Hearing Cheng Jianjun's words, Cheng's father looked at him speechlessly and said:
"It's not that Dad doesn't support you, I'm also doing it for your own good. After all, this money is not a small amount. Besides, what if the Su family takes the money and turns around and refuses to recognize anyone?"

"That's all our family's belongings. If you and Su Meng's business can't be completed, it will be in vain. With the current situation of the Su family, even if Teacher Su recovers from illness and wants to pay back the money, that's okay It won't be paid off in a short while, what will you do when you get married?"

"Besides, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about it for your brother. In a few years, your brother will also be married. What will you do if you don't have money?"

"Just do what I said. You go and negotiate with the Su family or Su Meng. If the two of you can succeed, our family will borrow the money. If the Su family is not willing, then our family should not rush. .”

After finishing speaking, Cheng's father ignored Cheng Jianjun and pushed his bicycle back to the yard.

Seeing that Cheng's father disagreed, Cheng Jianjun had no choice but to follow behind and destroy the yard in dejection, thinking about whether he should talk to Su Meng or Su's mother later...


After dinner, Cheng Jianjun quietly came to the window of Su Meng's room alone.

He looked around and knocked twice on the glass of the window after seeing no one.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

"Who is it?" Su Meng, who was in the room, heard the voice and stood up, walked to the window and asked aloud while looking outside.

"I, Cheng Jianjun, Su Meng, come out, I have something to discuss with you."

Cheng Jianjun looked around and responded in a low voice.

When Su Meng saw this situation, she thought that Cheng Jianjun had borrowed money when she went home, so she hurried out of the room. Today, Teacher Su found out that she was sick and went to the hospital directly. Su Ma and Grandma Su accompanied her in the hospital. Su Meng is the only one left at home.

The reason why Su Meng went home was because her family did not have enough money to pay the surgery fee, and she wanted to come back to see if Cheng Jianjun could borrow money from her family.

"Cheng Jianjun, how is it? Have you received money from your family?" Su Meng's tone has changed a lot. After all, now is the time to ask for help. No one can help him.

As for what Han Chuming said about lending money to their family, Su Meng didn't believe it. After all, even their family couldn't afford such a large amount of money, not to mention that it has only been more than a year since Han Chunming returned to the city. How much time can he save even if he does not eat or drink...

It is estimated that Han Chunming earns less than her...

"This... this..." Cheng Jianjun hesitated and hesitated, after all, it felt like taking advantage of others' danger.

Although he has a thick skin, he still wants to save face in front of Su Meng, and he doesn't want to destroy his good image in Su Meng's heart...

Although Cheng Jianjun's image is not very good in Su Meng's heart, Cheng Jianjun doesn't think so.

He felt good about himself from the beginning to the end. After all, their family's conditions are among the best in the yard, and he himself is also very competitive, and now he is still in college...

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Why are you hesitating?" Su Meng asked anxiously. After all, her father is still waiting for money to save his life in the hospital. If there is no other way, she will not Choose to borrow money from Cheng Jianjun.

"Something went wrong with the loan." Cheng Jianjun rubbed his head and said embarrassingly.

"Why, Uncle Cheng disagrees? It's okay, let's just forget about the loan. I'm thinking of other ways." Seeing Cheng Jianjun's tone, Su Meng thought that Cheng's father disagreed with lending money to their family, so she said a little disappointed.

"Su Meng, my dad didn't say that he disagreed with lending money to your family, but... there is a condition..." Cheng Jianjun said in the end that his voice became quieter.

"What's the condition?" Su Meng said curiously: "Oh, it's an IOU, right? OK, no problem, I'll go back to the room and write you an IOU, which is what it should be, after all, it's such a large sum of money. "

"Cough cough cough!!! It's not about the IOU." Cheng Jianjun stammered and said, "That's right, our family can take out the money, but my dad said it was reserved for my wedding... "

Su Meng immediately laughed when Cheng Jianjun said that their family could take out the money: "Jianjun, don't worry, we will return the money to your family as soon as possible."

Su Meng also thought that Cheng's father was worried, fearing that their family's failure to pay back the money would affect Cheng Jianjun's marriage, so she said swearingly.

She never thought that Cheng Jianjun would pay her attention. She thought that the reason why Cheng Jianjun pestered her was because they were playmates who grew up together, and they were just friends.

"Ahem!! Su Meng, my dad said that as long as our affairs can be settled, I will lend the money to your family." Cheng Jianjun was obviously a little unnatural when he spoke, and he was afraid that Su Meng would refuse, even though he Confident, but when facing Su Meng, he still couldn't help beating his heart...

"What do you mean? What do we have to settle?" Su Meng looked at Cheng Jianjun with some doubts, not understanding what he meant, after all, she had never thought about it.

Cheng Jianjun plucked up his courage, clenched his fists secretly and said, "Su Meng, you should know that I like you and I want to marry you. As long as you agree, I will ask my dad for the money when I go back to the house."

Hearing Cheng Jianjun's straightforward words, Su Meng was stunned and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Su Meng, don't worry, I will treat you well in the future, I swear..." Cheng Jianjun raised his right hand to the sky.

At this moment, Su Meng had come to her senses, and she was immediately furious. Cheng Jianjun was not her type at all.

What can I say about Su Meng, she is a romantic, she thinks about everything too beautifully.

She liked Han Chunming before, also because Han Chunming can bring her romance, let her feel like she is the heroine in the story, and Han Chunming is the hero in the story.

And when she learned that Han Chunming was doing waste collection work, the reason why she reacted so strongly was because Han Chunming destroyed her fantasy about the other half. The male lead in the imagined romance is not at all the same.

As for Cheng Jianjun, although the external conditions met all her fantasies, the internal conditions were far from it.

The most perfect combination in her mind is to have Han Chunming's inner qualities and Cheng Jianjun's outer qualities.

"Cheng Jianjun, I am just an ordinary friend with you, and you are not my type, I advise you to give up on it."

After Su Meng finished speaking angrily, she turned around and was about to go back to the house, forgetting that her father was still waiting for money to save his life in the hospital.

It's just that when Su Meng opened the door and was about to go in, she was grabbed by Cheng Jianjun.

"Su Meng, don't be angry, that's not what I meant, my father insisted on making me do this."

Cheng Jianjun thought that the reason why Su Meng was angry was because he had associated borrowing money with marriage, which made Su Meng feel a little disgusted.

He didn't want to do it either, but if he didn't, his dad wouldn't take the money out.

For the sake of his future father-in-law, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

"Let go, we will break up our friendship in the future, don't pester me anymore." Su Meng said with a cold face.

"Don't, you're just angry with me, but you can't delay your father's medical treatment. After all, such a large sum of money, I dare say that our family is the only one who can come up with this money in this hospital. , do you have other ways to borrow money?"

"Don't think about where Han Chunming is. He is a trash collector. He has been working for more than a year. Even if he saves everything without eating or drinking, how much money can he save? What's more, you have seen it. He also paid for other people's medical expenses today..."

Cheng Jianjun's words caused Su Meng to think deeply. She was confused by anger just now, and for a moment she forgot her father who was still waiting for money to save her life in the hospital.

That's right, besides the Cheng family, who can lend such a large amount of money to their family, but she sold herself to lend money to her father's medical treatment, which made her very hesitant...

This is completely inconsistent with the life she imagined for the heroine...

But for a while, she couldn't make up her mind. On the one hand, she was her father who was waiting for money to save her life, and on the other hand, she was concerned about the happiness of the rest of her life.

How does this make her choose?

At this moment, Cheng Jianjun said earnestly, "Su Meng, I know you won't be able to accept me for a while, but it's important to treat Uncle Su now."

"Look, if it's not like this, let's pretend to be a couple to fool my dad. Anyway, we are still in school. Even if we want to get married, we have to wait until after graduation to get money for uncle's medical treatment. If you don’t like me, then let’s just treat it as nothing, what do you think?”

Cheng Jianjun had a very good idea, regardless of whether it was true or not, he decided to settle the matter first, and provided money to treat his future father-in-law. Anyway, he was very confident that he would definitely be able to capture Su Meng's heart in the past three years or so.

After all, he and Su Meng are also studying at the same university. How do you say that, the first thing you can do is to get close to the water. When the news of his engagement with Su Meng gets out, let's see who dares to make Su Meng's idea again. .

Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as there is no competitor, it will not be easy for him to win Su Meng.

Su Meng, who was at the side, changed her mind a lot after hearing what Cheng Jianjun said. She thought about it carefully, and now, except for the Cheng family, no one can help them.

Anyway, I was pretending to be a couple with Cheng Jianjun. When the time comes, my family will pay back the money, and then we will break up on the grounds that she and Cheng Jianjun have different personalities. If I think about it, Cheng's father can't say anything.

In the worst case, give his family more interest. Anyway, Cheng Jianjun came up with this idea. Even if Cheng's father wanted to find something later, he couldn't find it, and let their family figure him out.

He wanted to use borrowing money as an excuse to let himself marry their son.

If there is no other way now, and Su's father's condition cannot be delayed, she will definitely turn against Cheng Jianjun.

"Su Meng, think about it, Uncle Su's illness can't be delayed now. If his condition worsens, it will be too late to regret it. We are just pretending to be a couple..."

Before Cheng Jianjun finished speaking, Su Meng interjected: "Okay, I agree, but you have to remember that I did this only to lend money to my dad for medical treatment, so don't have any extravagant thoughts. "

Seeing that Su Meng agreed, Cheng Jianjun immediately laughed happily: "Don't worry, I know, I won't threaten you with borrowing money."

Anyway, in Cheng Jianjun's heart at this time, Su Meng will become his wife sooner or later.The reason why he speaks so bluntly now is just because he can't let go of his face.

Besides, it's not like I don't know about Su Meng's arrogant character.

She didn't turn against her all of a sudden, that's enough to save her face.


Just when Su Meng finished discussing with Cheng Jianjun about borrowing money.

In Han Chunming's room in the front yard.

Han Chunming is also discussing with Taozi and Cai Xiaoli about going south tomorrow.

"Pack up your things when you go back. Tomorrow, we'll head south!"

Just now, Han Chunming also explained to the two that there will be a train from Yanjing to Guangzhou tomorrow afternoon. Han Chunming's idea is to go to Guangzhou first to find out the news.

After all, many small objects that are closely related to life in this era are produced in Guangzhou. This time, they will definitely have to ship thousands of dollars worth of goods back to Sijiu City.

"Okay, I'll clean up when I get back."

Taozi also nodded, he listened to Han Chunming, he would do whatever Han Chunming asked him to do, anyway, he hasn't suffered much so far.

Taozi never believed in those collections, and always thought that Han Chunming was fooling people. What's the point of buying a plate the size of a washbasin for dozens of dollars and putting it there to eat ashes?Anyway, he couldn't understand it. When he thought about it, it would be better to save up to build a house and marry a wife...or open a restaurant...

I don't know if Taozi will regret it in a few decades...


On the afternoon of the next day, Han Chunming, Taozi, and Cai Xiaoli were carrying a large luggage bag at the Yanjing City Railway Station. The three of them carried about 5000 yuan.

The money was earned by the three of them over the past year, and Han Chunming borrowed some from Uncle Guan. After all, unlike Cai Xiaoli and Taozi, he spent most of the money in his hands and used it all I bought an old item.

At this time, the big fence, the tattered Hou is also ringing the bell step by step, yo heh, collecting broken copper and rotten iron...

But today, Poor Hou obviously had other purposes. Soon, Poor Hou arrived at the courtyard house where Han Chunming lived.

"Is Han Chunming at home?"

Han Ma opened the door with a dazed look on her face. Where did this task No. [-] come from? She had never seen it before.

But the voice came to look for Chunming.

"Chunming is on a long trip, I'm his mother, just tell me if you have anything..."

"Come on, Chunming's mother, hand this over to Han Chunming for me, I owe him..."

Broken Hou took out a package from behind, the dark one was not very attractive.

Han Ma looked at this strange thing and strange people, it was really unpredictable.

"Come on, I'll pay back this favor too, and I should go back when I'm broken, so don't give it away." After talking about broken pieces, he walked out of the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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