Gao Qiqiang followed Tang Xiaolong to an unfinished building.

"Is your information accurate? Xiaohu is really locked up here?"

Tang Xiaolong nodded: "No mistake, I finally found out."

Gao Qiqiang regained his composure, and took a look with his probe. The room was in a mess. There were leftover food bags and empty wine bottles on the floor. It was obvious that he was no longer here.

Gao Qiqiang suddenly noticed an iron rod appearing in the reflector next to him, he shrank his head subconsciously, and the iron rod was bye.Looking back, Tang Xiaolong looked at him with red eyes.

Tang Xiaolong knew that Gao Qiqiang was not easy to mess with, but for the sake of his younger brother, there was nothing he could do about it.He was not discouraged even when the iron rod failed, he swung the iron rod violently and rushed forward again.

The two fought desperately in this unfinished building. Tang Xiaolong thought that he had an iron rod in his hand, and he was surprised, so he should be able to take down Gao Qiqiang easily.Unexpectedly, Gao Qiqiang was really good at fighting, so he led Tang Xiaolong into a small room, so that Tang Xiaolong's iron rod could not exert its advantage.

Amidst the dust, Gao Qiqiang picked up a fire extinguisher and hit Tang Xiaolong fiercely on the body, knocking him to the ground, and the iron rod also dropped.With a blank expression on his face, Gao Qiqiang raised the fire extinguisher and threw it at Tang Xiaolong.

While smashing it, he cursed: "Say, who told you to kill me?"

Tang Xiaolong hid from left to right with his head in his hands, but the room was too small to dodge, so he could only beg for mercy: "Brother Qiang, I don't want to kill you, but Xu Jiang caught Xiaohu and threatened me that he only needs to kill him Just let Xiaohu go, I'm just such a younger brother, Brother Qiang, you go around me."

Hearing Tang Xiaolong's words, Gao Qiqiang thought of his younger brothers and sisters, they were all brothers and he could understand Tang Xiaolong.

So he threw the fire extinguisher aside, slapped Tang Xiaolong's face while holding Tang Xiaolong's collar in one hand: "You give me a clear idea, Xu Lei is dead, even if you hand me over to Xu Jiang, I won't let you go!" After you two, the three of us are now grasshoppers on the same rope. Say, did you tell Xu Jiang about me?"

Tang Xiaolong was frightened and kept shaking his head: "No, I never told him about you. He only knew that there was someone behind me, but he didn't know who it was."

Tang Xiaolong cried and said: "Brother Qiang, can we rescue Xiaohu? Xu Jiang said that if I don't hand you over, he will cut Xiaohu into pieces and put them in my refrigerator."

Gao Qiqiang sighed: "Xiaolong, do you know who these bosses are most afraid of?"

Tang Xiaolong shook his head.

Gao Qiqiang's face was calm, and he said with fierce eyes: "They are afraid of people like us who don't want to die." As soon as Gao Qiqiang let go, Tang Xiaolong fell to the ground.

At this moment, the phone in Tang Xiaolong's pocket rang. Tang Xiaolong picked it up, looked at the phone number on it, and said tremblingly to Gao Qiqiang: "Xu Jiang."

"Turn on the hands-free." Gao Qiqiang ordered.

Tang Xiaolong connected the phone and turned on the speakerphone according to Xu Jiang's instructions, and Xu Jiang's voice came from the phone: "How is the matter going?"

Tang Xiaolong couldn't help looking at Gao Qiqiang, who has now become his backbone.

Gao Qiqiang gestured with his mouth, and Tang Xiaolong said tremblingly, "Can my brother call me?"

Xu Jiang yelled, as if spitting: "You don't seem to have seen the situation clearly, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me now."

Lie Xiaolong immediately said: "Give me some more time."

Xu Jiang said coldly: "I'll give you a week to finish this job. If you haven't finished it in a week, I'll do it myself. You and your brother are going to die."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xiaolong looked at Gao Qiqiang sweating.

Gao Qiqiang folded his arms and said in thought: "One week is enough."


Xu Jiang hung up the phone and looked at his son's portrait, trembling with anger. He thought the third person was some kind of desperado, but he didn't expect Gao Qiqiang to be just a fishmonger.

His own son died in the hands of these three people, Xu Jiang spat out a mouthful of phlegm, he was overwhelmed, little brother Tang was going to die, and Gao Qiqiang was going to die too.

Xu Jiang waved his hand, and the old bastard ran over, bent over and shouted, "Boss."

"Sell me all the sellable parts of Tang Xiaohu." Xu Jiang said fiercely. He didn't want Tang Xiaohu to die so easily, so he had to torture him severely.

Lao Ba nodded quickly, and hurried to do things.

Xu Jiang felt desolate, and suddenly, his phone rang.

Xu Jiang picked up the phone impatiently. When he saw the calling number, his expression changed. He quickly connected the phone, put his hands to his ears, nodded and bowed and said, "Leader, I'm Xiao Jiang."

"What? The police want to check me?"

"Isn't the police under your control? So many people were arrested yesterday, and they're all released today." Xu Jiang said indifferently.

"No, no, leader, you misunderstood, how could I do something illegal, I have always cooperated with your command."

"What, Qi Tongli is checking me? Isn't it Cao Chuang? Both of them are checking me?" Xu Jiang's eyes popped out.

"Leader, I can handle Cao Chuang, but I really can't handle Captain Qi. Or, why don't you just transfer him?"

"Huang Cuicui? I handled her very well from beginning to end. Well, well, I will cooperate with the leader's arrangement."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Jiang was sweating profusely, and walked back and forth from the room. He was able to carry out regular uphill activities, and he naturally knew about some big shots in Jinghai.

Qi Tongli is the most prominent one in the police force in the past four years. This person is extremely evil. No matter how difficult the case is, if it comes to him, he can always investigate it clearly for you.If he were to investigate him, it would be really troublesome.

At this time, Lao Ba ran in again: "Boss, Bai Jinhai's manager called and said that a policeman named Qi Tongli is waiting for you."

Xu Jiang's complexion changed for a while, he was really more afraid of something, and he spit on the ground fiercely, and then shouted: "Prepare the car, go to Buckingham."

In the car, Lao Ba asked puzzledly: "Boss, isn't he just a policeman, what are you afraid of? If he dares to trouble us, at worst, we will kill him."

Xu Jiang gave him a hard look: "You know what the hell, that's Qi Tongli."

Lao Ba rubbed his head and asked, "Qi Tongli? Is he very powerful?"

Xu Jiang slapped Lao Ba on the head, and Lao Ba shrank his neck in fright, and didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of offending Xu Jiang and hitting him again.

When Xu Jiang led people to Buckingham, Qi Tongli took Li Xiang and An Xin to drink tea in his office.

"Captain Qi, why don't you say anything when you come here, so I can make arrangements for you." Xu Jiang strode over and stretched out his hands from a long distance away.

"Forget it, I can't stand your arrangement." Qi Tongli waved his hand and said.

Xu Jiang was stunned when he said that: "What do you mean by that?"

Qi Tongli pointed to the manager who stood at a loss at the side: "You should ask him."

Xu Jiang was stunned, and saw the manager standing aside with a bitter face, hesitating to speak.

Before he could get angry, Qi Tongli counted with his fingers: "Just as the three of us were sitting here, a group of scantily clad ladies came over. It's a good thing my wife didn't see it, otherwise you will be in big trouble."

Xu Jiang's heart sank. Of course he knew what it meant. Men are nothing more than money and beauty, and these are exactly what he can give.He is very familiar with the manager's actions, because they are all awarded by him.

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Xu Jiang knew that the trick of beauty is not easy to use, so he asked cautiously: "Qi team, don't you know who your wife is?"

Qi Tongli told him very bluntly: "My wife's name is Chen Shuting."

Good guy, Qi Tongli's wife is actually Chen Shuting. Fortunately, this beauty trick didn't work out, otherwise Buckingham might be in trouble.

It is normal for Xu Jiang to know that Chen Shuting is also a normal thing. After all, although there are many rich people in Jinghai City, there are not many rich women, especially young and beautiful rich women like Chen Shuting.

It's just that he didn't expect Chen Shuting to be Qi Tongli's wife, so Xu Jiang suddenly felt bad.After all, there are only two tricks Buckingham uses to corrupt distinguished guests, one is beauty, the other is money, but neither of these two tricks is effective against Qi Tongli.

After all, Qi Tongli's wife is Chen Shuting, a rich woman worth hundreds of millions, who ranks in the top ten on the Jinghai rich list. With her own worth, she is probably not as much as Chen Shuting.

Xu Jiang turned his head to look at the manager, seeing that his head was lowered, he immediately felt bad.

Sure enough, Qi Tongli said: "You Buckinghams are really rich! Every guest will be given a suitcase of cash, all in hundred-dollar bills, and each suitcase has 50 yuan. Boss Xu, you have so much money. Isn’t it good to do charity?”

Xu Jiang smiled embarrassingly: "Captain Qi really knows how to joke, if I do this, won't it corrupt the cadres?"I am a law-abiding businessman and I would never do such a thing. '

Qi Tongli nodded, and pointed to the camera in the room: "I hope you are not such a person. You have money, beauty and a camera, and you come out with three tricks in succession. Many people have suffered, right?"

Brother Xu Jiang's face changed drastically, and Qi Tongli continued, "You don't think it's a decoration, and it's not turned on, do you?"

Before Xu Jiang could speak, Qi Tongli continued: "You said, I don't want your money and beauty. Will the procuratorate receive an edited videotape saying that the three of us forcibly extorted bribes? I looked at the position, and it happened to be Part of it can be filmed, but not all. Anyway, there is no sound on the video tape, so just make up a sentence, right?"

Buckingham's experience made him tremble with fright. He took a peek at Qi Tongli, only to find that the latter was looking at him with a smile. The manager was terrified, and hurriedly lowered his head, wishing he could hang his head into his chest.

Xu Jiang couldn't help giving Qi Tongli a thumbs up in his heart, his little trick was as ridiculous as a child playing house in front of him.

So he quickly put aside the relationship: "Qi team, you are joking, this is all the people below make their own decisions, it has nothing to do with me."

Buckingham's manager hurriedly said: "Qi team, I did all of this myself, and it has nothing to do with Boss Xu."

Qi Tongli nodded lightly: "Okay, let's forget it this time, I won't take you back to the police station, but this time is not an example."

After speaking, Qi Tongli turned his head to Xu Jiang and said, "See what my colleague is holding?"

Xu Jiang suddenly felt bad, so he asked cautiously, "Is that a camera?"

Qi Tongli shook his head regretfully: "At this time, the law enforcement instrument is the new equipment of our Jinghai Police Force. After all, we policemen must enforce the law in a civilized manner, right? can come in handy,"

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Xu Jiang's face turned pale, and he thought that he must be transferred by the leader, otherwise he would be unable to move an inch in Jinghai in the future.

Qi Tongli looked at Xu Jiang with disappointment: "I thought Boss Xu must have a deep-seated heart when he opened such a big club, but now it seems..."

Qi Tongli shook his head, picked up his handbag, and walked out of Buckingham with An Xin and Ideal.Before Xu Jiang could recover, the three of Qi Tongli had already walked away.

An Xin put away the law enforcement instrument, and said rather puzzled: "Captain Qi, just because of Xu Jiang's bribery, we have a reason to arrest him, why did he leave?"

Qi Tongli frowned and walked unhurriedly while replying: "Do you have evidence to prove that Xu Jiang bribed? The law enforcement instrument only records Buckingham's manager. Xu Jiang can push him away. Can you have any evidence?" What way? In the future, don't say such idiot words."

As a policeman, Qi Tongli didn't think highly of An Xin. It had nothing to do with the quality of the person, but mainly because of his professionalism. As far as An Xin's level was concerned, Li Xiang was much better than him.In Qi Tongli's eyes, the current An Xin is as naive as a child, shouting and killing every now and then, only yelling incompetently, with no effect at all.

Just when Qi Tongli was about to walk out of Buckingham, Xu Jiang chased him out with a few younger brothers.

"Qi team, wait."

Qi Tongli turned around and asked, "Boss Xu, what else do you need?"

"No, Team Qi, did you forget something?" Xu Jiang said with sweat profusely.

Qi Tongli smiled: "By the way, I have a few questions I want to ask this time, and I would like to ask Boss Xu to cooperate."

"Huang Cuicui is your hostess here, right?"

Xu Jiang was startled and his face changed drastically, but he quickly recovered, and then asked the subordinates behind him, "Does any of you know Huang Cuicui?"

A dozen younger brothers shook their heads in unison.

Xu Jiang said with a smile on his face: "Qi team, we fully cooperate, but we don't know this person."

Qi Tongli continued to ask: "You know that crazy donkey, right?"

Xu Jiang's heart skipped a beat, then he recovered and asked the little brother behind him like before: "Do any of you know the mad donkey?"

The younger brothers shook their heads in unison.

"Captain Qi, look how cooperative we are." Xu Jiang said with a smile on his face.

"There is one last question." Qi Tongli said with a smile: "You should know Bai Jiangbo, have you seen him recently?"

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