The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 492 The Task Force Established

Chapter 492 The Task Force Established

"You mean there is a problem with the Kahn Group?" Ma Liang asked in surprise.

Qi Tongli had a gloomy face: "Isn't it? One identity of Weng Meixiang who committed suicide was a student, but she also had another identity, that is, a temporary worker in a textile factory. In fact, students have never been the first targets of these criminals. The best women workers are, and all the crimes are not in the schools but in the textile mills."

Speaking of which, Qi Tongli took out his mobile phone and called Chen Shuting: "Shuting, are you busy? Help me check the operation status of the Kahn Group in Jiangyan City, Binhai Province. I need its information. The more detailed the better. Okay, I wait for your call."

Ma Liang looked at Qi Tongli in surprise and asked curiously, "Captain Qi, who are you calling?"

"My love." Qi Tongli smiled and said, "If we use the power of the police force to investigate at this time, maybe they will be alerted."

Ma Liang praised sincerely: "Captain Qi, you are still the best."

The two sat in the car and smoked two or three cigarettes when Chen Shuting called.

"Husband, I checked the Kahn Group. It is a well-known company in Jiangyan City. Its business is very complicated, including textiles, construction, and papermaking. However, the company's operating conditions are very abnormal. .”

Chen Shuting said in a cold tone: "The Kahn Group's revenue has always been unable to make ends meet, and the reason for supporting their group expansion is bank loans."

"Aren't bank loans normal?" Ma Liang asked blankly.

Chen Shuting patiently explained: "That's not the case. Bank lending also depends on the company's qualifications. The better the profit, the higher the qualifications, the company can get a loan every month, and it is impossible for a company like the Kahn Group to get a financing loan. And the strange thing is that here, since Sun Chuanfu, the chairman of the Kahn Group, revived the bankrupt paper mill, he has continuously obtained bank loans. No matter how bad his performance is or how high his debts are, he can always get loans. It can be said that the banks in Jiangyan City have jointly promoted the bright shell of the Kahn Group.

Hearing Chen Shuting's words, Ma Liang was tongue-tied and felt cold all over. After a pause, Chen Shuting said again: "The Kahn Group has a big appetite, and they are now seeking to go public."

"Is it still possible to go public with such grades?" Ma Liang lost his voice.

"There are many ways to go public, as long as the report is beautiful." Chen Shuting said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Tongli asked Ma Liang, "What do you think?"

"I just want to know how the Kahn Group can get so many loans!" Ma Liang said through gritted teeth.

Bank loans have always been polarized. For companies that are not short of money, banks will give money to companies that are really short of money. Banks will not give loans to companies that are really short of money, and Kahn Group belongs to such companies.According to their pee nature, they wouldn't even look straight at the Kahn Group.

But the fact is just the opposite. The Kahn Group was milked by such a group of guys. Ma Liang felt that there must be something wrong with it.

Qi Tongli reminded: "Weng Meixiang's notes said that someone threatened her to provide X services to a certain big shot."

Ma Liang was suddenly trembling with anger. He seemed to know why the Kahn Group was able to obtain bank loans one after another.However, it is not clear who these big figures are, everything is based on reasoning, without the slightest evidence.What the police want to handle a case is evidence and nothing else, not to mention that this is to reverse the case of the dead, and it will not work without strong evidence.

Qi Tongli leaned on the seat, closed her eyes slightly and thought quietly, and opened her eyes after a long time: "Let's go back to the Criminal Investigation Corps now and apply to the Corps Yan for setting up a special case team."

Ma Liang was even more astonished: "Why go back to the headquarters? Why don't we go directly to the Pingkang County Police Station?"

Qi Tongli uttered heart-wrenching words: "Let's go to the Pingkang County Police Station now, and Kong Mingyuan will be able to fight against us, and we have no tricks at all."

"Kong Mingyuan?" Ma Liang asked, frowning.

"You have also read the autopsy report of Comrade Chen Ming. It is signed by the forensic doctor Chen Ming and the criminal police captain Kong Mingyuan, and the person who made the final report is also Kong Mingyuan. Don't you understand?" Qi Tongli reminded .

Ma Liang nodded fiercely.

The two came to the Criminal Investigation Corps after a few hours' journey, and Yan Guohua had been waiting in the office long ago: "Comrade Qi Tongli, why did you come back so soon? Is the matter over?"

Ma Liang twitched his lips, and couldn't help looking at Qi Tongli, who said with a serious expression: "I thought it was a simple case of false accusation, but after investigation by Ma Liang and I, we found that this case has become more complicated. Get up. It is no longer a simple criminal case, but a serious criminal case.”

Yan Guohua's face showed no change: "Where's the evidence?"

Qi Tongli handed the file bag to Yan Guohua: "At this time, the original autopsy report of Pingkang County Forensic Doctor Chen Ming made a clear judgment that Hou Guiping died of physical suffocation, not drowning. There is also Pingkang County Criminal Police in this file. Captain Kong Mingyuan’s official seal. However, when the case was judged, Guiping’s cause of death was altered and changed to drowning. Kong Mingyuan knew the autopsy report, why did he alter it? There must be something wrong with this person.”

Yan Guohua was silent for a while and then said: "Any other clues?"

"We visited the school where Hou Guiping was a support teacher and found a problem. There have been several such deaths in this school in recent years. Except for Hou Guiping, all the deaths were girls. Apart from their student status, these girls They all have another identity, that is, they are temporary workers in a local textile factory."

"We found Hou Guiping's ex-girlfriend, Wang Jing, and she told us that Hou Guiping was killed because she wanted to investigate the cause of his student Weng Meixiang's death. Provided X service to a certain important person, and chose to commit suicide because he couldn’t bear the matter.”

"We investigated this textile factory. It belongs to the Kahn Group. The performance of the Kahn Group is very poor but it can always get bank loans. There must be a reasonable explanation behind everything that goes against common sense, so I judge this It's a gang-related case, and there must be a huge umbrella behind this criminal group."

After hearing what Qi Tongli said, Yan Guohua frowned, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Sit down and wait for a while, I will report to the leader."

Qi Tongli and Ma Liang were smoking quietly in the office, and Ma Liang asked worriedly: "Brother Li, do you think the leader can approve it?"

"If you can't make up your mind to catch a kitten, how can you fight a big tiger?" Qi Tongli said something that made him a little unpredictable.

Ma Liang was confused, thinking that if the Kahn Group was a kitten, who would be a big tiger?However, Qi Tongli knew that next door to Jiangyan City, the Zhao family in Wushi City was the real big tiger, and Yan Guohua sent himself here just to deal with the Zhao family.

Qi Tongli was not in a hurry, and Yan Guohua came back more than an hour later: "The Pingkang County investigation team was established, with Comrade Qi Tongli as the team leader. You go to Jiangyan City, and your team members are waiting there."


Qi Tongli and Ma Liang rushed to Jiangyan City non-stop. On the way, Ma Liang asked, "Qi Team, do we have to conduct this investigation secretly?"

Qi Tongliyao shook his head: "No, let's make a big splash this time. Don't forget, we are a task force established by the Provincial Criminal Investigation Corps. We will meet with the local leaders when we go."

Ma Liang frowned and said, "Isn't this scaring the snake?"

"What we need to fight against evil is to be upright. Don't worry, they won't be able to escape." Qi Tongli said flatly.

The two came to the Jiangyan City Public Security Bureau, and the local snake Ma Liang took Qi Tongli to the director's office with ease.

Li Weimin was already waiting for them here, looking at Ma Liang in front of him, Li Weimin said with a face full of relief: "Qi team, Ma Liang is causing you trouble."

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "Comrade Ma Liang's ability to handle cases is still very strong. Director Li, where are the other members of our task force?"

Li Weimin smiled and said, "I've been waiting in the conference room for a long time."

Speaking of which, Li Weimin brought the two of them to the meeting room, and introduced to everyone: "This is Comrade Qi Tongli, the leader of the special case team, and he is the leader of the organized crime investigation branch of the Criminal Investigation Corps. This is Comrade Ma Liang, who is also an organized crime A member of the scouting detachment."

After a pause, Director Li pointed to the old comrade and said: "This is Wang Jian, the deputy chief prosecutor of our Jiangyan City Procuratorate, and this is Wang Qi, the captain of our criminal police team."

The heroic Wang Qi saluted everyone solemnly. She was one of the few female criminal police captains, if Meng Yu saw her.I must die with envy.

"Okay, I won't disturb your work." After speaking, Director Li walked out directly.

After watching Director Li go out, Qi Tongli said: "The members of our task force have arrived, so we will start working next. In Pingkang County, there are evil forces represented by the Kahn Group. What we have to do is Wipe them out, and the umbrellas behind them."

Wang Qi asked curiously: "Captain Qi, where do we start? The case of Hou Guiping?"

Hearing Hou Guiping's name, Wang Jian was shocked, and his expression caught everyone's eyes.Qi Tongli and Ma Liang looked at each other, feeling puzzled.

Soon Qi Tongli recovered his expression and continued: "Although the case of Hou Guiping is a good starting point, it is not enough. We still need to investigate what Hou Guiping reported."

"According to Hou Guiping's girlfriend, when Hou Guiping found evidence of some people, he wrote many reports to the procuratorate and the public security system, but all of them fell to nothing. All we need to do is to find these reports."

"Wang Jian, you are in charge of the Jiangyan City Procuratorate. Wang Qi, you are in charge of the Public Security Bureau. Ma Liang, go and investigate the list of banks that gave you the Kahn Group's mortgage."

Qi Tongli reminded: "We must have a clear understanding. The goal of our task force is to eradicate gangsters and evil. We must not limit ourselves to a certain case. As long as we can uproot the Kahn Group, we will be able to eradicate other and evil groups." The cases related to the Kahn Group have been swept away."

After listening to Qi Tongli, Wang Jian raised his hand first: "Qi team, I have something in my hand that can help."

Wang Jian took out a file from his briefcase: "This is what Hou Guiping sent to the procuratorate."

Several people looked at Wang Jian in surprise. He put a photo and a piece of handwritten paper on the table in front of everyone.

"I think we have found the reason for Hou Guiping's death." Ma Liang and Wang Qi looked at the photo. The date written in the lower right corner of the photo was October 2000, 10. The photo was taken at the Lijing Hotel of.

With a serious face, Qi Tongli pointed to the people in the photo and called out their names one by one: "Kang Mingyuan, Captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Kangping County, Sun Chuanfu, Chairman of Kahn Group, and Hu Yilang, Managing Director of Kahn Group. This person was forced to provide x The girl serving is Ge Li, and the last guy is a big fish, his name is Zeng Xiangdong, and he is the son-in-law of [Qin Dachuan]."

Ma Liang and Wang Qi looked at each other, and then murmured: "It's really a big fish, I know why the Kahn Group was able to get the loan."

Wang Jian said to everyone with a face full of shame: "I received a letter from Hou Guiping, but the other party is too powerful, and I don't have the courage to investigate."

"The previous things are over, and it's up to you to act in the future." After speaking, Qi Tongli pointed to the handwritten paper and continued: "These three names are the list of the victimized girls that Hou Guiping learned. Weng Meixiang has already drank in the school toilet. Pesticide committed suicide, Ge Li is the girl in the photo, we must find her whereabouts as soon as possible and protect her."

Wang Qi asked curiously: "Captain Qi, what about Li Xinran?"

"Don't worry, she's safe." Tong Li said without raising his head: "These three people are the three people Hou Guiping found out, but I never believe that they are all of them. When we arrive in Pingkang County, we must collect enough evidence of."

"Captain Qi, leave this matter to me." Wang Qi volunteered.

Qi Tongli nodded: "I have a task for you, find Ge Li for me."

"Yes." Wang Qi said loudly.

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "Hurry up and get busy."

Wang Jian, Ma Liang, and Wang Qi hurried out.

The task force stayed in Jiangyan City for another three days. Just as they were leaving for Pingkang County, Wang Qi brought a message with a livid face: "Ge Li has been found."

Ma Liang quickly asked: "This is a good thing, why is your face so ugly?"

Wang Qi said with a cold face: "Surely you don't know where I found her?" Before anyone else could ask her, she said directly: "Psychiatric hospital."

Ma Liang immediately shouted angrily: "Ge Li was driven crazy by them?"

"No, she was just locked up there as a mental patient." Wang Qi said with some resentment.

Hearing Wang Qi's words, Ma Liang cursed, only those beasts could do such absurd things, but the news Wang Qi brought was more than that: "I also found that Ge Li has stretch marks on her stomach!"

(End of this chapter)

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