Chapter 509
Qi Tongli smiled: "It seems that this yellow hair is not low in Wang Bin's status. He must be holding something from Wang Bin. There were three people at the scene of the crime. Except for Robin, the things were either in Kong Hui's hands or in Li's hands. Huishou. Ma Liang, these two are entrusted to you."

"Okay." Ma Liang replied cleanly.

Qi Tongli urged: "Tell them about Robin's arrest, and take the forensic report by the way, won't this trouble you?"

Ma Liang made an OK gesture and led the people straight to the interrogation room.

Qi Tongli and Wang Qi asked, "Did the DNA test report come out?"

Wang Qi immediately said: "Come out, Zhang Yutian was the one who went to Robin's house back then, do we need to arrest him now?"

Qi Tongli shook his head: "No, wait first."

Wang Qi asked curiously, "Why?"

Qi Tongli said with some distress: "The current evidence is not enough to incriminate Zhang Yutian."

Wang Qi was puzzled and said: "At Robin's house, Zhang Yutian's fingerprints, DNA and a piece of cow bone were found. These evidences are enough to prove..."

Qi Tongli interrupted her and said, "Besides proving that Zhang Yutian went to Robin's house, what else can I prove? When did Robin's wife and child disappear? Do we have an exact date? Can Zhang Yutian go to Robin's house only to kill people?" ? Can’t you steal things by hand?”

Wang Qi was dumbfounded and said, "It seems to be the reason."

Qi Tongli suddenly asked: "What kind of person do you think Zhang Yutian is? Is it possible that Robin's wife and children are still alive?"

Hearing this, everyone in the room fell silent.

Wang Qi shook her head and said, "Although I really want Luo's forensic doctor's wife and children to be alive, my reason tells me that the hope is very slim. Zhang Yutian should be the one who killed them."

Qi Tongli asked directly, "Where's the corpse?"

Wang Qi was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.

Qi Tongli said coldly: "If you want to hide the two corpses in Jiangyan City, the time period is okay, but after six years, the two corpses are still missing, which is very problematic."

After a moment of silence, Qi Tong politely seemed to think of something and said, "I think of a place."

Wang Qi hurriedly asked, "Where?"

Qi Tongli said indifferently: "The place where Zhang Yutian works."

Wang Qi frowned: "Where Zhang Yutian works, you mean the crematorium?"

Qi Tongli said coldly: "Isn't it? Isn't it easy to stuff two corpses into the cremation furnace? How many murders do you think Zhang Yutian has in his hands?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room was shocked.Even Ma Liang, who had just returned from the interrogation of Li Hui and Kong Hui, was taken aback.

Qi Tongli said with a dark face: "I don't believe that Zhang Yutian has only committed this one case for so many years. He must have other lives in his hands. The crematorium is a natural place to destroy corpses and traces. Don't alarm Zhang Yutian. Find out his social relationship and see if there are any other clues. Director Li, what do you think?"

Li Weimin nodded again and again: "This is the best way to deal with it, just do as you said."

Li Weimin has already convinced Qi Tongli's ability to solve the case. How long has it taken? From the time the case was reported to the present, he has solved the case in less than 24 hours. He really deserves to be a detective!
Li Weimin was very sorry, if only Qi Tongli had stayed with them, it would have deterred many people who wanted to commit crimes!
It's a pity that he will be transferred soon.

Ma Liang also brought back a piece of good news: "Both of them have confessed, and the things they described are still different from what Robin explained. This Li Hui is the lover of Li Yunhong, the last deceased in the snowman case. Li Yunhong was going to see her that night. Li Hui was killed by Robin."

"After Li Yunhong died, his wife didn't care about his death. She just wanted to get back the money that Li Yunhong spent on Li Hui through a lawyer. But Li Hui was unwilling to return the money, so she found her classmate Kong Hui, and through him After getting to know Huang Mao, I want to ask Huang Mao to help settle this matter. Although Huang Mao agreed to help, he wanted Li Hui to follow him. Li Hui was unwilling to struggle and ran out of the car. What happened afterwards Everyone knows."

Qi Tongli said coldly, "Scum."

Ma Liang quite agreed: "It is indeed a scumbag. As for why Wang Bin wanted to find Li Hui, I also know."

Wang Qi quickly asked, "Why?"

Ma Liang sighed and said, "When Kong Hui and Robin carried Huangmao to the car together, he took away one of Huangmao's bags while Robin was not paying attention."

Wang Qi said with disgust on her face, "This Kong Hui is not a good person either."

Ma Liang nodded: "That's right, this kid is honest on the outside, but he's full of tricks on the inside."

Qi Tongli clapped his hands: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go and see the bag that Kong Hui hid, what kind of secret is hidden in it, and let a gang of hooligans go to war."

Wang Qi asked strangely: "Qi team, are you also interested in a gangster's bag?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "Don't forget our profession, maybe there will be some new discoveries."

The three bid farewell to Li Weimin and went straight to Kong Hui's house.


When we arrived at Kong Hui's room, we found the bag easily.

Qi Tongli took it over and took a look. There was no money in it, only a ledger.

Qi Tongli opened the account book and looked, his pupils shrank slightly, and couldn't help but said: "This is a big case!"

Wang Qi and Ma Liang looked at each other and said in unison: "What big case?"

Qi Tongli handed the ledger to the two of them casually.

The two were shocked when they saw it. The first few rows were full of bank cards, and the numbers on them made their scalps tingle.The back is full of ledgers, with the amount of debts written on it, and bright red handprints.

Ma Liang clicked his tongue and said, "I didn't expect that we would catch such a big fish by accident. At this time, Wang Bin released the detailed ledger of usury. No wonder he was so anxious to find Kong Hui."

Wang Qi wondered: "But usury is a civil liability, and it does not come under the control of our criminal police."

Ma Liang smiled: "Team Wang, what you're talking about is general loan lending. Let me tell you this. A company as large as Wang Bin must have their own thugs. to be punished."

Ma Liang said viciously: "I'm sure these guys are all disabled, and they might still be killed."

Qi Tongli smiled: "Didn't the grassroots police station exercise less?"

Ma Liang shrugged his shoulders: "The grassroots police station is not easy to do! In addition to mediating neighborhood disputes and all kinds of trivial matters, petty theft is fine, and those public security incidents, especially those that are illegal but not enough to be punished are the most worrying." People have headaches, and loan disputes are one of them.”

"It would be nice for these people to slow down after borrowing. It is a dream to repay the debt within the specified time. They can only pay high interest. If the interest is not paid, they will be smashed and robbed , Forced buying. Wang Bin has dozens of younger brothers who specialize in doing such things, and what is even more ridiculous is that there are lawyers colluding with them to help them evade the law."

Qi Tongli asked: "Do these guys have a shadow of society?"

Ma Liang nodded: "It almost became a society."

Qi Tongli clapped his hands: "Then let him strangle Germinal to death."

After speaking, Qi Tongli pointed to the bank card:
"This guy is very shrewd. The account books are all other people's bank cards. These bank cards have names and passwords on them. They should be the bank cards of the borrowers who were blackmailed by him."

"As you can imagine, the victim has been depositing money in the bank card under his name. Who would know that the money is not the victim's but Wang Bin's?"

Ma Liang frowned and asked, "Then what should we do?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "What should I do? Let him suffer from being dumb."

Wang Qi asked curiously: "Then what should I do? Burn these cards?"

Qi Tongli turned to Ma Liang and said, "Teach Xiao Wang well, don't let a good seedling be taken away."

Ma Liang laughed.

Wang Qi also knew that she had made a joke.

"Captain Qi, what are you going to do?"

Ma Liang said directly: "It's very easy, just report the loss of these cards."

Wang Qi was dumbfounded, and she asked with a puzzled face: "Report the loss? Can't Wang Bin go to apply for the card again?"

Ma Liang reminded: "None of the cards in this is Lao Huo. Then you said that these cards have to be reported as lost, to whom will the money go back?"

Wang Qi was full of question marks: "Then Wang Bin won't take someone to ask for it again?"

Ma Liang said with a smile: "Even if he asks for it, people will give it to him? I have already signed an IOU for you. If you don't bring the IOU, why should someone sign one? And the amount on it is so huge. , You can simply send Wang Bin to prison."

Wang Qi was confused: "Then why don't we just send Wang Bin to jail?"

Qi Tongli looked at Wang Qi speechlessly: "Believe it or not, even if I put this account book in front of Wang Bin, he would not admit that this account book belongs to him."

Wang Qi was stunned and said, "Why don't you admit it?"

Ma Liang couldn't help but said: "If you admit it, you will go to jail. You think Wang Bin is stupid, dare to admit it is his own thing in front of the police."

Only then did Wang Qi understand.

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "Let's take this back and report the matter to Director Li, and let him decide what to do."


Li Weimin gasped as he looked at the ledger in front of him.

"Wang Bin's usury is so crazy?"

Qi Tongli said honestly: "Looking at the amount in the account book, he must have used illegal means when collecting money, and he might have violated the criminal law, but now there is a problem."

Li Weimin looked at Qi Tongli.

Qi Tongli said directly: "We all know that this account book belongs to Wang Bin, but without evidence, Wang Bin himself would not admit it, even if we return the account book to him, he would not dare to take it."

Li Weimin was very angry. In a short period of time, so many cases occurred in Jiangyan City, including the snowman case, manslaughter case, and usury...Fortunately, Qi Tongli and Ma Liang came, otherwise I would have a headache and die.

Li Weimin asked in a cold voice: "Do you have any good ideas?"

Qi Tongli smiled: "Yes, there is, but it is a little bit damaged."

Li Weimin's heart moved: "Tell me."

Qi Tongli chuckled: "Just report the loss of these bank cards."

Li Weimin's eyes lit up and he laughed immediately: "This is a good idea. It will not only make Wang Bin feel dumb, but also fit our work process, not bad."

Li Weimin looked at Ma Liang meaningfully: "Learn from Captain Qi."


Wang Bin looked at the ledger in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his eyelids twitched for a while, but there was a smile on his face: "Comrade police officers, this is not mine. I am a law-abiding businessman, how could I engage in loan sharking?" .”

Ma Liang smiled evilly: "I found this on the yellow-haired car. Isn't he your little brother? Are you sure it's not yours?"

Wang Bin took his eyes off the ledger with difficulty, and said in a very firm tone, "It's definitely not mine."

Ma Liang sighed pretendingly: "Since it's not yours, we can only report the loss of these bank cards, and wait for the owner to handle it by himself, and leave."

Wang Bin quickly stood up and opened the door respectfully to the two: "Two police officers, please go slowly."

Wang Bin watched Ma Liang and Wang Qi get into the car, his face immediately pulled down, and he hurried back to the room.

"Crack." Blood came out from the corner of Wang Bin's mouth after being beaten, and his face swelled up after a while.

Wang Bin did not dare to move.

With a sullen face, Zhang Xiwen pointed at Wang Bin and cursed:

"How do you do things on horseback? I asked you to take the account book to ask for the account, but you made it like this! The account book is our lifeblood, but you are lucky, it was left on the yellow-haired car, and the police got it. Do you know how much money is in it?"

"I'll give you three days. If you don't give me a new copy of the account book, then you will die."

Wang Bin was sweating profusely. He knew that the boss was really angry. If this matter is not handled well, people will really die.

Zhang Xiwen roared angrily: "Aren't you going to get off the horse?"

Wang Bin covered his face and ran out. He had to quickly summon his younger brother to think about whom he had borrowed and how much money he had borrowed. After all, he couldn't remember all the data clearly. If there was a slight mistake , his own life is gone.

Zhang Xinwen sat down angrily, feeling very cold in her heart. After all, this is not a small sum, tens of millions. Now in the entire Hua Kingdom, how many people are worth tens of millions.

If this account book is gone, he will be unable to sleep every day, and he will die of pain.After all, there is not only his own money in it, but also a lot of money he borrowed from others and the bank.

Zhang Xiwen covered his heart angrily...

Suddenly, the phone rang continuously.Zhang Xinwen quickly picked up the phone, suddenly, he felt dizzy for a while, and the text messages were all information about reporting the loss of bank cards.

When the victim was asked to apply for a bank card, the mobile phone number used was Zhang Xiwen's own. This is actually a very clever trick.Through mobile phone text messages, he can know the repayment situation anytime and anywhere.

But now...he couldn't help cursing his mother.

Seeing the loss of one bank card after another, he wanted to die. After reporting the loss, the party who issued the card could only reissue it, and all the money in the card would be returned.

(End of this chapter)

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