It's okay to be beaten to death by the police, at least my wife and children can be preserved.

If he was beaten to death by Lin Yaodong, his wife and children would be in danger.

In Qi Tongli's text message, there was a sentence that made him feel terrified - your wife is still pregnant, be careful of their poison.

There was a fierce look in Lin Shengwu's eyes, he wanted to save the lives of his wife and children.


In the ancestral hall of Tazhai, Lin Yaohua's son Lin Canxi diligently announced the good news to Lin Yaodong and Lin Yaohua.

"I asked Shunzi to give him 4000 yuan, and Shunzi heard Lin Shengwu said that he was going to the four, and he even wrote down the license plate number a few times."

"Shunzi asked us to look for the taxi driver in Sikou. Once we find him, Lin Shengwu won't be able to escape. Now all of us are looking for Lin Shengwu in Sikou."

Lin Can was satisfied that Lin Yaodong would praise him, but unexpectedly Uncle Dong shook his head slowly.

"Call him back, the four of us can't find Lin Shengwu, he should go back to the port."

Lin Can was surprised: why? "

Lin Yaodong asked, "What kind of business does Shun Zi do?"

Lin Can rubbed his head: "A cigarette smuggler."

Lin Yaodong said slowly: "The smuggled cigarettes are all traded in cash. He wanted to borrow [-], but Shunzi only lent him [-], which means that Shunzi betrayed him."

Lin Can suddenly realized.

Lin Yaohua frowned and said, "Why did you only ask Shunzi to give her four thousand?

Lin Can said aggrievedly: "Aren't I afraid that he will go away?"

Lin Yaodong shook his head: "There's no need to search at Sikou, he's not there, Lin Shengwu must have gone to the port."

"He went to the port as soon as he went out, which shows that he has a safe foothold at the port at home, and he has many friends there, and it is convenient to borrow money to raise money, which can also bring him a sense of security."

"Think about it, if it were you, would you go to a place you are unfamiliar with, or a place you are familiar with? You are not as fast as Lin Shengwu, so you have been tricked."

Lin Can said harshly: "I'll send someone to the port right now, I don't believe I can't find it."

Lin Yaodong shook his head slowly, obviously, he didn't think Lin Can could beat Lin Shengwu.

Lin Can messed up his errand, Lin Yaohua and his son lost face, and couldn't stay here any longer, so they had to get up and leave.

A cold light flashed in Lin Yaodong's eyes.

Lin Shengwu ran away, but it didn't matter, his wife was still in Tazhai, he didn't believe that big-mouthed woman had such a hard mouth.

So what if it's hard, take some drugs, afraid that she won't tell?

Lin Yaodong never cared about the life and death of other people in Tazhai, as long as his own family survived.

Ever since he embarked on this road of no return, Lin Yaodong has long been prepared.

There was a huge sense of crisis in his heart, which was an unscientific feeling, and people had a special description for it—intuition.

This intuition has helped him avoid several major disasters.

He sensed that something bad was going to happen recently.

Just as Lin Yaodong was about to assign his subordinates to work, the phone rang.

Lin Shengwu's voice was very calm: "Uncle Dong, you have already killed Shengwen, so don't come to me. I still have a wife and children at home, so I won't do anything stupid."

"If you want to do something, such as forcing my wife to take drugs, asking about my whereabouts..."

"Don't forget, I still have the video that Lin Shengwen shot back then."

Lin Yaodong was startled, then laughed and said: "Sheng Wu, you can call Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong is very happy, Uncle Dong has always threatened others, no one can threaten Uncle Dong, do you know that you did Something particularly dangerous?"

"I advise you to come back quickly, otherwise, Uncle Dong will be very angry and the consequences will be serious."

Contrary to Lin Yaodong's expectation, Lin Shengwu smiled: "Of course I know how powerful Uncle Dong is. You are the village director of Tazhai and the leader of the big house in Tazhai. You are not kidding when you get angry."

"However, if my wife and child lose a single hair, your son will have a hard time too!"

Lin Yaodong was startled: "What do you mean by that?"

Lin Shengwu sneered: "Every time there is business in the village, Jingwen is not at home. Once or twice is accidental, and if there are too many times, it is inevitable."

"Coincidentally, Jingwen came to Hong Kong Island this time. Unfortunately, I am not in Haikou or the port, but in Hong Kong Island."

"I am not familiar with the place of life, so I naturally need to rely on relatives. As a cousin, can Jingwen not take care of me? Don't you think so?"

Lin Yaodong was furious: "What did you do to Jingwen?"

Lin Shengwu tore off the tape on Lin Jingwen's mouth: "Come on, cousin, say a few words to my respected Uncle Dong."

Lin Jingwen cried out, "Dad, Dad, come in suddenly. I'm tied up. I didn't even have time to react."

Lin Shengwu chuckled and picked up the phone: "Uncle Dong, I know that if you get angry, the consequences will be serious."

His voice became gloomy and cold: "But, if I get angry, wouldn't the consequences be serious?"

Lin Yaodong didn't have any elegance at all, and said sharply, "Lin Shengwu, if you dare to attack Jingwen, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, no one can save you."

Lin Shengwu laughed loudly: "That's right, my brother was beaten to death by you, wasn't he? What else do you have?"

Lin Yaodong was stunned for a moment, feeling bad.

Lin Shengwu said coldly: "My younger brother is already dead. At worst, all my branches will be wiped out. However, if something happens to my wife and children, you will still be extinct."

Lin Yaodong said anxiously, "Shengwu, Jingwen is your cousin!"

"Isn't Shengwen your nephew? Didn't you beat him to death?" Lin Shengwu said angrily.

Lin Yaodong was a little annoyed: "That's because he made a mistake first."

Lin Shengwu laughed and said: "I'm not Lin Can's idiot. My younger brother violated the clan rules, so we just need to expel him, but you beat him to death. Isn't that also a violation of the clan rules? Don't forget, we are An ancestor."

"Oh, I forgot, in the eyes of your eldest and second bedroom, our third bedroom and you are not the same ancestors, otherwise the second treasure would not be maimed, and the third treasure would not be killed."

Lin Yaodong suddenly fell silent: "Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

Lin Shengwu said coldly: "I don't want anything else, I want my wife and children. As long as I see my wife and children, I can release Jingwen."

Lin Yaodong gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, wait for my news."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shengwu didn't have a smile on his face.

Zhao Jialiang said behind him: "Lin Yaodong didn't ask you for any guarantee, he probably doesn't intend to let you live."

The person behind Lin Shengwu is Zhao Jialiang.

Zhao Jialiang handed Lin Shengwu a cigarette, took a puff and said slowly: "Lin Yaodong didn't mention his son's life or death at all, which is very unreasonable."

"You should know that Lin Yaodong wants Lin Jingwen to stay out of the matter. He should be mobilizing relationships and trying to find you on Hong Kong Island."

Lin Shengwu looked at him puzzled: "Officer Qi said you could help me, but why did you help me?"

Zhao Jialiang smiled and said, "I have a grudge against Lin Yaodong."

Lin Shengwu was startled: "Anything?"

Zhao Jialiang's face was full of indifference: "I have been looking for him for more than 20 years for killing my wife, and I finally found him."

Lin Shengwu frowned and said, "You don't want me to kill Lin Yaodong for you, I just want my family to be safe. No matter what, I won't help you kill anyone in Tazhai."

Zhao Jialiang glanced at him indifferently: "Officer Qi has given me all your information."

"You are the pillar of Sanfang in Tazhai. Without you, Sanfang has no successors."

"Just wait and see. The third bedroom will definitely be suppressed by the first and second bedrooms. In the end, Tazhai doesn't even have the living space for the third bedroom."

Lin Shengwu was startled, and muttered to himself: "No, there's Uncle Hui."

Zhao Jialiang was happy: "You are obviously a smart person, don't say such stupid things that I look down upon. Lin Zonghui's existence can indeed protect the interests of the third house, but his strength is limited, otherwise when Lin Erbao's leg is broken, he And it won't be silent."

"You were the one who rescued Lin Erbao with all your might. What happened? Did you swallow your anger?"

"Do you really think that Lin Sanbao died in an accident?"

Lin Shengwu's face changed drastically: "What do you mean by that?"

Zhao Jialiang yelled outside: "Xiaowei."

Zhong Wei brought a person in, and he slammed the person to the ground: "Tell me everything you know."

Lin Shengwu looked at this man in surprise: "Brother Zi?"

Isn't this Lin Tianwu's younger brother?

Brother Zi trembled when he saw Lin Shengwu.

It wasn't until Zhong Wei kicked him hard that he said tremblingly: "Brother Wu ordered Mazi and Da Xia to do it, and asked them to find someone to kill Lin Sanbao."

"So Mazi and Da Xia found Liu Zhi, a terminal cancer patient with less than a month to live. Liu Zhi has a son named Liu Zihao, who committed robbery."

"Mazi and Da Xia told Liu Zhi that there was a way to reduce Liu Zihao's sentence, and the condition was to drive over and kill Lin Sanbao. So Liu Zhi drove over and killed Lin Sanbao."

Lin Shengwu's eyes were red, and he picked up Brother Zi's collar in confusion: "Is what you said really true?"

Brother Zai cried and said: "It's true, Lin Tianwu gave Mazi and Da Xia 10 yuan each, not only I saw it, but Wu Wu also saw it. If you don't believe me, just check how Liu Zihao got his sentence reduced. gone."

Lin Shengwu is numb!
Zhao Jialiang waved his hand, Zhong Wei kicked him into the room.

"See, not only Lin Yaodong wants your third wife to die, but even the young people in the second bedroom want your third bedroom to die. Lin Zonghui is alone, if you die, your third bedroom will really have no future."

Lin Shengwu sat on the ground sadly, holding his head in his hands, full of pain.

"I just want my wife and children to come out."

Zhao Jialiang said lightly: "I will make arrangements for your wife and children to come out, but you are dead."

Lin Shengwu looked up at Zhao Jialiang.

Zhao Jialiang said indifferently: "You are a drug dealer, you should die, no one can save you, Commander Qi has already set his sights on Tazhai, and everything he does is to get rid of Tazhai's cancer. Can't run away."

"Anyway, you're dead, why don't you do something meaningful."

Lin Shengwu said sadly: "You asked me to betray my own clan, what face do I have to meet my ancestors after I die?"

Zhao Jialiang looked at him firmly: "Ancestor!"

He threw the cigarette butt away, stretched out his hand and slapped Lin Shengwu hard.

"Do you still have the face to mention your ancestors? Do you know what you have done? That is a serious crime of losing your head. The face of the ancestors of Tazhai has long been humiliated by you."

"If the goods flowing out of the Tazhai are calculated on a per capita basis, everyone in your Tazhai will be shot once and still be rich. If the ancestors of the Tazhai know about your affairs, won't his coffin be overwhelmed? "

Zhong Wei rushed out when he heard the sound of fighting.

Zhao Jialiang waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm training a fool!"

Zhong Wei looked at Lin Shengwu with strange eyes.

This kid looks very energetic, why is he being beaten by the boss for nothing?

Zhong Wei went out.

Zhao Jialiang threw another cigarette to Lin Shengwu, and sat on the ground beside him.

"Ah Wu, let me tell you the truth, how many families have been ruined by what you have done? In Huaguo's environment, death is inevitable."

Lin Shengwu took a deep puff of a cigarette: "Yes, when I started doing this, I was already mentally prepared, thinking that I was already dead."

Zhao Jialiang looked at him seriously: "However, your wife and children should not die."

Lin Shengwu suddenly got up from the ground, knelt down and kowtowed to Zhao Jialiang: "Uncle Liang, can you help me take care of their mother and child?"

Zhao Jialiang asked back: "Don't you want Lin Zonghui to take care of you?"

Lin Shengwu smiled bitterly: "Uncle Hui can't even keep his own son, how could he keep my wife and children."

Zhao Jialiang thought for a while and said: "You may not be unable to live, it depends on what you do."

Lin Shengwu was startled: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Jialiang took a deep breath: "First of all, we need to find out the downlines of Tazhai and kill them..."


Zhang Anmin couldn't believe his ears.

"You asked Zhongjian to save Lin Shengqu? And provided him with help? What are you trying to do?"

Qi Tongli couldn't help but glanced outside the door: "What China Construction, it's Zhao Jialiang!"

Zhang Anmin knew that he had made a slip of the tongue: "Why did you do this? Do you want to instigate Lin Shengwu?"

Qi Tongli nodded.

Zhang Anmin frowned and said, "The idea is good, but is Lin Shengwu trustworthy?"

Qi Tongli sat down and said slowly: "Lin Shengwu's wife, Cai Xiaoling, is pregnant. The reason why Lin Shengwu escaped with the video was to protect his wife and children. Therefore, he is trustworthy."

Zhang Anmin had a different opinion: "Drug lords are a bunch of people who don't even want their lives for money, can you believe what they say?"

Qi Tongli nodded slightly: "You're right, this is usually the case, but the situation in Tazhai is different."

Qi Tongli explained: "Why is it difficult to pull out Tazhai? Because the whole Tazhai relies on family love and blood relatives. No matter whether Lin Yaodong believes in family affection or not, he has promoted in Tazhai for more than 20 years. Will these people who grew up under his propaganda Do you believe in family affection?"

(End of this chapter)

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