December 2000, 1.

At this time, a few days before New Year's Eve, when every household was busy, the criminal police team of the Jinghai City Public Security Bureau suddenly received a report from the public that a dead body appeared in a drainage ditch near the suburbs due to the sudden surge of the river.

Human life is at stake, so the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year disappears immediately, and the entire urban area is filled with tension and panic.

Director of the Public Security Bureau Meng Dehai, Deputy Director An Changlin and all the medical staff were mobilized. The mighty police cars and sirens kept ringing, and the cordon directly surrounded the area.

Standing on the shore, Meng Dehai stared at the corpse beside the drain, he could still vaguely smell the stench of the corpse, and he didn't know that the corpse had been soaked for several days.

Meng Dehai looked back at the crowd around here, turned his head and shouted to several criminal police officers: "Someone go down and fetch the corpse."

Hearing Meng Dehai's words, all the criminal policemen looked at each other. After all, no one wanted to go down in such a cold day, especially the dead body exuded a huge stench.

The salary of hundreds of dollars a month is not worth their hard work at all.

Seeing no movement from the crowd, Meng Dehai frowned and was about to call the roll call when someone suddenly shouted:
"Director, I'll go."

Hearing the sound, everyone looked over in unison.A young-looking policeman in his 20s with a calm demeanor and a resolute face stepped forward.

Meng Dehai nodded to the person who stood up and said, "Be careful."

"Director, give me a pair of gloves and a strong flashlight." The policeman who stood up said.

This man's name is Qi Tongli, who was born in an out-and-out rural family. He has a cousin named Qi Tongwei. Yes, he is the Qi Tongwei who is going to win the son-in-law, but the two are not very close, because when Qi Tongli was very young, his parents He died in a car accident and has been living at his grandma's house since then.

"Come here, prepare the equipment for Tongli." Meng Dehai glanced at Qi Tongli appreciatively and said with a smile.

An Xin on the side patted his partner: "Is this your cousin?"

"Yes, this is my cousin Qi Tongli, who is three years older than me. He has just returned from the army and is now the head of the Second Division of our criminal police team."

Li Xiang looked at Qi Tongli adoringly and said to An Xin who was beside him:

"My cousin is different from me. I still have family members at home, but his parents died in a car accident when he was very young. After that, he has been living in my second grandfather's house. He joined the army that year and only recently came back."

Qi Tongli didn't care about the eyes of everyone, because this was his task.No one else knew that, in fact, he was a person reborn into this world.

His last life's name was Li Yunlong. When he traveled to this world, an accident happened. The golden hand he had before-the finger space ring became a system.

He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but he had no choice but to follow the tasks issued by the system, otherwise there would be serious consequences.

"System task - go into the water to salvage the corpse and find out the basic characteristics of the corpse. Reward after completing the system task - advanced forensic identification technique."

Because of this system task, Qi Tongwei stood up desperately.

He doesn't care what others think of him, because Qi Tongli has to hurry up and make himself stronger.

After all, the world he lives in is a world that combines the plots of several TV dramas, and the Jinghai City where he lives is the place where the dramas of the TV drama Hurricane took place.

In this era of imperfect laws, crises are everywhere.

Don't think that there is no danger if Gao Qiqiang, who doesn't add sugar to dry chewing coffee, doesn't appear.

Freezing three feet does not happen in a day. Before Gao Qiqiang's rise, Jinghai was in chaos.

Xu Jiang, who uses AD calcium milk for incense, is not much worse than Gao Qiqiang after his rise, but he is not as scheming as Gao Qiqiang.In addition, there is Bai Jiangbo, the raptor who crosses the river. He dares to do anything except kill people.

And there is also a big boss hiding behind them-constructor Chen Tai.

Qi Tongli's request was quickly satisfied.

A strong flashlight, a pair of rubber gloves, and a waterproof suit were also sent.

Qi Tongli put on his equipment and tried the water temperature with his hands. Although it was a bit cold, it was still acceptable.

So he walked down the drainage ditch calmly, and walked slowly towards the corpse step by step.As he walked, he shone the flashlight in all directions and observed the surrounding environment.

Qi Tongli came to the corpse and held his breath. He didn't even smell the smell of the corpse, but carefully checked the condition of the corpse.

The corpse was decomposed, and it was not so easy to identify it.

"Wrap a camera in oiled paper and throw it down." Qi Tongli shouted to the people on the shore.

Everyone looked at each other, who brought that thing?
"Hurry up and get someone ready." An Changlin shouted loudly.

After a while of panic, a colleague from the publicity department finally threw a camera over.

Qi Tongli caught it steadily, and then took the camera to "click, click" to shoot non-stop.

Meng Dehai and An Changlin got together. "I think Comrade Qi Tongli can be properly burdened."

"He's just like Cao Chuang when he's less than [-] years old. Let him accumulate some merit." An Changlin shook his head and said.

Hearing An Changlin's words, Meng Dehai nodded, thinking that what his old partner said made sense, after all, Qi Tongli was still a little too young.

It took about half an hour for Qi Tongli to finish taking the photos, and then carried the corpse on his back to the shore.

The stench of corpses made all the police dodge, but Qi Tongli didn't care about his colleagues' reactions at all.

An Changlin took the military coat and put it on Qi Tongwei, then asked in a low voice, "What did you find?"

"The deceased was a woman with an unknown age. She had undergone surgery before her death, and her two kidneys were gone." Qi Tongli said expressionlessly.

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Meng Dehai and An Changlin's expressions changed drastically.

The murder case is already outrageous enough, and with the organ trafficking, this...  

"Is there any evidence?" An Changlin asked in a low voice.

"It will be clear when I get back to the police station and ask Qin Fayi to issue a complete autopsy report. Moreover, I suspect that her two kidneys were cut away while she was alive." Qi Tongli said with a sigh.

This was observed after he completed the system task and obtained advanced forensic identification, so there should be no mistakes.

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Meng Dehai and An Changlin's expressions changed drastically. They looked at each other and said in unison:
"Go back and talk."

After all, this is the police scene, and there are curious onlookers around the cordon. There are too many people and it is not suitable for further discussion of the case.

Meng Dehai patted Qi Tongli on the shoulder, and praised softly:

"well done."

Qi Tongli smirked and patted his head: "Master, this is all as it should be, mainly because you teach well."

When Meng Dehai was not promoted to the head of the Public Security Bureau, he was the head of the criminal police detachment, and his apprentice was Qi Tongli.

"Hurry up and go home and have a good rest. Don't worry Shu Ting." Meng Dehai said with a smile. He was satisfied with Qi Tongli as an apprentice from the bottom of his heart. This apprentice was not only a fast learner, but also very responsible.

"Close the team." An Changlin shouted to the crowd at the side.

A group of criminal policemen took body bags and rushed towards the police station.

Qi Tongli got into the car alone without making a sound.As soon as it was about to start, someone followed behind. Turning around, it turned out to be Cao Chuang, the captain of a team.

"I stink of corpses."

"It's the same as I haven't seen before." Cao Chuang said indifferently, then opened the door and got into Qi Tongli's car.

"Sister-in-law scolds you back, don't push it on me."

"She married a policeman, so she should have gotten used to these things long ago." Cao Chuang said with a sigh.

"The family members of the police are not easy to deal with. We don't stay at home all year round. They handle all the big and small things in the house. If you can pay attention, you should pay attention."

Cao Chuang nodded absent-mindedly. Qi Tongli knew that Cao Chuang didn't listen at all, so he didn't waste his saliva, but concentrated on driving.

There was silence in the car for a long time. Seeing that the road was halfway through, Cao Chuang said, "Captain Qi, what do you think of the case just now?"

"Murder, trafficking in human organs... or other things, it's a big case anyway." Qi Tongli said without hesitation.

"Qi team, can you hand over this case to me?"

Qi Tongli glanced at Cao Chuang: "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't be coy."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Cao Chuang settled down, and then said:

"Qi team, sometimes I envy you." Cao Chuang said sincerely: "We are all children from the countryside, and we have no background in this city. We are able to achieve our current position, all thanks to our own hard work from."

The position of the head of the criminal police detachment is not low, and he is treated at the official level. However, Qi Tongli is not yet 30 years old, but Cao Chuang is in his 50s.

"You are very lucky to have a master like Meng Dehai, but I am different. It seems that I will retire in less than ten years. Is it true that I will retire at the department level? I want to work hard." Cao Chuang He said very seriously: "Qi team, how about helping me? I am at this age, and time is running out. This may be my last chance."

Qi Tongli sighed: "Captain Cao, I want to ask you a few words."

"You ask."

Qi Tongli said with a serious expression: "The water in Jinghai is very deep. Our city ranks second in population and first in economy in the province. Based on your qualifications and achievements, it is more than enough to be a deputy director."

"However... what is your purpose of being the deputy director? Just for the sake of being nice?"

Cao Chuang was taken aback, and Qi Tongli said again: "The position of the police is different from other positions. The higher you stand, the more resources you have, the greater the energy you can exert. Captain Cao, if you become the deputy , what do you want to do?"

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Cao Chuang fell into deep thought.

Qi Tongli smiled and continued: "You are a senior, and you know some important principles better than me. What I want to ask is—are you sure about this case?"

"What do you mean?" Cao Chuang was taken aback suddenly.

Qi Tongli said calmly:

"No other meaning, I just tell you that this is a case of organ trafficking. Under normal circumstances, there must be a complete industrial chain for organ trafficking."

"After the organ leaves the human body, if it is not transplanted within three hours, it will easily deteriorate and become unusable."

Cao Chuang woke up when he heard Qi Tongli's words: "Is this a dragon?"

Qi Tongli nodded:
"That's right, looking for targets, negotiating deals, harvesting organs, and performing transplant operations. In other words, this must be a crime committed by a gang."

"There are powerful people in society, in hospitals, who are looking for people who have to "donate" their organs due to various difficulties, and then there is an efficient medical organization to complete the operation."

"This is an organized and disciplined criminal group."

After hearing Qi Tongli's words, Cao Chuang said excitedly: "Then if I can lead the team to solve this case, then the position of deputy chief must be mine?"

Qi Tongli was a little speechless, Cao Chuang didn't think about the seriousness of this matter at all, he put all his thoughts on getting promoted.

Therefore, Qi Tongli said bluntly: "Captain Cao, these people are definitely not doing this kind of thing for the first time, but why didn't we find out before? This time it was exposed because of an accident. Don't you find it strange?"

Cao Chuang: "What's so strange?"

Qi Tongli said a little speechlessly: "This group of people is extremely powerful, well-organized, and well-connected. You can handle this case, but there is one condition."

Cao Chuang hurriedly said, "Say it."

"We must solve the case." Qi Tongli said seriously.

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Cao Chuang replied solemnly: "Definitely."

Qi Tongli drove the car to the police station, took a shower three times to get rid of the smell on his body this time, and then drove home.

As soon as he opened the door, a little fat man got into his arms, and a charming female voice sounded behind him:

"came back."

Qi Tongli lifted the little boy in his arms high, then threw it into the air, landed to catch it, threw it into the air again and landed to catch it again, and after a long time of getting bored with his son, he handed it to the mother of the child.

Qi Tongli took off his coat and said, "I encountered a case today, so it's a bit late."

"You policemen, it would be nice if you can go home for dinner on time." Chen Shuting took Qi Tongli's coat and hung it on the hanger, then turned around and said.

Qi Tongli smiled and hugged Chen Shuting, and did not shy away from the child gently kissing her on the cheek.

Chen Shuting stretched out her hand and hit him; "Die, the child is still here."

Qi Tongli said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? You are my wife and Eggy is my son. I not only want to kiss you, but also our son."

The little fat man stood aside and clapped his hands: "Hello, ok, Daddy wants to kiss your balls."

"Are you free during the Chinese New Year? I want to visit my father." Chen Shuting put the food on the table and said to Qi Tongli.

Qi Tongli shook his head regretfully: "You also know that the holidays are when cases happen frequently, and I may not have time."

"Father is the matchmaker who matched us up. It's inappropriate not to go after Chinese New Year." Chen Shuting lowered her head and said helplessly.

"Let's take a look again. If I have time, I will definitely go there. Even if I don't go, it won't make it difficult for you." Qi Tongli thought for a while and said.

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