The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 477 Analysis of the Case

Qi Tongli and Dandan were intimate for a while, and put the child to sleep. The husband and wife hugged and lay on the bed.

Lying in Qi Tongli's arms, Chen Shuting sighed and said, "I never thought that one day I would marry a policeman."

Qi Tongli smiled: "I met you the day I went to work in the Construction Engineering Group, and I decided that I would not marry you in this life. Uncle Tai saw that I was kind to you, and of course, you were willing to follow me, so he matched us Two people. Unfortunately, I let him down."

"If you don't let him down, then you will let me down. How can a policeman be afraid of a gangster?" Chen Shuting said with a smile.The reason why she followed Qi Tongli back then was because he was a policeman and could give her a sense of security when she arrived.

Chen Shuting hugged Qi Tongli's head and said emotionally: "I have no parents since I was a child. My father adopted me. His construction engineering group is a little dirty. There is no way. In this society, if you want to make money If you want to live, sometimes you can’t do it without some tricks. Before you appeared, I also thought that maybe the person I will marry in the future will probably be someone like Uncle Tai. It may be gone at any time.''

"I'm an orphan. I don't want to live that kind of life. It's good to meet you."

Qi Tongli touched her hair with tenderness.I wish it wasn't for my appearance, but you are the famous sister-in-law in Jinghai, not because you are the eldest brother's woman, on the contrary, whoever marries you is the eldest brother.If I hadn't shown up, your fate would be embarrassing, and you would be hit and killed by your enemy in the future.

"Of course, you are the police wife now." Qi Tongli kissed her on the cheek and said.

Chen Shuting has been very smart since she was a child, and she has learned a lot about Uncle Tai's methods.But she is a smart woman, and she knows that these methods will not work in the end.Maybe it can be rampant for a while, but it will definitely not be rampant forever.

At the same time, she also has no sense of security. What Chen Shuting wants is security and stability. Of course, it would be better if she lived a decent life.As for the latter, Chen Shuting had never worried about it. She was by Uncle Tai's side before, so she still had some savings.

Choosing Qi Tongli is because Qi Tongli has the responsibility and dominance of a man on the one hand, and on the other hand because he is a policeman, he can bring her enough sense of security.Unexpectedly, ever since they got married, Qi Tongli asked Chen Shuting not to accept Chen Tai's financial affairs as much as possible.Then he gave her several stock codes, which were also the reward Qi Tongli got for doing system tasks.

As a result, Chen Shuting's personal wealth skyrocketed, and it was a reasonable and legal income.This made Chen Shuting look at Qi Tongli with admiration and admiration.After the two got married, Chen Shuting even helped Qi Tongli maintain a good relationship with the police force.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Qi Tongli to devote all his attention to his work, and it would be even more impossible for him to be in the position of a major when he was less than 30 years old.

"By the way, I saw Meng Yu when I took Dandan to the master's house to chat with Aunt Cui today. How did you do it to make that girl worship you so much? When your name is mentioned, both eyes flicker." It's shining." Chen Shuting looked up at Qi Tongli and said.

Qi Tongli was a little speechless: "No way, you also eat the jealousy of the little girl?"

Chen Shuting snorted lightly: "Aren't you guys always the little girls you like?"

"You are in my heart, you are forever." Qi Tongli said immediately.

Chen Shuting patted Qi Tongli's chest: "It's so nasty." Although she said so, she was very sweet in her heart.

"Aunt Cui is a clean person, but I found a contradiction. There is a lot of dust around the certificates of the master and Meng Yu, which is particularly dirty compared with other places in the house. Tell me, is this a bit strange?" Chen Shuting said seriously.

Qi Tongli sighed: "What kind of job is a policeman? We have been married for four years, and you should know about it. Actually, Aunt Cui never wanted Master to be a policeman, and she didn't want Meng Yu to leave her side. If so, One day the master will stop being a policeman, and Meng Yu can stay by her side, and Aunt Cui is happy."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Chen Shuting nodded thoughtfully.

Early the next morning, before sending Qi Tongli to work, Chen Shuting specially blessed him: "When you get off work at night, remember to call Li Xiang home for dinner. You two are also relatives. In the huge Jinghai, he has no one except you, my cousin. There are no other relatives."

Qi Tongli nodded: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the police station is a bit busy. I'll go and check the duty list. If you're not on duty on New Year's Eve, we can have a team meal together."

"You are the captain of the criminal police detachment. You must be on duty on the first day of the new year. I don't expect that." Chen Shuting said the same as Qi Tongli.

Qi Tongli hugged her silently, Chen Shuting patted him lightly, tidied up his police uniform, and then instructed: "By the way, Li Xiang's partner is An Xin, or Meng Yu's childhood sweetheart, by the way Let's invite him over for dinner."

"These two are the precious apprentices of a team of Lao Cao, don't let people think that we are digging corners." Qi Tongli said a little speechlessly.

"Let's do ours. Let him think about it." Chen Shuting smiled.

Hearing Chen Shuting's words, Qi Tongli laughed, and Chen Shuting said again: "I'm going to deliver some New Year's goods to my father today, you can eat in the cafeteria at noon, Dandan and I will come back in the afternoon."

"Well, by the way, say hello to Dad for me." After speaking, Qi Tongli turned around and picked up Eggy again: "Eggy, Dad has caught the bad guys, listen to what Mom says."

The little fat man kissed Qi Tongli on the face, and then waved his little hand: "Come on, Dad."

Qi Tongli kissed Chen Shuting again: "I'm going."

"Be careful." Chen Shuting yelled worriedly as she watched Qi Tongli's back going away.Although she knew that Qi Tongli was very powerful, she was still a little worried.

At this moment, Chen Shuting suddenly understood Aunt Cui's feelings. Being the wife of a policeman is really frightening.Chen Shuting hugged Eggy, packed up the presents and got into the car.After galloping all the way, they came to a farm manor.It is said to be a farm manor, but it is actually a typical wealthy area.

Chen Shuting got out of the car with her balls in her arms and shouted, "Father, I'm here to see you."

Dandan also clapped her little hands happily: "Grandpa, Dandan saw you coming."

Before the mother and wife had walked halfway, Chen Tai came out of the room, with a rare smile on his always stern face: "Oh, grandpa's little baby is here." After more than ten meters away, he opened his eyes Arms, trot all the way to meet him.

"Father, please slow down," Chen Shuting said hastily.

But the old man turned a deaf ear and kept kissing the little fat man with a smile on his arms.

The laughter of the elderly and children resounded in the courtyard, and Chen Shuting looked helpless.

The old man kissed for a while, and then turned to look at Chen Shuting. Seeing that she was alone, his face immediately turned down. "Why didn't that fellow Qi Tongli come?"

"He's a policeman. He's busy." Chen Shuting shrugged and said, "You also know the nature of his job. How can you have time now?"

Hearing Chen Shuting's words, the old man's face was a little uneasy, and he was about to lose his temper.

The little fat man on the side said like a little adult: "Grandpa, grandpa, my father went to catch the bad guys."

The old man burst out laughing: "Yes, Eggy's father went to catch the bad guy."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Chen Shuting and said, "Tell me, if your Qi Tongli doesn't work as a policeman and comes to the Construction Engineering Group to help me, can I retire?"

"Isn't there still Cheng Cheng?" Chen Shuting said with her head down.

"Cheng Cheng is a college student, very talented, but isn't she staying in the compound with the deep wall now? Even if she comes back, can she still compare to your Qi Tongli?" Chen Tai said a little angrily.

"Isn't Qi Tongli not here?" Chen Shuting said with a smile.

At that time, Chen Tai wanted to scold, "The ideal can be eaten as a living." But when he thought about the money and nothing to ask for, he couldn't even scold him.His face flushed a little.

When Qi Tongli came to the bureau, he was directly called into the office by An Changlin.

"Yesterday's body, the results of the appraisal came out. The deceased was a woman, aged between 25 and 35, and her kidneys were cut off. Qin Fayi's judgment is consistent with yours. They all suspect that the deceased was murdered while alive." He also reminded that the person who performed the operation must be a very professional surgeon. The identity of the deceased has not yet been confirmed. We have used technology to restore the original appearance of the deceased. Comrades in the jurisdiction are looking for Family members of the deceased. What are your thoughts?"

Qi Tongli sighed: "I think this is very strange."

An Changlin was slightly taken aback: "Strange?"

"That's right, it's weird."

Qi Tongli nodded and continued:
"Generally speaking, organ trafficking cases like this will never be so fanfare. It must be as low-key as possible. This is like the difference between a gangster and a criminal. The gangster can't wait to make trouble for what he did. It is well known to the whole world, and it is best for everyone to know that they are gangsters. However, criminals are different, they are afraid that others will know that they are criminals."

"They definitely don't want people to die. After all, human life is not a trivial matter. But in this case, these guys are clearly rushing to kill people, which is completely unreasonable."

"What's the conclusion?" An Changlin looked at Qi Tongli and asked.

"Maybe, the deceased had a direct conflict with this gang of criminals. These guys didn't even think about letting the dead live."

An Changlin nodded: "It makes sense."

Qi Tongli thought for a while, and then told about Cao Chuang's incident yesterday: "Security Bureau, Captain Cao of the first team wants to fight again before he reaches his age. He wants to earn the right to handle this case with me. I think it's okay. Give him a try."

Qi Tongli said this very cleverly. He said that Cao Chuang wanted to make money, but he didn't say that Cao Chuang begged him.But An Changlin still glared at him: "Cao Chuang needs opportunities, but you don't? What do you think?"

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "This case is not the only one. I am only in my 20s now. When I reach his age, it is inevitable that I will surpass him."

"As long as you have a plan in your mind, I will talk to Bureau Meng about this later."

Qi Tongli shrugged and said indifferently: "It's all the meat in the pot. Whose team rots in it? It's our own brothers who eat the meat."

"It's good if you can think like this. It's really good for Lao Cao to take charge of this case." An Changlin said with a smile.

And Qi Tongli looked outside and whispered, "It's not very good."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, An Changlin frowned: "What do you mean?"

Qi Tongli reminded:

"Security Bureau, this is a case of illegal trading of human organs, especially when people were killed. This case is definitely a big one, but from this rotting corpse, we know that this group of guys is definitely an organized criminal gang. How long has it been lurking in Jinghai? How many people are there? What is the delivery channel? Who is the guy who is the chief surgeon? Who are the leaders and key subordinates? Why are they able to hide so well? We don’t know these things, right?”

Qi Tongli said and pointed to the autopsy report on the table: "All we have clues is this victim whose identity is not yet known. Do you think it is possible to find the murderer in a short time?"

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, An Changlin frowned.

Qi Tongli continued: "Our purpose is to find out this organ trafficking gang and wipe them out. But the security bureau, this is a murder case, or this rotting corpse is related to several murder cases. If we can't catch the murderer as soon as possible If caught, there may be many more people who will be killed. But to verify the identity of the deceased, visit her social relations, and find out the things behind her. These cannot be completed in a short time."

An Changlin frowned and nodded.

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "Old Cao is an old man. He should be more thoughtful than I thought about these things. Security Bureau, I'll go first." After speaking, he ran out quickly.

Only An Changlin was left frowning in the office, and Qi Tongli's words kept echoing in his mind.The more I think about it, the more unpleasant it is. It is a good thing that Cao Chuang asked for progress, but the situation of this case is not ordinary. If it is done, everyone in the police force will benefit.But what if it can't be done?Isn't Cao Chuang's way forward stuck?The members of Cao Chuang's team were going to suffer, An Xin, Li Xiang, Zhang Biao.

An Changlin suddenly thought of something, Li Xiang, isn't that Qi Tongli's cousin?Will he just watch his cousin get into trouble?
An Changlin suddenly laughed: "This guy, just remind me well, I have to go around such a big circle, really."

Qi Tongli walked out of An Changlin's office, looked at the duty list on the wall, and said to Li Xiang and An Xin who were beside him, "You two are so enlightened that you are actually on duty on New Year's Eve."

Li Xiang and An Xin looked at each other, and both of them had a feeling of wanting to curse.That's because they have a high level of consciousness. Who doesn't want to go home for a reunion during the Chinese New Year.But what can I do if I was lucky enough to draw a lottery?
"By the way, you two are going to my house for dinner after get off work tonight. Your sister-in-law said so." Qi Tongli patted the two of them and said.

"Captain Qi, here, I don't need to go." An Xin said somewhat unnaturally.


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