Chapter 390

"Okay, Chen Xueru, you are cruel enough." Liao Yucheng said angrily with wide eyes.

After speaking, he walked out directly. He dared to do something to Chen Xueru before, but now that he had Chen Hu's protection, he didn't dare anymore. He could only be obedient and hoped that Chen Xueru would keep his promise and not target him .

Chen Xueru looked at Liao Yucheng's leaving back, waved to Chen Hu who was beside him and said:

"Chen Hu, try not to touch anyone in the store from now on. This time it's Liao Yucheng. I have him in my hand and he doesn't dare to mess around. If you really encounter something difficult, you will be finished."

"I know Boss Chen, I will definitely be careful in the future." Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Chen Hu nodded.

"Okay, you have nothing to do, you can go to get off work, and you can take me home after work." Chen Xueru waved at Chen Hu, then turned and went back to the office.

As for the restaurant, after Yan Jiecheng came, he was busy until the evening before he had time to chat with the film master and the others.

"I heard that the literacy class run by Xu Huizhen and the others is going to start tonight, let's go over and see what it's like later?" Mr. Pian said to Yan Jiecheng while serving meals to the guests,
"Oh, class starts tonight, so let's go and have a look." Yan Jiecheng took a chair and sat down next to Mr. Pian and replied.

"Speaking of which, Xu Huizhen is quite capable of tossing around. What do you think she is trying to do with all the money and effort she puts into running this literacy class?" Kong Yuqin on the side also interjected.

I was curious why Xu Huizhen held this literacy class extra, after all, the literacy class on their side had already been held.

"I think she did this to show off in our streets. After all, literacy is a key task assigned by the superiors." Ma Lian said meaningfully, pointing to the top of his head.

"Well, that's the reason. Xu Huizhen is not a simple person. She won't do anything that is not beneficial. Although it is impossible for her to run a literacy class, if she supports the decision of the higher authorities, the policy will definitely give her Some support." Although the film master has never worked in the system, as a veteran, he also understands Xu Huizhen's intentions.

"By the way, Yuqin, why haven't I seen your Qiangzi in the past few days? He hasn't shown up a few times since you two got married, and he doesn't even go to the tavern." Ma Liansheng looked at Kong Yuqin with some doubts and asked road.

Before Qiangzi was fine, he went to the tavern to drink every day, but when he asked you, he married Kong Yuqin, and he hadn’t seen Qiangzi much. He thought that Kong Yuqin looked soft and weak, but he didn’t expect to be so strict about men, not even allowed to drink. , I was lucky that I didn't chase her back then, otherwise I wouldn't have been pinched to death.

"Yeah, Yuqin, I haven't remembered it, I haven't seen him for a while, why did he go?" Hearing what Ma Liansheng said, Master Pian also said.

"He, he went back to his hometown. His father wrote to him a few days ago, saying that there was something at home and asked him to go back. He has been back for several days. Although our place is not very far from Baocheng, it is not convenient to exchange information. , I don't know when he will come back." Hearing what the two said, Kong Yuqin stammered, feeling a little lack of confidence in her heart, after all, she knew what was going on.

"It's such an unlucky coincidence that something happened to his family just after the two of you got married. His father won't have any objections to you, right?" Mr. Pian still believed Kong Yuqin's words, and he didn't need to use this matter to lie to Kong Yuqin if he wanted to come. people.

"He still dares to have a problem with our Yuqin. Just like him, if he can marry our Yuqin, his family's ancestral grave is smoking. It's better than him to find someone like our Yuqin." Ma Liansheng stood aside Say good things about Kong Yuqin.

"I think so too, but I don't understand, Yuqin, why did you fall in love with him in the first place? Even our brother Ma is better than him." He Yumei also said that Kong Yuqin was not worth it. .

"Okay, okay, what are you guys doing? Both of them are married, so what's the use of talking about it now? Aren't you two people who are running around and have conflicts? Carrots and cabbages have their own loves. If you guys are in a hurry, you should think about your own affairs." Wang Yi saw a few people talking about Qiangzi again, afraid of Kong Yuqin's embarrassment, so he opened his mouth to make a relief.

After hearing Wang Yi's words, several people returned to their posts honestly, but Yan Jiecheng saw that everyone had left, so he said to Wang Yi, "I'll go next door to see how their literacy class is doing."

"I'll go with you. Let's go together. I'm a little curious about it." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Yi put his arms around and went with him.

Seeing Wang Yi like this, Yan Xiecheng didn't dare to refuse, so he brought Wang Yi to the tavern.

Because of Yan Jiecheng's arrival, Xu Huizhen didn't get the next house during the public-private partnership, so the literacy class could only be placed in the courtyard behind the tavern.

I found an empty room next to her bedroom, and tidied it up as a place for literacy classes.The area is small, only more than ten square meters, and it was full of people when the two arrived.

They are all from nearby streets, and there are customers who often go to her tavern to drink.

"Yo, Xiecheng and Wang Yi are here, come here, hurry up and sit down." Master Niu sat inside and saw Yan Jiecheng coming, so he asked the people next to him to move inside to make room for Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi.

The reason why Master Niu came to Xu Huizhen's literacy class was that he often came here to drink, not for literacy, but for fun.

"Xie Cheng, you two are going to be engaged soon, have you set a date for your wedding? Do you need me to ask someone to show you the date?"

"Master Niu, it's already been set. It will be on June [-]th. You should come over then." Hearing Master Niu's question, Yan Xiecheng said truthfully.

"Okay, I will definitely go there when the time comes." Master Niu readily agreed to Yan Jiecheng's invitation.

After talking to Lord Niu, Yan Jiecheng turned to look at Teacher Xu on the stage. If he said that Teacher Xu's lectures were good, it was true that there were not many students.

After all, the nearby streets are still some distance away from their place, and no one has traveled all the way here to study.

Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi sat down and listened for a while and then went back. In fact, there was nothing interesting to listen to. They all talked about the same thing. If you want to listen to your own restaurant, you don't need to go to Xu Huizhen's place.


In the next few days, Yan Xiecheng's place was safe and sound, but there was something wrong with the tavern. At first, Kong Yuqin disagreed with Xu Huizhen's literacy class.

On the night of the lecture, she went to Director Wang to complain. She felt that she was the public manager of the tavern, and Director Wang would definitely approach her.

But what she didn't expect was that after listening to her, Director Wang not only didn't turn to her, but also severely criticized her, saying that she had low awareness and was not worthy of being the public manager of the tavern.Pushing her to the end, the public manager of the tavern directly became a waiter.

But Kong Yuqin was taken down, and the position of the public manager of the tavern was also vacated. I didn't think about who would succeed Director Wang in the future, and I wanted to ask Xu Huizhen for her opinion.

There are only three people in the tavern. Xu Huizhen definitely doesn't want to recruit another person. After all, the tavern's turnover is limited. If another person is recruited, it may not even be able to pay the salary. Therefore, I can only propose that Fan Jinyou take over the position of the public manager. .

This is also a no-brainer, and Xu Huizhen thought that Fan Jinyou should have improved his memory after the last incident.Moreover, he had won the position of the public manager for him himself, so he would never fight against him again.

In the past few days, another thing happened, that is, through a few days of contact, Xu Huizhen knew that Teacher Xu was not only a bit small-minded, but also prone to eating mistakes.

Xu Huizhen had expressed her heart to Teacher Xu before, and the two had also discussed that Teacher Xu's family would move to her place after they got married. Anyway, there are enough rooms here, but the house on Teacher Xu's side is not enough.

But what Xu Huizhen didn't expect was that as soon as she established a relationship with Teacher Xu, Teacher Xu began to overwhelm the host. Not only did she take back the key to the backyard from Cai Quanwu, but she also told Cai Quanwu not to contact Xu Huizhen in the future.

Xu Huizhen couldn't bear this, so she directly told Teacher Xu that the relationship between the two was invalid, and then found Cai Quanwu when she turned around.

Not only handed him the key, but also hinted to him that the relationship between the two could develop further.

This made Cai Quanwu so happy that he laughed immediately. Originally, he thought that if Xu Huizhen didn't have that kind of interest in him, he would go to the cousin of director Ma of the food station.

He didn't expect that Xu Huizhen threw an olive branch at him just after Mr. Xu gave him a blow, he really couldn't believe it.

He pinched his thigh fiercely with his hand, and didn't believe it was true until he felt the pain. Then he rushed forward happily, picked up Xu Huizhen and turned around several times on the spot.

The two agreed not to talk about their affairs to the outside world, and they just got their certificates and started to live together.

Cai Quanwu has no opinion on this, after all, he is the only one in his family who doesn't even have any relatives.

In the past few days, Yan Jiecheng also finished the engagement banquet. On Yan Jiecheng's side, only Chen Xueru and her parents were present, and most of the others were relatives of Wang Yi's side.

After the engagement banquet, the elders of both parties chatted for a while, and finally set the wedding date. The two will get married on June 18, and there is still more than a month to go.

During this period of time, I have to find a candidate for the public manager of the restaurant. After all, the public-private joint restaurant is not owned by Yan Xiecheng alone. It cannot become a husband-and-wife restaurant for the couple, and one of them must leave.

Director Wang wanted Wang Yi to return to work in the neighborhood committee. As for the position of the public manager of the restaurant, Director Wang asked Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng suggested that Kong Yuqin should take over the post. After all, Wang Yi and Kong Yuqin were the first batch of employees sent by the government, and their seniority is enough.As for the ability, you will only know after you try it.

In this way, for the next period of time, Kong Yuqin has been studying by Wang Yi's side.

This afternoon, when Yan Jiecheng was resting after cooking, Cai Quanwu ran in.

"What's the matter with you?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Cai Quanwu who entered the door and asked. Cai Quanwu had been doing odd jobs in restaurants before, but Xu Huizhen transferred Cai Quanwu after Fan Jinyou stepped down. The buyer of the tavern is in charge of going to Niulan Mountain to fetch wine. When he is free, he will also help out in the tavern, helping to clean up the hygiene. His main purpose is to get close to Xu Huizhen. return.

Cai Quanwu walked up to Yan Jiecheng and whispered in Yan Jiecheng's ear, "Xie Cheng, it's like this, I got the certificate with Xu Huizhen today, and I invite you to come over tonight, let's have a drink."

Hearing Cai Quanwu's words, Yan Jiecheng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Cai Quanwu's movements to be quite fast, and how long it took to take down Xu Huizhen, which was somewhat beyond Yan Jiecheng's expectations.

Cai Quanwu saw Yan Xiecheng standing there in a daze and did not speak, so he poked him with his hands: "Oh, Yan Jiecheng, what are you thinking, can you come to drink at night?"

"Who's there tonight?" Yan Jiecheng came back to his senses and asked Cai Quanwu who was beside him.

"There is no one else, so I invited you, and Huizhen called Chen Xueru, and we don't plan to say anything about our marriage."

"Well, that's fine, what time is it at night? I'll go there early."

"You don't need to be too anxious when you come from get off work. It's night time anyway. I'll go back if I have nothing to do." Cai Quanwu walked out without waiting for Yan Jiecheng to reply.

"Cai Quanwu came to see you?" Wang Yi looked at Cai Quanwu's back and asked Yan Jiecheng.

"Hey, he said he would invite me to dinner tonight and let me go there after get off work." Since Cai Quanwu and Xu Huizhen wanted to keep it a secret, Yan Jiecheng didn't tell Wang Yi, thinking about going there alone at night.

"Why is he inviting you to dinner?" Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Wang Yi asked with some doubts.

"I don't know about that either, that's all right, let's hurry up, it's just a meal."

After finishing speaking, Yan Jiecheng got up and walked around the store, seeing that there was nothing wrong, he told Wang Yi and left the store towards the backyard of the tavern.

As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Cai Quanwu pushing Xu Huizhen's eldest daughter to play with a small cart, while Chen Xueru stood by and watched.

"Yan Jiecheng, why are you here so early, the restaurant should not be off work yet." Seeing Yan Jiecheng coming, Chen Xueru walked up to him and asked Yan Jiecheng.

"Hey, there's nothing to do in the store anyway, so why don't you come here early. By the way, where is Xu Huizhen? Why are you two alone?" Yan Jiecheng said, scanning the yard.

"Speaking of it, what are two people? Our family Jingli is not human?" Cai Quan was all happy to hear Yan Jiecheng's words. He has now regarded himself as a member of the family.

"Yes, yes, yes, I was wrong, three people, three people, right?" Yan Jiecheng walked over and touched the girl's small face while talking.

"That's about the same. Xu Hui is cooking in the kitchen. Let's wait in the yard first, and we'll have dinner when we're done."

"Don't worry, there's nothing to do when I go home at night." Yan Jiecheng pulled a chair and sat next to Cai Quanwu while teasing the child and said.

(End of this chapter)

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