"Tuan Zuo, the troops of the Eighth Route Army are not under the control of the chairman. Although there are three divisions, six brigades and twelve infantry regiments on the surface, no one knows how many troops they have in each regiment." Fang Ligong helped Putting on his glasses, he continued: "According to the report from the observation post in front, the Xinyi Regiment has sent a total of eight troops this time, and each has about 3000 people. Normally, it must exceed the standard, but even if we know that he is not in compliance with the rules, we don't care to each other."

"So, Li Yunlong's new regiment has more than 2 people?" Chu Yunfei asked in disbelief when he heard Fang Ligong's words.

This is not the size of a regiment. There is not so many people in a division of the Central Army. How dare he, Li Yunlong.

"Student, according to the information, there are indeed so many people in the new regiment." Fang Ligong sighed and said, although he didn't want to believe it, but the facts are here, even if he doesn't believe it, what's the use? .

"It's really unbelievable. Although I knew that Li Yunlong is a good player in pulling the team, I didn't expect it to develop so fast. No wonder the principal has always regarded these guys as the enemy of life and death. It's not unreasonable." Hearing Fang Ligong Chu Yunfei seemed a little melancholy at the words, and at the same time worried, after all, according to the progress of the Eighth Route Army, it will be fine in two or three years. Maybe the army will surpass the Central Army, and the little devil will be kicked out by then , Civil war will surely break out.

"Tuan Zuo, this kind of thing is not something we should worry about. Let's pass the information to the superiors and let the officers decide what to do. Maybe this is a good thing for us." Fang Ligong smiled Said.

"Oh, Brother Li Gong, how do you say that?" Hearing Fang Ligong's words, Chu Yunfei was a little different, and he didn't understand. Isn't it a bad thing for Li Yunlong to be stronger? After all, the troops of both sides are so close. The reason why the superiors did not withdraw their 358th regiment from the southwestern part of Shanxi was also because they deliberately deployed it near the Eighth Route Army, so that Chu Yunfei's 358th and other Jinsui troops could drag the Eighth Route Army.But in this situation now, not to mention that the 358 regiment cannot complete the task, it will become the meat on the chopping board of a new regiment. As long as he dares to make any changes, Li Yunlong only needs to move a little bit, and he can eat one of his regiments into his stomach .

Regardless of the fact that the 358th regiment is a reinforced regiment, the superior even allocated an artillery battalion to him, but the strength is less than 5000. Compared with the new regiment, it is not at 01:30.

"Tuan, in this situation, if the Minister's Department wants our 358 regiment to play a role, we must raise the level of our regiment, at least to the division level, in order to fulfill the expectations of the Minister's Department before us, Otherwise, our 358 regiment can only be withdrawn from the southwestern part of Shanxi."

This is not to blame Fang Ligong for thinking too beautifully, the reality is like this.

"Brother Ligong, from what you said, there is really such a possibility." Chu Yunfei thought for a while, and the current situation is indeed as Fang Ligong said. If he thinks about it this way, he may be a blessing in disguise.But there are more important things at this time. He still doesn't know why Li Yunlong has mobilized so many troops. Could it be that he wants to start a decisive battle with the Japanese army? Let's go down and report the situation to the ministers' department. It is up to the chiefs to decide how to decide. What we should care about now is Li Yunlong's department. He mobilized so many troops, it is definitely not for sightseeing. What is his purpose? Let's find out."

"Li Yunlong's department should be heading for the No. 20 First Division of the Japanese Kwantung Army. According to the report from the front-line observation post, the eight troops of the new regiment have surrounded the No. 20 First Division. I guess it won't take long. It should be time to attack." Hearing Chu Yunfei's words, Fang Ligong took off his eyes and wiped them.

Now most of his thoughts are on whether the chief executive will upgrade the 358 regiment. After all, as the chief of staff of the regiment, if Chu Yunfei is promoted, he will definitely be promoted, which is also a good thing for him.

And the possibility of this matter is still very high. After all, as a student of Whampoa and a disciple of the Son of Heaven, it is very possible for Chu Yunfei to be appointed as the teacher.

Hearing that Fang Ligong said that Li Yunlong was going to attack the 21st Division of the Japanese Army, he hurried to the sand table and began to study it.

Looking at the Japanese army forces in front of the sand table, he couldn't help but become active. It would be a lie to say that he didn't want to be promoted, but he had just lost a battle with the 358th regiment before. Losing battles is also a normal thing.

But now is indeed a critical moment. If you want to raise the level, you must have a good shot. Although the 358th regiment can't beat the Japanese army in a frontal battle, it is still no problem if you fight against it.

"Tuan Zuo, do you have an idea?" Fang Ligong asked strangely as he watched Chu Yunfei's movements.

"Well, brother Li Gong, this is what I think. No matter what the relationship between us and Eighth Road will become in the future, it is still a period of cooperation. Since Li Yunlong wants a little devil to make a move, our 358 regiment should help The venue." Chu Yunfei looked at the map and said to the other party, "Li Yunlong made such a big move, even we have obtained the information, there is no reason that the Japanese army would not be able to find out, maybe the reinforcements are on the way now."

"Tuanzao, do you want to..."

"That's right, although we are not as strong as the little devils, if they want to pass through our defense zone, they can't let them pass by anything, and they will inevitably ask a devil to do something." Chu Yunfei said without looking up at the map.

"Tuan Zuo, this..., why don't we report it to our superiors."

"No need, it's not like we took the initiative to attack. The little devil has already arrived at our door. No matter what he is going to do, even if he is going to pay his birthday, he will not be allowed to pass." Chu Yunfei said firmly.

He also wanted to use this battle to wash away the previous defeats. Only in this way can he get the attention of the chief minister, and it will be much easier to be promoted to division commander.


The new group of fighters outside Pinggu were all ready, and launched an attack on the devils under Li Yunlong's order.

The first is the artillery company, with dozens of large and small caliber artillery, firing shells frantically towards the enemy's position.

Although the artillery company is still a company-level organizational system, its scale has long since reached the level of a battalion. It is just that it is afraid of attracting attention from others, so Li Yunlong has always called the artillery company according to its level.

After all, even if there is a new regiment, it is only a regiment until now, and the eight battalions obviously have regiment-level troops, but they are also called a battalion. They want to grow obscenely, but it's not yet time for them to explode.

The shelling lasted for more than half an hour. Although the artillery units of the Japanese army also fired back during the period, they did not cause any losses to the Xinyi regiment.

After the shelling was over, Li Yunlong gave an order, and the troops of the eight battalions rushed towards the devil's position regardless of the main attack and the assist.

The Eighth Route Army soldiers from all directions soon fought against the devils. Although the quality of the devils' individual soldiers was much better than that of the soldiers of the new regiment, the new regiment had an absolute advantage in strength.

The two sides fought back and forth on the battlefield, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

The devil's reinforcements had already arrived halfway at this time, but they were blocked by the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment. If they wanted to rush over before the 21st Division was completely wiped out, they had to work hard.

But the 21st Division had to be rescued for the Japanese army. After all, they could not afford to lose so many troops at once, and if the 21st Division was over, the other three troops would also be very dangerous.So whether it is out of a dead heart or a public heart, the 21st Division has to be rescued.

As a result, the devils kept attacking the defense zones of the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment like they were going crazy.

Some troops even took a detour, intending to pass through Chu Yunfei's defense area. After all, they still knew the virtues of the 358th regiment, and they would definitely not come out to obstruct them. After all, Chu Yunfei had just suffered a defeat at their hands a few days ago, and finally They only let the 358th Regiment go after Yan Xishan came forward, otherwise, maybe there would be no such unit as the 358th Regiment now.

In any case, the Jinsui Army owed them a favor. It should be no problem to pass by the 358 regiment's defense area this time. After all, their target this time is not the other party.

It's just that it didn't go as smoothly as imagined, Chu Yunfei not only rejected their request, but also shot the person they sent to negotiate peace.

This makes a proud devil how can he stand it, how can he tolerate such an insult from a defeated general, not to mention that the 21st division is now in danger and is waiting for their support.

And even if they turned around the wall at this time and returned to the original road and passed by another road, it would probably be too late.

So both sides refused to give way, and the battle was imminent.

"Tuan Zuo, shall we explain the situation to the ministers now? If you fight the devils so vaguely, it's fine if you win, but if you get rich..." Fang Ligong lay down on the ground that he had dug before. Inside the trench, he suggested to Chu Yunfei with a nervous face.

He was able to come to the 358th regiment as the chief of staff because the Ministry of Chiefs wanted to monitor Chu Yunfei. After all, Chu Yunfei was a Whampoa student, Chairman Jiang's favorite student, and he did not have the same heart with the Jinsui Army.

"There's no need to make a fuss, let's talk about it after we've repelled the enemy army. Don't worry, Brother Li Gong. If the punishment comes down from the executive department, I, Chu Yunfei, will bear it alone, and I will definitely not hurt you." Chu Yunfei also knew Fang The position of making meritorious service then comforted him aloud.

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the guard beside him: "Go, tell the artillery battalion not to save shells, even if they shoot all the shells, they can't let the enemy move forward."

"Yes, troupe, I'm going to inform the brothers in the artillery battalion." Hearing Chu Yunfei's words, the guard turned and left, and went down to convey the order.

And Fang Ligong on the side also sighed softly. Although he didn't support Chu Yunfei's approach, he didn't say much.After all, since Chu Yunfei came to the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army and talked with him for such a long time, he still admired Chu Yunfei as a human being. Chu Yunfei has a special personality charm.

He knew that Chu Yunfei was a pure soldier, and he had an air of being a soldier.


At this time, it was in the headquarters of the Japanese First Army in Taiyuan City.

Shinozuka Yoshio looked at the map and frowned. Since the beginning of the battle, there have been many accidents. The reason why he has reached this point has something to do with how many pages he is the commander.

He didn't integrate the troops in time, which gave Li Yunlong a way to concentrate his forces to defeat them one by one.

"Your Excellency, Commander, a telegram has been sent from the front. All units that went to reinforce the 21st Division were blocked by the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army. The situation is not optimistic." Nanshan Hideyoshi took the telegram and went to
Yoshio Shinozuka reported to Qianhui.

"What's going on? How could we be blocked by the Jinsui Army? Didn't we have an agreement with them? Could it be that they want to break the contract?" Yoshio Shinozuka turned around and asked after hearing Kusuyama Hideyoshi's words.

In order to concentrate on dealing with the Eighth Route Army before, he had private contact with Yan Xishan, and the two parties agreed that when they were dealing with the Eighth Route Army, the Jinsui Army would never come out to make trouble.

After all, both the Eighth Route Army and the devils are the national army's serious problems, and they are also happy to see the two sides fight to the death, so they can just stand aside and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

So Yoshio Shinozuka was surprised to hear that the troops who were going to reinforce the 21st Division were blocked by the Jinsui Army.

"The 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army who blocked us was headed by Chu Yunfei, who graduated from Whampoa College." Nanshan Hideyoshi told the information he had received one by one.

"It's the 358th regiment again. This regiment had conflicts with us before, and in the end it was their chief who pleaded with us and let him go. Unexpectedly, he didn't know how to repent and tripped us up again." Yoshio Shinozuka I was a little angry in my heart. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have wiped out this army directly in the first place.

If this is the case, where will there be such troubles now.

"Mr. Nanshan, send a telegram to the front line, telling them to quickly break through the enemy's defense zone to support the 21st Division regardless of the cost. Otherwise, I am worried that the 21st Division will not be able to hold on." Shinozuka Yoshio said worriedly.

He also knows the current situation in the country. Since the opening of the Pacific battlefield, it has been very smooth at the beginning, but this advantage has only been maintained for more than a year, but now the country is also weak. Moreover, many front-line troops were transferred from the China battlefield to support the Pacific battlefield and the Southeast Asian battlefield.

This made them fall into a passive defense zone situation in the China battlefield, and each unit is particularly important, if the strength of these two divisions is eaten by the Eighth Route Army.

It will be even more difficult for them to make a difference when one ebbs and another.At that time, even if other battlefields are victorious, it will become an impossible task to completely occupy China.

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