Hearing this, Li Yunbo, Zhang Anmin, and Luo Yi on the side all became interested.

"Tell me now!"

Qi Tongli said calmly: "This involves some past events, as well as the struggle between the first, second, and third rooms in Tazhai."

"I just want to say that neither Lin Zonghui's eldest son nor his eldest daughter worked in Tazhai. Lin Zonghui's second son, Lin Can, was directly disabled after his leg was broken, and Lin Zonghui's third son was killed by a car. Yes, Lin Zonghui's eldest daughter married a policeman."

Zhang Anmin thought for a moment.

Qi Tongli sneered and said: "Although Lin Zonghui himself did not join in the drug production, he is the head of the third house, and someone among the three houses joined him. As the head of the third house, he has to participate even if he doesn't want to, otherwise the interests of the third house will be ruined." There's no way to guarantee that."

"Now I use Lin Shengwen's death to plant a thorn in Lin Shengwu's heart. If he is smart enough, he will definitely run away, otherwise he will be the next to die."

"There are no talents in the third house in Tazhai. There is only one Lin Shengwu who can barely support it. If Lin Shengwu dies, there will be no one in the third house."

"How can Lin Zonghui, who is the head of the third party, want to see such a thing happen? He will definitely resist!"

Zhang Anmin frowned slightly: "You mean... Lin Zonghui can fight for it?"

Qi Tongli said with a smile: "If you can fight for it, fight for it. If you can't fight for it, it will give us some strength.] Anyway, the internal strife in Tazhai is visible to the naked eye."

Zhang Anmin was thoughtful.

Luo Yi and Li Yunbo both felt their scalps go numb while feeling ashamed.

Zhang Anmin thought for a long time, then came back to his senses and said: "Just do it according to your idea, we will carry out the Thunder Sweeping Acupuncture Operation step by step."

"Our steps are very steady. Lin Shengwen is just an unexpected incident. We are the main ones and we can't mess it up."

Everyone agreed in unison.

That night, when the two returned home, Comrade Disciplinary Committee called.

"After investigation, Dongshan City Public Security Bureau except for Chen Guangrong, other comrades have no problem."

Qi Tongli asked, "Where is Comrade Cai Yongqiang?"

The comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection were a little stunned: "Isn't Cai Yongqiang's wife in another city?"

Qi Tongli said calmly: "We need a very detailed investigation."

The comrades of the Disciplinary Committee immediately said: "No problem."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Anmin frowned slightly and said, "You suspect Cai Yongqiang?"

Qi Tongli waved his hand: "No, I just want to help him clear up his suspicious ears better. His style of doing things is completely different from that of ordinary policemen. This person is a bit tactful and sophisticated, which can easily cause misunderstandings."

"It sounds good to be cautious, but he is a little too cautious, and he doesn't even trust his own leader. It's no different from Zhang Fei before the change. I don't want to see this kid suffer from this kind of thing."


In the next few days, Lei Ting's point-sweeping operation continued in an orderly manner.

Zhang Anmin faithfully carried out the strategy set by Qi Tongli before, artificially creating vacancies in the supply of goods, and at the same time further cleaning up the drug dealers and addicts on the surface of Dongshan City.

He completely agrees with Qi Tongli's words, and he doesn't believe that Tazhai won't be tempted when faced with a huge blank market worth billions.

Zhang Fei reported something strange to the two of them.

According to the rules, if someone dies in Tazhai, the body must be buried, but Lin Shengwen was sparked early on, and he didn't follow the traditional burial at all.

More importantly, Lin Shengwen's elder brother Lin Shengwu ran to Haikou to make a living three days after his death.

"Lin Shengwu ran away!"

This is the unanimous judgment of everyone.

Zhang Anmin looked at Qi Tongli with admiration: "Comrade Qi Tongli, it seems that your strategy has worked."

Qi Tongli said very bluntly: "Lin Shengwu is a smart man. At the beginning, he kept the video taken by Lin Shengwen. Maybe he wanted to save his brother's life. Now he wants to save his wife, child and himself."

Lin Yunbo nodded heavily: "Lin Shengwen is Lin Shengwu's younger brother. The people in Tazhai even killed his younger brother. If the video taken by Lin Shengwen was not found, they will definitely suspect Lin Shengwu."

"Killing him is a smooth thing!"

Zhang Anmin added: "Whether the video is submitted or not, he is dead. If the video is submitted, he will also be silenced. If the video is not submitted, he will also be killed. No matter how he chooses, he will die. The only way is to run away." live."

"Lin Shengwu also reacted, so he can only run."

Qi Tongli nodded. He knocked on the table and said, "I think Lin Sanbao's case is strange. I think there is something wrong with the guy who killed Lin Sanbao with his car."

Lin Yunbo arrived immediately: "I'll arrange someone to check it out."

Zhang Anmin immediately said: "Don't use the criminal police team!"

Lin Yunbo looked at Zhang Anmin in surprise: "Master, do you mean that Chen Guangrong is unreliable?"

Zhang Anmin glared at Li Yunbo, he walked to the door to take a look, and closed the door gently.

After returning, he said with a serious face: "To tell you the truth, Chen Guangrong is the 300 million walking!"

Li Yunbo's expression suddenly changed: "Cheng Guangrong's brother is Chen Guangrong!"

Zhang Anmin said blankly: "His problem is bigger than Chen Guangrong!"

Li Yunbo gasped.

Qi Tongli said slowly: "According to my previous style, I will definitely clean up my own team first, but this case is quite special. It is not easy to arrest him, and it may cause mutiny. After thinking about it, we must do it at the same time. cause unrest."

Zhang Anmin said with a smile: "I asked my superiors to transfer Qi Tongli, because I valued this point. When Tongli was handling the case, Zong Hui solved the problem in a way that would have the least impact on society. Yunbo, you have to take care of this." Learn from Comrade Qi Tongli."

Li Yunbo arrived immediately: "Ju Qi must be a role model for us to follow."

"Then I'll arrange for Zhang Fei and Song Yang to work first."

Qi Tongli added: "Tell Zhang Fei that they don't need to take any risks, but the procedure must be done well."

Li Yunbo nodded in agreement.

At the same time, on the shore of Dongshan.

Lin Yaohua, the deputy village director of Tazhai, was walking and chatting with Chen Guangrong, who was walking by 300 million people.

The identities of the two are too sensitive, and they dare not speak in other places at all. After all, if people see it, they will definitely be suspicious.

Chen Guangrong said with a gloomy face, "Have you not found the video in Lin Shengwen's hand?"

Lin Yaohua shook his head: "No, maybe he deleted it?"

Chen Guangrong scolded: "Are you stupid? I read the interrogation records of Zhang Fei and Song Yang. Do you know what Lin Shengwen said?"

"He said that the salary of the police is too low. Lin Shengwen spent two to three million yuan on buying a house for his lover, and this has been proven. Do you think what he said is true?"

Lin Yaohua was speechless.

Chen Guangze said sternly, "This incident has caused the leaders of us to be stared at by our subordinates all the time."

"No matter what, we have to find this damn video, otherwise I'm finished, and you Tazhai are also finished."

Lin Yaohua did not dare to ignore Chen Guangrong's threat.

After all, Tazhai and Chen Guangrong and Chen Guangguang are both grasshoppers on the same line. If the police catch any of them, the rest will have no good results.

The more Chen Guangrong said, the more angry he became: "If you want to get rid of Lin Shengwen, you just hang him up. How can you hang him up after beating him to death?"

"Isn't this giving people a handle?"

Lin Yaohua felt a little wronged: "Didn't we all do this before? Didn't we see any problems?"

Chen Guangrong said solemnly: "This time is different."

Lin Yaohua was puzzled and said: "Who is Qi Tongli? This identification is too accurate, right?"

Chen Guangrong said with a gloomy face: "He is a criminal investigation policeman. Although he is young, he has solved many major cases. He is a well-known anti-crime pioneer in our system, and he is also the leading detective in China."

Lin Yaohua was taken aback: "Then why don't we just get rid of him?"

Chen Guangrong was taken aback: "Are you crazy for riding a horse? How dare you have such an idea?"

"If something happened to a policeman of Qi Tongli's level in Dongshan, believe it or not, the emperor would immediately mobilize armed police and special police from surrounding provinces to come to Dongshan. Can you run away then?"

"Put away your horrible thoughts!"

Lin Yaohua was stunned: "Is it really that scary?"

Chen Guangrong warned again and again: "You must never have such a terrible idea, and you must never have such a terrible action. You must remember it clearly for me. If you want to live, don't provoke Qi Tongli."

Lin Yaohua still didn't quite believe it: "Is that an exaggeration?"

Chen Guangrong was almost pissed off by him, and he said viciously: "Do you know who is the mastermind of the Thunder Sweeping Operation of Dongshan City Anti-drug Brigade?"

Lin Yaohua was dumbfounded and said, "Don't tell me it was made by Qi Tongli?"

Chen Guangrong said solemnly: "That's right, it's Qi Tongli, but what you don't know is..."

"All the information about Thunder Sweeping Operation was given by Qi Tongli."

Lin Yaohua couldn't believe it at all.

Chen Guangrong added expressionlessly: "The counterfeit banknote case that our criminal investigation team just cracked is also the information provided by Bureau Qi."

Lin Yaohua was already numb, and suddenly asked with some horror: "If that's the case, isn't our Tazhai already being targeted by him?"

Hearing such a terrible record of Qi Tongli, and thinking of Qi Tongli's miraculous performance at the scene of Lin Shengwen's death, Lin Yaohua felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

Chen Guangrong said coldly: "Then what do you think, why did I let you find the video so quickly? Qi Tongli is a real expert in criminal investigation, without any bragging."

Lin Yaohua was anxious immediately: "Then how is Lin Shengwen's phone recovered?"

Chen Guangrong looked at Lin Yaohua like a fool: "Of course there is no so-called video, otherwise I can stand here and talk to you?"

Only then did Lin Yaohua heave a sigh of relief, as long as the video taken by Lin Shengwen was not found.

Chen Guangrong said seriously: "According to Lin Shengwen's style, this guy can't hide his words. He said he made a video, so there must be something."

"Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find it, otherwise it will be a ticking time bomb, and it will explode at some point, blowing us all to the sky. Think about it, where is this video?"

Lin Yaohua suddenly thought of someone: "Lin Shengwu."

Chen Guangrong waited quietly for his explanation.

Lin Yaohua said in a deep voice, "On the third day after Lin Shengwen's death, Lin Shengwu went to Haikou, and even Lin Shengwen's first seven didn't come back to participate."

Chen Guangrong said angrily: "Find him quickly and completely destroy the evidence."

Lin Yaohua said harshly, "I will!"

The two of them didn't know that Lin Shengwu, whom they missed, was lying in a small hotel in Haikou, sweating profusely.

He just had a dream, dreaming that he was hunted down by people from Tazhai, and the people who chased him down were his cousins ​​who had been playing since childhood.

Lin Shengwu was in a daze thinking about the previous events.

The more Qi Tongli said to him before he left, the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became.

He clearly knew what Lin Shengwen's phone was shooting, and it was a terrible thing.

Lin Shengwu hated Lin Shengwen, why was he so ignorant, he insisted on filming this thing, and at the same time he hated himself for not protecting his brother well.

Lin Shengwu knew.

If the video cannot be found for a day, the people in Tazhai will not give up for a day.

Lin Shengwu was not reconciled, why the third room in Tazhai was always bullied by the first room and the second room, and Lin Yaodong always used various reasons to suppress the third room when there was no time to divide the accounts.

In fact, Lin Shengwu knew the reason. Lin Yaodong led the whole village to do this kind of brain-dead thing. The whole family of Lin Yaohua from the second room joined in, but Lin Zonghui from the third room was not willing to join.

This is why Lin Yaodong trusts Lin Yaohua and not Lin Zonghui.

Lin Shengwu didn't hate Lin Zonghui, he believed that Uncle Hui really wanted to protect Lin Shengwen, but unfortunately Sanfang's power was too weak.

Otherwise, Lin Erbao wouldn't have been maimed and Lin Sanbao wouldn't have been killed.

Lin Shengwu gradually came to his senses, and he suddenly thought of the text message that caused him to escape.

The text message was sent by Qi Tongli.

"If you meet with each other, you will disperse; if you meet with each other, you will fall when the momentum goes away."

"The video is in your hands. The farther you can run, the better. Only in this way can you ensure that your wife and children are safe."

"Your wife is still pregnant. Be careful of their poisoning. I want your wife and children to be safe. You can't go back no matter what. I heard that Lin Jingwen will leave the village after a while."

The text message gave him the creeps.

There are some things that really cannot be delved into. If you think about it carefully, you will not be able to sleep by yourself.

Who is Lin Jingwen?That is Lin Yaodong's son.

Every time the construction started in the village, Lin Jingwen was not in the village.

Lin Shengwen immediately understood the reason, it was because Lin Yaodong was afraid of an accident, to prevent Lin Jingwen from being implicated.

He laughed at himself, Lin Yaodong is really smart and confused for a while, Lin Jingwen knows everything, can he run away?


Lin Shengwu flashed seriousness.

The police had been shown the way for him, and he would be a fool if he didn't know how to use it.

Lin Shengwu knew his end - either he was beaten to death by the police, or he was beaten to death by Lin Yaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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