Chapter 522 Clues
Zhang Fei's face suddenly turned pale.

Zhang Anmin quickly said: "Tongli, you should tell him what to do, he doesn't have much experience."

Qi Tongli said with a serious expression: "After work tomorrow morning, you can interrogate Lin Shengwen again, and he should be bailed out."

Zhang Fei's expression changed.

Qi Tongli said calmly: "When you get the news that he has been released tomorrow, you must rush into Cai Yongqiang's office angrily, and tell him what you found yesterday."

Zhang Fei understood Qi Tongli's meaning after a little thought.

Qi Tongli sneered and said, "Of course the inner ghost will know about it smoothly. Lin Shengwen is dead, and there is a high probability that he will commit suicide."


When Zhang Fei was at work the next day, Song Yang, Zhang Fei's partner, found him and said in a low voice, "The Lin Shengwen we caught yesterday was released."

Zhang Fei was furious: "We have recordings and evidence, how can we let people go like this?"

Song Yang turned pale with shock: "Don't be foolish!"

Zhang Fei sneered.Holding the bail letter, he knocked on Cai Yongqiang's office.

"Captain Cai, why was Lin Shengwen released?"

Cai Yongqiang explained slowly: "The Tianping Forensic Center has given a judicial appraisal, and Lin Shengwen suffers from mental illness and is not suitable for custody."

Zhang Fei felt that there was something wrong with this appraisal at first glance.

It was late at night when I got home last night.

Even if it was a judicial appraisal for Lin Shengwen, the result could not be obtained so quickly, so this judicial appraisal could not have been done while Lin Shengwen was in custody.

Then there is only one possibility - Lin Shengwen made a forensic appraisal in advance!

The person watching to release Lin Shengwen turned out to be Cai Yongqiang.

Zhang Fei said angrily: "Team Cai, this doesn't conform to the procedure. Song Yang and I completely complied with the procedure when we arrested Lin Shengwen. He said he can supply the goods and is an ice maker. This is evidenced by the recording."

"Operation Thunder Sweep captured so many drug dealers. You didn't release any of them. Why did you release them in Lin Shengwen's sentence? I need an explanation."

His voice grew louder.It directly alarmed everyone in the anti-drug brigade.

Cai Yongqiang pushed his glasses and said slowly: "The judicial appraisal is here. They have produced this report. We can only let him go."

Zhang Fei became more and more annoyed: "No, this matter can't be left as it is. Team Cai, think about it, what kind of forensic identification needs to be done in advance? They didn't show it sooner or later, but it happened when Lin Shengwen was imprisoned by us Take it out? This is clearly a ghost."

Cai Yongqiang was also angry: "Okay, tell me not to let him go. You interrogated him for so long yesterday, but you showed me the evidence of his crime!"

"If you can't produce evidence, get out of here."

The quarrel between the two became louder and louder, and all the anti-drug policemen looked at each other face to face.

Originally, the Thunder Sweeping Operation had achieved great results. Although the anti-drug brigade was busy, it was friendly.After all, grades can cover up everything.

But never thought of rain.Just because of a suspected drug dealer, the two heroes in the anti-drug brigade fell into infighting.

Cai Yongqiang is quite powerful, and the anti-drug brigade has been under his control for these years so that it can run smoothly.

Zhang Fei is even more of a hero. It is said that more than half of the information in the Thunder Sweeping Operation comes from him.The quarrel between the two heroes made everyone tremble with fear.

Cai Yongqiang's voice was louder, and Zhang Fei's voice was even louder: "Do you know why I object to you letting Lin Shengwen go?"

"When I interrogated him last night, I got an important piece of information. I was going to report it to you according to the rules today."

"But I didn't expect you to come so early, and I didn't expect you to let people go early in the morning."

Cai Yongqiang suddenly felt something was wrong, but in the current situation, he couldn't step down.

So he could only yell at Zhang Fei with a tense face: "I want to hear how important the information you said is."

Zhang Fei was furious, and said in a very loud voice: "Listen to me, Lin Shengwen said that among my leaders, there is a guy with a monthly salary of 300 million, and he still has a video in his hand to prove it."

The sound of inhalation rang out at the same time.

Zhang Fei found a place to vent his anger and opened the door.

"What are you looking at, didn't you see me arguing with the leader?"

The police from the anti-drug brigade dispersed, but the shock on everyone's faces was not fake.

Cai Yongqiang asked in a low voice, "300 million monthly salary?"

Zhang Fei became even angrier: "That's right, Lin Shengwen said, the monthly salary of our anti-drug police is only two to three thousand, and the pocket money that people give their lovers casually is twenty to thirty thousand."

"One more thing. He said that the monthly income of the leader of our police force is 300 million. He recorded the video. I was going to report it to you, but it turned out..."

Zhang Feiyue said more and more angrily: "Just watch and do it!"

Zhang Fei slammed the door and went out.

Cai Yongqiang sat down on the chair decadently, complaining endlessly in his heart. He never imagined that Zhang Fei would get angry because of this.

Cai Yongqiang looked back at the bail report and felt as sick as eating a fly.

Don't care if what Lin Shengwen said is true or not, this matter needs to be thoroughly investigated.

The unlucky thing is that Lin Shengwen was released by himself.

Cai Yongqiang was a little speechless, if only Zhang Fei had said it earlier, how could he have made such a big mistake.

The problem is not with Zhang Fei, but with himself.

Cai Yongqiang rubbed the center of his eyebrows vigorously, feeling terrible.

Chen Zili, deputy captain of the anti-narcotics brigade, knocked on the door and walked in.

Cai Yongqiang asked him to sit down.

As soon as Chen Zili sat down, he said, "Captain Cai, is there a new move?"

Cai Yongqiang was stunned: "Why do you ask that?"

Chen Zili said naturally: "I met Zhang Fei and Song Yang in the parking lot and asked them where they were going. They said they were going to investigate Lin Shengwen's mistress. When did our anti-drug team need to investigate the mistress? How come I don't know about the big move?"

Cai Yongqiang's face darkened: "He really takes it seriously!"

Chen Zili asked blankly, "What is it serious?"

Cai Yongqiang recounted what Zhang Fei reported.

Chen Zili was taken aback: "A leader with a monthly salary of 300 million?"

He didn't look right at Cai Yongqiang.

Cai Yongqiang almost died of aggrieved.

"not me."

Chen Zili was silent and did not speak.

Cai Yongqiang felt a sense of powerlessness, and he knew that things were getting worse.At this juncture, letting go of such a big fish, I'm afraid I can't escape my dereliction of duty.

Director Luo and Director Li will definitely be held accountable.

Cai Yongqiang sighed and said, "Lin Shengwu came to me with the forensic appraisal from the Tianping Judicial Appraisal Center and asked me to release him. What can I do? Besides, Zhang Fei didn't go to work at that time, and he didn't report to me. In this matter, I can only release people according to the procedure."

Chen Zili smiled wryly: "The key is that the procedures are wrong. Even if there is an appraisal report from the Tianping Appraisal Center, it must be appraised after he is detained. This report must have been prepared in advance."

Cai Yongqiang said very distressed: "Do you think I don't know? I just didn't expect that Lin Shengwen would spit out such a big bomb."

Chen Zili took a deep breath: "Now I can only hope that Lin Shengwen is talking nonsense. Zhang Fei went to investigate Lin Shengwen's mistress. It's okay if this is fake. If it's true..."

Cai Yongqiang has a big head.

But Chen Zili didn't finish his sentence: "Now there is another problem, we have to report it to Director Li immediately."

Cai Yongqiang nodded with difficulty, he knew what Chen Zili said was true.

No matter how difficult it is, it must be reported, and it must be done quickly.


Li Yunbo's face was covered with frost!
"Cai Yongqiang, how did you do it? The Thunder Sweeping Acupoint Operation has achieved such a great result. Seeing that I can properly give credit to the brothers in the anti-drug brigade. In the end, you, the captain of the anti-drug brigade, lost the chain."

Cai Yongqiang remained silent.

Li Yunbo is in a very good mood recently, and everyone he sees is smiling.The original work was extremely smooth. The criminal investigation team cracked the counterfeit banknote case, and the anti-drug team also launched a thunderous sweep.

There is great news in life, his wife Zhang Min is pregnant.

Before Li Yunbo saw everyone smiling, but now the smiling face is gone.The stern Li Ju's voice seemed to come out through his teeth: "You are an old anti-narcotics policeman, you should know how dangerous our job is, and with such a meager salary every month, you have to find ways to hide it. own family."

"I originally thought that after the successful conclusion of the Thunder Sweeping Point operation, I would have the confidence to ask for rewards from above and increase some benefits for our brothers. But after such a thing happened, how the hell do you want me to face the more than 300 anti-drug police in Dongshan? "

Cai Yongqiang was speechless.

The anti-narcotics police have the highest casualty rate among the major police types in Huaguo. Those drug dealers don't have to die, they really dare to do anything.

What Li Yunbo said was not outrageous, these are facts.

Li Yunbo was so angry that he trembled, he pointed to Cai Yongqiang and said, "You said you..."

Cai Yongqiang was very aggrieved: "The other party took the judicial report issued by the Balance Appraisal Center and asked me to release him. I will follow the procedure..."

Li Yunbo was furious: "How dare you bring up the procedure with me?"

"According to the procedure, shouldn't the appraisal be completed in the detention center? Tell me, what did you think at the time?"

Cai Yongqiang could only tell the truth: "Ji Xiaohong, the person in charge of the Tianping Judicial Appraisal Center, is very powerful, and his methods are even more powerful..."

Li Yunbo was startled: "Ji Xiaohong?"

Cai Yongqiang said in a low voice: "But any appraisal report given by them, even the province dare not refute it."

Li Yunbo stared blankly at Cai Yongqiang, nodded slightly, and finally waved his hand vigorously.

Cai Yongqiang sits on wax, what a shame!
Lin Yunbo calmed down for a while before asking: "What do you think of the situation reported by Zhang Fei?"

Cai Yongqiang was stunned: "How do you know what Zhang Fei reported?"

Since he came here, he only briefly mentioned a few words, without going into details at all.

But Li Yunbo knew it.

Li Yunbo glared at Cai Yongqiang angrily at 88: "You two quarreled, and the whole anti-drug brigade spread the word, and the whole police station knew about it."

Cai Yongqiang's face turned pale in an instant: "Doesn't that mean that the 300 million people also know about this matter?"

Li Yunbo's expression changed: "You mean, you also believe that 300 million really exists?"

Cai Yongqiang said honestly: "I believe, before you were transferred, I felt that Dongshan City was struggling to fight drugs."

"Those drug lords seem to have clairvoyant eyes and ears. Every action we take seems to be under their surveillance, and every time we gain nothing."

Li Yunbo became even angrier: "You believe in an inner ghost, yet you let him go?"

Cai Yongqiang said with a mournful face: "I didn't know that Zhang Fei's interrogation yielded such a big news!"

Cai Yongqiang was telling the truth, if he knew that Zhang Fei had received such great news, no one would be able to mention Lin Shengwen.

Liu Yunchang sighed for a long time, and said in a muffled voice, "You'd better pray that Lin Shengwen is still alive."

Cai Yongqiang was startled: "What do you mean? Someone wants to silence you?"

Li Yunbo also calmed down now: "Aren't you talking nonsense? We destroyed so many factories, and suddenly another Lin Shengwen appeared."

"This means that there are still factories in Dongshan City that we don't know about that have not been exposed. If you were that guy, what would you do?"

Cai Yongqiang blurted out: "It must be silenced! But how did they know that Lin Shengwen was exposed?"

Li Yunbo looked at Cai Yongqiang with strange eyes: "Your mind is so confused that you can't even make a calm logical judgment."

"Lin Shengwen was arrested. Someone tipped them off last night. I don't know if this person is the 300 million or not, but he must be an insider. Otherwise, Lin Shengwu would not use the judicial appraisal to request Lin Shengwen's release on bail."

"When you and Zhang Fei had a quarrel today, the news about the 300 million yuan spread to all the public security bureaus, and the 300 million yuan will surely be known, so you think their drug dealers won't know about it?"

"In order to prevent future troubles, isn't it normal for them to take necessary actions? Isn't it really impossible to judge this matter, or something?"

Cai Yongqiang was speechless.

Li Yunbo asked again: "You can't be 300 million, right?"

Cai Yongqiang was taken aback: "Ju Li, don't be joking, I'm really not!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the people above to check me."

Li Yunbo glared at him: "I will report the matter to Director Luo, and how to deal with it depends on what Director Luo thinks. But you don't have to worry, as long as you behave rightly, you don't have to be afraid of being investigated."


Zhang Fei and Song Yang came to Longcheng Garden. According to the clues provided by the informant, they found Lin Shengwen's lover Zhou Linlin.

Zhang Fei looked at the house in front of him: "Longcheng Garden can be said to be one of the best communities in our Dongshan City. It seems that Lin Shengwen spent a lot of money on Zhou Linlin."

Song Yang frowned and said, "Lin Shengwen didn't tell lies."

Zhang Fei nodded slightly: "So, the 300 million is real."

The two knocked on the door and went in, showing their police badges.

Zhou Linlin was very surprised: "Lin Shengwen? We are not together long ago."

"He has been with me for half a year, bought me this house, and then gave me 2 yuan in pocket money every month, but that guy has a wife and children, so we can't have any results."

(End of this chapter)

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