The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 408 Yan Jiecheng is going to be a grandfather

Chapter 408 Yan Jiecheng is going to be a grandfather
"The manager at the reception knows my mother, I just need to tell him." Yan Ziheng said with a smile.

"Okay then." Wu Lili said with her head down, her face flushed slightly.

Hearing Wu Lili's words, Yan Ziheng got on his bicycle and drove Wu Lili towards the reception desk.

In the name of Wang Yi, the two successfully opened a room at the reception.

Originally, Wu Lili thought she was living alone, but Yan Ziheng followed her, and she had no intention of leaving after entering the room.

So he asked a little at a loss: "Zi Heng, it's getting late, shouldn't you go home?"

But Yan Ziheng took off his shoes and lay down on the bed, and said with a stern face: "I'm not leaving today, anyway, this bed is big enough for two people to sleep in." He said and pulled Wu Lili who was standing beside him to his side , Let her lie side by side on the bed with him.

Wu Lili tried her best to break free in a panic, but Yan Ziheng was too strong and she couldn't break free.

So I had no choice but to beg for mercy: "Zi Heng, please don't do this, we are not married yet."

"Don't worry, I was just afraid that you would be scared if you slept alone in a strange place, so I stayed with you. Don't think about it." Yan Ziheng said nonsense.

"You and my dad are going to be grandparents." Yan Ziheng took two steps back and said.

But things have happened, and now is not the time to avoid them.

"Then what's the matter with you? Tell me what's the matter." Yan Ziheng asked anxiously while pulling Wu Lili's arm.


I just don't know if this person is Sister Jingtian or Sister Jingping. Anyway, the relationship between the three of them is very complicated, and I can't figure it out.

"What book still teaches this kind of thing?" Wu Lili asked in disbelief.

As a man, especially him, he is at the age when he is particularly curious about the opposite sex.

After all, there are only three children in the family, and the eldest has reached the age of marriage.

After all, she is only 21 years old this year, and Yan Ziheng is an adult. They are both still children. When they suddenly encountered such a thing, they really didn't know what to do.

At first they couldn't sleep, and they chatted for a while, but while chatting, Yan Ziheng crossed the middle line and got in towards Wu Lili.

Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi didn't return home until after six o'clock in the evening.

"Mom, it's a good thing if you don't believe me." Yan Ziheng picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for his parents and said.

But Yan Ziheng promised well, but it was not the case at all when he executed it.

Since Wang Yi became the leader of the Municipal Bureau, she has been busy all day, let alone a few children, and even Yan Xiecheng has no time for her.

At this time, Wu Lili still had a few obvious tear marks on her face, and Yan Ziheng beside her was not much better, with several fingernail marks not only on her back but also on her face.

The reason why he stayed was to be greedy for her body, but he definitely couldn't say that now, he wanted to moisten things and attack Wu Lili bit by bit.He had already made up his mind that he would take Wu Lili down no matter what tonight.

After that, the two of them would come to the hostel to open a room every week during the holidays, and Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi were busy with their careers and didn't have time to care about the children.

"Go to hell." Upon hearing Yan Ziheng's words, Wu Lili directly picked up a pillow and threw it over.

"Yan Ziheng, do you often use this trick to deceive little girls?" Wu Lili asked.
The first to speak, this is the issue she is most concerned about now.

The remaining two children just started this year and are still in high school, so she didn't think about Yan Ziheng.

But now that I am pregnant, what will happen to the child if I don’t get married? In the countryside, I can still secretly give birth and get married when I am old, but I can’t hide it in the city.

The last time Wu Lili came to the house to look for Xiao Ziyang, she opened the door, so she still has a deep impression of Wu Lili. This time I saw her with her youngest son again, and the two of them were very close. .

"I'll let you fight back, I'll let you fight back." Wu Lili became even angrier when she heard Yan Ziheng's words, so she chased him with more force.


"Jin Ping Mei."

And Yan Ziheng resisted Wu Lili's attack, and pressed her under him with his backhand...

So the more Wu Lili thought about it, the angrier she became, and she rushed towards Yan Ziheng, regardless of whether she could beat him or not.

"Yan Ziheng, you bastard, you agreed to do nothing wrong with Qiu, didn't you say you stayed because you were worried about me being afraid." Wu Lili rested for a while and regained some strength, and then threw herself at Yan Ziheng Come here, shouted while patting him on the back.

After all, this era is not as open as the later generations, and it is a very shameful thing to conceive without marriage, especially in the city.

"What did you say, say it again." Wang Yi thought she had heard it wrong, so she asked again, wanting to confirm it.

"Save your words to lie to others, my aunt will beat you to death today." Wu Lili couldn't listen to Yan Ziheng's words now, and wanted to beat him to vent her anger, so she continued to chase him and beat him.

Fast forward to two months, and it was the day when Wu Lili and Yan Ziheng were dating again.

"I..., I might be pregnant." Hearing Yan Ziheng's words, Wu Lili clenched her hands and said nervously.

But Yan Ziheng was unmoved at all, after all, how could he go back without doing a little personnel work after all, he is not Liu Xiahui who is not in trouble.

"No, my parents are very open-minded. Besides, when my elder brother went to the countryside, your family helped him. With the eldest brother helping us talk, my parents will definitely pass the test." Yan Ziheng He kept comforting Wu Lili.

"No, you wait and let us take it easy. Grandpa and grandma are the ones who matter. Do you Aunt Xu and Uncle Cai know?" Hearing what Yan Ziheng said, Wang Yi thought it was Xiao Ziyang and Xu Jingping or Xu Jingtian who had a relationship. The child is gone.

At this moment Wang Yi looked at Yan Ziheng and didn't know what to say.

She doesn't know what kind of virtue her son is, it's a good thing not to cause trouble for herself.

Seeing Wu Lili crying, Yan Ziheng panicked and said helplessly, "Lili, don't cry, otherwise, you can go home with me tonight and tell my parents about this."

The two put on their clothes and left the hostel for lunch, before Yan Ziheng sent Wu Lili back to school.

If he had known that such a thing would be loud, he shouldn't have kept Yan Ziheng in the first place. A man's mouth is a deceit, and he doesn't know how many little girls he has deceived with such a trick.

At this time, Yan Ziheng didn't know that there was a big trouble waiting for him in the future.

Seeing that Yan Ziheng was standing there without speaking, Wu Lili thought he didn't want to take responsibility, so she burst into tears.

One must know that Yan Ziheng has just turned this year, how could he dare at such a young age....

"I said you and my dad are going to be grandparents."

When Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi heard the news, they spouted the tea out of their mouths, and then stared at Yan Ziheng blankly.

Hearing that Wu Lili was pregnant, Yan Ziheng froze in place. Like what I said just now, Yan Ziheng was still a child, so how could he be prepared to be a father.

"It's just you, you can still have good things. If you have anything to say, hurry up, you're tired after a busy day. Your name is Lili, right? Sit down quickly, it's like coming to your own home here, don't be restrained." Wang Yi scolded Yan Zi After saying a word, he smiled and said to Wu Lili.

"Then what if your parents don't agree? Maybe they still think I'm a dubious woman." Wu Lili said while crying.

"What?" Wang Yi opened his mouth wide and looked at Yan Ziheng in surprise and asked.

Yan Ziheng pulled Wu Lili up from the sofa, then took her hand and said, "Lili is pregnant, and the child is mine."

He and the others feel that the three children are grown up anyway, and they can handle their own affairs well. Except for money and supplies, they are basically in a free-range mode for the three children.

But Wu Lili thought about it after hearing Yan Ziheng's words. It is true that society is not as safe as before, especially when she sleeps outside alone. If something happens, there is no one to help. It is good for Yan Ziheng to stay, so There was no further objection.

"Grandma, calm down, I really didn't mean it, who made you so charming, I really can't help it." Yan Ziheng said flatteringly while avoiding Wu Lili's clutches.

In other words, Yan Jiecheng built the building a little early, otherwise this area will become a protected area in a few years, and even if he has money to build a building, he will not be able to build it.

In the past, the three children disappeared on weekends. Today, the third child not only came back, but also brought a girl with him. At first glance, things were not simple.

After Yan Ziheng finished swearing, Wu Lili asked curiously: "Then where did you learn all this?
"In the book." Yan Ziheng replied very naturally.

After a while, the sound of two people playing music sounded in the room, and it was not until more than half an hour later that they returned to calm. When everything stopped, the two of them lay on the bed, panting and resting.

"Ah, you..." Although Wu Lili has never read this book, she has heard it from many classmates, but she never thought that Yan Ziheng, a teenager, could read this book. Could it be that the adults in his family No matter.

She realized that she was very simple at first, but since dating Yan Ziheng for a few days, she has unknowingly become bad.

"No, I have had you as a woman since I was a child, if you don't believe me, you can swear." Yan Ziheng raised his hand and swore word by word.

But Yan Ziheng at the side said triumphantly: "Let me tell you, my study has all kinds of books. If you are interested, I will get you some for research."

After Yan Ziheng found out, he thought Wu Lili was in a bad mood, so he put her down and asked, "What's wrong with Lili, did you encounter something unhappy at school?"

After fighting all night last night, Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili slept until noon and didn't wake up.

"Wu Lili, let me tell you, stop now, or I will fight back."

But Yan Jiecheng at the side understood something, so he turned his head to look at Wu Lili and Yan Ziheng, but he didn't say anything.

The two stayed in the hostel for one night, and the next morning Yan Ziheng took Wu Lili to the hospital for an examination.

"No, what trouble can I get into? It's a good thing."

Although I don't know which number I am, but Yan Ziheng's routine is so smooth, I know that there must be many little girls who have been harmed by him.

Although he didn't know what kind of life he would face in the future, he really liked the woman in front of him at this moment. Even if his parents disagreed, he still wanted to be with Wu Lili.

"Hurry up if you have something to say, your dad and I will go back to the house to rest later." Wang Yi took a sip from the water glass and urged.

"Then why did your dad and I become grandparents?" Wang Yi asked a little bewilderedly, and at this moment she still didn't think about Yan Ziheng.

"What does this have to do with my aunt and Uncle Cai?" Yan Ziheng was also at a loss at this time, wondering whether his elder brother had made his stomach bigger just like himself.

After confirming that Wu Lili was pregnant for more than two months, he brought her back home.

At this time, Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi had already gone to work, and there was no one at home, so they could only wait in the bedroom.

As soon as Yan Ziheng met Yan Ziheng, he rushed over to hug Wu Lili, but Wu Lili resisted a little.

"What's the matter? You still act mysteriously." Wang Yi was pressed down on the sofa by Yan Ziheng, and she raised her head and asked with some doubts in her heart.

"Ziheng, this isn't your elder brother's friend, why are you together?" Wang Yi asked in surprise after seeing Wu Lili in the living room.

On the other hand, Wu Lili rubbed the corner of her clothes nervously.

But Yan Ziheng wasn't that easy to provoke, seeing that Wu Lili didn't want to stop after beating him a few times, so he decided to give her a try.

Since the reform and opening up, not only the small restaurant has returned to Yan Jiecheng's hands, but he also built a large-scale three-story hotel on the original basis.

But if a single man and a widow sleep together, they must not take off all their clothes, so Wu Lili just took off her coat and drew a line in the middle, asking Yan Ziheng to promise not to cross the middle line and come to her side.

After waking up, the two were covered with quilts, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Moreover, Yan Ziheng has just not yet reached the age of marriage, even if he wants to get married, he will have to wait two years.

"That's right, Ziheng, if you have anything to say, just tell me, are you causing trouble outside again?" Yan Jiecheng also asked curiously.

"Yan Ziheng, you have crossed the line, back up quickly." Wu Lili shouted while pushing Yan Ziheng hard.

"Mom, Dad, sit down first, I have something to tell you." Yan Ziheng said with a guilty conscience.

"No." Wu Lili said with her head down.

"I've been pregnant for a few months." Yan Jiecheng asked calmly after taking a sip of tea. He had thought of it before. After all, Yan Ziheng is also a man. Although he is a little young, he was born in their family, so he must be precocious than others Some, even if he did something out of the ordinary, he wouldn't be surprised.

"It's been more than two months."

"Then what are you two going to do, have you figured it out?" Yan Jiecheng asked, mainly because he wanted to ask Yan Ziheng whether he planned to have this child. Also an official.

The small problem of finding contacts can still be solved, and the big deal is to pay for the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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