The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 453 The devil wants to act

Chapter 453 The devil wants to act

Since Li Yunlong finished talking with Zhao Gang, half a year has passed in a flash. During this period of time, there have been no other accidents. The new regiment has been safe and sound, and the construction of the base area is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Now, the entire Ping'an County has been turned into an iron barrel by Xinyituan. Except for the county town, other places are under the control of Xinyituan.

And the high-yield seeds that Li Yunlong arranged for the soldiers to reclaim the land before have also harvested a crop.

Although several months have passed by now, Li Yunlong still remembers Zhao Gang's excited eyes when he calculated the yield per mu after harvesting the grain.

After all, he knew what high-yielding fine seeds meant to a country, especially an agricultural country like Huaxia with a population of hundreds of millions.

Although Zhao Gang is an intellectual, he also planted land when he was at home. Before that, the wheat they planted could produce about 200 catties per mu of land, and at most it would not exceed [-] catties. But the grain seeds Li Yunlong seized from the devils , but more than doubled.

No wonder Zhao Gang was excited, but the news was a bit shocking. If all the land in the country was planted with this kind of grain..., it would be unbelievable to think about it.

So Zhao Gang forwarded the good news to the headquarters as soon as he got the news.

Then the headquarters sent people over to pull away some seeds, and wanted to experiment with other bases, and if there was no problem, they would carry out large-scale promotion.


At this time, he was far away in the headquarters of the Japanese First Military Region in Taiyuan.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi is reporting his battle plan to Shinozuka Yoshio.

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is my battle plan, please review it." After Kusuyama Hideyoshi finished speaking, he handed over the manuscript in his hand.

Although Li Yunlong sent troops to besiege Ping'an County last time, the devils have been silent for a while, it's not that they don't want to retaliate, it's because their strength is limited, after all, their enemies are not only the Eighth Route Army, but also the Central Army and the Jinsui Army.But it is different now, the Kwantung Army has sent several troops to support.So they have enough troops now, so Yoshio Shinozuka's first thought was to deal with Li Yunlong. After all, Li Yunlong had fought against their first army several times, and many outstanding commanders were in Li Yunlong's hands.

"Oh, Nanshan-kun, have you completed the battle plan so quickly?" Shinozuka Yoshio asked a little surprised. After all, it has only been two days since he discussed dealing with Li Yunlong with Kusuyama Hideyoshi. A battle plan is indeed a bit fast.

Although he was puzzled, Yoshio Shinozuka took the plan and opened it curiously.

I found some ideas in the plan written by Hideyoshi Kusuyama still very new and doubtful. Then I walked to the sand table and simulated the sand table and map while reading the plan.

Nodding while simulating, it seems to be affirming Kusuyama Hideyoshi's battle plan.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi was also very satisfied after seeing Yoshio Shinozuka's actions.

"Mr. Nanshan's plan is perfect, but

Did you find that there is a big loophole in this plan," Yoshio Shinozuka studied the sand table for a long time before turning to Kusuyama Hideyoshi with a frown.

"Oh, please correct me, Commander." Kusuyama Hideyoshi pretended to be humble and said to Shinozuka Yoshio.In fact, he knew that the problem Yoshio Shinozuka mentioned was nothing more than a problem of military strength, but as a qualified subordinate, he always left some faults for the leaders when doing things, so that they could pick them out, otherwise how would they show their strength? The position of the leader.

"Mr. Nanshan, the biggest problem with your battle plan is the lack of troops. But this problem has been solved by me. I have already applied to General Okamura to transfer some troops from the northeast." Shinozuka Yoshio narrowed his eyes. Looking at Kusuyama Hideyoshi.

"Kwantung Army?" Kusuyama Hideyoshi asked in surprise.

"Yes, two divisions were transferred from the Kwantung Army. In this way, the problem of insufficient troops will be solved, and the possibility of success of this combat plan will be guaranteed." Shinozuka Yoshio said affirmatively to Kusuyama Hideyoshi .

"Thank you, Commander. If the two divisions of the Eastern Army are involved, then our operation will definitely be successful." Kusuyama Hideyoshi said with some flexibility. After all, this is the Kwantung Army, which is known as the elite of the Japanese army. It has been stationed in the Northeast for defense before. A big country in the north will not go south easily. I didn't expect that Your Excellency, Commander, is so capable that he transferred two divisions of the Kwantung Army at once.

"Okay, Mr. Nanshan, start mobilizing troops according to your battle plan. The Kwantung Army of the two divisions will arrive in a few days, but Mr. Nanshan will be busy next time. During this time Work hard." Shinozuka Yoshio said to Kusuyama Hideyoshi, and patted Kusuyama Hideyoshi on the shoulder.

"It's not hard work, Your Excellency Commander, it's my honor to not work hard." Kusuyama Hideyoshi responded.

"Okay, let's go down and get ready." Shinozuka Yoshio waved to Kusuyama Hideyoshi.

"Hai." Kusuyama Hideyoshi agreed, then turned and walked out of the office.


Soon, the devils began to mobilize troops and move some supplies. Of course, such a big move would definitely not be able to hide from the eyeliners and intelligence personnel of all forces.

Li Yunlong and the others also obtained relevant information.

"Old Li, news came from the inside line that the devils have begun to mobilize their troops. I guess the devils are going to attack us." Zhao Gang walked into the regiment headquarters at this time and said to Li Yunlong who was looking at the map.

Because Zhao Gang has always been responsible for the intelligence of the new regiment. When assigning work everywhere, Li Yunlong was in charge of the military and Zhao Gang was in charge of life, and then Zhao Gang took over the intelligence work. The main reason was that the intelligence work was too important to be related to the new regiment. Wan's life and death, Li Yunlong is not at ease in handing it over to others.

"This devil moves fast enough. After finally being stable for a while, he's about to make trouble again." Li Yunlong responded after hearing Zhao Gang's words, "Did the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment notify you?"

"Notice, I have sent someone to send them the relevant information, but they also have their own intelligence personnel, and they are aware of it." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang responded: "Lao Li, the devil seems to be It’s menacing, we have to prepare in advance, we can’t sit still.”

"I don't think he's coming aggressively. I'm thinking whether we should transfer the people. This time the devils will definitely retaliate. If we can't resist it, won't it implicate the fellow villagers on our side. "Li Yunlong frowned and said his thoughts to Zhao Gang.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "I agree to evacuate the common people first. In this way, we will have no worries. But with so many people, where should we evacuate? Also, if the time comes, we Can't resist, the base area is occupied by the Japanese army, what will we do then?"

Thinking of this question, Zhao Gang has a headache. In addition to this, there is also the problem of the base area. She has been here for almost a year, and after a year of construction, the situation in the base area has changed greatly. If If he couldn't resist giving up, Zhao Gang was really reluctant.

"Don't worry about the base area. Without the worries of the common people, we can fight the little devils freely. Even if we fail, we can still fight against the little devils. And we don't lack food, weapons, and ammunition now. You can fight as long as you want, but the devil is different. The deeper he goes into our base area, the longer his logistics supply line will be. For us, this is an opportunity, and it depends on who can survive who. " Li Yunlong said while looking at the map while looking at Zhao Gang.

"Old Zhao, you should immediately arrange for the evacuation of the masses. I will tell the brigade commander about this matter first, and let the brigade commander come forward to coordinate the various ministries. At that time, the devils will be beaten back and the villagers will be moved back." Li Yunlong faced Zhao Gang ordered.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang agreed and turned to leave.

Because mobilizing the common people to evacuate their homeland this time is not just a few people, it is a large number of people who will leave, of course, except for those who want to stay and get close to the devils, and those who are traitors.

In the [-]th Regiment, Fang Ligong was also reporting to Chu Yunfei the devil's changes during this period.

"Regiment, there is news from the forward observation posts and intelligence personnel that the devils are mobilizing troops recently, and the target should be Li Yunlong's troops in Ping'an County." Fang Ligong said to Chu Yunfei who was reading a book.

Hearing Fang Ligong's words, Chu Yunfei put the book in his hand aside, then raised his head and said, "I expected it a long time ago, Li Yunlong made such a big commotion before, it's impossible for the devil to ignore it, but I didn't expect it either. This day will come so late.

Let the frontier observation posts pay close attention. The devils must have been gathering strength after waiting for such a long time. The scale of this operation will definitely not be small.Even if I wanted to help Li Yunlong this time, I was powerless. "Chu Yunfei said with some emotion.

"Tuan Zuo, it doesn't matter whether we help the Eighth Route Army or not. What will Li Yunlong of the new regiment be like when he is mopped up by the devils? I don't care either. What I am more concerned about now is whether our 358th regiment can protect ourselves wisely during this raid by the devils." Fang Ligong adjusted his glasses with his hand and said solemnly: "If it is not possible, I suggest to apply to the Minister's Department to retreat and move our defense zone to another place."

Hearing Fang Ligong's words, Chu Yunfei remained silent. In fact, he still wanted to take part in the devil's mopping up and compete with the little devil. It was not just for Li Yunlong, but he had other ideas, but he also knew With the strength of my 358 regiment, I know the consequences of head-on confrontation with the devils.So this is why he has been hesitant.

"Forget it, forget it, send a telegram to the Minister's Department, report the situation here to the Minister's Department, and see what they say. This time, we will act according to the order of the Minister's Department." Chu Yunfei finally thought about it and took a picture. He got off the table and said to Fang Ligong.

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfei looked outside the room again and said to himself: "Brother Yunlong, this time I can't do anything to help you, please ask yourself."

Hearing Chu Yunfei's words, Fang Ligong was afraid that he would go back on his word, and hurriedly said: "Yes, Mr. Tuan, I'll send a telegram to the chief's department now to see what they think."

"It's really raining and the building is full of wind." Looking at the back of Fang Ligong leaving, Chu Yunfei couldn't help but sigh with emotion, then sat down and continued to read.

He was not worried at all, as if he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, the purpose of asking Fang Ligong to send a telegram to the chief was to retreat, because he knew that his chief would definitely be more willing to let him retreat, and the purpose of sending a telegram was to find The reason, plus, Fang Ligong was originally sent by Yan Laoxi to inspect him, and he believed that Fang Ligong would do everything well.


At this time, the Eighth Route Army Brigade also received news of the devil's transfer.

Brigadier Chen was standing in front of the map watching the situation of the enemy and ourselves.

He didn't understand, Li Yunlong didn't do anything during this time, why did the devils gather towards him, even if Li Yunlong stabbed Lou Zi, it was half a year ago.

"Brigade Commander, according to the news from our intelligence personnel, Yoshio Shinozuka may also mobilize the Kwantung Army. There are probably two divisions in strength. It is not clear which two divisions are." The chief of staff looked at each other. The brigade commander of the map said.

"Oh, the Kwantung Army is back too?" The brigade commander frowned even more when he heard this.

"Yes, and this battle plan was formulated by Kusuyama Hideyoshi himself, and he also added some new and suspicious ideas to this plan, but we don't know exactly what it is." The chief of staff said to the brigade commander.

"It seems that Li Yunlong is really in trouble this time. Then we can't sit still. Can we get the transfer of the devil's material transfer this time? For such a big battle, they must not have enough combat materials. If you want to transport the supplies there, you must pass through our defense zone, and then let the troops block it." The brigade commander thought for a while and said to the chief of staff beside him.

"Yes, Brigadier, I will give combat orders to the troops below." Hearing what the brigade commander said, the chief of staff immediately turned and left to give orders to the troops below.


And Yan Xishan, who was at the headquarters of the Jinsui Army, also received information from insiders. After all, he has been operating in Shanxi for so many years. He can get news without any trouble.

"Sir, the head of the 358th Regiment Chu sent a telegram, saying that the devils would launch a major military operation against the Xinyi Regiment, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment next to their defense area, so they sent a telegram asking us what to do, they are still waiting for us The command."

Hearing what his staff officer said, Yan Xishan thought for a while and then replied: "Tell Chu Yunfei to avoid the edge and evacuate the defense area, and return after the devil's combat operation is over, and preserve the vitality first."

(End of this chapter)

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