Lin Zonghui glared at him.

Lin Shengwu had no choice but to take Lin Shengwen's cell phone.

Qi Tongli smiled and turned on the phone and browsed quickly, then turned off the phone and put it in the evidence bag.

He asked: "Do you still have any doubts about the cause of Lin Shengwen's death? It doesn't matter if you have any doubts, we can conduct an autopsy."

Lin Yaodong sighed and said, "Shengwen passed away before he was 25 years old, it's better to bury him well, don't insult his body."

Qi Tongli nodded slightly: "Director Lin is right, but this matter ultimately depends on the wishes of their families."

Lin Shengwu on the side immediately said: "There is no need for an autopsy, we will bury Shengwen as soon as possible."

Qi Tongli nodded: "Then, let's deal with this matter like this. Captain Chen Guangrong will follow up on the follow-up matters."

Liang Yaodong thanked again and again: "Thank you all the leaders, you guys walk slowly, we still have a lot of things to deal with here so I won't send it away."

Qi Tongli nodded slightly towards the crowd, and took the lead in striding out.

The crowd also followed behind him.

Before getting into the car, Qi Tongli seemed to have thought of something, and said to Lin Shengwu, "I have a personal question to ask you, is it convenient for me to say it here?"

Lin Shengwu looked at Lin Yaodong involuntarily, and saw the latter nodded his head imperceptibly, and then he followed Qi Tongli to the side.

Qi Tongli whispered in his ear: "I saw it just now, the phone is not your brother's, but yours, right?"

"If I'm not wrong, your brother's mobile phone should be in your hand. You should take your wife and children and run away. They will never let it go if they can't find the video. They didn't expect it now. Once they react Come here, and you're dead."

"Good luck!"

Lin Shengwu looked at Qi Tongli as if he saw a ghost.

That's right, that mobile phone is indeed in his hands, but how did Qi Tongli know?He saw with his own eyes how Qi Tongli just flipped through the phone for more than ten seconds!
A great fear enveloped Lin Shengwu.

When the police car was gone, Lin Yaodong gave Lin Yaohua and Lin Zonghui a hard look: "How do you do things? How do you let people see the flaws at a glance? This is all right, and the police are given the entrance to enter the Tazhai at any time."

Lin Yaohua smiled wryly: "Who would have thought of that! This person can even tell the hands of several people..."

Seeing Lin Shengwu approaching, Lin Yaodong shouted in a low voice: "Shut up!"

Lin Yaohua didn't dare to speak anymore.

Lin Yaodong asked: "Sheng Wu, tell Uncle Dong, what did Director Qi tell you just now?"

Lin Shengwu said blankly: "He threatened me!"

Lin Yaodong turned around and looked at the cameras on the side of the road: "Go home and talk."

On the rooftop of Lin Yaodong's house, Lin Yaohua asked Lin Shengwu, "What did Director Qi tell you?"

Lin Shengwu said truthfully: "He let me run away, saying that since others can kill Shengwen in such a heavily guarded Tazhai, they can also kill me."

"He also said to let me go as soon as possible."

Lin Yaodong frowned.

He could feel that what Lin Shengwu said should be the truth.

What Lin Shengwu said was indeed the truth, because he knew how terrible Lin Yaodong was, so he didn't dare to lie to him at all.

It was just concealing a sentence or two, and this sentence or two was the focus of their conversation.

Lin Yaohua snorted coldly: "This Chief Qi will sow discord, Sheng Wu, you can't believe what the police say, our surname Lin is an ancestor, uncle will not harm you."

Lin Shengwu said blankly: "Of course I know, I won't break the rules. Three elders, if there is nothing wrong, I will go down."

Lin Yaodong said gently: "Shengwu, you have to know that Shengwen violated the family rules. If he is dealt with, the whole Tazhai will be buried with her. Originally, we just wanted to drive him away so that he would not go back to Tazhai. In the end, he actually ran to the nightclub, bragging with the people in the dance hall, and told the story."

"It's a ticking time bomb that has to go out, or we're all going to be screwed."

"Your Xiaoling still has a big belly. You haven't seen your child yet, and you don't want to be buried with Lin Shengwen, do you?"

Lin Shengwu was silent for a moment, and then said with a face full of pain: "Uncle Dong, I understand, I just feel uncomfortable."

Lin Yaodong sighed: "We three old fellows watched you grow up, and we feel uncomfortable too! But there is nothing we can do about it. Okay, you go back and have a good rest, Xiaoling still has a big belly Well, please don't let anything happen."

Lin Shengwu said respectfully: "Three elders, then I will go home first."

He turned around and his pupils shrank slightly.

Lin Yaodong seemed to be doing it for his own good, but inside and out he was threatening him with the child in Cai Xiaoling's belly...

It seems that things are really as Director Qi said, these people will not let it go if they can't find the video.

You have to run away as soon as possible!

Otherwise, you will really die!
Lin Zonghui poured tea for Lin Yaodong and said, "Brother Dong, don't be angry, Shengwu is his younger brother who just died, it will be fine after a while."

Lin Yaodong nodded slightly: "I'm not worried about Shengwu, he is a rare talent in Sanfang. Among the younger generation, not to mention in Sanfang, there is no one who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, even in Dafang. I am worried about Shengwen."

"Both were born by the same parents, so why are they different? Even if Shengwen is as good as Shengwu!"

"Really are……."

Lin Yaohua frowned and said, "This Director Qi is not easy to deal with!"

Lin Yaodong shook his head slightly: "Didn't you listen to the introduction just now? Director Qi is the deputy director of the Provincial Narcotics Control Bureau, so he probably won't be staying in Dongshan for long."

"What we have to worry about is not him, but Chen Guangrong."

Lin Zonghui and Lin Yaohua were taken aback for a moment.

"Chen Guangrong? Isn't he one of us?"

Lin Yaodong sighed: "Chen Guangrong can't stay anymore, he has to deal with it quickly."


Lin Zonghui and Lin Yaohua were taken aback.

"Brother Dong, that's Chen Guangrong!"

You must know that Chen Guangrong is not only the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Dongshan City, he also has an older brother named Chen Guangrong.

Get rid of Chen Guangrong, what about Chen Guangrong?
Lin Yaodong said expressionlessly: "Didn't Qi Tongli say that Shengwen told us about giving 300 million to someone in the police force every month?"

"We all know that this kid is telling the truth. Chen Guangrong does take so much money every month."

"And you have seen Director Qi's method of solving the case just now, how could it be impossible to find out?"

"Chen Guangrong knows too many things. If we keep him, not only we will be finished, but his brother Chen Guangrong will also be finished."

"Starting today, you should try to keep in touch with him as little as possible, and arrange someone to kill him when necessary."

Lin Zonghui and Lin Yaohua looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Lin Yaodong warned the two: "However, he is still useful to us now. As long as we make this order well, we can not open for a year. There must be no mistakes."

The two nodded yes.

Lin Yaodong frowned slightly.

Lin Zonghui and Lin Yaohua didn't know the depth of what Chen Guangrong said when he introduced Qi Tongli.

Lin Yaodong, who has seen the world, deeply knows the gold content of those words.

A detective with a [-]% detection rate is not easy to do!

In the police car, Chen Guangrong asked, "Qi Ju, what did you say to Lin Shengwu just now?"

Qi Tongli smiled slightly: "I just threatened him a few words."

Chen Guangrong almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

intimidate?No need to change it!
Qi Tongli analyzed: "I knew it when I first entered the Tazhai. There are dense cameras in the Tazhai, and the anti-counterfeiting is extremely strict."

"Lin Yaodong and the others lied. None of the cameras were working. In other words, the person who killed Lin Shengwen was done by one of Tazhai's own people, or someone related to Tazhai."

"People in Tazhai are willing to help the murderer hide it."

"Captain Chen, you should pay attention to this during the investigation later."

Chen Guangrong nodded quickly.

Qi Tongli chuckled and said, "Isn't it up to Tazhai to decide whether the camera works well?"

"I told Lin Shengwen that since he can kill Lin Shengwen in Tazhai, he can be killed too, so I told him to run away quickly."

Chen Guangrong was dumbfounded, and suddenly came to his senses: "Are you trying to divorce me?"

Qi Tongli smiled lightly and said, "It's just a random talk, and it's not a discord. I'm just curious about where Lin Shengwen's video went."

Chen Guangrong stopped talking.

He couldn't guarantee who was caught in the video in Lin Shengwen's hands.

Back to the police force.

Qi Tongli told Zhang Anmin, Luo Yi, and Li Yunbo the truth.

"I guess the video taken by Lin Shengwen is not in his hands, but in the hands of his brother Lin Shengwu."

"I brought back the so-called Lin Shengwen's mobile phone, but it's not Lin Shengwen's, it should be Lin Shengwu's."

"Before I left, I kindly persuaded Lin Shengwu, and now we'll see if he can give us a little surprise."

Zhang Anmin immediately grasped the key point: "You mean, Lin Shengwu hid the video that Lin Shengwen took back then?"

Qi Tongli confirmed with a smile: "That's right!"

"Although I haven't played with that phone for a long time, I can confirm one thing. This phone doesn't belong to Lin Shengwen at all, but to Lin Shengwu."

"The mobile phone address book can prove that more than half of the dozen or so calls were made by his sister-in-law, or he called his sister-in-law."

"And Lin Shengwu's wife, Cai Xiaoling, has a big belly. Whose uncle thinks about his sister-in-law all day long?"

"That phone can only belong to Lin Wu, but Lin Shengwen's real phone has been hidden."

Zhang Anmin frowned and said, "Then why did Lin Shengwu do this?"

Qi Tongli said casually, "There are two reasons."

"The first one, I guess, is to prove to Lin Yaodong and others that Lin Shengwen's video has been deleted long ago. The second one is probably to save his life."

"But no one thought that that video did not save Lin Shengwen's life."

Luo Yi snorted coldly: "These guys have dark hearts, how could they let Lin Shengwen live because of a so-called video."

"After all, Lin Shengwen's actions are tantamount to betrayal. The secret of being cut down in the tower village has not been revealed, but..."

"These people actually trust no one!"

"Lin Shengwen made such a big mess, everyone must kill him."

"Only in this way can the people in the village feel at ease."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Qi Tongli said slowly: "We have confirmed one thing now. Lin Shengwen was beaten to death by the people in Tazhai, plus my previous judgment."

"I can be sure that Tazhai is the hideout we are looking for. I even have reason to believe that they have the data of everyone in our police station."

Zhang Anmin was taken aback: "You mean they have our information database?"

Qi Tongli shook his head slightly: "That's not the case. What I'm talking about is that they should have photos of everyone in the Dongshan City Police Station."

Luo Yi frowned and said, "Can't you?"

Qi Tongli replied affirmatively: "Yes, there is no need to doubt this at all."

Luo Yi frowned and said, "The 300 million is for them?"

Qi Tongli nodded: "There should be others."

Zhang Anmin said with a serious face, "For example?"

Qi Tongli said a name: "Cai Jun."

Li Yunbo on the side immediately explained: "A member of Cai's military criminal police brigade."

After he finished speaking, he asked in confusion: "Why would Cai Jun do such a thing?"

Qi Tongli said in a deep voice: "The policemen of the Dongshan City Public Security Bureau are basically from Dongshan. Of course, this is also the practice in various places."

"You should know Cai Jun's social relationship. His wife is Lin Lan, and Lin Lan's father is Lin Zonghui."

Everyone was surprised.

Qi Tongli looked at Li Yunbo and Luo Yi curiously: "I can understand Comrade An Min's surprise. Why are you two directors so surprised?"

The two shook their heads together and said, "We really didn't know he still had this kind of relationship."

Qi Tongli was slightly silent, and then said: "Now you know."

The two looked at each other, and they both understood that it was because their work was not detailed enough, which made Bureau Qi unhappy.

Qi Tongli said with a straight face: "Cai Jun is not reliable!"

The three of them were taken aback at the same time. They didn't understand why Qi Tongli commented on Cai Jun so much.

Qi Tongli said calmly: "Cai Junjun is a criminal investigation policeman, and his father-in-law is Lin Zonghui, the head of the third house in Tazhai. No matter where he looks, he should have noticed the clues of Tazhai."

"But he has always turned a deaf ear to it. This is not the attitude of criminal investigation, let alone the responsibility of the police."

"So, Cai Jun is not a qualified economic investigation policeman in my eyes."

Everyone nodded in unison.

They all understand that Qi Tongli was born in criminal investigation and has a high sense of honor for his initial career. It's no wonder that he can look up to a guy like Cai Jun who fishes in troubled waters.

Zhang Anmin frowned and said, "So, it's not easy to take down Tazhai!"

Qi Tongli said, "No, although Tazhai looks impenetrable, it is not without traces. The maintenance of Tazhai depends on clan relations. We only need to..."

(End of this chapter)

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