The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 410 Yan Ziyang Studying Abroad

On the way home, he happened to pass by the vegetable market. Yan Ziheng asked his daughters to take Yan Xiaoyu home first, and then went to buy vegetables by himself, so they should arrive home in about the same time.

Yan Ziheng rode a bicycle to the vegetable market and bought a few catties of pork, some vegetables, and a chicken.

Feeling that these things should be enough for several people to eat, he rode his bicycle towards home.

After returning home, the girls had already returned, so Wu Lili asked Yan Ziheng to play with Xiaoyu in the living room, while her sisters went to the kitchen to cook.

Several people in the kitchen chatted while cooking.

"Lili, your father-in-law's family is so kind to you. They gave you a big house just after you got married." Lu Fangfang looked at the furnishings in the kitchen and said enviously.

Although her family is also registered in the capital, it is an ordinary worker's family. Her father alone has a job, and the house is allocated by the factory. It is only two houses in a large courtyard, which is not as big as Wu Lili's kitchen.

"We are really envious of this, who let him find a good husband." Several other people said jokingly.

"By the way, Lili, do you see if there are any other brothers in Yan Ziheng's family? Introduce one to us." One of the sisters said.

"There are only two elder brothers in Ziheng's family, but they all have a partner." Wu Lili replied with a smile while making peace.

"Yan Ziheng's friends are also fine. They don't need to be richer or more powerful than their family, as long as they are about the same." Lu Fangfang didn't want to let go of this opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

After all, on her own, she will never even think about living in such a big house in this life, she can only hope to marry a good family.

"Yes, there are, but people don't necessarily like us. When rich people find a daughter-in-law, they always ask the right person. There are very few people who are as open-minded as Ziheng's parents." Wu Lili thought for a while and opened her mouth. Said.

It wasn't that she didn't want to introduce it to Lu Fangfang, it was mainly because she and Yan Ziheng rarely had contact with others, and among Yan Ziheng's male friends, only the second son of Chen Xueru's family was left who was neither married nor in a relationship.

But according to Chen Xueru's temper, she definitely doesn't want her son to find an ordinary girl to marry, and if she wants to find it, she must ask the right household.

"Yeah Fangfang, rich people have a lot of rules, people like us can't get used to it, why don't you find someone you like. Besides, we are college students. If you want to marry someone who graduated from elementary school, are you willing?"

"Forget it. Compared with the house and money, I still want to find a man who is like-minded to marry. By the way, what do you think of Li Ping from our school?"

"Li Ping? The one who chased after Lili before?" They heard Lu Fangfang mention Li Ping, and thought for a long time before realizing that this person had pursued Wu Lili when they first entered school.

But Wu Lili was thinking about Yan Ziyang at that time, and she didn't agree to date Li Ping. After that, Wu Lili was taken down by Yan Ziheng, and she was pregnant with a child.

"That's right, it's him. He wrote me a love letter two days ago, saying that he wants to have sex with me."

"Let's forget what he said. This person's character is not very good. He had a date with a southern girl before, but later he disliked the girl from the countryside and broke up with her." One of the girls heard Lu Lufangfang's words Quickly persuade her.

"That's right, Fangfang, this person is a typical person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. Don't be fooled. Now that he says he likes you, when he meets someone with better conditions than you, he will definitely throw you aside without hesitation. "

"Don't worry, I'm sure I won't be fooled, I'm just asking."

After talking about this matter, the few people were quietly cooking, but at this time Yan Jiecheng was not at ease.

Among the college graduates in this period are not only Wu Lili, but also the three daughters of Yan Ziheng and Xu Huizhen's family, and Hou Kui of Chen Xueru's family.

Originally, to congratulate Yan Ziyang on his graduation from university, Wang Yi personally cooked a table of delicious dishes.

Except for the three members of Yan Ziheng's family who were separated, they all returned home early to prepare for Xiao Ziyang's celebration together.

But no one expected that Xiao Ziyang had other ideas.

Originally, after Xiao Ziyang graduated from university, Wang Yi wanted him to go his own way and enter politics. Although he has retired now, he has been a city leader for several years, and he still has some contacts, which can be used On the boy Yang.

But Xiao Ziyang didn't want to go into politics, not only didn't want to go into politics, he didn't want to go into business, but wanted to study abroad.

Regarding Xiao Ziyang's idea of ​​studying abroad, Yan Jiecheng had nothing to do with it, but Wang Yi was unwilling to do so.

I just want Xiao Ziyang to stay in the capital, go to work safely, and then marry a wife and have children.

But this is not what Xiao Ziyang wants. In fact, he wants to study abroad because he wants to avoid Xu Jingtian. After all, he stays in China, and he doesn't know how to get along with Xu Jingping and Xu Jingtian.

It would be better to leave the capital and go to a place where no one knew them. He had agreed with Xu Jingping that the two would study abroad together and get married when they arrived abroad.

"Brother, are you really planning to study abroad?" Yan Ziyu, the second child, was sitting aside and asked in surprise.

After all, going abroad at this time is a major event, not only the review is troublesome, but also enough foreign exchange must be prepared.

Especially for those like his brother who study abroad at their own expense, all the expenses have to be paid by themselves, which is not something ordinary people can afford.

Even if their family is not short of money, it will take a lot of work to exchange so much foreign exchange, and they still have to go to a place as far away as the United States.

And where you are not familiar with the place, the family can't help you if something happens.

"Well, I have discussed it with Jingping, we will go together." Xiao Ziyang nodded and said.

"No, I don't agree, so you just give up on me and go to the Land Bureau to work honestly. If you really like Jingping, I'll tell your Aunt Xu to let you two be together."

"Mom, I'm in my 20s. Can you stop meddling in everything? Anyway, I'm going to study abroad." Xiao Ziyang turned his head and said a little angrily.

"Your wings are hard and you don't want me to take care of you. Fine, you can go abroad if you want, but the family's money will not be given to you. If you have the ability, you can find a way by yourself."

Hearing Wang Yi's words, Xiao Ziyang turned to look at Yan Jiecheng who was beside him.

But Yan Jiecheng only gave him a helpless expression.

So in the next few days, little Ziyang seldom came home, and he didn't know what he was busy with, but Wu Lili went to the middle school in the district to start teaching with peace of mind.

And Xu Huizhen's family has also undergone a big change. Ever since Xu Jingli graduated, she and Hou Kui secretly went to the south.

Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru didn't know about it when they went there, and Xu Jingli and Houkui didn't ask their family for money.

Hou Kui secretly sold a newly bought car at home, took the money and went directly to the south with Xu Jingli.

Only when they arrived at the place did they return a telegram to their family, and only then did the two families know that their son and daughter had gone south.

The tavern of Xu Huizhen's family, Chen Xueru looked for it angrily.

"Xu Huizhen, your daughter abducted my son, do you know about it? Was it your idea?" Chen Xueru slammed the door after entering, and said with a gloomy face, ignoring the other customers who came to drink in the tavern .

"I said Chen Xueru, what kind of style are you doing? I still want to ask you. Obviously, your son abducted my girl." Xu Huizhen said not to be outdone.

At this time, Master Niu, who was drinking beside him, also interjected: "I said Boss Huizhen and Boss Xueru, what are you two talking about, tell me and let me decide the case for you two."

"Master Niu, you have to be fair. My son Hou Kui just graduated from college. I originally wanted him to manage the family property. Unexpectedly, before I could tell him, he was kidnapped by Xu Huizhen's eldest daughter, Xu Jingli. He went to the south, and he sold the family car when he left." Hearing what Master Niu said, Chen Xueru sat down next to Master Niu, and then told the story.

After hearing Chen Xueru's words, Xu Huizhen quit, walked over to Lord Niu and Chen Xueru and said, "What do you mean my daughter kidnapped your son? It's obviously your son who kidnapped my daughter, and you still want to make an argument here."

"I said Boss Xueru, what do you have to earn? Boss Ren Huizhen's daughter is given to you. Isn't it just a car? It will be a wedding gift for the two children." Master Niu smiled. Hehe said.

"She is Xu Huizhen's daughter, our family can't afford it." Chen Xueru snorted and looked aside.

It's not that Chen Xueru doesn't like Xu Jingli, it's mainly because she and Xu Huizhen have been fighting in this area for most of their lives, and both of them are famous people.

When the two children get married, it's okay if they live well. If there is a conflict, Xu Jingli will run home at every turn. She, a mother-in-law, can't stand it.

So she didn't want her son to marry Xu Huizhen's daughter.

"If you have the ability to tell your son this, let him stay away from our house, you think I want to marry you." Xu Huizhen pushed back without giving in.

"You..." Chen Xueru was so angry that she didn't know what to say, the key was that her words didn't work anywhere with Houkui, who grew up with his grandmother since he was a child.

Because of Hou Kui's father, Chen Xueru seldom cared about Hou Kui when he was a child, but now that the child is grown up, Chen Xueru can't control him even if he wants to.

"What are you, tell you Chen Xueru, don't come to our house to yell in the future, be careful, I will let Cai Quan throw you out."

Hearing Xu Huizhen's words, Chen Xueru was directly annoyed and left.

In the next few days, I was busy with the affairs of the hotel at home, and I didn't have time to trouble Xu Huizhen.

But Xu Huizhen's family was not peaceful. After the eldest daughter and Hou Kui ran away to the south, within a few days, the second daughter and the youngest daughter also ran away.

And this time he ran farther than Xu Jingli, and went directly abroad to study in the United States.

Apart from Xu Jingtian, Xu Jingping and Yan Ziyang of Yan Xiecheng's family, the matter of studying abroad was not so simple.

But somehow, Xiao Ziyang found Houkui, and Houkui's father stayed in the United States and was still a big entrepreneur.

It was just spending money to get away with the relationship, and the matter of the three of them studying abroad was settled.

Originally, only Yan Ziyang and Xu Jingping were going to study abroad, but Xu Jingping told Xu Jingtian about studying abroad, but now Xu Jingtian quit and insisted on going with her, otherwise she would tell her parents.

Yan Ziyang had no choice but to ask Hou Kui to entrust his father with another procedure.

The reason why Houkui helped Yan Ziyang so much was not only the good relationship between the two, but also the fact that Yan Ziyang helped him write a love poem to pursue Xu Jingli last time.

This time the three children left the country without telling the family, which not only hit Xu Huizhen a bit hard, but also Wang Yi was not much better.

Before, she thought that as long as Xiao Ziyang's money was cut off, he would have nothing to do, but she didn't expect that Xiao Ziyang would go abroad anyway.

This made Wang Yi feel a little suspicious, suspecting that it was Yan Jiecheng who did it.

So he questioned Yan Jiecheng: "Did you give the boy Yang money to help them with the procedures for studying abroad?"

"It's really not me, you've already spoken, how dare I confront you." Yan Jiecheng said aggrievedly.

The point is that he really didn't do what happened this time. If you want to say where Xiao Ziyang got his money, it really has something to do with Yan Jiecheng.

It was the notebook he kept in his study, which contained many poems that had not been published in this era.

Last time, Hou Kui wrote a poem for Xu Jingli, which was copied from it, and his homeroom teacher helped to publish it.

Originally, the manuscript fee for a poem was not much, but it couldn't last much. Over the years, Yan Ziyang and Hou Kui have copied all the poems in Yan Xiecheng's notebook.

All of them were published through the relationship of their teachers, and the accumulation of small amounts made a lot, and the sum of the manuscript fees over the years was tens of thousands of dollars.

Even if converted into U.S. dollars, it is less than [-] yuan. Although this amount of money is not a lot, it is not a small amount in this era, and several people have the help of Houkui's father.

"Then how did they go through the formalities for going abroad? You know, even if I do it, it will take a lot of effort." Wang Yi asked with some doubts.

Yan Jiecheng thought about it. In the original TV series, Hou Kui and Xu Jingli went abroad to study because of the help of Hou Kui's father.

So he said, "You'd better ask Houkui about this."

"Houkui? What does this have to do with him?"

"Houkui's own father, he went to the United States back then, you understand that."

"So that's what happened, okay, I'll go to Chen Xueru and ask." Wang Yi stood up and said, and went out the door directly after speaking.

"Wait, Wang Yi." Wang Yi hadn't left the house yet, and Yan Jiecheng chased after him.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yi looked back at Yan Jiecheng and asked in confusion.

"You'd better not go to Chen Xueru. After all, it's better not to mention her ex-husband. If you want to ask, you should go to Xu Huizhen. Isn't her daughter with Houkui?" After divorcing Hou Kui's biological father, he stopped contacting him. Wang Yi's reckless approach would inevitably bring some bad memories to Chen Xueru.

It's better to go to Xu Huizhen. Anyway, Xu Jingli and Houkui are together, so Xu Huizhen must know the contact information of Houkui.

"That's fine." Wang Yi agreed and went out the door.

As soon as Wang Yi left, Wu Lili came over with Yan Xiaoyu in her arms. Today is Sunday, and tomorrow the couple will have to go to work and go to school.

So at this time, I will bring the child over, and wait until Friday night to pick up the child.

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