Luo Yi and Li Yunbo agreed in unison.

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "Comrade An Min came here this time to reward you, but I think this reward will be postponed."

Luo Yi and Li Yunbo had no objections at all. After all, there was such a thing as 300 million yuan. Before investigating who the 300 million yuan was, the public security officers in Dongshan City had no face to reward them.

Zhang Anmin said emphatically: "We are wrong about things and people, and you will not lose a single point of the rewards that should be given."

Luo Yi and Li Yunbo let out happy smiles, they were the joy of the policemen under them.

Turn around.

Luo Yi and Li Yunbo couldn't be happier.

Lin Shengwen committed suicide, or hanged himself.

The two looked at each other and smiled wryly. Li Yunbo sighed and said, "There are really 300 million people in our police force."

Luo Yi said, "Let's inform the two bureau chiefs, and we must investigate thoroughly from top to bottom."

At this time, Qi Tongli opened the door and walked in: "Lin Shengwen hanged himself? I'll go and see."

Luo Yi and Li Yunbo looked at each other and said in unison: "Are you going too?"

Qi Tongli said very calmly: "I want to be exactly what I think. Don't forget, I am a criminal investigation policeman."

Luo Yi and Li Yunbo nodded at the same time.

Chen Guangrong, the captain of the criminal investigation team, was startled when he saw Qi Tongli's epaulettes.

Third class police officer!

Li Yunbo ordered: "Lin Shengwen is suspected of drug trafficking, and his suicide is a bit unusual. Take Director Qi to the scene to see."

Chen Guangrong's pupils shrank slightly: "Director Qi?"

Li Yunbo introduced: "Comrade Qi Tongli is the deputy director of the Provincial Narcotics Control Bureau and our superior leader. You must not neglect it."

Chen Guangrong claimed that it was true, and he was indeed extremely apprehensive.

Qi Tongli smiled: "Captain Chen, don't be so nervous. I just became an anti-narcotics policeman not long ago. Two months ago I was still doing criminal investigation. After all, we are still working together."

At this time, Li Yunbo also said slowly: "Guang Rong, you should be very familiar with Qi Ju. He has a book called [Micro-expression Forensics] You should have read it?"

Chen Guangrong suddenly frowned.

wipe!Why is this great god?
It's going to be bad!

In the police car, Qi Tongli looked at Chen Guangrong strangely: "Captain Chen, you seem a little unhappy?"

Chen Guangrong quickly said: "Illusion, it must be your illusion, how can I be unhappy, I... I am just a little nervous, yes, I am nervous."

Qi Tongli laughed dumbfounded: "I'm not a tiger, why are you nervous?"

Chen Guangrong smiled wryly.

Can you not be nervous, [Micro-expression Forensics] is already a must-have textbook for the Huaguo Police Academy.

The Ministry of Imperial Capital recommends this book to public security officers and policemen all over the country through the intranet.

Several cases handled by Qi Tongli were studied over and over again.

Many people are discussing the circumstances under which Qi Tongli solved the snowman murder case.

It's amazing enough that Robin feeds you after the death of the yellow hair.

But Qi Tongli was more fierce, he saw it right on the spot, and pointed out that Robin forcibly made an alibi.

He was a veritable detective.

Chen Guangrong had a ghost in his heart, how dare he show a strange expression in front of Qi Tongli.

Following Qi Tongli, his muscles were tense and his face was stiff the whole time, and he didn't even dare to move.

He didn't want Qi Tongli to see his truth.

Although he also knew that he would never be able to hide Qi Tongli from such a posture, but he couldn't control himself.

Because he was afraid inside.

Qi Tongli smiled slightly, knowing it well.

Zhang Fei and Song Yang who came out with Qi Tongli were stunned.

Song Yang didn't even know that Qi Tongli was the one who wrote [Micro-expression Verification], he was still wondering.Why is Team Chen so nervous?

After getting out of the car, looking at the right time, he expressed his doubts to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei said softly: "Think about that book you read recently, who is the author?"

Song Yang also likes the book [Micro-expression Forensics]. Once this technique is mastered, it is really a sharp tool for interrogating prisoners.

Therefore, he often gnaws on this book.

Qi Tongli, the author of this book, is even more respectful.

"What does this have to do with Bureau Qi?"

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind.

"Qi Ju's full name seems to be Qi Tongli, could it be..."

Song Yang looked at Qi Tongli with stars in his eyes.

This is an idol.

When everyone walked into Tazhai, Qi Tongli sneered in his heart, seeing cameras all around.

At this time, this thing is rarely installed in ordinary people's homes.

But here in Tazhai, I wish every street and every intersection would be equipped with cameras.

There must be ghosts in here!
Qi Tongli directly made a judgment.

Under the leadership of Tazhai Village director Lin Yaodong, deputy director Lin Yaohua, and Sanfangtou Lin Zonghui.

Everyone saw Lin Shengwen hanging, and Lin Shengwen's older brother Lin Shengwu.

Lin Shengwu looked at Zhang Fei with hatred in his eyes, and he roared loudly: "Zhang Fei, you are the one who killed Shengwen."

Chen Guangrong scolded: "What are you talking about? Lin Shengwen hanged himself, what's the matter with Zhang Fei?"

Lin Shengwu still stared at Zhang Fei with hatred.

Chen Guangrong became angry and wanted to talk.

Qi Tongli suddenly said: "Lin Shengwen didn't commit suicide, he was beaten to death and then pretended to hang himself."

Everyone was shocked at the same time.

Suddenly the whole room fell silent.

Qi Tongli waved his hand, and Zhang Fei and Song Yang hurried forward to put Lin Shengwen's body down.

He was wearing gloves and tore them off with both hands.

The shirt on Lin Shengwen's body was completely torn, revealing purple scars.

Both chest and back.

Qi Tongli checked it carefully, then nodded slightly: "My judgment is correct, Lin Shengwen was indeed beaten to death and then hanged in disguise."

"You are Lin Shengwen's brother Lin Shengwu, right?"

"You can't blame our police, you should blame those who killed him."

Qi Tongli pointed to Lin Shengwen's body, and pointed to the chest, abdomen, back, and back of the head.

"I can tell you clearly that Lin Shengwen was beaten to death by three people at the same time with blunt objects."

"The person who did it was very ruthless, not to teach him a lesson, but to kill him."

"The specific blow that killed him depends on the specific autopsy. The specific time of death should be around eleven hours, and the time of news depends on the results of the autopsy."

"Lin Shengwen's cause of death is clear, and there is no misunderstanding."

Qi Tongli looked at everyone calmly.

"Lin Shengwen was murdered premeditatedly, what objections do you have?"

Everyone looked at Qi Tongli as if they had seen a ghost.

There is no doubt that Lin Shengwen was beaten to death.

But what everyone was terrified about was, how did Qi Tongli know that it was three people who did it?
Lin Yaodong suddenly touched Lin Yaohua lightly, and the latter shouted loudly: "Team Chen didn't interrupt, why did you interrupt? Are the police so unruly?"

Chen Guangrong's face changed drastically.

rub it!

Are you blind? Didn't you see that I kept asking him to talk, and didn't even dare to intervene?

It's good for you, you confessed me directly, isn't this putting me on the fire?
Qi Tongli was not angry either: "You are right, the police force attaches great importance to rules."

"You may not know the police's case-handling process. When the scene appears, the forensic evidence is usually used to identify the scene first, and then report the results to the criminal police. The criminal police are going to the next step."

"The reason why I speak first is because I am not only a forensic witness, but also Captain Chen's superior."

Everyone in Tazhai was silent again.

Chen Guangrong's superior?Do you want such an inch?

Qi Tongli had a kind smile on his face.

"Let me introduce myself to everyone. My name is Qi Tongli, the deputy director of the Provincial Narcotics Control Bureau."

"Lin Shengwen was suspected of drug trafficking and heard that he committed suicide, so I came here to take a look."

"It turned out to be something amazing."

Everyone in Tazhai changed color again.

They were overwhelmed by Qi Tongli's position.

The deputy director of the Provincial Narcotics Control Bureau actually came to Tazhai.

Many people couldn't help shaking their hands.

Qi Tongli still said with a smile on his face: "Do you still not understand what I said?"

"It's okay, I can give you another detailed inference."

"There are three murderers. One is 1.7 meters tall. One is 1.8 meters tall. The height of the third is unknown. Is the range narrowed enough?"

Qi Tongli looked at the ground, shook his head regretfully and said: "It's a pity that the scene was destroyed by you, otherwise I will do a detailed evidence collection, so that the murderer can be found out."

Everyone at the scene changed color.

The people in Tazhai are panicking now, and they have an inexplicable fear of Qi Tongli.

People in the police force knew how tough Qi Tongli was, but they didn't know how tough he was.

Qi Tongli looked at Lin Shengwu again: "You can't blame the police for your brother's death. On the contrary, we can help you find the real culprit who killed your brother."

Qi Tongli's tone was neither fast nor slow, he wasn't too high-pitched, but the overwhelming crowd couldn't breathe.

The people in the house, whether they were the police or the people in Tazhai, were all stunned.

Lin Yaodong couldn't help but look at Chen Guangrong, the captain of the criminal investigation team, who quickly said, "Ju Qi was a well-known detective all over the country before he became an anti-narcotics police officer."

"As long as he accepts a case, there is no case that cannot be solved. The current case detection rate is [-]%."

Hearing this, Lin Yaodong's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly groaned that it was not good.

I wondered why Chen Guangrong called this person over. I was afraid that others would not know what their relationship was?

Qi Tongli smiled and waved his hands: "The purpose of being a policeman is to fight crime and deter criminals. This is just my job, and it's not worth mentioning."

After he finished speaking, he turned to Lin Shengwu with a serious face and said, "Your brother is suspected of drug trafficking. Because there is no evidence, and you have issued a certificate from the Tianping Judicial Appraisal Center, we let you release your brother on bail."

"Your brother said something in the interrogation room. We didn't take it seriously at first, but now I want to tell you."

At this moment Lin Yaodong interrupted and said, "Since you don't take it seriously, it's not a big deal, so don't talk about it?"

Qi Tongli quite agreed: "Indeed, what Lin Shengwen said is a bit unbelievable. We really think he is talking nonsense, young bragging."

"It's just that two young police officers in our police force thought that what Lin Shengwen said might be true, so they ran to investigate."

He turned his head and shouted, "Zhang Fei, tell everyone about the results of your investigation."

Zhang Fei quickly took two steps forward, and then said in a calm voice: "Song Yang and I went to Longcheng Garden, and we found Lin Shengwen's lover, Zhou Linlin."

"According to her account, Lin Shengwen bought her the house, and Lin Shengwen gave her 2 yuan in pocket money every month during the six months that he was with her."

"This is exactly the same as what Lin Shengwen said in the interrogation room."

The expressions of everyone in Tazhai changed wildly.

Lin Yaodong, Lin Yaohua, and Lin Zonghui secretly thought something was wrong.

But Lin Shengwu said: "You are lying, where did Shengwen get so much money?"

The three of Lin Yaodong heaved a long sigh of relief, and wanted to deal with the matter quickly.

But before they could speak, Qi Tongli spoke.

There was a smile on his face: "Our police force is disciplined. Once there are more than two police officers, they must also wear law enforcement devices."

"It's impossible for us to lie. The law enforcement device clearly recorded Zhou Linlin's answer, which is completely in line with the procedure, just like today."

Qi Tongli pointed with his finger, and saw Song Yang filming with a law enforcement device.

The faces of everyone in Tazhai were as black as the bottom of a pot.

Qi Tongli said unhurriedly: "It seems that you, as Lin Shengwen's family member, don't know where his money comes from. This is a suspicious point."

Qi Tongli pointed to the outside: "I see that there are cameras everywhere in our village, which saves a lot of effort in solving the case."

"As long as we go to the monitoring room and take a look, we will know who entered this room before Lin Shengwen died, and we will soon be able to give Lin Shengwen justice."

Lin Yaodong smiled wryly: "This monitoring room is used to guard against thieves. Most of them are decorations, and they are not usually opened."

Qi Tongli was very regretful when he heard the words: "It seems that the murderer knows this place very well, and the possibility of acquaintances committing the crime is very high, but there are more than 1 people in Tazhai, so it is a bit difficult to track down."

Lin Yaodong sighed and said, "Who said it wasn't!"

Qi Tongli clapped his hands and said, "But it doesn't matter, there are other breakthroughs."

Lin Yaodong was startled, but on the surface he remained calm: "Is there another breakthrough?"

Qi Tongli smiled and said: "Yes, Lin Shengwen confessed in the police force that his accomplices bribed the leaders of the police force as high as 300 million every month, and he still has the video in his hand."

"As long as you get his mobile phone, you will naturally find evidence,"

Lin Yaodong's expression was shocked, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, wishing he could save Lin Shengwen and kill him several times.

But Lin Yaodong was not easy to answer.

Lin Shengwu said stiffly: "Shengwen is gone, and the mobile phone is the only thing he left us. Do you want to take it away?"

Lin Zonghui said: "Shengwu, Shengwen's departure is not clear, we want to give him justice, hurry up and get the phone."

Lin Shengwu said unwillingly: "Uncle Hui!"

(End of this chapter)

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