The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 404 The 5 People from Quanjude Meet

The three of them rode bicycles to Beihai Park, bought tickets and walked inside, and no one spoke on the way. Xu Jingping felt a little embarrassed, so she suggested that Yan Ziyang introduce the scenery and history of Beihai Park to them.

Hearing Xu Jingping's words, Xiao Ziyang talked boastfully: "Beihai Park is located in Xicheng District, Beijing, adjacent to Jingshan Park in the east, Zhongnanhai in the south, and Shichahai in the north. , with a land area of ​​68.2 square meters. The whole garden is centered on Beihai, where Liao, Jin, and Yuan built palaces, and Ming and Qing were established as imperial gardens, belonging to ancient Chinese royal gardens.

Beihai Park was originally a lake in the northeast of Liaoyanjing City, named Jinhai.There is a small island in the middle named Yaoyu, where the Liao Dynasty built the Yaoyu palace. From the third year of Jin Dading to the 19th year, Jin Shizong built Qionghua Island in imitation of Genyue Garden in Bianliang, Northern Zong, and transported a large amount of it from Genyue Royal Garden. Taihu stones were built into rockery caves, and Daning Palace, also known as Taining Palace, was built in the northeast suburb of Zhongdu with Yaoyu as the center. Since then, Beihai has basically formed the current royal palace pattern.

At that time, the soil excavated from the Golden Sea was expanded into islands and hills surrounding the sea. The island was called Qionghua Island, and the water was called Xihuatan. Guanghan Hall and other buildings were rebuilt.

Guanghan Hall is 120 feet wide from east to west, 62 feet deep and [-] feet high. There are seven rooms in the hall. Jade ring iron is hung on the top, and there are two small stalagmites in the hall, each with a faucet, spouting lake water brought up by a water truck from the back of the mountain.

In the eighth year of the Yuan Dynasty, Qionghua Island was renamed Longevity Mountain, also known as Longevity Mountain. With Qionghua Island as the center, palaces were built on the east and west banks of the lake, and Beihai was built into a magnificent royal garden.

After Zhu Di moved his capital to Beijing in the Ming Dynasty, Beihai was expanded and repaired on the basis of the Yuan Dynasty, but the pattern of Beihai in the Yuan Dynasty was basically maintained.

During the reign of Xuande, Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji carried out large-scale expansion and repair of Youwansui Mountain.The Yitian Hall was restored in Yuandi, the Xishan Tiyuan Hall was built on the small island south of Yuandi, and the bridge was demolished and filled in the east of Tuancheng to connect it to the land.

In the second year of Tianshun, the Taisu Hall was built on the north bank of Beihai. Because tin was used as a material, it was also called the Tin Hall, also known as the Summer Palace. The Ninghe Hall was built on the east bank, and the Yingcui Hall was built on the west bank.

The eight-hole stone bridge interrupted in the west of Tuancheng was changed to the nine-hole stone bridge, which was called Jin'ao Yuchi Bridge.The Hall of Zhaohe built on the newly excavated Yingtai in the South China Sea.


Wu Lili declined but could only agree, and then the two went out, and Yan Ziheng rode Wu Lili on a bicycle all the way towards Quanjude.

"Okay, I'll get it with you when I go back." Xu Jingtian happily replied when he heard that Xiao Ziyang was willing to lend him the book.

The two chatted for a while, and when Yan Ziheng heard that Wu Lili liked reading, he dragged Wu Lili to his study.

"That's what you said." Hearing Xu Jingli's words, Hou Kui grabbed her arm and asked, afraid that he had heard it wrong.

"How about it? Think about dating me." Hou Kui handed the flowers in front of Xu Jingli and said.

Hou Kui didn't speak, but took out a small harmonica from his pocket and played it. Not to mention, he played it very nicely, even Xu Jingli who was beside him was stunned.

"Yes, Anwei Famous Tea."

"What do you know, I call it Borrowing Flowers to Offer Buddha." Hou Kui spread his hands with a smug expression.

After being dragged into the study by Yan Ziheng, Wu Lili looked at the rows of books filling the room, she was so shocked that she was speechless.

"I just like the way you dress."

But the two beauties at the side listened with gusto and looked at Xiao Ziyang with admiration.

The three of them played in Beihai Park all afternoon, and they didn't come out until it was lunch time. Then Xu Jingtian proposed to invite them to Quanjude to eat roast duck.

This is the first time she has seen so many books put together since she was a child, especially in a private home.

"You..., how could you do this, this is something from the school, how could you take it at will." Xu Jingli said a little angrily.

"It's my freedom to like you, and you have nothing to do with it." After speaking, Hou Kui turned around and sat side by side with Xu Jingli on the chair.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jingli yelled at Hou Kui.

"I picked it in the flower bed next to it." Hou Kui said and pointed to the flower bed next to him.

"Let me lend you a look at the head office. Anyway, only my elder brother occasionally looks at it at home, and others don't know how to look at it. It would be dust to put it here." Yan Zi waved his hands horizontally and said indifferently.

You must know that books are not cheap nowadays, even if the cost is calculated, this is not a small sum.

"Well, I heard that you write good poems, write me a love poem." Xu Jingli also had no choice but to take Houkui, so she wanted to find something for Houkui to do.

"Why do you have so many books in your house? After regaining her senses, Wu Lili asked Yan Ziheng who was beside her.

"The books I read are a bit complicated. If you like them, I'll get you a few books some other day." Xiao Ziyang scratched his head and replied with some embarrassment. He only knew the knowledge he said by reading his father's books.

Hearing Xu Jingli's words, Hou Kui hurried forward and said, "No problem, one song a day until it moves you."

"So your ancestors have a lot of background." Wu Lili said to Yan Ziheng while walking towards the bookshelf.

Yan Jiecheng specially vacated a room at home as a study. There are tens of thousands of books in it. Some of them were brought over from the previous life, and some were received in this life. Anyway, as long as he sees books that are not in his study, he will If you buy it, it doesn't matter if you pay a little more for it.

Xu Jingli was so angry that she didn't know what to say when she heard Houkui playing a scoundrel, thinking how could a person be so shameless.

"Ao, Ao, Sister Jingtian, let me introduce you. This is Wu Lili, who my brother met when he went to the countryside before. This time, he came to visit my house." After speaking, he introduced to Wu Lili who was on the side: "This is Sister Jingtian, which one is Sister Jingping, both of them are my father's goddaughter, and Sister Jingtian is also engaged to my brother."

"Xu Jingli, why don't you go home after the holiday?" The boy stopped in front of Xu Jingli, then lowered his head and shouted at her.

Originally Wu Lili was going to leave and go back to school, but Yan Ziheng insisted on asking her to have a meal, and then sent her back on a bicycle.

I thought about going home quickly to find a few poems and books to read, then copy them, and send them to Xu Jingli when school starts on Monday.

Until the eighth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, for the sake of national harmony, the ancestor Fulin of the Qing Dynasty built a Tibetan-style white pagoda on the ruined site of Guanghan Temple and a white pagoda temple in front of the pagoda according to the request of the Tibetan lama Anmu Khan, because the island was built The Lama Pagoda was built, and the name of the mountain was changed to Baita Mountain.

In the seventh year of Wanli, the Guanghan Palace on Wansui Mountain, which had experienced more than [-] years of wind, rain and war in four dynasties, collapsed, and the main building of the Heavenly Palace on Earth disappeared.

"I said."

Hearing Xu Jingli's reply, Hou Kui said excitedly, "Alright, then you can just wait for the collection of poems."

Hearing Hou Kui's explanation, Xu Jingli shook off his hand and walked towards her dormitory.

Hearing Hou Kui's words, Xu Jingli was a little speechless: "What do you like about me? Can't I change it?"

Although the cost of eating roast duck in Quanjude is much more expensive than that in Bianyifang, but with the conditions of Yan Ziheng's family, he doesn't care about spending a few extra dollars.


At this time, on the lawn of the Peking University campus, Xu Jingli was sitting on a chair quietly reading a book, but this peace did not last long, and after a while, a boy holding flowers came towards her.

It was not until the Revolution of 14 that overthrew the Qing Dynasty that Beihai was closed for more than ten years, and the garden buildings were slightly repaired before it was officially opened as a park on August [-], [-]. "Little Ziyang said this in one breath, Duohua swallowed a little thirsty.

After all, as a feature of old Beijing, how can you come to the capital and not eat a roast duck? Although the roast duck in Bianyifang is also good, its reputation is not as loud as Quanjude.

"I have a big name, and my name is Houkui." Houkui put the small harmonica in his pocket and said word by word.

But before she could take a step, Hou Kui grabbed her arm.

It wasn't until Hou Kui finished blowing that he realized: "I said Anwei Tea, you've never finished."

"Which book is on that shelf? It's all written in this catalogue. If you find something you like, just let me know and I'll fetch it for you." Watching Wu Lili take over the catalogue, Yan Ziheng said to Yan Ziheng said to her.

After they talked, they came to the lake. Xu Jingping rented a boat with money. After boarding the boat, Xu Jingping went to the bow, picked up the paddle and rowed towards Hu Zhongzhong, while Xu Jingtian and Yan Ziyang sat in the stern and chatted.

"Okay, when I'm touched, I'll fall in love with you."

The two stayed in the study until after four o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, Yan Ziheng called out Wu Lili who was concentrating on reading.

When they came to Quanjude, the two of them had just sat down after ordering food, and Yan Ziyang walked in with Xu Jingping and Xu Jingtian.


But when Yan Jie got married, Yan Ziyang left Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili in his room after Yan Ziyang left.

Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty thought that the joy of gardens should not be forgotten, so he introduced the essence of Jiangnan gardens, freehand brushwork of literati, and landscape gardens into the royal palace, and successively built Jingxinzhai, Huafangzhai, Haopujian and other gardens in Beihai.

Hou Kui stood in place and watched Xu Jingli walk away, then clapped his hands and walked towards the school gate.

Hearing the voice, Xu Jingli closed the book and looked up at the boy: "I said Anhui Tea, can you stay away from me, don't follow me like a follower all day, I want to study now and don't want to fall in love, I advise you to stay away from me." Die with this heart."

"No, this isn't yours. I really won't scold you to death if I take it back." Wu Lili directly refused. She looked at it and found that these books are very valuable, even if Yan Ziheng gave her , she won't want it either.

From the sixth year to the 36th year of Qianlong, large-scale repairs and additions were carried out to Beihai. The continuous construction lasted for 30 years, and many pavilions, platforms, halls and pavilions were built.

"Sorry, sorry, it's a love poem, a love poem." Knowing that he had said something wrong, Hou Kui quickly apologized.

"So I will definitely be famous in the future, and you will definitely live a good life after following me."

In the 26th year of Guangxu, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, and Beihai was trampled. The Chengguan Hall on the north bank set up the headquarters of the Allied Forces. More than 1 golden Buddhas and other treasures in the garden were looted.

"Who is this?" Xu Jingtian sat down and asked Yan Ziheng.

"Ziheng, Lili, you two also come to eat." The three came to Yan Ziheng's seat, and Xiao Ziyang asked.

"I don't know, anyway, this study has been there since I can remember, maybe it was inherited from our family." Yan Ziheng said while scratching his head. He couldn't find any other reason, after all, there are too many books here. , Collecting these books is simply not something that one person can do.

"Yan Ziyang, how do you know so much? Where did you see it?" Xu Jingtian looked at Xiao Ziyang Yan in surprise and asked. She usually reads books, but she doesn't know as much about Beihai Park as Xiao Ziyang.

"Where did you pick these flowers? Why do they look so familiar?" Xu Jingli stretched her head over to smell them, then raised her head to look at Hou Kui and said, you must know that there are no flower shops in this era, even if you want to buy, there is nowhere to buy them.

"You..., okay, take off your clothes when I get home." Hearing Hou Kui's words, Xu Jingli pointed at his nose and said, before getting up and leaving.

She thought Wu Lili was Yan Ziheng's girlfriend, but she hadn't seen her before, so she asked by the way, so that she wouldn't know her when they met in the future.

"Hey, Big Brother, Sister Jingping, Sister Jingtian, why are you three here?" Yan Ziheng stood up and waved his hands after seeing the three of them.

"Perhaps, take a look, if you like it, take it." Yan Ziheng said generously.

From the 11th to the 14th year of Guangxu, Empress Dowager Cixi used naval funds to renovate the Sanhai Building, laid China's first railway along the west bank and the north bank along the lake, and built a small railway station in front of Jingxinzhai for Empress Dowager Cixi to take a small train to the garden for banquets.

While talking, the three of them pulled up the chairs and sat down at the table beside them. Since they all came to eat roast duck and met each other, they must sit together.

"Hey, what's the matter, I'll get you the catalog later." As he spoke, Yan Ziheng walked to the cabinet, opened the drawer, took out a ledger, and handed it to Wu Lili.

"Okay, let me see if anyone is interested, but you have so many books, I can't find them one by one." Wu Lili looked at the bookshelves in the room and frowned and said, if one book after another If you look for it, it's a lot of books when she has to find it.

At first Wu Lili nodded while listening to Yan Ziheng's introduction, but she was stunned when she heard that Xu Jingtian and Yan Ziyang had engaged.

The reason why she came to Yan Ziyang was because she liked him and wanted to be his girlfriend, but before she could act, he had a girlfriend, how could she accept it.

"Sister Lili, are you alright?" Seeing Wu Lili standing aside and not speaking, Yan Ziheng stretched out his hand and tugged at her sleeve and said.

Wu Lili came back to her senses and said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, I just lost my mind."

"Brother, order what you eat yourself, we have already finished ordering." Hearing Wu Lili's words, Yan Ziheng asked the three people on the side.

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