The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 487 Frozen Fish God of War Gao Qisheng

Chapter 487 Frozen Fish God of War Gao Qisheng

Meng Yu said with a distressed face: "You should know the situation of our family. I'm going to the Imperial Capital for an internship soon, right? So I want An Xin to go to the Imperial Capital with me to develop. But I know this is impossible "Being a policeman is An Xin's dream, now that his dream has come true, how could he give up."

Meng Yu said with a mournful face, "I really don't want to repeat my mother's life."

Qi Tongli was dumbfounded, he looked at Meng Yu amusedly: "Are you sad because of this little thing?"

Meng Yu became angry: "Brother Li, this is a major event in my life, how do you put it so easily."

Qi Tongli said seriously: "To be honest, you and An Xin, your two personalities are not suitable. An Xin is a very decent person, no matter what you say about the things he believes, he will not change them. You are with him Together, you can only accommodate him, think about it, can you do it? If you can't, even if you really marry him, the two of you will not be happy."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Meng Yu fell into deep thought for a short while. Brother Li was right. An Xin did have such a personality, and she would not be patient enough to accommodate others.In this case, the two of them are really not suitable for being together.

Qi Tongli didn't mean to break up the two of them on purpose. The two of them are really not suitable. With An Xin's character, he is always self-centered and doesn't consider other people's feelings. Otherwise, he would not choose to be with Meng Yu in the TV series. Separated and let Meng Yu marry someone else.

Moreover, An Xin's personality is indeed flawed. He keeps everything in his heart, which makes people a little unpredictable. Even a couple will not speak out what's on his mind.

Chen Shuting on the side looked at Qi Tongli strangely, wondering why Qi Tongli said such a thing today, isn't this trying to persuade them to break up?
And Qi Tongli has his reasons for saying this. After all, Meng Dehai is his master, and Meng Yu also calls him brother. He doesn't want Meng Yu to follow the old path in TV dramas.Fortunately, she and An Xin only have a crush on each other now, and have not become boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Hey, I don't want to think about it so much. Let's talk about my mother. She doesn't know what's going on recently. She's always in a bad mood." Meng Yu hasn't made up her mind about An Xin yet, and her mind is a little messed up, so she quickly changed the subject. road.

Qi Tongli reminded: "Actually, Aunt Cui doesn't want you to go away. This is also the reason why she is in a bad mood. After all, your father is often away from home, and you have to leave again. From now on, Aunt Cui will be the only one left in the family. I don't have any friends to talk to, can she be in a good mood?"

Meng Yu sighed deeply: "Brother Li, I understand, I will carefully consider my future life plan."

Chen Shuting asked curiously, "Meng Yu, why do you want to be a reporter?"

Meng Yu smiled wryly and said, "Do you believe me when I say it's because of the influence of my family? My father is a policeman, and he wants to fight crime and uphold justice. I'm a girl. If I'm a policeman, I must be a civil servant. Since I can't be a policeman, I have to Now I am a reporter. Journalists can also report injustice and uphold justice. I just didn’t expect my mother to be so resistant to the profession I chose.”

Meng Yu was in a low mood, Chen Shuting opened his arms, Meng Yu immediately hugged her, and buried her head deeply, only then did he feel a little bit of comfort.

Qi Tongli asked Chen Shuting from the side: "Honey, don't you want to hire a tutor for Dan Danyao and Yao? Haven't you hired yet?"

Chen Shuting sighed and said, "Don't mention it, it's the school period, good teachers are full of their own courses, how can I have time to do this!"

Meng Yu hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, I, I can do it. Anyway, I'm a college student, so I can enlighten Dandan and Yaoyao."

Chen Shuting gave her an angry look: "Stop it quickly, let's talk about it after you have finished your career plan."

Meng Yu pouted and said, "Sister-in-law, you trust me, I can do it."

"I'm not doubting that you don't have this ability. First of all, you have to think about your own affairs clearly. Let's talk about this after you finish your own affairs. Otherwise, how dare I go to your house to see Aunt Cui." Chen Shuting explained.

"If my mother knows that I'm not going to the imperial capital, I don't know how happy she is." Meng Yu said dissatisfied.

"Honey, in fact Yaoyao and Dandan's enlightenment doesn't necessarily require a teacher! College students with good grades are also fine."

Meng Yuxi smiled and said, "Brother Li is right, I can do it."

Qi Tongli glanced at her but said: "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those college students with good grades. It costs a few dollars to hire them as tutors, but they can get good services and at the same time give them a work-study opportunity." .”

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Chen Shuting immediately clapped his hands and said, "That's a good idea."

Meng Yu swept away her frustrated expression and said, "Brother Li, sister-in-law, let me introduce someone to you. It's me, a school girl, her name is Li Ya, she comes from the countryside. She has good academic performance but her family background is a bit poor, and her character is not good. explain."

Qi Tongli suddenly fell into deep thought, and it took him a long time to say: "Meng Yu, you don't know what to do, maybe I can give you a direction."

Meng Yu said in amazement: "Brother Li, do you have any good suggestions?"

Qi Tongli asked back: "Have you thought about what kind of job you want to do?"

Meng Yu seemed a little confused: "I just want to do a meaningful job like my father. But I haven't figured out what to do."

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "That job in society is meaningless? Farmers farm the land, workers work, and each perform their own duties. This constitutes our beautiful society."

Meng Yu said angrily: "Brother Li, your tone is too high, I just want to do something that can help others."

Qi Tongli gave a thumbs up and said, "I am aware, I happen to have a project here, which will definitely satisfy your ideal."

Meng Yu hurriedly said, "What are you doing?"

Qi Tongli said, "Tutor."

"A training institution?" Meng Yu asked a little disappointed.

Qi Tongli shook his head: "Yes, but no, what we want to do is a platform, an online platform that can communicate with parents and tutors."

Qi Tongli further explained: "Didn't you just say that you want to recommend Dandan and Yaoyao as a school girl? Didn't you say that she comes from a rural family and is not very good?"

Meng Yu nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

"Then, we can launch a platform that allows some impoverished college students to use their spare time to do odd jobs for work-study programs. This platform will not require them to do things that they cannot do. What they have to do is very simple. Students in other grades who want to improve their academic performance are tutors. For the college entrance examination, who knows better than the top students who have just passed the college entrance examination?"

After hearing Qi Tongli finish speaking, Meng Yu's eyes lit up.

Qi Tongli said again: "The college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge for thousands of troops and horses, and a person's fate can be determined by a single point difference. No one wants to admit defeat for such an important opportunity to choose one's destiny. Naturally, families with conditions want to let their own. Children get a higher score in the test."

Meng Yu immediately objected: "But how do we promote this platform?"

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "This is up to you. You need to discuss it from school to school, especially to verify the authenticity of the results. For example, Yaoyao from the old Mo family is in her third year of high school and is about to take the college entrance examination. Then, What kind of tutor does she need? It must be Xueba. But how to prove the identity of Xueba? There are only various academic records and various awards, and you need to personally verify the authenticity of the information."

Meng Yu said with some distress: "But Brother Li, the workload will be too much in this way, and I will definitely not be able to do it by myself."

Qi Tongli shook his head and said: "Now is the computer age, and all college students can upload their own materials, and what you have to do is to ensure the authenticity of these materials. College students' tutoring is positive for both society and their universities. In terms of significance, you can even ask the school where the student is studying to do this."

Meng Yu was a little confused: "How else can I ask other schools to do things? What can other school leaders do?"

"Why can't we do it? What we do is also good for their school. As a reporter, why don't you have any news acumen." Qi Tongli said a little speechlessly.

Meng Yu suddenly realized, but a new problem appeared again, so he asked: "But once the stall is spread out, how can I ensure that the students can get the money smoothly?"

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. We can develop a payment system on the platform and link it with the bank. Parents only need to deposit the money in the designated bank to make online remittances."

Meng Yu's eyes were straightened when he heard this: "Brother Li, it must be very complicated to design this set of things? And it will cost a lot of money to maintain this platform in the future, but how do we make money? Can't we get a commission?"

Qi Tongli explained: "There is no need to take a commission at all. We only need to store the money on our platform for seven days, and what we earn is the interest generated during these seven days."

At this time, Chen Shuting, who was watching the excitement, said: "My old man, I will register a company tomorrow. I will contribute 1 million yuan to account for 90.00% of the shares, and Meng Yu will account for [-]%. With such a large market, I believe we can definitely do it." got up."

Meng Yu was dumbfounded, this is 1000 million, and [-]% of the shares is [-] million. She never thought that one day she would become a little rich woman with a level of tens of millions.

It's just that I was a little worried about whether Chen Shuting's [-] million funds would be in vain, so she asked nervously: "Sister-in-law, why don't we invest less. After all, investing so much money, what if it is in vain? Time sells me and I can't get it back!"

Chen Shuting laughed and said: "Why can't I earn it back? Just think about it. Take Jinghai as an example. Parents in Jinghai must spend millions of dollars a year on tutoring, right? There are more than 600 such prefecture-level cities in the country, how much transaction volume is this? And this is not a one-time fee, it is a long-term profit, which is getting higher every year."

Meng Yu was stunned, and asked stupidly: "Can you make money so easily?"

Chen Shuting and Qi Tongli looked at each other.Then he raised his head and laughed.

Chen Jinmo, who was listening on the sidelines, was convinced. He only now knows how rich Chen Shuting is. Good guy, just opening his mouth is an investment of [-] million yuan, and he doesn't even blink his eyes.


After the meal, Meng Yu was sent home by Chen Jinmo in a daze. When she entered the door, she was surprised to find that An Changlin was actually a guest at home.

"You girl, where did you go at night?" Aunt Cui, Meng Dehai's wife, asked.

"Where did I go, my sister-in-law?"

Aunt Cui was relieved now, she was afraid that Meng Yu would go out and get in touch with some dubious people.

After entering the room, Meng Yu sat down on the sofa and said, "Mom, I'm not going to the imperial capital anymore. I've decided to stay and work in Jinghai."

Aunt Cui asked in surprise, "Really?"

She didn't want Meng Yu to be too far away from her. After all, Meng Dehai was often busy with work, and she was the only one at home, and she didn't even have anyone to talk to.

"What's going on? Didn't you decide to go to the imperial capital for an internship? Why did you change your mind?" Meng Dehai, who was drinking with An Changlin, was surprised.

Meng Yu said solemnly: "I've made up my mind, I want to start a business with my sister-in-law."

"Start a business? What are you doing?" An Changlin also asked curiously. He had heard that Chen Shuting was good at stocks, but he hadn't heard that Chen Shuting wanted to start a business.

"Brother Li found the project for us. My sister-in-law is short of manpower, so she wanted to recruit me into the team. I thought it was good, so I agreed." Meng Yu said while lying on the sofa, drinking water.

Meng Dehai smiled and said: "Tong Li is always calm, since it is the project he is looking for, it must be right."

Aunt Cui happily went up and took Meng Yu's hand: "Go, go to the room and talk to me carefully."

Meng Yu happily entered the room with Aunt Cui. After they left, Meng Dehai and An Changlin glanced at each other, both of them looked gloomy.

Meng Dehai asked, "Did you check the question that Tongli said last time?"

An Changlin said with a straight face: "Xu Jiang's backstage should be him, and now it's a bit tricky."

Meng Dehai remained silent. It wasn't a question of whether it was hot or not, but whether he could resist his counterattack. After a long time, Meng Dehai said: "Tomorrow, you can find a time to talk to Tong Li. You can investigate, but you can't scare the snake away. .We have to pin him to death, or else..."

An Chang Lin Xin nodded understandingly.


At the entrance of Qiangsheng Xiaolingtong shop, Tang Xiaolong's throat surged, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at Gao Qisheng, who was wearing glasses and looked gentle, rather strangely.

"Xiao Sheng, do we really want to prevent fire? If your brother knows about this..." Tang Xiaolong held up the torch and said with some hesitation.

"Otherwise, my brother would never let me join in." Gao Qisheng looked at Tang Xiaolong seriously: "Brother Xiaolong, you also want me to help you rescue Brother Xiaohu, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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