The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 486 Meng Yu's Distress

Chapter 486 Meng Yu's Distress

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Xu Jiang's heart was shocked, and the smile on his face could not be maintained. After all, Bai Jiangbo was buried alive by him. Did someone find his body?It shouldn't be!
Or did someone report it?Who reported it, Bai Jiangbo's wife?Thoughts in Xu Jiang's mind turned quickly, but the reaction was not slow at all, and he pretended to be surprised and said:
"Acquaintance means acquaintance, but I'm not familiar with him. Could it be that something happened to him?" After speaking, he shouted to the younger brother behind him: "Have you seen Boss Bai recently?"

The boys still shook their heads together, as if they couldn't do anything other than shaking their heads and nodding their heads.

Xu Jiang said with a full face of regret: "Qi team, you have also seen that we are very cooperative, but we have never met the people you mentioned."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation, see you later." Qi Tongli nodded and said, and left directly with the angry An Xin and Ideal.

Xu Jiang looked at the back of Qi Tongli and the three leaving, his face suddenly became a little gloomy, and he hurried back to the office. He knew that if Qi Tongli intervened, this matter would be troublesome, and he would have to get involved if it didn't go well.

the other side.

As soon as the three of Qi Tongli got back into the car, An Xin couldn't help but asked, "Captain Qi, Xu Jiang is so uncooperative, so we can't do anything about him?"

"Isn't he very cooperative?" Qi Tongli said while driving the car.

"Captain Qi, have you been lied to by Xu Jiang? How did this guy cooperate?" An Xin asked a little incomprehensibly.

As Qi Tongli drove through the car, you explained to the two of them: "Look, Xu Jiang's manager directly showed the methods they use to corrupt cadres—money and beauties. Let's record all of these, right?"

An Xin nodded: "It's recorded."

Qi Tongli ordered casually: "Copy a few copies after you go back, maybe you will use it later."

An Xin nodded, and Li Xiang couldn't help asking again: "But the three questions we asked Xu Jiang just now, he has been perfunctory?"

Qi Tongli said without turning his head: "Who said he was being perfunctory, didn't you notice his expression? His micro-expression shows that he has been talking ironically."

An Xin and Ideal looked at each other with a slight expression?What it is?Neither of them knew about it, so they turned to Qi Tongli and asked, "Captain Qi, what are micro-expressions?"

Qi Tongli explained: "Micro-expression is the subconscious response of human beings to stimuli. This kind of reaction is not controlled at all. It exists for a relatively short time. How short is it? It is only about 25/1th of a second. In this After that, it may be covered up by other expressions of people. Therefore, to learn to observe micro-expressions, you have to work hard."

After hearing this, Li Xiang asked in doubt: "Qi team, is this true or not?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "We have an ancient saying - go out to see the sky, enter the door to see the face, and the micro-expression is the most instinctive face. To mention the simplest example, when people really smile, the corners of the mouth will turn up , there will be obvious wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, but when a person fakes a smile, it's completely different."

"That's really the case." An Xin and Ideal said in unison.

Qi Tongli said again: "In comparison, the pupils of people's eyes, when they encounter things they like, the pupils will dilate, and when they see things they hate or fear, the pupils will shrink."

An Xin and Ideal looked at each other, and then said: "Qi team, this micro-expression is so amazing, you have to teach us."

"I can teach you about micro-expressions, but before that, I want to warn you two."

An Xin and Ideal's attitudes are quite correct: "Brother Li, please tell me."

"Micro-expressions are easy to use, but there is another limitation. You can't see the micro-expressions of people with stiff facial expressions, but you can still see the basic movements."

Li Xiang said disapprovingly: "There is no such thing as a panacea in the world. Although micro-expressions have such limitations, they are quite useful as an aid. We will definitely learn with our hearts."

While driving the car intently, Qi Tongwei replied: "If you two want to learn, I will teach you, and I will write a book for you two to read later."

An Xin thought for a while and asked, "Qi Team, is there any scientific basis for our micro-expression? I'm afraid I won't have anything to say when Master asks me later."

Qi Tongli replied: "This micro-expression authentication has a theoretical basis - management science, behavior science, and criminal psychology are all its theoretical basis."

An Xin and Li Xiang's heads got dizzy, they didn't expect that a single micro-expression would reveal so much knowledge.I don't know whether to learn well or not, and whether I can learn it by myself.

After a while, An Xin asked curiously: "Qi team, when did we equip this law enforcement device? Could it be during my undercover period?"

Li Xiang shook his head and said, "It's also the first time I've seen this thing? I haven't heard that our police force is equipped with law enforcement devices."

Qi Tongli said: "Our police force is doing its best to investigate Case 127. I am basically responsible for other criminal cases, but we have internal regulations. Normally, there must be more than two police officers. What should I do? There are law enforcement instruments. Will it be better now?"

"Captain Qi, there's no need to be so cautious, right?" An Xin clicked his tongue.

Qi Tongli said seriously: "Criminals are far more cunning and treacherous than we imagined. Huang Cuicui's case is just the tip of the iceberg in Jinghai's criminal cases. Aren't you vigilant about what happened just now?"

An Xin and Li Xiang's expressions changed drastically in an instant, and they were both covered in cold sweat from fright. That's right, just now, Manager Buckingham's offensive of money and beautiful women. Once you give it away, even if you have eight mouths, you can't tell.

"Qi team, this law enforcement device is really a good thing. I will definitely recommend it to Meng Bureau and Security Bureau in the future." An Xin hugged the law enforcement device like a guarantee baby.

Qi Tongli burst out laughing: "An Xin, do you know how much this little thing costs?"

An Xin shook his head, and Qi Tongli laughed even louder: "This little thing cost me 5000 yuan, but how many policemen do we have in Jinghai? How many [-] yuan is needed, have you thought about it?"

An Xin was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that such a small thing would cost 5000 yuan. You know, his monthly salary is only a few hundred yuan. Even if he doesn't eat or drink, it will take more than half a year to afford it. As for the reimbursement from the bureau, it is even more impossible. After all, the bureau has a considerable amount of funds every year, and it is impossible to spend such a large sum of money to equip each police officer with such a thing.


As soon as the three returned to the police station, An Changlin came to find them.

"How is your investigation going?" An Changlin asked with a straight face.

"An Xin, show the Security Bureau our delivery." Qi Tongwei pointed to the law enforcement instrument in An Xin's hand.

When An Xin heard this, he immediately took out the law enforcement device and tuned out the law enforcement video.

An Changlin's pupils shrank after reading it: "Is this a method used by Xu Jiang to corrupt our comrades?"

Seeing that several people did not speak, An Changlin slapped the table hard with his hand: "You are the police, why don't you bring him back?"

An Xin and Ideal glanced at each other without saying a word. Qi Tongli smiled and said, "Anju, I'm going to bring him back and you're going to scold me again. You know—you can only catch big fish by putting a long line."

An Changlin pointed at Qi Tongli with a smile: "It's just you who have a lot of ideas." After speaking, he continued: "How about the results of the investigation? Did you find anything?"

Qi Tongli said seriously: "I'm basically sure that Xu Jiang should be the owner of the crazy donkey, and through this investigation, I also learned something from Xu Jiang's expression."

An Changlin waved his hand: "Speak quickly."

Qi Tongli said slowly: "Huang Cuicui is Buckingham's hostess. She should have been killed by Xu Jiang, and the boss of Crazy Donkey is also Xu Jiang. Bai Jiangbo is dead, so Xu Jiang should have killed her too."

An Changlin suddenly said to An Xin who was on the side: "An Xin, call me the last question. It's the part where Tong Li asked Xu Jiang three questions."

An Xin quickly tuned out the video.

An Changlin folded his hands and looked at it carefully. After reading it, he suddenly said: "Xu Jiang is lying. You see, he speaks very fast. It seems that he has rehearsed the question of money many times. But when it came to the third question, he leaked the tell."

"Uncle An, did your grandfather learn micro-expression identification?" An Xin asked in surprise.

An Changlin's expression was slightly startled, and he looked at Qi Tongli with a very different look: "Did you pass the summarized micro-expressions to these two boys?"

Qi Tongli shook his head: "No, but I plan to pass it on to them, and I will write a textbook when I have time."

Hearing this, An Changlin was very happy: "Okay, when the textbook is written, I will send it to the ministry in person."

Qi Tongli smiled slightly: "Let's talk about it after the textbook is written. It's still important to handle the case now."

An Changlin pointed to Qi Tongli's team, An Xin and Li Xiang, and said, "Tongli, you two have a good relationship with you two, and you are your seniors, you two must learn from him."

The two quickly expressed their opinions: "Anju, don't worry, we will definitely study hard."

An Changlin glanced at the three of them with satisfaction, and then asked, "Then what direction do you go next?"

Qi Tongli spread his hands together: "Case 127 is dominated by the Cao team, and our second team is to cooperate."

An Changlin glared at him: "To be honest, you are the captain of the second detachment, comrades have no complaints, right?"

Qi Tongli said seriously: "No, everyone knows that the 127 case is a matter of life and death, and we must not slack off. We are all working hard to handle this case well."

An Changlin nodded: "If the comrades have any opinions, you have to enlighten them." After speaking, he said to An Xin and the two: "You two go back and have a good rest, and you will continue to investigate tomorrow."

The two saluted and left, they knew that it would be inconvenient for them to hear the next words.

An Changlin looked at Qi Tongli: "You made many suggestions, such as the police force equipped with law enforcement equipment, and the books you wrote... You won't complain that I didn't report it?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "You two teachers don't care, and I don't care."

"Tongli, I know you have good intentions, you want me and your master to be promoted more safely, but this..."

Qi Tongli said with a serious expression: "Anju, I know you are high-spirited and upright, and you don't want to use these methods to increase your achievements. But I agree with the sentence you often say - if you want to uphold justice, you must wear this police suit." Clothes."

"Why did we release the group of big fish that we caught in the net two nights ago? Isn't it because we don't have enough rights? What can I do?"

"Xu Jiang has now shown his flaws. He has been in the capital for more than ten years. If there is no backer behind him, I really don't believe it. And let me tell you something, I researched Xu Jiang's family history, and I made an amazing discovery , He solved many employment indicators in the reform of state-owned enterprises back then. And the person who was in charge of the reform of state-owned enterprises at the time, you must not think of who he is."

An Changlin narrowed his eyes and asked seriously, "Who is it?"

Qi Tongli got up and came to An Changlin's desk, dipped his hands in the tea and wrote three words - [Zhao Lidong].


When Qi Tongli returned to Taoism, he was surprised to find that Chen Jinmo was cooking, Fatty and Huang Yao were playing Lego, and Chen Shuting was talking and laughing with Meng Yu.

When he entered, the two children rushed over together. Qi Tongli smiled and picked them up and walked around before putting them down.Then he said to Chen Shuting, who was sitting on the sofa beside him, "Honey, isn't Lao Mo the driver? Why do you even have to work as a part-time cook? You have to give Lao Mo a raise."

Hearing this, Chen Jinmo quickly explained: "Brother Li, my sister-in-law is already doing well with me, isn't it because Yaoyao wants to play with Eggy, I just cook here by the way."

At this time, Chen Shuting said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lao Mo's salary has risen to five thousand, and his craftsmanship is worth the price."

"Sister-in-law, my previous salary was quite a lot, so you really don't need to raise it for me." Chen Jinmo said awkwardly while holding a plate.

"Old Mo, you can just take what your sister-in-law gave you. If you feel uncomfortable, then use more snacks when doing things." Qi Tongli said while taking the plate from Lao Mo's hand.

Chen Jinmo waved his hand quickly: "But, this is too much, isn't it?"

Qi Tongli ignored him and put the plate on the dining table, and Meng Yu could be seen lying on the table with his hands dragging his chin, looking a little decadent.

So he asked, "What's the matter, girl?"

"Don't call me girl, I'm going to practice now."

Qi Tongli looked at Meng Yu disdainfully: "Look at your figure, and then look at your temperament. Compared with your sister-in-law, what are you not a girl?"

Meng Yu put on his teeth and claws for a long time and was immediately discouraged. There is really no way to refute these words.So she said coquettishly to Chen Shuting: "Sister-in-law, brother Li is bullying me."

"You really are, Meng Yu is not happy at all, why are you bullying her?" Chen Shuting said angrily to Qi Tongli.

"No, you, the eldest lady of the bureau chief's family, can still encounter sad things? Who is so open-eyed and dares to provoke you?" Qi Tongli asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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