Chapter 523 Progress
Zhang Fei and Song Yang looked at each other.

Zhang Fei asked, "Do you know about Lin Shengwen?"

Zhou Linlin shook her head: "No, we haven't been in touch recently."

Zhang Fei and Song Yang bid farewell and walked out of Zhou Linlin's home.

"It seems that Zhou Linlin is telling the truth."

"So where do we go next?"

Zhang Fei shrugged his shoulders: "Go back to the police force and report this adultery to Captain Cai, and then wait for his instructions."

Song Yang was a little reconciled: "It would be great if Lin Shengwen hadn't been let go so soon."

Zhang Fei was very open-minded: "We have no evidence, only a recording, and that recording does not mention any information related to drugs, so we cannot convict him."

Song Yang looked up at him in astonishment: "Why do you suddenly become so much more open-minded?"

Zhang Fei corrected: "It's not open-mindedness, it's growth."

The two laughed and drove back to the police station.

Cai Yongqiang looked at the screen captured by the law enforcement device, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

That guy Lin Shengwen actually said the truth.

What he said was true.

After working as a policeman for so many years, it was the first time he met such an honest drug dealer.

It's not that he hasn't read yesterday's interrogation record. He felt that Lin Shengwen was bragging about many things.

But it turned out not to be, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

But in this way, wouldn't the other words he said be true? When he thought of the leader with a monthly salary of 300 million, he couldn't help being in a daze.

Zhang Fei asked for instructions according to the rules: "Captain Cai, what should we do next?"

Cai Yongqiang said without curiosity: "Do you have evidence to prove that he is a drug dealer?"

Zhang Fei said calmly: "No, but Lin Shengwen is neither the second generation rich nor the first generation rich. He can still support his lover when he has a family, and he spends 40 million yuan in just half a year. The source of income is very problematic." ah!"

Cai Yongqiang was even more aggrieved, isn't this obvious.

Even if Lin Shengwen was not a drug dealer, he must have committed other crimes, and he let him go.

He said angrily: "Pay attention to Lin Shengwen first, don't rush him, the two of you will continue to participate in the follow-up operation of Thunder Sweeping Points."

Zhang Fei agreed blankly.

His performance made Cai Yongqiang a little embarrassed, and he was talking about the current him.

Sometimes Cai Yongqiang couldn't help but ask himself if he did something wrong, why his performance became more and more like that walking 300 million.

Cai Yongqiang looked at the law enforcement recorder in front of him and stood up helplessly. He had to report to Li Yunbo quickly.

I don't know if Director Li can keep his voice down when he is waiting for someone to criticize.


Tazhai, the ancestral hall of the Lin family.

Lin Shengwen knelt on his knees, his face was full of fear, and there were even tears on his face that hadn't been wiped dry. He didn't look arrogant and domineering at all.

Lin Yaodong, the head of the Tazhai Village Committee, Lin Yaohua, the deputy director, and Lin Huizong, the head of Sanfang, were offering incense with winking expressions on their faces.

The three of them lined up and sat at the entrance of the ancestral hall.

Lin Yaodong said slowly: "The state-owned state-law family has family rules. Today, there is a third-party Lin Shengwen who violated the family rules. We must deal with him."

Lin Shengwen's elder brother, Lin Shengwu, was shocked when he heard this, and quickly ran out and knelt down on the ground: "Thank you three elders, Shengwen made a mistake when he was young, and it's because I, the elder brother, didn't manage him well."

"Uncle Dong, Uncle Hua, Uncle Hui, I beg you three to give him a chance, please be kind."

"Bang, bang, bang."

Lin Shengwu knocked his head three times heavily.

He shouted in despair: "Uncle Hui, I'm just such a younger brother, please help me with Uncle Dong."

Lin Zonghui was the head of the third room, so he had to get his consent to deal with Lin Shengwen. If he didn't agree, nothing Lin Yaodong and Lin Yaohua said would work.

Lin Yaohua sternly said: "Lin Shengwen discredited his ancestors, can the villagers tolerate him? Even if the villagers can tolerate him, can the clan rules tolerate him?"

Lin Zonghui had a troubled expression on his face, and his sadness was visible to the naked eye.

"Lin Shengwen violated the family rules and must be punished."

He gritted his teeth cruelly and said: "Remove Lin Shengwen's name from the family rules, his children will no longer be able to go to Tazhai's school and kindergarten, his daughter will no longer be able to marry back to Tazhai, and the village will take back the ponds and fields allocated to him. land."

"If you leave Tazhai within three days, you will never come back in this life."

Lin Shengwen was stunned. He slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Zonghui in disbelief: "You have cut off his way of life. Let him die!"

At this time, Lin Yaodong said coldly: "Shengwu, we are doing this for his own good. Even if he stays in Tazhai, he will be isolated by the villagers, so it is hard for him to move away."

Lin Shengwu's face was full of despair, Lin Shengwen knew he was scared now, and wept loudly.

And Lin Zonghui has already spoken, Lin Yaodong and Lin Yaohua have also testified, this is the fact that cannot be changed.

Lin Shengwu's face was very ugly, Lin Zonghui walked up to him and said in a low voice: "Don't forget what he committed, it's already good to have such a result."

Lin Shengwu was still not reconciled: "Uncle Hui."

Lin Zonghui sighed, and left with his hands behind his back.


Lin Shengwu walked up and down at home.

The three houses in Tazhai are weak, and they are all supported by Lin Shengwu. He is only a younger brother like Lin Shengwen. Now that his younger brother is expelled, Lin Shengwu feels very sad.

His wife, Cai Xiaoling, walked over with her big belly.

"Ah Wu, is Wen all right?"

Although Lin Shengwu was angry, he couldn't let it out in front of his wife, so he could only put on a smile: "It's okay, but I can't go back to Tazhai. You don't have to worry."

Cai Xiaoling agreed.

Lin Shengwu comforted, "I'll go and see Shengwen."

Only then did Cai Xiaoling relax. After all, women with big bellies are very sensitive.

Lin Sheng When I came to Lin Shengwen's house, I was dumbfounded. Your younger brother, who was crying in the ancestral hall just now, actually went out to play.

If Lin Shengwu didn't fight in one place, he was worried for nothing, right?
At this moment, he had no idea what horror was going to happen next.

Let's talk about Cai Yongqiang, dejectedly holding a law enforcement recorder to meet Li Yunbo.

What surprised her was that there were many people in Li Yunbo's office, besides Liu Yunbo, there were Director Luo Yi and two leaders in police uniforms.

He only knew one of them, Zhang Anmin, deputy director of the Provincial Drug Enforcement Bureau.The other one made her pupils shrink. This person's epaulettes turned out to be a third-level police inspector, but his face was too young.

Luo Yi smiled and said, "Yongqiang, you came just in time. Come, let me introduce you to the two leaders."

"This is Comrade Zhang Anmin, Deputy Director of the Field Affairs Bureau of our Provincial Anti-Drug Bureau, who is Comrade Qi Tongli, Deputy Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau."

Cai Yongqiang gasped when he heard this.

He didn't expect that this young man turned out to be the deputy director of the Drug Enforcement Bureau.

However, Luo Yi's words made him feel petrified.

"Our Dongshan City Public Security Bureau's recent activities have achieved such great results. It can be said that we should fully thank Comrade Qi Tongli for the information he provided."

Cai Yongqiang immediately corrected his attitude at this moment, so he said, where did the news about Li Yunbo come from, and there was an expert behind his back to point out.

He became the deputy director of the Drug Enforcement Bureau at a young age, and he really has real skills.

Luo Yi waved his hands and said, "Yongqiang, what's the matter with you?"

Cai Yongqiang really wanted to turn around and leave. If he could tell the news happily in front of his two bureau chiefs.

But in the face of the two leaders of the Drug Enforcement Bureau, Cai Yongqiang was a little bit speechless, after all, this was a shameful thing.

But Luo Yi asked all the questions, and he couldn't stop talking, so he gritted his teeth and said, "The follow-up investigations of Zhang Fei and Song Yang have come out, and what Lin Shengwen said is very likely to be true."

Then he told about Zhang Fei and Song Yang's investigation.

The faces of the four people in the room were covered with frost, and the sweat dripped from Cai Yongqiang's face.

The pressure is not normal.

Especially in the face of Qi Tongli's powerful aura.Cai Yongqiang was so stressed that he was almost out of breath.

It was still the topic that Luo Yi opened his mouth to change.

"The monthly salary of 300 million is really amazing! That year, it can't be 600 million? Three years is a small goal."

"In that case, we really have to check it out."

Qi Tongli said: "If you want to check, you have to check it out. In this way, please come over from the Disciplinary Committee and check all the people in the police force."

Cai Yongqiang was taken aback: "Quancha?"

Qi Tongli said calmly: "We all treat everyone equally, we cannot wrong any good comrade, but we cannot let any bad person go."

"Captain Cai, you don't have to worry about work, it's a secret investigation."

"After all, once the 300 million incident comes out, we have to give an explanation to the top and bottom."

Cai Yongqiang's face turned bitter, so he had no choice but to leave.

He thought that the young deputy director was really ruthless, and he was afraid that he wanted to clean up the entire Dongshan City public security system.

But who told Lin Shengwen to let him go, the initiative is no longer in his hands, and it makes no sense to resist, as long as he has a little reaction, he will be suspected of being the walking 300 million.

When Cai Yongqiang was distressed, Chen Guangrong, the captain of the criminal investigation team, came over.

"I said Captain Cai, why are you so dazed? I called you several times and didn't speak?"

Cai Yongqiang smiled bitterly and said, "Thinking about 300 million."

Chen Guangrong said in amazement, "There are really 300 million people?"

Cai Yongqiang explained the matter: "Zhang Fei and Song Yang have already found out, and they can't be wrong. That Lin Shengwen has already confessed, and he has the video in his hand as evidence."

"But I let him go."

Chen Guangrong suddenly changed color: "Then you are miserable!"

Cai Yongqiang smiled wryly, "Who says it's not!"


No matter what the reason is for superior leaders to inspect, there must always be a welcome dinner.

Luo Yi directly arranged the welcome banquet at Li Yunbo's house.

After all, Li Yunbo is Zhang Anmin's apprentice, everyone knows this.

And Luo Yi also learned what kind of capable person Qi Tongli is through his own relationship.

So he made this arrangement.

Zhang Anmin greeted Zhang Min: "Come, come, don't be so busy, just cook something to eat, you are now an important protection object of the family."

Zhang Min smiled and said: "Master, you have something to discuss, I'll just go to the room to rest after eating."

After Zhang Min finished his meal, he went to the room.

Li Yunbo opened the window directly, and Qi Tongli took out Huazi and scattered around.

The four elders puffed and smoked, and almost all the policemen were heavy smokers. At this time, the characteristics of the profession were determined. When encountering difficult cases, they must smoke two cigarettes to relieve fatigue.

Luo Yi sighed and said, "Someone in our police force accepted bribes as high as 300 million. I can't even imagine it. This is our dereliction of duty."

Li Yunbo nodded repeatedly.

After all, the director and deputy director of the Dongshan City Public Security Bureau are the two of them, and there is no place for them to shirk responsibility if they want to shirk their responsibilities.

Since it is a leader, even if the people under him make mistakes, they have to bear part of the responsibility.

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "It's not clear whether what Lin Shengwen said is true or not. It's not good to be confused."

"Actually, we didn't come here to ask questions, we came here to reward you."

Zhang Anmin also said with a smile: "We all see your work."

"Before you transferred here, Dongshan City had been on the list of the Drug Enforcement Administration's list of difficult drug control cities for years. After you arrived, this year's hat can be taken off, which shows that the work of the two of you is still effective."

Only then did Luo Yi and Li Yunbo feel relieved.

Qi Tongli chuckled and said, "What Lin Shengwen said may be true or false."

"If it's fake, everyone will naturally have nothing to do. If it's true, we'll see the outcome in these two days."

The three of them turned to look at him in unison.

Qi Tongli said very calmly: "Lin Shengwen has been exposed. He is from Tazhai, which is a model village for drug control."

"As soon as Lin Shengwen's incident came out, the sign of the anti-drug model village was also removed. Some people will definitely not be unwilling."

"This is out of our control."

"We are dealing with people who are afraid because of this incident. Who do you think it would be?"

Li Yunbo immediately said: "There are still people who bribed him for 300 million."

Qi Tongli smiled and nodded: "That's right."

"After Zhang Fei and Cai Yongqiang made a fuss, I thought that 300 million must have known about it, and more importantly, he definitely knew that Lin Shengwen had evidence of his bribery."

"No one will let such a dangerous thing exist. What will they do?"

Li Yunbo deduced: "Find Lin Shengwen and destroy the evidence, and then let him leave Dongshan, or simply let him disappear from the world."

Qi Tongli clapped his hands and said, "It's just such a routine. Whether it's true or not, we'll know the result tomorrow."

All three fell silent.

If there is no such thing as 300 million in the police force, then Lin Shengwen should be fine. After all, Tazhai is a model village of anti-drugs and is covered by a layer of golden light.

But once something happens to Lin Shengwen, it will be verified in reverse that the 300 million is real.

This is no small matter.

After a long time, Li Yunbo sighed: "The grassroots anti-drug police work so hard, and their monthly salary is only about [-] yuan. Faced with all kinds of threats and temptations, it is difficult!"

Everyone fell silent.

Zhang Anmin said with a serious expression: "It is indeed difficult for the anti-drug police, but this is not the reason for them to lose their integrity."

(End of this chapter)

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