But everyone didn't speak. After all, the head of the group had already made a decision, and their objections would not change anything.

Li Yunlong saw that although the faces of the people were not good, they did not object, so he continued: "Next, our regiment will make a big move. After the last battle, the Japanese army suffered heavy losses. They will not act rashly for a long time. I will discuss it with the political commissar. After a while, I plan to take this opportunity to take back all other villages and towns except the county seat."

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, the battalion commanders and deputy battalion commanders sitting below were all shocked. Although they knew that the regiment leader called them over for a meeting, they must have taken action, but they didn't expect the regiment leader to play such a big game. It was Wang Zha, who split up the troops and occupied all the villages and towns in Ping'an County.

"The reason why the troops are divided into eight battalions is also related to the next action." Li Yunlong tapped his fingers on the table while talking: "I think so with Political Commissar Zhao. There are eight towns, and each battalion is stationed in one town."

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, everyone understood why the head of the regiment split up the troops. This was mainly for the convenience of operations and command.

"As for the accountability distribution of the townships where each battalion is stationed, except for the first battalion that continues to be stationed in Dagu Town, we will draw lots to decide the rest."

"What's more, when you arrive at the new station, the first task is to clean up the local Japanese strongholds and puppet troops. I know some of you are worried that you won't be able to complete the task. Don't worry, I won't let you go there empty-handed. When you leave , I will distribute the weapons and equipment and supplies in the warehouse to you."

"As for how the battalions will develop in the future, that depends on you. Eat meat if you have the ability, and shit if you don't."

Just when Li Yunlong was about to continue talking, he saw Zhang Dabiao raised his hand, so Li Yunlong asked, "I have something to say, and I have to fart."

Although Li Yunlong's words were harsh, Zhang Dabiao didn't care, but asked: "Commander, I just want to ask, what should we do about the expansion of the army in the future? If our battalion develops well, will it be like it is today? Split it up?"

Zhang Dabiao's words revealed all the concerns of the battalion commanders below. After all, no one would like to make a wedding dress for someone else with the troops they worked so hard to bring together. If so, it would be better to maintain the status quo.

Li Yunlong also understood this truth, and after hearing what Zhang Dabiao had said, he said, "Don't worry, no matter how well your battalions develop in the future, they will still be my Li Yunlong's troops, and unless forced to do so, the army will not have something like today. "

After hearing what Li Yunlong had said, the subordinates and the battalion commander were relieved. Although the strength of each battalion of the split troops had dropped by half, they believed that the troops would develop in a short time, and their strength might be stronger than they are now. Even stronger.

"Okay, I've finished what I need to say. Let's leave if there's nothing else to do. As for how to split the troops, you can go back and discuss on your own. The newly formed battalion will be headed by the original deputy battalion commander." Li Yunlong rushed He waved to the people below.


In the next few days, the Xinyi Regiment's station was very busy going in and out. After allocating the eight battalions in the new station, they all set off to their new station with large and small bags of supplies.

This situation lasted for several days, and it didn't calm down until the troops had left.

Now in the entire Zhaojiayu garrison, apart from the civilian staff of the regiment headquarters, there is only an elite squad and a guard company of soldiers, totaling less than 500 people.

Li Yunlong, who was free, seemed to have nothing to do, so he could only read books with Zhao Gang every day, study and study, and pass the time.

As compensation for Zhao Gang teaching himself knowledge, Li Yunlong would occasionally cook a meal and treat Zhao Gang to a drink.

Although Li Yunlong had a high degree of education in his previous life, in this life, Li Yunlong is out-and-out illiterate, unable to read a single word.

There is no other way, but to pretend to let Zhao Gang teach him, otherwise he will suddenly know how to read, which is somewhat unclear.

"Old Li, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply and cook so well, and I don't usually see you talking about it." Zhao Gang looked at Li Yunlong in surprise. He really admired Li Yunlong's fighting skills, but he didn't expect his cooking skills So good too.

Not only that, after contacting him during this period of time, he found that Li Yunlong also learned things very quickly, no matter what knowledge Li Yunlong learned at once.

Li Yunlong also came to study in the study class held by the regiment before. He didn't take it seriously, thinking that the reason why Li Yunlong came was to play a leading role.Unexpectedly, among so many students in the study class, Li Yunlong was the one with the best learning speed.He needs to teach others how to read several times, but Li Yunlong can write after reading it once.

He thought that Li Yunlong had gone to school before joining the revolution, but after getting to know him, he found out that Li Yunlong was born with a proper mud leg.

"It's not our old Li Chuan. I have a bad family background. I don't have such conditions in my family. Otherwise, I must be a college student with my understanding." Li Yunlong said to Zhao Gang while drinking from his glass.

"Praise you, you are still out of breath, but to be honest, Lao Li, your cooking is really good, this is the best meal I have ever eaten since I was a child." Zhao Gang picked up a rabbit's head with his hand and gnawed it Said on the side.

"Eat more if it tastes good, that's your old Zhao, not to mention the brigade commander, even our teacher, he has never eaten the food made by our old Li."

Li Yunlong called Zhao Gang over today. Besides eating, he mainly wanted to discuss something with Zhao Gang.

That's the matter of raising rabbits. Although after the autumn harvest, Xinyi Tuan won't have to worry about food, but if the soldiers want to train intensively, the nutrition must keep up.

So Li Yunlong thought of raising rabbits in the defense zone. After all, the pigs in this era have not been improved. If a pig wants to be raised, it takes at least a year, and it cannot keep up with the needs of the regiment.

Even if we vigorously promote pig raising, it will not be able to solve the nutritional problem of the soldiers in the new regiment in a short time. We can only let the soldiers eat a bite every now and then to improve their food.

But rabbits are different. Rabbits have a short growth cycle, strong fertility, and are not good to eat. If two rabbits are raised for a year, they will become dozens or hundreds of rabbits.

Although rabbit meat is not as delicious as pork, it is still meat, especially in this era, some are good to eat, so there is no choice.

"Lao Li, in half a month, the wheat we cultivated and planted before our group will be harvested. Although I don't know how the harvest will be, I went around in the morning and found that every seedling is full of grains. I can tell at a glance , the harvest will definitely not be less." Zhao Gang said with some excitement.

Thinking of what he saw at the time, he couldn't help being excited. After all, people depend on food. Although the Xinyi Regiment is strong and has a large number of troops, the pressure on their logistics is not ordinary.

Although it is possible to rely on seizure to reduce the dependence on logistics, he knows that this is not a long-term solution, and he has to rely on himself if he wants to develop.

"When we collect the grain this time, we will plan to expand the planting area next time we sow. It won't be long before our entire base area will be planted with this kind of seeds." Zhao Gang continued.

"Old Zhao, I called you here today because I have something to tell you." Before Zhao Gang finished speaking, Li Yunlong interjected.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the little devil is going to fight with us again?" Zhao Gang's first reaction when he heard Li Yunlong's words was that the little devil was coming to make trouble again.

After all, the movement of the Xinyi Regiment during this period was not small. Although it was not as big as the movement of attacking the county before, it was not small. , that is, a puppet army will be wiped out tomorrow.

Up to now, in the entire Ping'an County, except for the Japanese army in the county, the rest is the territory of the Xinyituan. Even the bandits who used to occupy the mountain as king have stopped a lot, for fear of offending the Xinyituan. A regiment sent troops to wipe them out.

Even the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army chose to avoid its edge and withdrew its base in Ping'an County to Anhua County.

That is to say, he didn't want to attract too much attention, so Li Yunlong didn't take down the county seat, otherwise, with the little devil's strength, how could he stop the new regiment.

Although the devils wanted to change the status quo, there was nothing they could do. After all, the outside of the county was Li Yunlong's territory, and even the devils in the city had to get Li Yunlong's consent if they wanted to get supplies.

Otherwise, Xinyituan has the strength to cut off the devil's supply line.At that time, there is no need for Li Yunlong to send troops to attack, the little devil himself has to worry.

Hearing Zhao Gang's words, Li Yunlong shook his hand and said confidently, "A devil is still looking for trouble with us? It's not me, Li Yunlong, who is bragging. As long as the little devil dares to move, I will teach him how to behave in minutes."

"Then what are you talking about?" Zhao Gang asked with some doubts.

After all, their group had been quite chic during this period of time, and they don't know how Li Yunlong did it. The surrounding railways connecting Ping'an County were all destroyed, not even a single rail was missing.

Although the devil repaired it several times, the railroad track disappeared again the next day. With such a long railway line, it is impossible for the devil to send people to guard every railroad track. Other counties deliver supplies.

And the devils have also learned to be smart, knowing that Li Yunlong is not easy to mess with, so they took the initiative to negotiate with Xinyituan, and sent a third of the supplies delivered this time to Xinyituan. The only request is to let Xinyituan let go The road is blocked, so that the supply truck can smoothly pull the supplies into the city.

Wu Teng's escort also figured it out, as long as Li Yunlong doesn't attack the county, both sides will be safe and sound, and he can do his job as division commander in a safe and secure manner, and nothing else can be said.

As for giving some of your own supplies to Li Yunlong, that's not a big deal. Anyway, after the last battle, there are not as many troops in the county as before. Even if you give some of your supplies to Li Yunlong, the rest will be used by them. .

So why not do it, you must know that although the Japanese army pays attention to the spirit of Bushido, it is not aimed at everyone, and Mibo Muto was born in the Japanese Army’s Osaka Army. As an Osaka native, he is born to do business.

He believes that as long as it is beneficial to him, all conditions can be negotiated. After all, his own strength is not as good as that of the other party. If Li Yunlong is willing, he can take down Ping'an County at any time. He committed suicide to be loyal to the emperor.

This is not what he wants. After all, he can live well, and no one wants to face death, especially for people with high positions like them.

"Didn't our regiment increase the intensity of training recently? But the intensity of training has increased, and the nutrition has to keep up, otherwise the body will definitely not be able to bear it. Although we are not short of food now, we don't have much meat..." Li Yunlong cut to the chase Said.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang frowned. He knew about this, even though their regiment had occupied the entire rural area of ​​Ping'an County.But the population is limited after all. After this period of expansion, the strength of the new regiment has reached a higher level, and the total strength has reached more than 7000.

And there are only 3 to [-] young and strong in the entire base area, and the scale of this force has reached the limit of expansion.If the expansion of troops is being carried out, it will definitely have a serious impact on the production in the base area. This is absolutely impossible. This is the same as killing a chicken to extract eggs.

If you want to improve your combat effectiveness, you can only start with training. For this reason, Li Yunlong also summoned the cadres of each battalion to summarize a new training plan.

Although the new training plan is very feasible, it undoubtedly puts a lot of pressure on the logistics, especially the need for a large amount of meat to increase the nutrition of the soldiers.

For this reason, Li Yunlong also proposed that each camp should set up a pig farm for self-sufficiency. However, as mentioned before, pig raising can only occasionally improve the food for the soldiers. For meat, you have to think of other ways.

That's why Li Yunlong thought of raising rabbits. Although there are many benefits to raising rabbits, only a few families can raise them in this day and age, and it has not been popularized on a large scale.

That's why Li Yunlong found Zhao Gang. After all, in the Xinyi regiment, Li Yunlong, the head of the regiment, was only in charge of fighting, and Zhao Gang, the political commissar, was still in charge of logistics and publicity.

Li Yunlong wants Zhao Gang to do homework for the common people in the defense zone, teach them how to raise rabbits, and make raising rabbits popular in the defense zone on a large scale.

At that time, the regiment will come forward and buy the rabbits raised by every household. In this way, it will not only solve the nutritional problems caused by the soldiers' training, but also increase the income of the villagers in the defense zone.

As for whether Xinyituan has so much money to buy rabbits from the villagers' homes, don't worry about it. You must know that there are millions of catties of rails lying in Xinyituan's warehouse.

Ping An can turn these rails into farm tools and exchange them with fellow villagers.In this way, the productivity of the villagers can also be improved, allowing them to use the farm tools at hand.

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