The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 405 Yan Ziheng's Picking Up Skills

Chapter 405 Yan Ziheng's Picking Up Skills

Coming out of Quanjude after dinner, Yan Ziheng rode a bicycle to send Wu Lili back to school, and the two chatted while walking.

"Sister Lili, do you like my brother?" Yan Ziheng asked while riding his bicycle.

Wu Lili's heart skipped a beat when Yan Ziheng asked this topic, but she didn't know how to answer it.

Say you like it, but Yan Ziyang already has a fiancée, if you say you don't like it, then how could you find him at home.

When Wu Lili didn't know how to answer, Yan Ziheng said again: "Sister Lili, I know without telling you that you must like my brother."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Wu Lili argued.

"I still don't admit it, but I think you look at my brother in the same way that my brother looks at sister Jingping." Yan Ziheng whispered.

"Isn't your brother engaged to Sister Jingtian? Why do you like Sister Jingping again?" Wu Lili asked curiously, twisting her neck when she heard Yan Ziheng's words.

"I won't be able to tell you about the three of them for a while. I'll tell you next time you come to my house. Let's talk about the two of us now."

"You, you..., how could you do this, I'm several years older than you." Wu Lili said incomparably when she heard Yan Ziheng say that she liked her.

My lover, my lover, don't blame you for being too beautiful, just hate that there are rivals on campus. "

"You..., okay, I promise to be your girlfriend, why not, send me back quickly." Seeing that there was no other way, Wu Lili could only deal with it first, and planned to never contact Yan Ziheng again after returning to school. Just pretend it didn't happen this time.

"Hey, why are you asking so much, anyway, it's your eldest sister and not someone else."

Yan Ziheng smiled and snapped his fingers, turned around and rode his bicycle towards the outside of the school.

"Don't worry, Sister Lili, you are my girlfriend, even if you lie to anyone, I won't lie to you." Hearing that Wu Lili agreed to let him kiss, Yan Ziheng hurriedly assured her.

"I won't let you go unless you promise to be my girlfriend." Yan Ziheng said roguely.

"That's right, I don't think about it so much. I'll talk to her after class, so she won't offend people so much." After Xu Jingping finished speaking, she turned to look at the blackboard, and began to listen carefully to the teacher's lecture.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Just when she was about to open her eyes to see the situation, suddenly a pair of big hands supported her face, and then someone put a kiss on her mouth.

In a blink of an eye, it was the start date of school. This morning, Yan Ziyang and Xu Jingping came to the classroom together.

"Okay, stop reading." Seeing the laughter in the class, the teacher quickly stopped Xu Jingli, and asked, "Who wrote this for you?"

Xu Jingli looked back at Houkui, then took the note and walked up to the podium step by step.

Wu Lili hurriedly supported the bicycle beside her, breathing heavily, while Yan Ziheng stood aside and licked her lips, as if reminiscing.

So his personality is not at all like Xu Jingping and Xu Jingtian, especially when he speaks, he can choke people to death.

But Xu Jingping below frowned and felt that her elder sister had done too much, even if she didn't like Houkui, she couldn't do this, after all, they were childhood playmates, no matter what they were, they couldn't make people embarrass themselves in public Ah, especially in full view, in front of the whole class and the teacher.

After the teacher finished speaking, the students below laughed again.

"You..." Wu Lili felt like crying at this moment, thinking how could this person be like this, it was the first time she met such a shameless person like Yan Ziheng, even if someone pursued her at school, He is also well-behaved, unlike Yan Ziheng, who will touch him when he comes up, and even kiss him himself.

Hearing Xu Jingping's words, Yan Ziyang said without even thinking about it: "It goes without saying, you don't see who your elder sister looks like."

Hearing Yan Ziheng's words, Wu Lili stretched her head in resignation, closed her eyes and waited for Yan Ziheng to kiss her.

When Xu Jingli returned home, she told Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu about Hou Kui's love letter to herself.

"That's what you said, we're both in love, what's wrong with kissing each other." Yan Ziheng said while stretching his face towards Wu Lili.

Walking to the podium and looking at the students below, he cleared his throat and read:
"She is like a flower, but she is not a flower after all. I cherish it and don't want to fall with her. I used to be a neighbor in an alley, but I didn't know each other. After thinking about it carefully, I didn't think about her. The light figure turned around , as beautiful as a blooming season, but heartbroken. That haughty demeanor is as ice-hearted as jade, looking for a lover, only to wake up from a dream.

"Ziyang, do you think what my sister did was a bit excessive?" Xu Jingping lowered her head and asked Yan Ziyang next to her.

In the original time and space, Xu Jingping went to school a few years later than Xu Jingli, but because of Yan Jiecheng's arrival, things changed a bit, Xu Jingping and Xu Jingtian went to school two years earlier.

You are good, the lover is looking for it, straight to the point, it is not just a dream of waking up. "

So he said with a straight face, "You are my girlfriend now, so you have to kiss me anyway."

After a while, Wu Lili came back to her senses, and looked at Yan Ziheng with a cold face and said nothing.

"Don't worry, you've already kissed me, so you have to let me kiss you back, or I'll be at a disadvantage." Yan Ziheng said while holding Wu Lili's hand, not knowing what he was doing. Who learned it, it is said that Yan Xiecheng never taught him.


So I had no choice but to get on the back seat of the bicycle, but I was still angry, and I closed my eyes and didn't speak along the way.

And the teacher on the stage went on to say: "Su Shi's original words are-like flowers are not like flowers, and no one cherishes the teachings. Leaving home on the road, thinking about it is ruthless. Lingering tenderness, sleepy and delicate eyes, Want to open or close. Dreams follow the wind thousands of miles, looking for a place to go, but also being called by Yingying.

After Xu Jingli finished speaking, she got off the podium and returned to her seat. After the teacher took the stage, she pressed her hands down.After everyone calmed down, he opened his mouth and said, "Houkui, this is not your original creation, this is your copy of Su Shi's Water Dragon Song."

This is really not working every day, and Wu Lili is very bitter at this time.

The teacher didn't say any more after finishing this sentence, but turned around and began to lecture.

Another week passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the weekend holiday again.

Then he urged: "Let's go down now, take me back quickly, when is this, if you don't leave, the school will be closed."

"So what, and you're only three years older than me. As the old saying goes, a third-year girl holds a golden brick." Yan Ziheng stretched out his hand to hold Wu Lili as he spoke, as if she was scared away by him.

As if he would not let go unless Wu Lili kissed him, Wu Lili had no choice but to stretch her head over and tap Yan Ziheng's face lightly.

Hearing Yan Ziheng's rascal words, Wu Lili didn't know what to say. You must know that today was the first time they met, and they said they liked him at the first meeting.

"Shout, no one can hear you even if you shout out your throat. Do you see if there are people around?" Yan Ziheng said with a shameless smile, and glanced around while speaking.

"Should I read it here or ahead?" Xu Jingli said while holding the note that Hou Kui handed her.

At this time, Wu Lili deliberately refused Yan Ziheng to walk back by herself, but it was definitely too late.

But it was good to find the answer, but it was not easy to implement it. After all, Yan Ziheng was not that easy to deceive.

After the teacher came, Xu Jingli in the front row raised her hand before the lecture started.

"Can't you see? I like you." Yan Zi slammed the brakes to stop his bicycle, then turned his head to look at Wu Lili and said affectionately.

"Woo, woo, woo." Wu Lili struggled free, she didn't expect Yan Ziheng to be like this, she thought Yan Ziheng would be like her, just a kiss on the cheek.

Yan Ziheng knew that what he did just now was indeed a bit excessive, but whoever made him like her, he kissed her, anyway, he would be responsible for her in the future.

And Wu Lili covered her face with her hands and didn't answer, she kept running towards her dormitory, for fear of being recognized by the people around her.

"Like..., of course I look like your parents." Just as he was about to say something, Yan Ziyang suddenly realized and quickly changed his words.

You must know that this was the 70s. There was no nightlife at this time, and people would go to bed after dinner, and no one would come to the wilderness in their free time.

The two kissed at the intersection for more than ten minutes, and Yan Ziheng didn't let go until Wu Lili became short of breath.

"What's the matter with you?" Wu Lili grabbed the rear frame of the frame and her heart jumped when she heard Yan Ziheng's words.

"You like Xu Jingli, the school belle. You regard all the boys in the school as your rivals in love. You are not afraid of offending people, are you?" The female teacher said angrily while standing on the podium.

Moreover, he held his hand in a rascally way, and wouldn't let go if he didn't agree. Isn't this a hooligan.

Hearing this, all the students below laughed out loud, only Hou Kui clasped his hands and remained silent. He didn't expect Xu Jingli to read out the love poem he wrote in public, so that he would not give him face.

"Okay, read it." The teacher turned around and looked at Xu Jingli and said.

"Anwei Tea - Hou Kui." Xu Jingli said while waving the note while looking at Hou Kui. She didn't intend to keep any face for Hou Kui, and even mentioned Hou Kui's nickname in public.

After class, Yan Ziyang finds Houkui, thinking that he can give Houkui his own advice, and ask Houkui to give Xu Jing a powerful try, making her so defiant, and it's because Houkui is still his brother.

Because when I was at home, I heard from Wang Yi and Yan Xiecheng that Yan Ziyang knew that Xu Jingli was actually He Yongqiang's daughter.

"Lili, I'll come pick you up when the holidays are over next week." Yan Ziheng looked at Wu Lili's back and shouted loudly, everyone in the corridor heard it loudly.

And he and his younger sister spoke softly and weakly, not at all like the older sister Xu Jingli.

"You..., don't go too far." Wu Lili's chest heaved in anger when she heard Yan Ziheng's words, and she wanted to leave, but Yan Ziheng held her hand, and she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

"I'll call you if you're like this." Wu Lili stared at Yan Ziheng angrily and said angrily.

It was only then that Wu Lili realized that the two of them had come to the wilderness without knowing it, surrounded by crops and trees, not even a single person.

Hearing that Hou Kui's poems were plagiarized, there was another huh huh from below.

"But my parents aren't like this either?" Xu Jingping rubbed his head and thought for a while.After all, Cai Quanwu couldn't speak a single fart, and Xu Huizhen was even more human, talking nonsense when seeing people, even if the enemy met, he would not choke with others.

At this time, Wu Lili felt like crying, she just came out to play after the holiday, and she didn't do anything before her first kiss, so what should she do.

That's why several people could be admitted to the university at the same time, and Yan Ziyang and Xu Jingping were assigned to the same class as her.

As the son of Yan Jiecheng, who grew up in the capital, he had never seen anything in the world, so how could Wu Lili be fooled so easily.

As for everyone's teasing, Hou Kui just kept his head down and clenched his fingers tightly.


"Teacher, I just received a poem related to your class." Xu Jingli stood up and said, looking at the words "Song Ci" written by the teacher on the blackboard.

"Okay, you have to keep your word, send me back immediately after kissing." Wu Lili didn't want to waste any more time with Yan Zi, so she said.

Yan Ziheng was a little frightened by Wu Lili's look, and hurried forward to push his bicycle: "Sister Lili, get in the car quickly and I will take you back to school."

"Sister Lili, you have to think clearly, your school will be closed later, if you don't leave, you won't be able to go back." Seeing that Wu Lili was unmoved, Yan Ziheng threatened. After all, Wu Lili was not like him, so even if he didn't go The school also has a place to live.

Along the way, many classmates were looking towards her house. Wu Lili pulled Yan Ziheng's clothes in embarrassment, but Yan Ziheng waved at her generously.

Yan Ziheng directly sent Wu Lili to the girls' dormitory downstairs. Wu Lili wanted to come down and walk back when she first entered the school.

When Yan Ziheng parked the car at the girls' dormitory, Wu Lili jumped down and ran into the building without saying hello to Yan Ziheng.

"Please." The teacher moved aside Xu Jingli and stepped forward.

But Yan Ziheng refused, and ran fast on his bicycle. Wu Lili had no choice but to ask Yan Ziheng to send her to the dormitory.

"Don't be like this, let me go quickly, or I will ignore you in the future." Wu Lili struggled to break free, but she was no match for Yan Ziheng as a girl, and she still couldn't break free after a long time.

Hearing the name Anwei Tea Monkey Chief, there was a humming sound under the podium.

But Xu Jingping didn't know, she thought her elder sister and the two of them had the same father and mother.So he asked with some doubts: "Who is it like?"

It caused the two of them to laugh, and then Xu Huizhen began to persuade Xu Jingli to control her temperament and not to make a fool of herself in public. After all, her family and Chen Xueru are also friends.

If Xu Jingli doesn't like Houkui and doesn't want Houkui to pester her, then she can go to Chen Xueru and tell Chen Xueru to take care of Houkui.

While talking and eating, at the same table were He Yongqiang's two daughters, He Chunfang and He Lixia, who Xu Huizhen had just brought from his hometown.

The two listened to everyone laughing, a little embarrassed and didn't know what everyone was laughing at, so they could only laugh with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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