The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 409 Wu Lili University Graduation

"Think it over, I want to marry Lili." Yan Ziheng said to Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi, holding Wu Lili's hand.

Hearing Yan Ziheng's words, Yan Xiecheng was fine, as long as Yan Ziheng wanted it, and he didn't want to interfere with his child's feelings.But Wang Yi was a little unhappy, thinking that the third child in her family was still young, and she would definitely regret it after getting married and having children at this age.

So he frowned and asked, "Ziheng, you should think about it, this marriage is not a joke, and Lili, do your parents know about it?"

"I..., I haven't told my parents yet." Wu Lili replied a little at a loss as she lowered her head and grabbed the corner of her clothes.

Even in the countryside, it would be despicable for them to conceive without marriage, and she dared not tell her parents about it herself.

"Mom, don't ask, I've already made up my mind, and I'm going to marry Lili." Yan Ziheng said when he saw Wu Lili's appearance.

"The children are grown up, and I know what to do and what not to do. Now that we have decided to get married, let's make them happy." Yan Jiecheng persuaded Wang Yi who was on the side.

After all, the child is grown up, and there are some things that even if you don't listen to him, it will be against you.

"Don't worry about it, get married and find a way by yourself, don't ask me for help." Wang Yi was a little angry when she heard Yan Jiecheng's words, she turned her head and said.

"Dad, as the head of the family, please say a few words." Seeing his mother's attitude, Yan Ziheng asked Yan Jiecheng for advice.

Even if he hasn't experienced it, he knows that getting married is a big event, and it's not something he can get married if he wants to.Especially for people like him who have not yet reached the age, even if the two of them go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with their household registration books, they will not be issued a certificate for them.

Besides, there are also Wu Lili's parents, who also need their own parents to deal with it.

"My wife, look..."

"Don't ask me, you can do whatever you want, I don't care anyway." Wang Yi said turning her head to one side.

When the few of them were at a stalemate, Xiao Ziyang opened the door and came back.

When I entered the room and saw several people, especially Wu Lili, I was a little puzzled, wondering why Wu Lili came to their house again at night.

"Dad, Mom, Ziheng, what are you doing?" Little Ziyang asked, feeling that the atmosphere was a little off.

"What else can you do? It's not that your brother wants to get married." Hearing Xiao Ziyang's words, Wang Yi turned to look at Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili.

"Marry, with whom, Lili?" Xiao Ziyang was a little confused about the situation, but when he saw Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili holding hands, he thought of something, but Wu Lili was three years older than his younger brother, and Yan Ziheng didn't At the age of marriage, even if you want to get married, you have to wait for two years.


Hearing Wang Yi's words, Yan Ziyang didn't know what else to say. As the eldest of the family, he was not married yet, and Ziheng wanted to marry a wife just after his birthday this year.

"Brother, you are going to be an uncle soon, and Lili is pregnant." Yan Ziheng interrupted again at this moment.

"You two?" Yan Ziyang pointed at Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili in shock.

"Okay, you all don't say a few words, since the incident has happened, let's think about how to deal with it, isn't Ziheng planning to marry Lili, then let's do it as soon as possible.

So, tomorrow, your mother, Lili and I will go back to our hometown and tell our in-laws about the marriage. Wife, you can find a relationship and see if you can let them get the certificate first, even if you pay a fine we I also agreed, otherwise they would have to go to the countryside to hold banquets. "

"This..., okay, I'll ask someone tomorrow. As for whether it can be done, it's really hard to say." Wang Yi thought for a while and said, after all, he is his own son. Here, she can't just watch.

After talking about the matter, everyone went back to their rooms to rest, Wu Lili didn't go back to school, but went back to the room with Yan Ziheng.

After all, they both have children now and don't care about it.

Early the next morning, Yan Jiecheng took Wang Yi and Wu Lili to her hometown.She told her parents about the marriage of the next two children. As for the pregnancy, Yan Jiecheng didn't mention it, and Wu Lili didn't tell her parents either.

The old party secretary knew a little about the situation of Yan Xie's family, after all, Ziyang had lived in their village for several years before.

For getting married with Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi, the old party secretary is of course willing.

So it wasn't as troublesome as Yan Jiecheng expected. He had lunch at Wu Lili's house and returned to the city with a letter of introduction.

Although there was Wang Yi's relationship, Yan Jiecheng paid a fine of 500 yuan before getting the marriage certificates of the two children.

Otherwise, if you get married secretly, it will be troublesome when you register your child.

Back home, Yan Jiecheng asked Yan Ziheng to tidy up the west wing as his and Wu Lili's temporary wedding room.

In the past few years, Yan Jiecheng has not been idle, and he has bought more than ten courtyard houses in Beijing alone.

But no one lived there before, and the room was not cleaned up, and Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili were in a hurry, so they had to live here first, and then move in after the house was cleaned up.

As for the wedding banquet, Yan Jiecheng planned to invite Wu Lili's family over, and it would be enough for the relatives of both parties to have a meal together, and it didn't need to be a big deal.

Anyway, the two children are still young, and they are still in school. If they want to make it more lively, at worst, they will do a make-up after graduation.

In this way, Wu Lili and Yan Ziheng got married and lived together. They only went back to school when they were in school. Although Yan Jiecheng also bought her a bicycle after they got married, Yan Ziheng sent her there every time they went back to school.


It was the day of the weekend holiday again, Yan Ziheng rode a bicycle to school to pick up Wu Lili very early.

"Lili, I didn't expect that you actually married him." The roommate in the same dormitory said to Wu Lili with some envy.

"If you want to say that Yan Ziheng's family is really rich, I heard that the three-story restaurant next to the Qianmen tavern is their family's property." Another roommate said.

"Really? Why don't I believe it? A few days ago, my parents took me somewhere for dinner. The decoration inside is so luxurious. I don't think even Lao Mo can compare to it."

"It can be false. My grandfather lives in that area. The boss's surname is Yan, his name is Yan Jiecheng, and Yan Ziheng is the youngest son of their family. And there's more. I heard that his mother is the leader of our capital city."

"Hey, didn't Lili marry into a wealthy family right away? This Yan Ziheng is not only the second generation of rich but also the second generation of officials. Lili, do you know about their family?" the girl said in surprise. He turned his head and asked Wu Lili.

"I really don't know. Yan Ziheng usually doesn't tell me about their family." In fact, Wu Lili doesn't care about Yan Ziheng's family situation, as long as he treats her well.

Anyway, the two of them are not short of hands and feet, and they can earn money to support themselves after graduation and work, and she doesn't expect Yan Ziheng's parents to give them much wealth.

"Lili, come down quickly, I'm here to pick you up." Yan Ziheng parked his bicycle under the girls' dormitory building and shouted upstairs.

"Lili, your husband is here to pick you up, go down quickly, don't make him wait too long."

"Okay, we two invite you to dinner when we have time." After speaking, Wu Lili picked up the packed things and went downstairs with her big belly.

Wu Lili has been pregnant for more than five months now, and her belly has grown significantly. Yan Ziheng usually takes care of her at home.

"Lili, slow down, I'll help you get into the car." Seeing Wu Lili going downstairs, Yan Ziheng hurried over and supported her with his hands.

"No, I can go by myself."

Although Wu Lili refused again and again, Yan Ziheng did not let go of his hand, until he helped Wu Lili into the back seat, Yan Ziheng rode his bicycle and ran towards the courtyard.


Three years passed in a flash.

Many things happened during this period. First of all, Yan Jiecheng added another person to his family. Wu Lili gave birth to Yan Ziheng's big fat daughter in the early 1980s. Because it happened to be raining in spring when Wu Lili gave birth to her, Yan Jiecheng named her Yan Xiaoyu. .

Now the little girl is more than two years old, because Wu Lili and Wang Ziheng are usually busy with their studies and have no time to take care of their children, so the little girl usually follows Yan Jiecheng.

It wasn't until Wang Yi retired that Yan Xiecheng was liberated and had time to study his career.

After several years of getting along, Hou Kui and Xu Jingli also came together, and the two agreed to develop in the south after graduation.

On the other hand, Yan Ziyang almost got along. Although he liked Xu Jingping, and Xu Jingping also liked him, there was Xu Jingtian in the middle, so the two of them didn't know how to get along together, and they didn't have a clear relationship until now.

It was the day when Wu Lili and the others graduated, and Yan Ziheng brought Yan Xiaoyu to the school early in the morning to pick Wu Lili home together.

"Lili, I really miss you, we don't know when we'll see each other again." Several girls in the same dormitory hugged each other and cried.

"Don't worry, as long as we want to meet, there will always be a chance. Anyway, I will stay in the capital after graduation, and you can come to see me when you come to the capital." Wu Lili's work arrangement after graduation has been settled because of Wang Yi's relationship. , she was arranged to teach in a middle school in the capital.

Although the salary and benefits are not very high, she has plenty of time, so she can spend more time with her children.

This is incomparable to other job locks, and the graduates of this class, the hometown is the local capital, it is okay to say, if not, they will definitely be arranged to work in their hometown.

After all, there are very few college students in this era, and jobs are arranged by the state, unlike later generations who can freely find jobs.

Just when they were melancholy, Yan Ziheng walked in with his daughter in his arms.

"Godmother." Yan Xiaoyu yelled at the girls after entering.

Since Wu Lili gave birth to Yan Xiaoyu, she has given her to several roommates in the dormitory, so Yan Xiaoyu has as many as five godmothers.

When the girls heard Yan Xiaoyu's voice, they all looked at her, and then ran over to kiss the little guy fiercely.

The little guy was drool-stained all over his face. The little guy wiped his face with his cuff in disgust, then rolled his eyes at the godmothers, making the girls laugh.

"Few beauties, let's go. I'm treating you guys today. I'll treat you to a big meal." Yan Ziheng put his daughter on the ground and said to the girls.

"It's so embarrassing, why don't we divide it evenly." Several girls didn't want Yan Ziheng to pay the money, so they suggested.

"Listen to Ziheng, you guys haven't worked yet, where did you get the money, just ask you to come back when you earn money." Wu Lili persuaded.

You must know that families in this era have low incomes, and most of them are from working families, and some are farmers, and each family has several children.

It was impossible to give them too much money to go to school, and although the two of them hadn't started earning money, they couldn't stand Yan Ziheng's family taking advantage of the money.

Yan Jiecheng and Wang Yi will give them a sum of money every month. It is agreed that until they graduate and start working, the other two children will do the same.

Wu Lili has been in charge of the family's money since they got married, and Yan Xiaoyu's board and lodging are all in Yan Jiecheng. The couple can't spend their money anywhere, but they have saved a lot in the past few years.

Although it is not a lot, there are thousands of dollars. This money is nothing to those who do business, but it is also the entire family property of a worker's family.

So Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili are among the younger generation, so they can be regarded as rich people.

"Why don't we buy some food and go to your house to eat. We haven't been there since you two moved. We have to identify you this time, otherwise we won't be able to contact you when we come to the capital." Several girls muttered After a long time, he said to Wu Lili and Yan Ziheng that identifying the family is the second priority, mainly because doing so can save a lot of money.

Hearing what they said, Wu Lili and Yan Ziheng looked at each other and said, "That's how it is."

A few people left the school gate and walked towards Houhai. Originally, Yan Jiecheng had wanted to give the couple a house for them to move out, but since Yan Xiaoyu was born, the two had no time to take care of their children when they went to school, and the children were still young I can't do without my mother, so I just made a mistake like this.

Wu Lili and Yan Ziheng didn't move out of the house until Yan Xiaoyu was two years old.

The courtyard house that Yan Jiecheng gave them was next to Houhai. It was a small courtyard with three entrances. Although it was small, it was more than 1000 square meters. Let alone the two of them, even a dozen or so people would still have a room.

Moreover, the interior is also very well repaired. Yan Jiecheng even asked someone to redecorate it. Each master bedroom has a bathroom and toilet installed, and the living conditions are not much worse than those in the building.

Because there are too many rooms for two people to live in, and it is not good to have an empty house, so the two negotiated to rent out both the front yard and the back yard, leaving only the middle yard.

In this way, not only did the house become popular, but the rent alone could earn more than 1000 yuan a year. Even if the two didn't go out to work, they could still eat and drink just by collecting rent.

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