The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 411 Wang Yi loses money in business

Chapter 411 Wang Yi loses money in business
"Grandpa, I'm back." As soon as Wu Lili put Yan Xiaoyu down, the little guy ran towards Yan Jiecheng on his short legs.

Yan Jiecheng quickly stretched out his hand to hug the little guy, and then kissed her little face.

"Dad, you are the only one at home, where is my mother?" Wu Lili looked around after entering the room, and then asked Yan Jiecheng.

"Oh, your mother has something to do and just went out." Yan Jiecheng said without looking back while hugging the little guy.

"Dad, I'll put Xiaoyu here with you, and I'll go back when I have nothing to do."

"Okay, let's go back, your mother and I will take good care of Xiao Yu."

Yan Jiecheng hugged Xiao Yu and sent Wu Lili out, and then returned to the living room.

"Grandpa, I want to eat the chicken cake you made, but my mother won't make it for me when I'm at home." Yan Xiaoyu said coquettishly while hugging Yan Jiecheng's neck.

"Okay, okay, okay, isn't it just eating chicken cakes, grandpa will make it for you, you go to the hut to play for a while, and it will be fine later."

After speaking, Yan Xiecheng carried Xiaoyu to the West Wing Room. This room has been converted into a children's room by Yan Xiecheng since Yan Xiaoyu was born.

There are many toys for children, such as slides, seesaws, small wooden horses, small trains, and puzzles...

Moreover, the ground and some places that are easy to bump into were all covered with mats by Yan.

Putting the little guy in the children's room to play by himself, Yan Xiecheng turned around and went into the kitchen to start making egg cakes for the little guy.

At this time, Wang Yi also came to Xu Huizhen's house and asked Xu Huizhen for the contact information of Houkui.

It happened that Xu Huizhen's family also pressed the phone, so Wang Yi called Houkui directly after getting the number.

"Mom, why are you calling me? Is there something wrong at home?"

It was Xu Jingli who answered the phone. Seeing that it was her home phone number, she thought Xu Huizhen had something to do with her.

"I'm your Aunt Wang. Where is Houkui? You ask him to answer the phone. I'll ask him about something." Wang Yi said to Xu Jingli on the other end of the phone.

"You're looking for Houkui, I'll call him over later." After finishing speaking, Xu Jingli put the phone aside and shouted to Houkui outside: "Hukui, come in and answer the phone, Aunt Wang has something to ask." you."

After speaking, there was no sound on the phone. Wang Yi waited by the phone for a long time but no one spoke. After hanging up, she called again, but no one answered.

So Wang Yi put down the phone and went home angrily. When she came back, Yan Xiecheng was coaxing Xiao Yu to eat chicken cakes in the living room.

"Grandma, grandma." Seeing Wang Yi coming back, Xiao Yu raised her head and called out to her.

But Wang Yi was in a fit of anger at this time, and didn't talk to the little guy, and went back to the room directly.

"Grandpa, why is grandma ignoring Xiaoyu? Is she angry with me?" Yan Xiaoyu said in a childish voice, and raised her head to look at Yan Jiecheng as she spoke. The egg cake was also put aside.

"No, we Xiaoyu are so cute, how could grandma be angry with you?"

"Then why is grandma ignoring me?"

"Grandma is not angry with you, but with your uncle." Yan Jiecheng explained to Yan Xiaoyu.

"Uncle angry? How did uncle offend grandma?" The little guy raised his head and asked curiously.

"Your uncle ran away from home and went to a far away place." Yan Xiecheng couldn't explain clearly to her, so he could only speak vaguely.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I will definitely not run away from home in the future, and I won't make my grandparents angry." Although the little guy didn't understand what it meant to run away from home, he pretended to know to please Yan Jiecheng.

"Our little Yu is the worst." Yan Jiecheng picked up the little girl and kissed her vigorously.


For the next few days, Wang Yi was in a bad mood, and she was not in the mood to talk to Yan Jiecheng. Although Yan Jiecheng tried to persuade her, Wang Yi didn't listen.

Yan Jiecheng thought about it for the first time, and he had to find something for Wang Yi to do, and he couldn't let her be idle, because this person tends to think too much when he is idle.

So Yan Jiecheng handed over the work of the restaurant to Wang Yi, and he took care of the children at home with peace of mind.

This method was quite effective. Within a few days, Wang Yi forgot about Xiao Ziyang and put all her thoughts on her career.

She wanted to make her family's business bigger and stronger, and competed with Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru for the position of a strong woman.

Although Yan Jiecheng changed the small restaurant at home into a big hotel before, he did not do anything else. Anyway, the wealth in his space would never be spent in this life, and he didn't have the mind to do it any more. He just wanted to be comfortable. Live this life to the end.

But things have changed since Wang Yi took office. Chen Xueru and Xu Huizhen both started transnational business.

Not to be outdone, he took all the money from the store and asked Yan Jiecheng for some, and then followed Chen Xueru and Xu Huizhen to the northern country to see if there were other opportunities.

But Wang Yi was doing this kind of business for the first time, and there was no Yan Jiecheng around to give her advice, so like Xu Huizhen in the TV series, she bought a bunch of food and fruits.

It was only when we got to the border that we found that the railway could not transport the fruit at all, and all the fruits rotted within a few days.

But Wang Yi was unwilling to go back like this, after all, she brought all the family's belongings with her when she came this time.

If she just went back like this, even if Yan Jiecheng didn't blame her, she would feel bad.

But this time, she was not the only one who suffered a loss, Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu were also lost, just like in the TV series.

The only one who makes money is Chen Xueru, but she doesn't make a lot of money. After all, the goods have been waiting at the border for so many days, and there are costs during the period.

But what she threw away were daily necessities, which were not expired or spoiled like food and fruit.

But there is no other way for Wang Yi not to go back and stay here, after all, she has no capital in her hands now.

Finally, under the persuasion of Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu, they returned to the capital with the three of them.

After returning to the capital, Wang Yi didn't even go home, but went directly to the restaurant. She still hasn't figured out how to tell Yan Jiecheng about the loss.

After all, the loss this time was indeed a bit big, and all the savings accumulated by the family for decades were lost.

And Yan Jiecheng still got the news from Xu Huizhen. This time Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu lost all their family money. If they want to make a comeback, they can only mortgage their house and antiques.

The person Xu Huizhen and Cai Quan gave without mortgage was precisely Yan Jiecheng's subordinate Chen Hu.

Since the reform and opening up, Chen Hu also gave up his previous smuggling business and started a legitimate business.

Because of Yan Jiecheng's guidance, Chen Hu bought several shops near Liulichang, specializing in the sale of antique calligraphy, paintings and old furniture.

Basically, all the fakes were sold, mainly to deceive foreigners, and the treasures received were all hidden by Yan Xiecheng.

In the past few years, Yan Jiecheng bought more than 20 sets of courtyard houses in the capital, and specially cleaned up a courtyard with five entrances to store these cultural objects and antiques.

When Yan Jiecheng knew that Wang Yi was afraid to go home after losing the money, he went to look for Yan Xiaoyu in his arms.

"Xie Cheng, why are you here?" Wang Yi was a little surprised when he saw Yan Jiecheng. After all, since he came to run the restaurant, Yan Jiecheng seldom came, and his main task was to coax the children at home.

She still didn't know that Yan Jiecheng had heard the news that she had lost money. During this period of time, she was thinking of mortgaging the restaurant at home, and after getting the money, she would go for it again. After earning the money back, she would tell Yan Jiecheng that She felt better.

Yan Jiecheng didn't answer in a hurry, but put the little guy on the ground, and then handed the bag to Wang Yi.

"What is this?" Wang Yi took the bag and asked curiously.

"You'll know if you open it and take a look."

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Yi opened the bag curiously, and froze in place after seeing what was inside.

It took Wang Yi a long time to recover, and then asked hesitantly, "Why did you bring so much money here, do you know that we lost money?"

"You can use it, I borrowed the money from Huzi." Yan Jiecheng said calmly.

"This..." Wang Yi didn't know what to say at this time, she didn't expect that she lost all the family's money, Yan Jiecheng not only didn't blame her, but asked a friend to borrow money to support her.

She also knows about Chen Hu. She often came to see Yan Jiecheng at home before, and it seems that the relationship between the two is pretty good. Now they run an antique shop in Liulichang, and they seem to have made a lot of money, otherwise they wouldn't be like this Generously lend money to their own family.

And the money in this bag is not a small amount, although she hasn't counted it in detail, but visually, it is at least a hundred thousand, which is more than the money she lost last time.

So much money made her feel heavy, if she lost it again this time, what would her family have to pay it back.

So Wang Yi was a little tangled in her heart, wondering whether she should take the money or not.

"You can take it with confidence, even if you lose it, it's nothing. Don't forget, we still have a few courtyard houses in our house. At worst, we can sell one. Besides, there is no reason for doing business. It’s a big deal, it’s better to earn back next time.” Yan Jiecheng persuaded Wang Yi, who was in a daze.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Yi rushed towards him, hugged Yan Jiecheng and kissed him.

"I don't even know what else to say." Wang Yi said with a hint of crying in her voice.

"It's an old couple, so I can use it like this." Yan Jiecheng hugged Wang Yi and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Grandpa, grandma, be shy." The little guy at the side saw the movements of the two, drew on his face with his little hand, and shouted at the two.

Hearing the voice, Wang Yi let go of Yan Jiecheng, then walked towards the little guy, and reached out to pick the little guy up from the ground.

Gently patted the little guy's butt twice with his hand: "What do you know, you little bastard, you're still shy, who taught you this."

"Mom said, when mom and dad kiss, don't let me say that I'm ashamed." The little guy made a small report to Wang Yi.

"Okay, you can go home now, let's go home and talk about anything."

Now that Yan Jiecheng already knew about it, Wang Yi had nothing to hide, so he happily went home with Yan Jiecheng.

When I got home, I saw that Yan Ziheng and Wu Lili were waiting at the door.

"Mom, why didn't you tell us about such a big thing." Yan Ziheng saw his parents coming back with Yan Xiaoyu in his arms, stepped forward and said, and he knew at a glance that Wang Yi lost money in business up.

"Go home if you have anything to say." Yan Jiecheng took out the key from his pocket and said to the two while opening the door.

After they entered the room, Yan Xiecheng made a pot of tea, poured a cup for each of them, then sat on the sofa and said:
"You two also know?"

"Dad, I didn't say you. Why didn't you inform us about such a big incident at home." As she spoke, Wu Lili took out a wad of money from her bag and pushed it down to Wang Yi: "Mom, this is me and my son." What you have saved over the past few years, you should use it first."

"Take it back, Mom can't ask for your money." Seeing Wu Lili took out the couple's money, although Wang Yi was a little moved, she didn't accept it and pushed it back.

After all, Yan Ziheng and his wife, although Wu Lili is already at work, they earn a low salary, and Yan Ziheng is still in college and not working.

As far as most of the money was given out by the two of them during the Chinese New Year and the holidays, there is no reason to want it back.

Besides, this amount of money is also dispensable to her. After all, in business, a single purchase costs tens of thousands of dollars.

"Mom, just take it. I've earned money now, and the two of us usually don't spend much, so let's keep the money."

"Lili, take it back. I've already paid your mother, so I don't need your money." Yan Jiecheng said when he saw the two people pushing back and forth.

"Dad, don't hide it from me. Our family's money will not be fought and my mother will pay it back. Then you will sell the restaurant for the money back?" Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Ziheng on the side asked with some surprise.

Although he didn't care about how much money the family had, but the family had already spent a lot of money to buy a house before, and this time his mother lost a lot, so no matter what, the family would not have any money.

Could it be that my parents are hiding from me that the family actually has other sources of income.

"Your father borrowed it from your Uncle Chen." At this moment, Wang Yi explained.

"Uncle Chen, that Uncle Chen?" Yan Ziheng asked subconsciously when he heard Wang Yi's words.

After all, it is a matter of borrowing money, no matter how good the relationship is, most people will not borrow money from others, and after all, only a minority of families have money in this era.

Take the couple's money as an example. Although it is not much in Yan Jiecheng's eyes, it has been saved by the family for decades in an ordinary family.

"It's Uncle Chen Hu who often came to your house to look for your father. Didn't he open an antique shop in Liulichang? Your father borrowed money from him." Seeing that Yan Ziheng didn't believe it, Wang Yi had no choice but to tell Chen Hu Come out, so that the couple can rest assured.

"Then you can take this money too. Anyway, we won't need it for the time being. It's a big deal for the two of us to invest in shares. When you earn money, you can share it with us." Although he knew that his mother was rich, Yan Zi Heng also didn't get the money back, after all, there is no harm in doing business with more money.

(End of this chapter)

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