The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 491 Understanding the Case

Chapter 491 Understanding the Case
Meng Dehai said with a somewhat complicated expression: "You don't need to ask for help, as long as you coordinate the relationship well."

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Yan Guohua's heart: "What do you mean by that?"

"This case happened in Miaogao Township, Jiangyan City, Binhai Province." Meng Dehai said with a serious expression.

Yan Guohua immediately said: "Fax the case to me."

He never thought that the case that Qi Tongli wanted to investigate happened in his own province.Yan Guohua suddenly felt that the matter was overwhelmed.Originally, there was a Wu City in Binhai Province, which was a headache, but who would have thought that there would be another Jiangyan City.

Yan Guohua carefully studied the case brought by Meng Dehai. The matter seemed very simple. A college graduate who went to Miaogao Township to support education was falsely accused of committing suicide by a strong student.Qi Tongli just wanted to reverse the case for him.

But Captain Yan is an old criminal policeman, and he immediately noticed something was wrong. Why was this supporting teacher named Hou Pinggui framed as a strong criminal?

Who is the student who is strong by him?Who moved Hou Pinggui's body? Eyewitnesses clearly said that Hou Pinggui died in the school dormitory, so why was his body thrown into the water again.What happened in the middle?Although it seemed like an ordinary case, Yan Guohua had a hunch that it might be another shocking case.

His face was ugly. After all, every policeman hopes that the world will be peaceful and never call the police, but the reality is different from the ideal. Crimes of this kind happen all over the world every moment.

After thinking for a while, Yan Guohua immediately called Meng Dehai: "Old Meng, please tell Captain Qi, he can handle the case now."

Meng Dehai sighed: "You are so impatient."

Yan Guohua said coldly: "There is no time to delay in eradicating the evil."

"Okay, then I'll send you Qi Tongli's file. But you have to make an agreement. When your case is over, you have to transfer the person back to me."

After Yan Guohua hung up the phone, he turned his attention to the case. When he saw that the informant had sent a letter of complaint to the procuratorate, but nothing came of it, he immediately felt that the case was not small, so he planned to match Qi Tongli with a partner.

Yan Guohua is the person in charge of the Criminal Investigation Corps of Binhai Province, and all the policemen in Binhai Province are his soldiers. It is too easy to deploy a person there.Yan Guohua thought for a while, and thought of someone, so he picked up the phone and called: "Let Ma Liang, Jiangyan City, come and see me."


On the other side, Qi Tongli also received a notice telling him that he can now leave for Binhai Province.Qi Tongli drove to Miaogao Township alone, and when he was halfway there, he received a call from Yan Guohua.

"Comrade Qi Tongli, I am Yan Guohua, welcome to join our criminal investigation team. I have already arranged a comrade to assist you in the investigation of Hou Pinggui's case. His name is Ma Liang. I will send you his phone number later. When you send After the case is over, I will congratulate you..."

Qi Tongli smiled slightly and said, "Leader, I have a feeling that the storm I caused by going this time will definitely not be small."

Yan Guohua said coldly: "You just deal with the case, don't think about other things, remember to call me if you encounter trouble."

"I know the leader, do you have any other instructions?" Qi Tongli said seriously.

Yan Guohua said slowly: "I transferred you from Jinghai to use your experience in handling cases to wipe out the evil forces in Binhai Province."

Qi Tongli said firmly, "I promise to complete the task."

Hanging up the phone, Qi Tongli got in the car again, and when he reached the base of Jiangyan City, he immediately took out his phone and called Ma Liang.After waiting for a while after making the call, a young man who was younger than Qi Tongli came to the car.

"Qi Detachment, I'm Ma Liang, a policeman." The young man smiled and stretched out his hand.

Qi Tongli reached out to shake his hand, and then asked, "Are you offending someone?"

Ma Liang said nonchalantly: "I can't help it, you're young and energetic, and then you were assigned to a grassroots police station. In fact, your life here is pretty good."

Qi Tongli asked: "Have you told your family about this business trip?"

Ma Liang smiled and said: "Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed."

After speaking, the two of them looked at each other and got into the car with a smile. On the way, Qi Tongli introduced the basic case to Ma Liang.

Ma Liang was a little surprised and said: "It's been a year since the case, the body has sparked, and the witnesses don't know where to go. It's not easy to reverse the case."

Qi Tongli asked him, "Do you have any ideas?"

Ma Liang said with a smile: "Qi team, you are trying to test me! If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely choose to investigate the victim Ding Chunmei first."

In the case of Hou Pinggui, it was Ding Chunmei who told the police that Hou Pinggui had strengthened her, and for this reason she took out a pair of underwear with Jing Ye on it.Therefore, the police determined that Hou Pinggui had committed physical violence.

"And then." Qi Tongli continued to ask.

Ma Liang said with a sneer: "This school's action of covering the cover makes people feel wrong. Some people may say that the school wants to cover the cover for the sake of the reputation of their own family. But I don't think so. How can a teacher's personal behavior implicate As for the school, I know the situation in Pingkang County, there is only one high school like this in a township, and the students have no choice at all."

"I suspect that there should be a lot of things happening in this school. Otherwise, the case of Hou Pinggui would not have appeared in vain, so I was busy covering it up."

Qi Tongli nodded slightly and asked again: "By the way, have you seen Team Yan?"

"I have seen."

Only then did Qi Tongli feel relieved: "Remember to give me the police badge later."

"Captain Qi, how do you know that the police badge is with me?" Ma Liang asked in astonishment.

"I used to be a criminal policeman in Jinghai City, the neighboring province. If Team Yan hadn't called me here, I would have gone crazy and come here to investigate the case. I handed in my police badge before I went. If he didn't prepare my documents for me, Doesn't this make me make mistakes?" Qi Tongli said angrily.

"Qi team is really good." Said Ma Liang took out the police badge and handed it to Qi Tongli.

"The Chief of the Organized Crime Investigation Detachment of the Criminal Investigation Corps." Qi Tongli glanced at Ma Liang and asked, "Then what is your position?"

Ma Liang said with a smile: "I am now your soldier."

Qi Tongli laughed: "Okay, let's clean up Pingkang County."

Qi Tongli and Ma Liang came to Pingkang County Middle School. When he saw the school, Qi Tongli's face became gloomy.

"Captain Qi, why did your face change? Did you find anything?" Ma Liang asked suspiciously.

Qi Tongli snorted coldly: In China, if the local economy is not rich, what should be the tallest building? "

Ma Liang said without thinking, "School."

Qi Tongli pointed to the school in front of him: "What about this one?"

The school in front of me is dilapidated and dilapidated, and at least a few decades of history can be seen at a glance.

Ma Liang sighed and said, "I have a feeling that many incredible things must have happened in this school."

The hearts of the police are generally very hard, especially the criminal police. After all, they have seen too much darkness, and they can't be hard-hearted.In the face of cunning criminals, only those with a hard heart can continue to do their jobs.

Qi Tongli glanced at the restaurant next to the school, and said to Ma Liang, "Come on, let's go in and have something to eat."

Ma Liang was originally from Jiangyan City, and he greeted the boss in the local dialect: "Boss, bring us some of your specialty dishes."

The boss glanced at them in surprise: "You are from the city. Life is really good now, and you even went to the countryside to play. But we don't have anything to eat here, only a few stupid chickens raised at home, what do you want?" ?”

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "Just eat what you raise at home, and you can rest assured. The boss can just do it. Don't be afraid that we won't have the money to settle the bill."

The boss said happily: "Okay, you two have some tea first, the food will be ready soon."

Seeing that the two were big customers, the boss hurried to the back kitchen to work.Ma Liang was taken aback: "Qi Captain, how dare you say that this restaurant in Miao Gao Township really dares to kill people."

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "Don't worry, my wife gave me a lot of money when I came out this time."

Ma Hao asked curiously, "How much did my sister-in-law give you?"

Qi Tongli said casually: "The key is that I don't know when the case will be finished, so when I came, your sister-in-law gave you and me 5 yuan directly."

Hearing Qi Tongli's words, Ma Liang was even more surprised. What kind of conditions is this? The price is 5 yuan. You must know that this money is equivalent to his salary for more than three years. save up.

"Captain Qi, what do you do at home?" Ma Liang couldn't help asking.

Qi Tongli sighed: "I don't have money, but your sister-in-law has money, and it was your sister-in-law who opened Dream Tutoring Company."

Ma Liang was stunned and then worshiped: "No wonder you dislike Pingkang Middle School so much."

After all, Dream Company is a tutoring platform, and its service objects are parents and college students, and the most important thing is to realize the realization of educational achievements.

While the two were talking, the boss also finished the meal, and brought it up in a smooth manner, including a white-cut chicken, Don River fish, braised pork, and several cold dishes, and finally served a pass of rice wine.

Qi Tongli looked at the sky, looked at the people passing by, and then said to the boss: "Boss, I don't think you have any other guests here, why don't you come and have a drink together?"

The boss said happily: "Since you say so, I will not be polite."

Ma Liang who was on the side interjected, "Our boss is the most hospitable. For dinner, the more people there are, the better."

The boss was even happier. Qi Tongli looked at the food on the table, and then took out 500 yuan from his pocket: "Boss, is this enough money?"

The boss quickly waved his hand and said: "There are too many, too many, I don't need these."

"If you don't need it, let it go to you. We will count it together next time. Anyway, we will stay here for a few days, and we will eat at your place in the future."

The boss was even happier, and kept pouring wine for the two of them. After a few glasses of wine, Ma Liang asked, "Brother, I think this school is a bit broken. Look at the schools in other places, isn't it bright and beautiful?" Yes, why is your school so dilapidated? Not only is it dilapidated, it also looks gloomy."

The boss looked around and saw that no guests came, so he closed the door, and whispered to the two of them, "Who says it's not, this school, people have died."

Ma Liangdu pretended to be surprised: "Brother, don't scare me when it gets dark."

The boss was also very happy, and started talking more while he was nearby: "You are a puppy, this school has really killed people. Since the beginning of the past few years, a few people will die every time. At the beginning, it was The students were still female students, they all died of pesticides, and last year they died again, but this time it was not the students who died, but the teachers.”

Speaking of this, the boss lowered his voice: "Mr. Hou, who came here to support the teacher, died. They all said that Mr. Hou was a strong student who committed suicide in fear of crime, and drowned himself by diving. Let me see, she is just farting, what a nice person Mr. Hou is." , how could such a thing be done?"

Ma Liang forced a smile: "It's so evil, there must be something dirty in this school, right?"

The boss was also taken aback: "Hey, don't say it's really possible. My restaurant has been in this area for more than ten years, and this kind of thing has never happened before."

Qi Tongli and Ma Liang looked at each other, nodded slightly, and Ma Liang continued to ask: "Brother, think about it, when did this happen?"

The boss nodded, thought for a while and said slowly, "By the way, I remembered that since the Kahn Group set up a textile factory here, people have committed suicide one after another."

Ma Liang felt absurd: "What does this textile factory have to do with student suicides?"

The boss sighed: "It's not about poverty. If you want to go to school, you have to be rich. If you don't have money, how can you go to school? A large part of the female students here are temporary workers in textile factories."


After the two came out of the restaurant and sat in the car, Qi Tongli spoke first, "Tell me, what do you think?"

Ma Liang was a little silent, and he waited for a moment before he said, "No wonder the school is in a hurry to cover it up. This kind of thing happened a long time ago. I can now be sure that Mr. Hou Pinggui must have been wronged. The boss's eyes were very clear when he spoke. , it doesn't look like you're telling a lie."

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "You also have research on micro-expressions?"

"I've been reading a book [Micro-expression Forensics] recently. The content in it is very practical. By the way, Team Qi, the author of this book is also from you, Jinghai, and its name is quite similar to yours." He said. Speaking of which, Ma Liang suddenly felt something was wrong.

Qi Tongli looked at him talking: "Do you think there is a possibility that the author of this book is me?"

Ma Liang's expression froze suddenly, and Qi Tongli reminded: "Using micro-expressions to authenticate is a bit trivial. You have to observe the target's speaking habits to determine his usual speaking habits and movements, and then you can verify the authenticity of his words."

Ma Liang argued: "But I noticed tonight that the owner of the restaurant didn't lie."

Qi Tongli nodded: "You are right, the owner of the restaurant is indeed not lying."

(End of this chapter)

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