Chapter 464 The battle is over
"Your Excellency, Commander, I'm going to send a telegram to the front-line troops." Hearing Yoshio Shinozuka's words, Kusuyama Hideyoshi agreed and turned around and walked out to send a telegram to the front-line support troops.

He also knew that there could be no mistakes in this situation, otherwise the troops of more than 2 people would be eaten by the Eighth Route Army, and their first army would become the laughing stock of the entire Route Army.

When the front-line support troops received the telegram from the headquarters, they immediately began to organize a death charge.Break through the blockade at all costs, and go to rescue the No.20 First Division.

The pressure on the New Second Regiment, the Independent Regiment and the 358th Regiment suddenly increased, and they were almost opened up by the little devils several times to break through, but they were pushed back by the soldiers desperately, but the casualties were a bit heavy.


On a dirt slope outside Pinggu Town, Chu Yunfei was watching the situation on the distant battlefield with a telescope.

"Tuan Zuo, the Japanese army seems to be desperate. They have already launched three charges against us. The casualties are indeed too great, or we should make way for them to pass." Fang Ligong came to Chu Yunfei and said anxiously.

Hearing Fang Ligong's words, Chu Yunfei frowned slightly, and then said in a firm tone: "The Japanese army is so anxious to go to reinforce, it must be that the 21st Division can't hold on, and we can't let them go at this time. Even if we want to let him go, we have to wait until Li Yunlong finishes his work."

Chu Yunfei did this not only to be a good person, but mainly because he wanted to take this opportunity to avenge his previous revenge.

"Tuan Zuo, is it worth it for us to help Li Yunlong so desperately?"

"As long as the devils can be eliminated, no matter how great the sacrifice is, it is worth it. If the order continues, even if the troops are finished fighting, the enemy cannot pass through our defense area." Chu Yunfei shouted at Fang Ligong.

He is also on fire now, and he is not poor in his heart. Why is Li Yunlong doing what he can but not himself? He has two shoulders and one head. He doesn't think he is anything less than Li Yunlong.

And compared to Li Yunlong, Chu Yunfei graduated from a regular military academy, so he has a sense of pride in his heart.

After Chu Yunfei's order was issued, although the lower-level commanders of the 358th Regiment on the front line were somewhat resistant, they had to carry out Chu Yunfei's order. Who would let someone be the regiment leader? He is the biggest here.


At this time, in the direction of Anhua County, the battle was coming to an end. Under the attack of more than 2 people from the Xinyi Regiment, it took only more than three hours to break through the outer wall of Anhua County. The fighting power is very tenacious, but under the disparity in strength, they have to retreat to the city and fight street battles with the Xinyi regiment.

The two sides fought fiercely in the streets and alleys, fighting back and forth. Although the Xinyi Regiment had the upper hand in strength, it could not be used in street fighting at all.

After all, the battlefield is so small that there is simply no room for so many people.

"Zhang Dabiao, what's going on, the progress is so slow after such a long time?" Li Yunlong came to the city, saw no progress for a long time, so he found Zhang Dabiao and yelled at him.

Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhang Dabiao said aggrievedly: "Head, I really can't blame me for this matter. It's because the little devils are too cunning. They didn't come into direct contact with us, so they occupied the commanding heights of this street to stop us from advancing. It’s so small, even if we have a lot of people, we can’t use it.”

I don't blame Zhang Dabiao for this matter. Anyone who encounters it will have a headache, but the headache will hurt and you can't waste it here. You must take down Anhua County in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, when the devils' reinforcements arrive, they will stay in danger. .

So Li Yunlong thought for a while and said: "Tear off your people and let Wei Dayong take the people from the elite team to the top."

At this time, Li Yunlong didn't have time to think too much. Although it was a bit overkill for the elite team to do this job, and it would cause a lot of casualties, he couldn't take care of so much now.

After all, each member of the elite team has a submachine gun, which can definitely play a huge role in street fighting. Although the impulsive range is not as good as that of rifles and machine guns, it is very suitable for close-range street fighting.

After Li Yunlong ordered to go down, Zhang Dabiao quickly withdrew with the soldiers of the first battalion.When the devils saw the Eighth Route Army retreating, they thought they had given up their attack, but before they were happy for too long, they saw a group of people with different equipment than before rushing forward.

Wei Dayong led more than 100 soldiers of the elite squad, rushed into the alley with a submachine gun in his hand, and then fired at the target, so that the devils on the opposite side could not lift their heads.

Wei Dayong led the charge with the members of the elite team, while Zhang Dabiao followed closely behind with the soldiers of the first battalion.

Soon, the soldiers of the new regiment rushed to the position where the devils headquarters was located. The resistance of the devils became more intense here, but they were powerless, and it was only a matter of time before they were taken down by the Eighth Route Army.

Although the Japanese army was resisting, they also knew about this problem, so after sending a farewell letter to Shinozuka Yoshio, the head of the 21st Division decisively burned the confidential documents and the alliance flag, and then took a room full of The officer prepared to commit seppuku.

After all, they also knew that the things they did in China would not end well even if they fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

Moreover, after he was captured, his family members who stayed in the mainland would be implicated, but as one wished, Wei Dayong rushed in with the soldiers of the elite team just as they drew out their command swords to prepare to commit suicide.

Seeing this situation, without saying a word, Wei Dayong rushed up with the soldiers and overwhelmed all the devil officers and civilians present on the ground.

Although Wei Dayong also hated the little devils and wanted to kill these people, he also knew that with so many high officials, capturing them was more valuable than killing them.

The reason why the devils didn't take any action before Wei Dayong and the others arrived was because they missed the time when they destroyed the documents just now.

By the time Li Yunlong called the Devils Command, all the fighting outside had ended, and the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield street by street.

"Just let the first battalion and the second battalion stay to clean up. The other troops quickly follow the previously discussed plan to support the new second regiment and the independent regiment, and try to keep the devil reinforcements behind.

Otherwise, when the devil's reinforcements withdraw, it will take a lot of effort to eliminate this group of devils.

"Leader, let me take the brothers from the first battalion, and leave the second battalion to clean the battlefield." Hearing Li Yunlong's words, Zhang Dabiao hurriedly stood up and said.

"Are you the head of the regiment or I am the head of the regiment, just do as I say, you are afraid that there will be no battle to fight." Li Yunlong gave Zhang Dabiao an angry look and said.

"Yes, head." Zhang Dabiao agreed despite some hesitation.

Let Zhang Dabiao take the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, let Wei Dayong lead the elite squad to escort a dozen devil officers directly to the headquarters, and then Li Yunlong took Zhao Gang around Anhua County.


Yoshio Shinozuka, who was far away in the Taiyuan command post, was devastated after receiving a telegram from the head of the 21st Division, knowing that this battle, which had lasted more than half a year, would end in his own failure.

But he is still a little unwilling, even if he fails, he must save the remaining Kwantung Army troops. After all, this is a team of more than 1 people. For them now, it is very important.

If these troops of more than 1 people were allowed to be eaten by the Eighth Route Army like this, although it would not hurt his muscles and bones, it would also cause him a lot of pain.

Especially at such an important critical moment, without such a constant force, their First Army will no longer be able to launch operations against the various departments of the Chinese Army.

In the future, they will become very passive, and they can only let the Chinese army do whatever they want, and they can only watch silently.

"Your Excellency, Commander, don't be angry. Our primary goal now is to preserve our strength. We must ensure that the No. 20 Second Division cannot be eaten by the Eighth Route Army, or it will be too late by then." Although Yoshio Shinozuka was Furious, but Kusuyama Hideyoshi said boldly.

After all, the battle plan for the past six months has been designated by him, and he has to bear a large part of the responsibility for the First Army to be reduced to the present situation.

If the No. 20 Second Division is eaten by the Eighth Route Army again, then he will really have to die to apologize.

Even if Shinozuka Yoshio is willing to let it go, the North China Theater Command will not let it go.After all, this is an army of tens of thousands or the Kwantung Army. They have never suffered such a big loss since they came to China. Even in the so-called Hundred Regiments War launched by the Eighth Route Army, the losses they received were not so big.

Hearing Kusuyama Hideyoshi's words, Shinozuka Yoshio calmed down, and then said, "Nanshan-kun, go send a telegram to the front line and ask them to withdraw."

After saying this, Shinozuka Yoshio sat down on a chair and looked out the door in a daze. He still couldn't figure out why the situation of the battle had come to this point.

This is the Kwantung Army with two divisions. Even if the three regiments of the Eighth Route Army cannot be completely wiped out, they can be beaten back.

But the plot is not written like this, not only did not wipe out Li Yunlong's troops in a short period of time, but also allowed them to develop and grow in half a year.

Up to now, they are going to destroy themselves in reverse. Could it be that Mr. Nanshan's military command ability is not good enough?
But Li Yunlong had also known him before, he was born as an out-and-out mud-legged man, he had never been to a regular military academy, and his characters were incomplete, so it was a bit suffocating to be defeated by such a person.

When Nanshan Hideyoshi spread the news of the retreat to the front line, the strength of the six battalions of the new regiment had already joined hands with them. This was discussed by Li Yunlong and the others, and they were specially selected not far from Anhua County. In this way, after the Xinyi Regiment takes down the 21st Division, it can just run over to support it.

Chu Yunfei suffered a lot this time. Although the 358th Regiment is a reinforced regiment with more than 4000 troops, the devils on the other side are not weak. The two sides fought for three or four hours, and both suffered heavy casualties.

Although the individual soldiers of the 358th Regiment were not as good as the devils, as the defensive side, relying on the commanding heights and fortifications, they still fought with the devils.

Although one-third of the soldiers were killed or killed, the little devils did not benefit. There were more than 3000 little devils in the two wings, and only [-] people were finally evacuated.

Seeing that the little devil was about to run, although Chu Yunfei wanted to pursue him, he was persuaded by Fang Ligong.After all, where is the strength of the little devil? Just now a defensive battle was fought like that.

If the little devil caught up with them and fought them desperately, the casualties would not be more serious.

Although Chu Yunfei felt a little reconciled, he still followed Fang Ligong's suggestion. After all, even if he chased up and wiped out all the little devils, if his own casualties were too large, his superiors would not reward them. After so many years, he still knows how to protect himself wisely.

In the whole battle, except for Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment who released more than 2000 little devils here, the other devils were all wiped out by the new first regiment, the new second regiment and the independent regiment.

Although their own casualties were not small, it was all worthwhile. After all, as the winning side, the wounded of the three regiments could be treated.

Unlike the devil's wounded, as the losing side, even if there were wounded, they were made up for by the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

Anyway, according to Li Yunlong's intention, if he didn't save a single prisoner, all the little devils would be killed except for the group of devil officers who were captured during the attack on the 21st division.

Anyway, ordinary little devil soldiers are not as valuable as those officers, even if they are captured by themselves, they will only waste food.

After the battle, Li Yunlong ignored the fatigue of the soldiers, and after discussing with Ding Wei Kongjie, all three regiments took the initiative to attack the other five counties around Ping'an County.

It happened to expand the territory when the devil's army was empty, otherwise it would be difficult to handle when the little devil recovered.

Because the Japanese army came to participate in this battle, there were not many devil soldiers staying in the other five counties, most of them were puppet troops, so the troops sent by Li Yunlong did not waste much effort, and defeated the five counties. up.

But so far, in the southwestern part of Shanxi, although the Eighth Route Army has only three regiments, it occupies these seven counties.

According to the distribution of strength, Li Yunlong's new regiment occupies the defense area of ​​three counties, while each regiment of the new second regiment and the independent regiment occupies two counties.

All the conquests of the regiments belonged to the regiments. In order to thank Kong Jie and Ding Wei for helping him stop the devils, Li Yunlong also distributed part of his captured share to the two regiments.

After all, they are all members of the Eighth Route Army, and they are in the same area. Li Yunlong can't just eat alone, otherwise he will lose friends if he keeps doing this.

Moreover, the new regiment seized a lot of weapons and equipment in this battle. More than 1 rifles were seized from the devils alone, as well as the puppet army after that.

Even if a part is allocated, what remains is enough for the new regiment to expand the troops.

In the few days after the battle, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang have been busy with the management of the three counties, and even put the little devil aside.Because Li Yunlong knew that the current devils were powerless, and after losing two divisions of the Kwantung Army, they were no longer a threat to him.

(End of this chapter)

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