The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 560 Father's Thoughts

"What's the matter, is Teacher Su's illness serious?"

When Han Chunming saw Su Meng and Su Ma standing there motionless, their faces were very ugly. When he heard that Cheng Jianjun only had a few hundred dollars in his hand, he understood a little bit.

"Chunming, you, Mr. Su, are going to have an operation right away, but the operation fee is still a few thousand yuan short. I don't know where to borrow money in such a hurry."

When Cheng Jianjun heard this, he said, my dear, there are still a few thousand dollars short, which is not enough, no wonder Su Meng's face is so ugly.

"Don't worry, there is always a solution. I still have some money. Ask the hospital if they can do the surgery first. Let's slowly collect the rest of the money."

"Chunming, that's several thousand yuan. You'd better keep the money for yourself. I'll go home immediately and see if I can borrow some from my parents."

Cheng Jianjun waved his hand and said bluntly that he would rather lend the money to the Su family, so that no one would object to his relationship with Su Meng.

And Han Chunming didn't say anything again when he saw him. After all, rushing is not a business, and his performance is too much, which will cause misunderstanding. Since Cheng Jianjun wants to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, let him pretend.


"Sister Hou, is brother awake?"

Han Chunming returned to the ward with a bunch of medicines in his arms. Sister Hou's man's illness was not a serious illness, but because it took too long, the wound was seriously infected. However, after the first round of surgery, he has recovered a lot.

"Not yet, but the doctor said he's fine, just rest up and wait for the next operation."

Han Chunming put the medicine in his hand on the table next to him. Good guy, there are more than ten packs of medicine, including traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Sister Hou looked at it and wondered how much it was.

"Brother Chunming, you also know about my family's situation. I can only owe the money first. When I find a pen, I will write you an IOU."

Sister Hou also knew that including the operation fee, it might cost several hundred yuan. If brother Chunming hadn't paid in advance, he wouldn't know where to get the money, and he would have to wait for death.

"Brother Chunming, don't worry. When my wife recovers from illness, we will immediately go to make money and try to return the money to you as soon as possible. It may take a little longer."

Sister Hou is not in a good mood, there is no way, even if her man's illness is really cured, where can he find a job, a few hundred dollars is not a small sum.

"Sister Hou, this person lives a lifetime, and everyone will encounter difficulties. If one day I, Han Chunming, are unlucky and encounter difficulties, I believe that Sister Hou will definitely lend a helping hand, right? Don't be in a hurry, the most urgent thing is to cure the elder brother's illness, otherwise, what's the use of having more money?"

Han Chunming cares about money and also talks about money, but money is obviously not the most important thing compared to some things. If people live only for money in this life, they will lose a lot of human touch.

"Brother Chunming, although you are young, you live a more thorough life than my father. If he had thought like yours, I would not have been dragged to this point."

Poor Hou has a very stubborn temper. Maybe he now thinks that Han Chunming collects those things just to make money, but only he understands that he collects those things because he doesn't want to see them being taken abroad by some unscrupulous businessmen.

How can the treasure left by the ancestors be cheaper for foreigners.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it. When I mention my father, I feel panicked. I am not his own. Even if I am not, I have some feelings..."

When Sister Hou said that it was broken, she was so angry that if no one interrupted, she probably wouldn't be able to stop.

Han Chunming still has something to do, and he also said hello to Sister Hou. Han Chunming paid a total of 600 yuan in the hospital's account, and the operation fee plus medical expenses, and miscellaneous expenses were more than 400 yuan, and the remaining more than 100 yuan The money is just in case, maybe the wound gets worse again, and if something happens, and Han Chunming is not around, Sister Hou doesn't know where to borrow money.

Sister Hou watched Han Chunming disappear at the end of the corridor, and smiled with relief.

But as soon as Han Chunming arrived at the gate of the hospital, he was stopped by someone.


Han Chunming was startled, how did he come here after being broken?

But Han Chunming didn't want to talk to him, how could there be such a cruel and heartless father who wouldn't even help his own daughter.

"How much money you paid for Hou Su'e's medical expenses, I will give it to you."

Poor Hou held a bank's current book in his hand, and said to Han Chunming.

"My lord is not rare. Brothers help others. They are always right and wrong. Anyway, I can't do nothing. Even if my own daughter made a big mistake, it's your daughter. Sister Hou put the matter in the wrong place." You told me everything, to be honest, you are wronged."

"But don't even think about it. Your daughter was only old when you went in. You didn't care about it and made your heart angry. But what about your daughter, how do you let her live when you leave her at home? Even if she marries later You are the son of your enemy, but you are married, and it has been such a long time for the two of you, it makes sense, you should dissipate your anger, right?"

"I can't take this money. If you want to give it to Sister Hou, you can give it to Sister Hou. I didn't lend money to Sister Hou because of you."

Han Chunming directly rejected the money from Potty Hou, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and this time he wanted to teach Potty Hou a good lesson, not everyone takes money too seriously.

"Battered Hou, to be fair, you are such an older person, you should understand life better than me, but I don't feel happy if I don't say something."

"My old man told me before he passed away. My buddies will remember in this life that if you are a person under Zhengyangmen, you have to do things under Zhengyangmen. You can be a man with your chest, and you can't do things that are unconscionable. You should think about it yourself. Bar!"

After Han Chunming finished speaking, he turned his head and left. Some people live for what, and some people live their whole lives without knowing what to draw.

Hearing Han Chunming's words, Potty Hou felt his heart pounding. That bank deposit certificate seemed to be a merciless mockery of him...


The scorching sun above the head was emitting fiery heat all day long, and the city of Sijiu was as noisy as ever.

At the corner of the alley, a few dogs barked fiercely, causing several bare-backed kids to run away in a hurry.

"Dad, wait a minute, I have something to discuss with you."

Dad Cheng came back from get off work and was about to enter the hospital when he was stopped by Cheng Jianjun, who looked at him strangely: "What's the matter? I can't go back and talk about something! Is it because Teacher Su is sick?"

"Didn't I give you money, why, isn't it enough?"

Cheng Jianjun laughed, and then told Cheng's father what happened in the hospital. He thought it was an opportunity. Now that the Su family was in trouble, if his family could help, Su Meng would be so moved that it was him. married?

But Cheng's father had a different opinion after hearing Cheng Jianjun's words, so he frowned and said, "Jianjun, tell me the truth, how far are you and Su Meng now? What is the Su family's opinion on your matter?" ?”

Hearing Cheng's father's question, Cheng Jianjun blushed and became embarrassed.

"Dad, what are you talking about, Su Meng and I are good friends now..."

Cheng's father knew from Cheng Jianjun's expression that this matter was probably his son's wishful thinking. With Su Meng's arrogant appearance, can he like his son?
There is also the old Su's family, they are a scholarly family with high vision. Besides the things in this courtyard, there is no couple who can make it. After all, they have been neighbors for so many years, and no one quarrels with the other.

Although a few thousand dollars is not a small sum, it is not impossible for their family to pay it. The key is what kind of relationship is used to pay the money. If the Su family can become a relative of their sons and daughters with him, he will pay the money up.

But looking at Cheng Jianjun's appearance now, he didn't say anything about this matter, and asking himself to pay such a large sum of money as if he had nothing to do with it, Cheng's father felt that the deal was not worthwhile.

If the amount is smaller, tens of hundreds of dollars will be paid out by themselves, but a few thousand dollars is basically all of their family's belongings.

What will the Su family pay in the future?According to the current earning speed of the Su family couple, it would take at least several years without food or drink to return the money to themselves.

Cheng's father thought it was worthless, so he thought for a while and said to Cheng Jianjun: "Jianjun, I think it's better to forget about it. If it's tens or hundreds, we can borrow it, but it's thousands of dollars. One yuan, even if our family wants to take it out, we have to empty out the family, and Su Meng and his family will not pay it for a while, so what will you do after you get married? Besides, there is your brother."

"Our family can't keep some money!"

Hearing Cheng's father's words, Cheng Jianjun's face was not very good-looking. He had guaranteed the ticket in front of Su Meng before, and said that he would definitely be able to borrow money from his parents. The Su family is afraid that the money will be wasted.

So Cheng Jianjun said again: "Dad, I have only Su Meng as a friend who can talk now. Their family finally encountered a difficult situation. If I don't help, what will happen to this friend in the future?"

Cheng's father rolled his eyes straight away, thinking, you're the only one who still wants to have sex with the daughter of the Su family?It is estimated that people don't even pay attention to you. If you really have the ability to take down the daughter of the Su family, you will borrow the money.

But with the current relationship between the two of you, it is not a loss-making business to let your family take out thousands of dollars and lend it to the Su family innocently.

But if he told Jianjun bluntly, it would probably hurt his self-confidence, so Cheng's father changed his face and said with a smile:

"It's not that you can't borrow this money. Anyway, the money in the family is reserved for you and your brother to marry. You go and test the attitude of Su Meng and the Su family. If the matter between you and Su Meng can be settled, I will tell you Mom will definitely support you."

"But if the Su family disagrees with this matter, then just treat it as if I didn't say it. In the future, don't get so close to Su Meng. You are not too old. There are young people as old as you nearby. There are children in the family..."

"Your mother and I are waiting for you to give birth to a grandson for our old Cheng family as soon as possible after you get married."

Cheng's father said very bluntly, there is a condition for lending the money to the Su family, that is, the matter between his son and Su Meng can be settled, and if the Su family has no objection, the family will borrow the money without mentioning anything He still hasn't paid it back, anyway, the Su family only has Su Meng as a daughter, and after the couple of the Su family have Grandma Su for a hundred years, all the things in the house will not belong to their sons.

Cheng's father thought very thoroughly. The reason why he supported Cheng Jianjun to talk to Su Meng as friends was also because of this point. The salary of the teacher and his wife, as well as several big houses of the Su family, let alone a few thousand yuan, is tens of thousands. As long as the affairs of my son and Su Meng can be completed, and my family does not have enough money, I will lend money to Teacher Su. Healing is not impossible.

But Cheng Jianjun hesitated. He originally wanted to lend the money to the Su family first, and then find an opportunity to tell the Su family about his relationship with Su Meng. He thought that the chance of success would be much higher.

After all, what he did was like giving charcoal in a timely manner, and it would definitely add a lot of points to Mr. Su and his wife. Besides, the Su family borrowed such a large sum of money from their own family, and they were ashamed to object. About myself and Su Meng.

As for Su Meng, he didn't think much about it. After all, although the current society doesn't pay much attention to the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers, the opinions of parents are still very important in matters of marriage.

What's more, when Cheng Jianjun wants to come, he and Su Meng have played together since they were young. It is not an exaggeration to call them childhood sweethearts. As long as Mr. Su and his wife agree, Su Meng will definitely not have any objections .

After all, he is also a college student now, and he is a person of status, so the whole yard can only be worthy of Su Meng.

Although Su Meng and Han Chunming had a good relationship before, that was before, and they haven't talked much recently. Cheng Jianjun thinks that he has no opponent in terms of dating Su Meng.

As long as I can bear my thoughts, it will only be a matter of time before I win Su Meng.

But now Cheng's father directly asked him to go to a showdown with the Su family, which made him a little at a loss. After all, in his plan, it was still too early, and even if there was a showdown, he would have to wait for a while.

After all, Mr. Su is still sick and hospitalized. At this time, the relationship between the two of them and borrowing money are brought together, which somewhat feels like taking advantage of others.

Although Cheng Jianjun's face was thick enough, he couldn't say it.

But judging by Cheng's father's attitude, if the matter between himself and Su Meng is not settled, he will not lend money to the Su family.

"Dad, do you want to slow down this matter first? Now it's important for Teacher Su to treat his illness. I will talk about the matter between me and Su Meng after Teacher Su recovers? Don't worry, I guess this matter is probably close to ten. Look, As far as our courtyard is concerned, there are few people who are more qualified than me, just Su Meng’s arrogance, especially now that he is still in college, most people don’t like him..."

Cheng Jianjun tried his best to sell himself and boasted, saying that if Su Meng didn't look for him, he wouldn't be able to find a man to marry.

(End of this chapter)

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