The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 484 put a long line to catch big fish

Sun Jianguo didn't dare to refute: "I know."

Qi Tonglian glared at him: "I know you're still talking about it, what are you talking about? Why don't you hurry up and cooperate with Team Cao in the trial. I want to know that someone in the team is not cooperating, so please be careful."

Sun Jianguo was shocked and ran out quickly.

Qi Tongli shook his head. Like him, Sun Jianguo was Meng Dehai's apprentice, but this one was still a bit lacking in morality.

All walks of life in China have their own inheritance. In the highly professional criminal police team, it is normal to recognize a master.Although Sun Jianguo was older than Qi Tongli and he was younger than Qi Tongli, but Qi Tongli firmly held Sun Jianguo down in his position.

When the 127 task force was established, the initiative to handle the case was taken by the first team, and their second team could only assist on the sidelines, so Sun Jianguo was a little emotional, after all, he also wanted to go further.

In fact, Sun Jianguo also understood that if he wanted to be promoted to Qi Tongli, he had to go a step further, so as to vacate the captain's position, otherwise, how could he bypass Qi Tongli's promotion.

Qi Tongli could only shake his head secretly. He understood Sun Jianguo's motivation, but he had to distinguish between priorities. The case of the 127 task force was the most important. If this matter was resolved beautifully, everyone would have credit.And if this matter is not resolved, every member of the task force will suffer.

Qi Tongli decided to go back and have a good chat with Sun Jianguo.

But now that Qi Tongli decided to go home first, unexpectedly there were other people at home——Chen Jinmo and Huang Yao.

Qi Tongli hugged Eggy as usual, and teased Chen Shuting for a while: "I'm talking about Shuting, what time is it, why don't you let Lao Mo get off work?"

Shen Mo hurriedly said: "Brother Li, I don't have work today. I went to find a school for Yaoyao."

The little fat man in his arms looked at Huang Yao enviously and said, "Father, Sister Yaoyao is going to school tomorrow, and Eggy wants to go to school too."

Qi Tongli was dumb: "Your child is different from others. I don't know how many children want to play."

"Eggy wants to go to school." The little fat man said resolutely.

Qi Tongli smiled: "But you are not old enough, why don't you ask your mother to hire a teacher to teach you at home?"

The little fat man nodded happily: "Okay, okay."

Qi Tongli handed the little fat man to Chen Shuting: "Come on tomorrow and find a teacher for the child, it's time for the child to be enlightened."

Chen Shuting looked at her precious son helplessly: "Eggy, you are not allowed to cry at school!"

The laughing fat man shook his head: "Eggy won't cry."

Chen Jinmo on the side stared straight at her. Eggy is only a few years old and is about to go to school. In comparison, Huang Yao must be too happy.

Chen Shuting came to Huang Yao with Dandan in her arms: "Yaoyao, godmother told you that you have to listen to the teacher when you go to school. If you don't understand something, don't hold it in your heart. You have to ask the teacher for advice. In school If you are bullied, you must tell your godmother."

Huang Yao nodded heavily: "Godmother, I understand."

"Old Mo, let's go after dinner, let the two children play for a while." Qi Tongli said to Lao Mo.

Chen Jinmo thought for a while: "Brother Li, let me cook today."

"You still cook?"

Huang Yao quickly said: "Godfather, my father's cooking is delicious."

Qi Tongli was happy: "Okay, let's try Lao Mo's craftsmanship today."

Lao Mo went to the kitchen to cook, and the little fat man took Huang Yao to his room to play Lego. Qi Tongli bought him a lot of these things, including small, medium, and large ones. The little fat man could only make some small ones. With Yao's help, even the medium-sized ones can be put together, and the two children are enthusiastic.

Chen Shuting quietly gave Qi Tongli a hand. The tacit understanding between the husband and wife made Qi Tongli understand that the other party had something to say, so they went to the bedroom and locked the door.

"Shu Ting, what's wrong with you?"

With a gloomy face, Chen Shuting took out a recording pen from her pocket: "Today I went to Huang Yao's place to organize things and found it. Neither Lao Mo nor Huang Yao knew what it was, but I knew it was a recording pen. You Absolutely no idea who this is."

Qi Tongli was taken aback: "Huang Cuicui's recording pen?"

"Do you know who's in there?"

Qi Tongli warned: "No one can tell about this, so just pretend you don't know about it."

Chen Shuting nodded thoughtfully.

Qi Tongli thought for a while and came to the kitchen: "How is it? How have you been recently?"

Chen Jinmo revealed a sincere smile: "I haven't had such a good time in more than 20 years. Brother Li, I really want to thank you and my sister-in-law."

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "Because you are worthy of help, I will help you. Put the matter at hand aside and let's chat."

"Brother Li, wait a minute, there is only one last dish left." Old Mo replied with a smile.

Chen Jinmo is a good cook, and the four dishes and one soup were ready in no time. The two men brought the dishes to the table, and called the children to have a happy dinner.

After dinner, the two children went to play Lego again.Qi Tongli then asked: "Old Mo, do you know about Huang Cuicui?"

Chen Jinmo suddenly lost his smile: "I know, she was killed."

Qi Tongli stared into his eyes and said, "I'm the captain of the criminal police, and I'm in charge of handling this case now. I want you to promise one thing, don't take care of Huang Cuicui's case, even if you find out about it one day, don't interfere."

Chen Jinmo clenched his fists: "Brother Li, no matter how bad Huang Cuicui is, she is also Huang Yao's mother."

Qi Tongli nodded solemnly: "That's right, even for Huang Yao's sake, you can't intervene. You are not a policeman. If you commit a crime, you will go to jail. Huang Yao is still so young, you don't think you want her to lose her mother. Lose your father again?"

Chen Jinmo was startled, and gradually loosened his clenched fist: "Brother Li, you must bring the criminal to justice."

"Don't worry, he won't escape." Qi Tongli solemnly assured.


Early the next morning, Qi Tongli came to the city hospital, which is the designated hospital of the criminal police team, and An Xin stayed here for treatment when he was injured.

Qi Tongli came to the ward, sat on An Xin's hospital bed and asked directly, "Tell me about your experience as an undercover agent during this time."

"Where do you start?" An Xin asked in astonishment.

"From the moment you were sent undercover."

An Xin thought about it slowly, and then slowly said: "I was ordered to be an undercover agent next to the mad donkey. I fought with her as soon as I entered the cell. I didn't win but I didn't suffer. The mad donkey said let me go out and follow He messed up, so I went, who would have expected this kid to turn his face suddenly, suspecting that I was an undercover agent, hang me up and beat me up, fortunately, I was smart and fooled this matter... After that, the last time You heard it too."

Qi Tongli pondered for a while and said, "What do you think of the crazy donkey?"

An Xin thought about it carefully and then said, "Crazy Donkey is a very cautious person with a strong sense of anti-investigation."

"How to say?"

An Xin cited an example: "The mad donkey is very wary of me. He asked me to do one thing to submit my certificate, but I am a policeman and I must not do crimes. The mad donkey took me to the police station. When there was trouble at the sand and gravel field in Wanwan, I tricked them with my acting skills, and he even asked me not to cause trouble.”

Qi Tongli said, "When did you go to the gravel field to make trouble?"

An Xin thought for a while: "Five days ago, yes, five days ago."

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "Continue."

"Since then, the mad donkey has accepted me, but he doesn't trust me. I heard his conversation with my younger brother and know that they have an activity to go up the mountain, but the mad donkey didn't plan to take me, or I used some tricks , let Li Xiang grab some of his little brothers and go in, he didn't have enough manpower, so he decided to take me with him." An Xin recalled slowly.

After hearing what An Xin had said, Qi Tongwei patted him on the shoulder: "Heal your injury well, return to the team as soon as you recover, the tough battle is coming soon."

"Qi team, what do you mean?" An Xin was a little confused about the meaning of his words, so he asked.

"I'll tell you when it's time for you." After speaking, Qi Tongli walked out directly and drove towards the police station.


When Qi Tongli came to the police station, he was in time for a meeting, so he walked into the meeting room and found a seat and sat down.

"The little evidence we have now is not enough to sue these big fish, let Team Qi agree. These people have the same caliber. They are strict that this is a misunderstanding. They are going to discuss things." Cao Chuang stood up after everyone was seated. opened the mouth.

All the criminal policemen frowned. It was nonsense that so many bigwigs in politics and business would not be able to discuss things anywhere, but they ran on the yacht of the mad donkey.

"How about Qin Fayi?" An Changlin asked with a straight face.

Cao Chuang sighed:

"Qin Fayi has found some problems, but it can only prove that they have had contact with these girls, but it is difficult to connect with Yin Piaochang, unless we can do a comprehensive evidence collection, but this requires Approval from higher authorities."

The meeting room fell silent for a moment. They all knew that it would be extremely difficult to get approval from their superiors. After all, these people were big bosses.

Seeing that no one was talking, Qi Tongli stood up and asked, "Ju Meng, how many people have called you during this time?"

Meng Dehai glared at him: "What do you care about this?"

"Of course it's about the case." Qi Tongli said bluntly: "The current situation is obvious. Even if we want to forcibly dig deeper into this case, we will definitely not be able to convict them with the existing evidence. In this way You might as well let them go."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, all the criminal police below were immediately upset. After all, it took such a long time to deploy and finally caught these big fish, and Qi Tongli was going to release them. So why have they been doing nothing for so long?
Qi Tongli knocked on the table lightly: "Everyone, do you think letting these people go means failure?"

Everyone looked at him strangely, thinking that Qi Tongli's head was showing off, and everyone let him go. Isn't this a failure?
Qi Tongli smiled and said, "We must understand the priority when doing things. Those big shots last night were never our goal."

The crowd was in an uproar, and many people were not calm, wondering if the captain of the second detachment had been bewitched.

At this time, Qi Tongli, who had been smiling, suddenly changed his face, stood up and said, "Don't forget, our goal has always been the same - to find out the cause of Huang Cuicui's death and catch the murderer. As for those big men last night, they were just windfalls." .”

Qi Tongli sneered again and said: "These important figures will not be murderers. It is the best decision for us to catch and not investigate or to investigate slowly. Right now, we can basically be sure that Huang Cuicui recorded something that shouldn't be recorded, so he was caught The person who killed her mouth was naturally the boss of the mad donkey, after all, the mad donkey was still in prison at that time, and there was no time to commit crimes at all."

"And we all know that the boss of Crazy Donkey is Xu Jiang, but Xu Jiang sent Crazy Donkey to the front. The two seem to have almost nothing to do with each other. It is very difficult to catch Xu Jiang. But It's not that there is no chance, someone asked me about a person before, and this person is Bai Jiangbo."

Cao Chuang frowned: "Why does this person's name sound so familiar?"

Qi Tongli smiled and nodded: "Of course you are familiar with it. Bai Jiangbo is the owner of the Xiawan Casino and the gravel field."

Cao Chuang was taken aback: "Captain Qi, why is your friend asking about Bai Jiangbo?"

Qi Tongli said: "My friend is an engineer, and all the earthworks were provided by Bai Jiangbo. He was missing earthworks and couldn't supply them, so he was naturally anxious. But when I asked him to report the case, he shied away."

"Why?" Cao Chuang asked.

"My friend thinks that Bai Jiangbo was killed by Xu Jiang nine out of ten."

At this time, An Changlin said with a straight face: "Then why did Xu Jiang kill Bai Jiangbo? Is there any conflict between the two?"

Qi Tongli sighed and said, "Didn't I investigate the electric fish case before, and the deceased in the electric fish case was Xu Jiang's son Xu Lei. There was a conflict between people, when Xu Lei lost money at the Xiawan Casino and didn’t pay the person who had to pay the bill. So Xu Jiang believed that Xu Lei’s death was caused by the owner of the Xiawan Casino.”

Cao Chuangle immediately said: "The clues provided by Security Bureau, Meng Bureau, and Team Qi are very important. I think Bai Jiangbo's case is our breakthrough."

An Changlin and Meng Dehai looked at each other, then nodded slowly.

Qi Tongli suggested: "When we went to investigate, we took Bai Jiangbo's case as the bright line and Huang Cuicui's case as the dark line. Didn't we find out that Xu Jiang had a connection with Huang Cuicui's death? Let's put it on hold for now, anyway, we found Bai Jiangbo's case He can't get away with the duel, as long as he finds out about Bai Jiangbo's case, he has to explain Huang Cuicui's case if he doesn't want to."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, everyone was shocked. Qi Tongli pointed to the file and said, "As for the big fish caught in the net, so what if we let them go. Now that we have their files, when Xu Jiang is captured, they will still run away." Is it?"

Everyone felt that Qi Tongli's analysis was very accurate and Qi Qi nodded, and Meng Dehai immediately said: "Then let him go."

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