Chapter 510 Case Closing
Zhang Xinwen's heart was bleeding, and suddenly he remembered something.

"That bastard Golden Retriever still owes me money, no, I have to come back quickly. Who should I send? Wang Bin is busy recovering my account books and has no time to do other things, so who should I turn to?"

Zhang Xinwen thought for a long time before thinking of one person——Zhang Yutian.This guy wears ragged clothes all day long, works in a crematorium, is frighteningly cold, and has a sinister air all over his body.

He thought he was brave enough, but he was still a little scared when facing Zhang Yutian.Unless he encountered a difficult problem, he really didn't want to walk with Zhang Yutian.

But now that he had no manpower available, he could only use him, so Zhang Xinwen gritted her teeth and picked up the phone to call Zhang Yutian.

Qi Tongli also received the report at the same time:
"Zhang Yutian moved."

Qi Tongli thought for a while and said, "Don't disturb him, let's see what he is going to do."

As soon as Qi Tongli hung up the phone, Ma Liang came back, followed by a large group of people.

"Zhang Xinwen gave Wang Bin a death order and asked him to restore the account book. This guy was beating someone with more than 20 younger brothers, and we caught him right away."

Qi Tongli sneered: "There are more than 20 people, this already constitutes an organized crime, let's lock them up first."

Ma Liang smiled and walked out.

Li Weimin walked over with a heavy expression, "Tong Li, Robin wants to see you."

Qi Tongli was a little stunned: "He wants to see me?"

Li Weimin threw him a cigarette: "The people in the detention center said that Robin is not in good health and needs dialysis. But even so, his health is still going from bad to worse."

Qi Tongli nodded: "I know, he has at most one year to live."

Li Weimin was slightly lost in thought: "Do you want to meet him?"

Qi Tongli thought for a while: "Okay, I'll go see him then, I want to know what he wants to say to me."

Half an hour later, Qi Tongli drove to the detention center.Although Robin is weak in body, he is in good spirits.

"Qi team, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Qi Tongli said directly: "As long as it does not violate the law and morality, I can help you."

Robin smiled: "After I resigned and went to sea, I still have some savings over the years. I want you to help me deal with it."

Qi Tongli asked directly: "How do you want to deal with it?"

Robin thought for a while: "Do something meaningful to the society. By the way, you can also sell the house for me."

Qi Tongli frowned and said, "Actually, you don't need to find me at all. Your estate will be donated to the Red Cross in your name after your death. You only need to find a lawyer to do justice."

Robin looked at Qi Tongli quietly: "I believe you."


Ma Liang went out in person, and Wang Bin was intimidated at that time. He explained Zhang Xinwen's various criminal activities in one go. Among them, there were three homicide cases and five or six disability cases. They were serious and serious cases.

Li Weimin was startled and angry at the same time. Originally, he was happy to have solved the murder case. Whoever talked about it, under his nose, there was such a big case that they didn't know about.

Involving several human lives is simply outrageous.So a task force was established immediately, Qi Tongli was the team leader, Ma Liang and Wang Qi were the deputy team leaders, and Zhang Xinwen and his gang were arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible.

Qi Tongli immediately assigned the task, and Ma Liang, who has a great deterrent effect among the local gangsters, was in charge of the interrogation.Wang Qi took the members to verify.

After a busy week, the special case team has basically grasped Zhang Xinwen's criminal evidence.

Li Weimin shouted angrily: "Catch Zhang Xinwen and Zhang Yutian back."

People take orders.

Qi Tongli and others came to the door of Zhang Xinwen's financial company, and suddenly saw a very cold guy in a worn-out padded jacket, walking out with a handbag.

The handbag was dead heavy.

Seeing this person, Qi Tongli laughed immediately. Isn't this the Zhang Yutian they were looking for?

So he shouted loudly: "Zhang Yutian."

Zhang Yutian looked up at Qi Tongli, pretending he didn't see it, and then ran out quickly.

Qi Tongli grabbed his hand: "Zhang Yutian. I'm Qi Tongli from the provincial criminal police team. You are under arrest now."

Zhang Yutian was silent, and raised his hand suddenly, and there was a double-barreled shotgun in his hand.

Ma Liang and Wang Qi turned pale with shock, they couldn't help shouting in unison: "Quick, lie down."

But Qi Tongli did not retreat but advanced, and punched Zhang Yutian under the armpit. Zhang Yutian groaned, and the arm was dislocated.But he still didn't say a word, and he was about to smash Qi Tongli with the bag in his hand.

Qi Tongli was indeed one step faster, and punched Zhang Yutian's abdomen so hard that his gallbladder was broken, and he squatted on the ground retching.

Qi Tongli kicked Zhang Yutian far away, and picked up the gun and bag from the ground.

Seeing this, Ma Liang also reacted, and hurried forward, regardless of whether Zhang Yutian's shoulder was dislocated, and directly gave him a pair of handcuffs.

Qi Tongli opened the handbag, and it was full of hundred yuan bills.

Everyone was stunned.

Wang Qi asked curiously, "How much does it cost?"

Qi Tongli weighed it up: "About 120 million."

Wang Qi's eyes were straightened: "Qi team, how do you know?"

Qi Tongli stood up and clapped his hands casually: "I carried it."

Wang Qi clicked her tongue.

Qi Tongli ordered: "Go in and see if Zhang Xinwen is still alive."

Wang Qi was taken aback: "Captain Qi, what do you mean?"

Qi Tongli pointed at Zhang Yutian casually and said, "This guy is carrying a shotgun and more than 100 million yuan. Think about it for yourself, how many things he has to do for Zhang Xinwen to spend so much money on him."

Hearing this, Ma Liang and Wang Qi rushed in.

But at this moment, Zhang Xinwen stared out of the window with eyes wide open, a big hole was punched in his head, and a bullet was shot in his heart.

At this time, I will die with peace!
Qi Tongli came in and checked around.

"This guy was unlucky. He was attacked in the back and was hit hard on the head. He had a concussion at that time, and then the gun was taken from him, which directly gave him such a blow to the heart."

Wang Qi was surprised: "You mean, that shotgun belongs to Zhang Xinwen?"

Qi Tongli said lightly: "Let the forensic doctor examine it, there must be Zhang Xinwen's fingerprints on the gun."

Wang Qi did not doubt his judgment at all. After this period of contact, she already understood Qi Tongli's attainments in forensic identification.

Among the people she knew, no one could compare with Qi Tongli, and Robin who was detained in the detention center could barely compare with him.

Qi Tongli ordered: "Let others do the follow-up work, and the three of us will go back to the police force directly."

In the car, Qi Tongli fixed Zhang Xinwen's shoulders with a click.

"How long have you been working on accounts?"

Zhang Yutian said indifferently: "It has been about seven or eight years."

Qi Tongli asked as usual: "How many times have you killed your employer?"

Zhang Yutian replied directly: "Only once, I have actually been asking Zhang Xinwen to collect the bill, and we have cooperated very well before, but today he actually wanted to blackmail my money and threatened to kill me, so I killed him."

Ma Liang and Wang Qi looked at each other, and could see the surprise in each other's hearts.This Zhang Yutian confessed to the murder, and his calm tone made people frightened.

Qi Tongli asked, "How many people have you killed?"

Zhang Yutian thought for a while and replied: "If you want to pay, you have killed four in total, including Zhang Xinwen and Jin Mao just now."

The hairs on the necks of Ma Liang and Wang Qi were about to stand on end, they didn't expect this guy to be a murderous demon.

Qi Tongli's mood was very calm: "Why did you kill the golden retriever? How did you deal with him?"

Zhang Yutian said truthfully: "I went to Jin Mao to ask for a debt. He said that he didn't have enough money and asked me to give him a three-day grace period. I agreed to him, but who would have thought that he would play tricks on me, so I can get around him. ?”

"I promised Zhang Xinwen to collect the bill. Half of the money will be collected by each person. Then I will do well. If the golden retriever doesn't pay the money, I will kill him and throw him into the stove. I forgot what the other two people were called. Anyway, they are Zhang Xinwen's creditors, and they had two fights with them, and in the end they killed someone and didn't get their money back."

Ma Liang couldn't help but said: "You are really not afraid of anything."

Zhang Yutian said disapprovingly: "It's just an ordinary job, so there's nothing to be afraid of. I stay in the crematorium every day, and I don't think there is anything scary. I am not afraid of them when they are alive, let alone dead people. Anyway, you No matter who it is, it will end up in the furnace."

Qi Tongli asked: "The Robin who saw through your ex-wife and son's fake scene back then, how did you deal with him?"

Zhang Yutian grinned, indescribably cold: "Oh, you said that forensic doctor! I was working as an assistant in a funeral home, and it happened that Robin's car was next to me, and I could have heard everything he said, if not If he talks too much, my son and ex-wife will not die. He caused me to lose my wife and children, so can I forgive him? After two days, I went to his house. Unfortunately, he is not at home, but his wife and children are. So I left him a ox bone, and then took his wife and children to the funeral home, and filled the furnace one by one. He ruined my family, and I ruined his family."

Everyone broke into a cold sweat when they heard this.


Li Weimin stopped Qi Tongli: "Captain Qi, are you leaving just like that?"

Pumpkin Loli was stunned: "The case is solved, and it's none of our business to try them. Why don't I stay?"

Li Weimin hurriedly said: "No, at least you can leave after the celebration banquet?"

Qi Tongli smiled bitterly and said: "No, I only have two days left in this vacation, I have to go back to see my wife and children quickly, it's strange that I haven't seen them for more than half a year."

Li Weimin smiled: "Then you don't have to leave. When Team Yan is coming over, I will give you a big vacation with this old face. You can report after the New Year."

Qi Tongli was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed: "Don't you lie to me?"

Li Weimin stared: "Don't be ignorant of good people. Wait for Team Yan to come and see if this is the case."

Qi Tongli quickly opened Huazi, and quickly put one on Li Weimin: "Ju Li, that's interesting."

Li Weimin sighed: "I really want to keep you, but it's a pity that there are big people above who appreciate your talent."

Qi Tongli curled his lips: "My master wants to keep me more than you, because I have to listen to the organization's arrangements. After becoming a policeman, I have already prepared for this. When I retire, I should rest well."

Li Weimin stretched out his thumb: "Awakened again."

At this time, Yan Guohua's voice sounded: "Of course Qi Tongli has awakened, or is he so proficient in business ability?"

He looked at Qi Tongli: "Good boy, you are hiding so deep, why didn't I know you have such a strong forensic identification ability?"

Qi Tongli shouted injustice: "You are purely slandering, have you forgotten, when I was investigating the Zhao family, what was the first thing I wanted?"

Yan Guohua's eyes straightened: "Does the file count?"

Qi Tongli argued: "Why not? Forensic identification requires eyes like a microscope and sense of touch like a metal detector to find clues in a mess. Practice has proved that my forensic identification is still possible."

Yan Guohua glared at him: "You really impress me, especially the speed of solving the case."

Qi Tongli said truthfully: "The prime time to solve a case is within 72 hours after the murder. Fortunately, I participated in the investigation as soon as the murder happened. The snowman case and the car dumping case are the same. As for Zhang Xinwen's case, It was purely a coincidence. Robin's wife, child, and golden retriever were all confessed by Zhang Yutian himself, and I was just lucky."

Yan Guohua didn't want to listen: "What is better luck? Don't be modest, it will hurt the enthusiasm of comrades."

Qi Tongli was taken aback.

Li Weimin said appropriately: "Not to mention anything else, we have been investigating the snowman case for five years..."

Qi Tongli wisely shut up.

Yan Guohua said with a smile: "You thank Comrade Li Weimin a lot. Originally, your vacation was gone. It was Li Weimin who reported your situation directly to the superior, and then allowed you to go to work after the new year."

Qi Tongli said excitedly, "Really?"

Yan Guohua replied seriously: "Of course it is true!"

Qi Tongli quickly took Li Weimin's hand: "Ju Li, if you need my help in the future, you can just say it, as long as I can help, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Li Weimin laughed and said, "What I'm waiting for is your words."

He knew Qi Tongli's skills, and if any vicious and difficult cases happened in the future, he could go to Qi Tongli for help. He thought very well.

Yan Guohua suddenly said: "Comrade Qi Tongli."

Qi Tongli immediately stood at attention: "Here."

Yan Guohua said word by word: "In view of Comrade Qi Tongli's performance in uncovering the Kahn Group, the Iron Ore Group, the Snowman case, and the car dumping case, I will be rewarded."

Qi Tongli was a little excited.

Yan Guohua stepped forward and tore off the epaulettes on his shoulders, and replaced them with a pair of epaulets with half circles of olive branches on the left and right, and a star epaulet on the outside.

Third class superintendent.

Qi Tongli opened his mouth wide: "Captain Yan, is that right?"

(End of this chapter)

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