan Jiecheng returned home, so he didn't stay at home too long, changed his clothes and climbed over the wall to Chen Xueru's house.

Walking all the way to the bedroom, seeing that the lights were still on, Yan Jiecheng pushed the door and walked in.

"What's the matter today? Why are you still reading books?" Yan Jiecheng asked when he saw Chen Xueru wearing a silk pajamas leaning on the bedside to read a book when he entered the room.

"Isn't this waiting for you to come, let's go to bed quickly and talk." Chen Xueru patted the place beside her while talking.

"By the way, I have something to tell you today." Yan Jiecheng said to Chen Xueru while taking off his clothes and getting on the bed.

"What is it?"

"I'm going to get engaged to Wang Yi in two days. Go back and talk to your godfather and godmother when you have time. And you, the three of you can come together at that time." Yan Jiecheng lay beside Chen Xuetu while talking Take her in your arms.

"Hey, I really have you. How come, you are not afraid that Wang Yi will be jealous? You also want to arrange the main room and lover together. Are you men like this, eating what is in the bowl and thinking about what is in the pot?" Chen Xueru Said jokingly.

"I don't need to worry about it, I want to eat now." Yan Jiecheng pulled Chen Xueru's body and rolled over while speaking.

"Wait, stop first, I still have something to say." Seeing Yan Xiecheng's impatience, Chen Xueru patted Yan Xiecheng on the back and said.

"What can't be said until the end." Yan Jiecheng began to touch Chen Xueru while talking.


An hour later, the two lay on the bed panting: "Tell me what's the matter."

"Yesterday Liao Yucheng already played cards with me, and he wanted me to give him the evidence of his kickbacks, and said that he would not fight against me in the store." Chen Xueru said while panting heavily.

"You agree?"

"How can I agree with this, but I'm afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry and do something out of the ordinary." Chen Xueru said with some worry, after all, if he, a big man, does something unfavorable to him, he is really in danger.

Although this probability is very low, no one can say for sure if the dog jumped the wall in a hurry.

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng thought about it in his mind, this is also a problem, although Yan Jiecheng and Chen Xueru are siblings on the surface, but
Yan Jiecheng could not guard her all the time.

"What do you think I should do? I'm a little scared when I see Liao Yucheng's eyes looking like he's about to make trouble today."

"Tomorrow I will find someone to follow you and be your bodyguard." Yan Jiecheng thought of Chen Hu at this time, anyway, he has no job, and after the last dismissal, Yan Jiecheng felt that the person was still very reliable, nothing more than Just pay more.

"Who is it, is it reliable?" Chen Xueru subconsciously asked when Yan Jiecheng said to find a bodyguard for herself.

"Don't worry, with him protecting you, Liao Yucheng doesn't dare to mess around. I'll let him report to you tomorrow."

"By the way, it's getting late, why don't you go back today? Why don't you just stay with me overnight." Chen Xueru turned her head and said to Yan Jiecheng.

"Okay, I'll sleep at your house today." As he spoke, Yan Xiecheng pulled the quilt over the two of them, and seeing that it was getting late, he hugged Chen Xueru and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Yan Jiecheng got up early and came to Chen Hu's house. At this time, Chen Hu hadn't gotten up yet, when he heard the knock on the door, he put on his clothes and came out cursing.

As soon as he opened the door, he found Yan Jiecheng standing outside, so he hurriedly said with a smile: "Brother Yan, why are you free to come here today?"

"I have something to do with you, let's go in and talk about it." Yan Jiecheng looked around and said to Chen Hu.

Chen Hu hurriedly let the door open to welcome Yan Jiecheng in, and then went into the room to pour water for Yan Jiecheng.

"You don't have to be busy, I'll leave after I finish speaking." Seeing Chen Hu's busy appearance, Yan Jiecheng hurriedly stopped him.

"How can this be done? How can you not even drink your saliva when you finally come here?" Chen Hu said while walking over with a water glass and putting it in front of Yan Jiecheng.I wondered why Yan Jiecheng came to his house, could it be the last time, that Qiangzi ran back unwillingly.

"That's right. I have a job I want to introduce to you. I don't know if you'd like to do it." Yan Jiecheng said straight to the point.

"What kind of work, brother Yan, let's talk about it first. If you go to work in the factory, then forget it. Brother, I thank you for your kindness. I am a real cadre in the factory." Chen Hu thought that Yan Xiecheng would introduce him to a factory, so that He is going to deceive people.

Although the status of the current worker is high, he really can't stand the restrictions of the rules in the factory, otherwise he wouldn't have been stuck without a job.

"It's not a factory, it's a bodyguard for someone, as long as it can guarantee her safety. And the salary is not low. Look at it, how about 40 yuan a month? You don't need to go there yourself, it's okay to arrange for the younger brother to go there." Yan Jiecheng sat on the chair and took a sip from the water glass before speaking.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Hu's eyes lit up. It's a good job to be a bodyguard for others, and he doesn't have to go there in person. If he has something to do, he can also arrange for his younger brother to take over.

What's more, Yan Jiecheng's wages are not low, 40 yuan a month is not even earned by many workers.

"Brother Yan, you are really my own brother. Don't worry, I will do a good job. I won't embarrass you. Who am I going to be a bodyguard for?" Chen Hu asked happily.

"The owner of Xueru Silk Shop—Chen Xueru, you should know this person, right? He is going to be her bodyguard. If there is no problem, you can go to her in the afternoon. As for the salary, I will give it to you at the end of each month. If you If you need something urgent, you can ask me in advance." Yan Jiecheng looked at Chen Hu and saw that he was tempted, so he said.

"Xueru Silk Store, I know this one, and the boss is your friend?" Chen Hu is also an old resident, and he still knows Xueru Silk Store.

"That's my sister. That's fine. Since you agree, I'll leave if it's okay. Just remember to go there in the afternoon." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng wanted to get up and leave.

"Brother Yan, why don't you leave after breakfast, I'll go out and buy right away." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng was about to leave, Chen Hu said aloud.

"No, you stay here, I have something else to do, so don't send it off, I'll just go by myself." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng went out without waiting for Chen Hu to speak.

After leaving Chen Hu's house, Yan Jiecheng saw that it was still early, so he wandered around the street, and then walked towards the shop without haste.

At this time, in the office of Xueru Silk Shop, Chen Xueru and Liao Yucheng were also arguing.

"Chen Xueru, what are you going to do to let me go? I've given in to you, what else do you want?" Liao Yucheng shouted red-faced.

I was so angry in my heart, I didn't expect that Chen Xueru would catch me for a negligence.Although Chen Xueru said that as long as she doesn't mess around, she won't deal with him, but he is still afraid.

After all, no one wants to put their handles in other people's hands. This is like a landmine, which might explode at any time.

"Let you go? I didn't want to do anything to you. Why did I say that? I've said it all. As long as you are honest, I won't do anything to you. "

"You..." Liao Yucheng's face turned red when he heard Chen Xueru's words, but he had no other way, after all, Chen Xueru was still holding onto him.

"What about me? Hurry up and get out of me if you have nothing to do. Let me tell you, you'd better be honest with me and don't have other thoughts, otherwise you can't afford the consequences." Chen Xueru was afraid that Liao Yucheng would act recklessly, so she said harsh words, I want him to let it go.

As soon as Liao Yucheng went out, the store clerk ran over: "Manager Chen, there is a man named Chen Hu looking for you outside, and he said that Yan Xiecheng introduced him."

"Let him in." Hearing what the man said, Chen Xueru directly asked him to let him in.

After the buddy went out for a while, he brought Chen Hu in. After leading Chen Hu to the office, the buddy walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Boss Chen, I was called by Brother Yan to be your bodyguard. My name is Chen Hu. You can call me Hu Zi." After Chen Hu came in, he directly reported Yan Jiecheng's name, and then introduced himself.

"Okay, you can follow me from now on. As long as you protect me well, you can talk about your treatment." Chen Xueru looked at Chen Hu while talking, and seeing his big shoulders and waist, it was not easy at first glance. For Yan Xiecheng She is also very relieved of the people she introduces.

"That's not necessary. Brother Yan already told me when we came here that you don't have to give me anything."

"That's it, okay. Later, you go outside to find the guy just now, and ask him to measure you and make two sets of clothes. It's not okay to be my bodyguard for Chen Xueru." Chen Xueru looked at what Chen Hu was wearing. The clothes were a little frowning, although there were no patches, but the style of the clothes was too ugly, it would be embarrassing to take them out, so I planned to make two sets of clothes for Chen Hu.

"Thank you, Boss Chen, I'll go right away." Hearing what Chen Xueru said, Chen Hu said it with a happy face, and walked out directly after speaking, and went to find the guy just now to make clothes.

"Who is this, how can you come in and out of the office in our store casually." Liao Yucheng who was on the side saw Chen Hu coming out of Chen Xueru's office, and chased after Chen Xueru and said bluntly.

It happened that Chen Xueru had received a lot of uselessness, and wanted to take it out on Chen Hu.

But Chen Hu was not used to him, he slapped someone who dared to yell at him, regardless of who he was.

Liao Yucheng didn't expect that Chen Hu would dare to attack him in the store, and he was stunned by the beating. He stood there with his hands covering his face and stared blankly at Chen Hu, not daring to speak.

The main reason is that Chen Hu's figure is a bit scary, and he just patronized and wanted to vent his anger on someone, so he didn't look carefully.

At this time, Chen Xueru, who was sitting in the office, opened the door and walked out when she heard the movement outside.

Seeing Liao Yucheng being slapped with five finger marks and Chen Hu beside him, he already guessed what was going on.

"Manager Liao, let me introduce you. This is my new bodyguard, Chen Hu. He may appear in our store at any time in the future. If there is something wrong, you have to bear it."

Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Liao Yucheng knew that Chen Xueru was coming for him, and the purpose of hiring bodyguards was to guard against him.

(End of this chapter)

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