The boss also snorted coldly and turned his head away. Han Chunming was his younger brother, and he did something wrong. As the eldest brother, he naturally had to preach.

"Don't sit still, let's eat, Chunming, what are you doing standing there, go serve the food..."

Han Ma also greeted everyone to prepare for dinner. Today, she spent a lot of thought to welcome her future daughter-in-law.

"Xiaoli, look, you and Chunming are quite old now. How about we set a date first so that you two can have a fat boy as soon as possible, and I, an old woman, can help you take care of the baby..."

Han Chunming didn't know how many times he heard such words. Older people think about these things all day long. Maybe he can only understand them at this age.

"Mom, you can eat in peace. This is the first time Xiaoli has come to our house as a guest. If you say that again, I'm afraid she will scare people away." The second sister on the side whispered in Mother Han's ear.

But no, Cai Xiaoli's face turned red, even a strong woman at work would have to bow her head when encountering this problem.

The answer is no, it's outrageous...

The answer is yes, and it seems that I am too active...

It's better to be silent, so as not to say the wrong thing.

Seeing Cai Xiaoli lowering her head, the second sister also felt happy. It seemed that Cai Xiaoli really liked Chunming, and it didn't look like she was cheating.

Han Ma was also afraid of causing Cai Xiaoli's misunderstanding, so she stopped talking and kept adding vegetables to Cai Xiaoli's bowl. She became more and more satisfied with this future daughter-in-law.

As for family conditions and so on, she doesn't care now, anyway, his son is now a college student, and after graduation, he will be assigned by the state, so he will never be hungry.

"Xiaoli, if Chunming bullies you in the future or feels wronged in any way, come to me and I will help you deal with him."

Han Chunming rolled his eyes: "Mom, from what you said, I am that kind of person."

Han Chunming also did a good job in the show, and added a chicken leg to Cai Xiaoli's bowl.

"Yes, Auntie, Chunming treats me very well, we never quarrel."

Cai Xiaoli smiled sweetly, which made Mother Han even more satisfied. Listening to Cai Xiaoli defending Xiao Wuzi, she felt happier.

And Han Chunming at the side also felt complacent.


It's still time for school to start.

In the second half of the year, Han Chunming no longer planned to live on campus. The reason why he chose to live on campus in the first half of the year was because he wanted to make a good impression on his teachers and classmates when he just started school.

But living in a courtyard house is too far away from the school, and it is inconvenient to go back and forth. He plans to find time to see if there are suitable houses for sale or rent around the school.

Han Chunming finally came to the second floor of the school dormitory, the third room on the left side of the stairs, carrying a large bag of things.

The advantage of this room is that it faces the sun, but the disadvantage is that it is close to the toilet. It is okay in winter, but in summer, the smell is not to be mentioned.

Han Chunming went into the room, took out a rag and wiped his bed. After staying there for more than a month, the bed was already covered with a layer of dust.

This room is more than ten square meters in total, but there are eight people living in it. Except for a large rectangular table in the middle, there is really no room left.

There wasn't even a place to put a luggage rack.

When Han Chunming first arrived last semester, he thought he was old enough to go to university at the age of 21, but he didn't expect that there was another student in the dormitory who was 28 this year!

If you think about it carefully, it’s no wonder that in the past, most people in China learned Russian, and only a small number of people could learn English. In addition, the college entrance examination was stopped ten years ago.

The reason why Han Chunming chose English was also because of his previous life. After nine years of compulsory education, he started to learn English since elementary school. Compared with others, he has many advantages.

The reason why he wants to move out is to check the accommodation conditions. The main reason is that he is too busy. He gets up at [-] o'clock in the morning to recite words to practice oral English, and turns off the lights in the dormitory at [-] o'clock in the evening. .

After a semester of torture, Han Chunming really couldn't stand it anymore.

After enduring it for a semester, he should move out. Among these devils, he would be ashamed to be lazy.

Who made everyone work so hard? As long as he is a little slack, these people will persuade you earnestly, without saying harsh words, and just explain the facts to you, making you unable to even express your temper.

So within a few days after school started, Han Chunming went to the teacher in charge to express his thoughts.

You don't need to guess to know that you will be rejected. As a class teacher, you don't know what your students think. You have this virtue in school. If you move out and live, it won't take off?
"Teacher Wang, my studies will not be delayed if I move out. I just want to have a good study environment."

"Don't talk to me about this, I heard that you were an insider before? You can be admitted to our school in this way, and you mention the environment to me? Do you believe this?"

Han Chunming really wanted to say that he hadn't been here for a few years when he knew about it, but he knew he couldn't say that.

"Teacher, listen to me. I'm going to find a part-time job outside. Aren't there a lot of foreigners visiting our place now? I'll be a tour guide for them. I'm a local, and I'm familiar with the scenic spots in Sijiu City. By the way, you can also practice your spoken English.”

This sentence suddenly said to the teacher's heart that the students of their class are extremely vulnerable to exams. They are finished when they open their mouths. They are completely learning dumb English.

"What you said is true? How are you going to find it?"

No wonder the teacher was indifferent. Although Han Chunming is not serious about his studies, at least he thinks so, but Han Chunming's studies are good, and he is also one of the best in his class.

"It's easy, teacher, please write me a letter of introduction, and I'll go to the tourism bureau to find a job. Also, I plan to go to the scenic spot to find it myself, so I think I can earn more."

Han Chunming has his own plan. If he looks for a job by himself, he will definitely receive foreign exchange, but if he wants to work for others, not only the salary is low, but also RMB.

Although there is no craze for going abroad, you can go to the Friendship Shopping Center to buy some imported items with foreign exchange. That place does not accept RMB.

"This method is really good. Learning English is useless if you don't talk about optics. Then tell me, can other students in our class do the same?"

Today's college students have subsidies. Not only do they not need to spend money to go to college, but they can even save living expenses. However, many people not only use it for themselves, but also support their families. This is not enough.

"Teacher, who do you think is good in the class, I can take him with me!"

Teacher Wang also became embarrassed: "In terms of speaking, except for you, everyone in our class is really not very good. By the way, even if you plan to go out to work part-time, you don't need to live outside?"

"Isn't this for convenience? If I work part-time, I won't come back at a fixed time every day, and I can't always call the doorman."

"As for students and teachers, in the final analysis, this job is about serving people. If your professional skills are not up to par, wouldn't it be bad?"

"That's right, that's fine, I agree, but there is a condition that the grades cannot be lowered. If the test scores are lower than the top three, then all these conditions will be void, and you will have to go back to the school dormitory obediently."

"Good teacher, I promise, the grades will never fall behind."

Finally, I convinced the teacher. Fortunately, I was resourceful and thought of such a good way, but now I am fine, and I have found a job for myself!

But it's okay, anyway, he doesn't have any way to earn foreign exchange now, even if he does small business, he does it secretly, but that stuff is also risky, and it's really unnecessary if he doesn't lack money.

I went around for a while, well, they are all private houses, although they are in the third ring road, they haven't been developed yet.

Riding a bicycle in the alley is not as quiet and peaceful as it is written in the book, there are only pungent smells and noisy sounds.

There is no overall plan for the current hutongs. Among other things, the sanitary conditions are really bad. Most of them are large courtyards, where more than ten families live, and there is not even a toilet in the courtyard.

It's just a tap, and everyone should share it together.

It took three days to find a house. There were quite a few renters, but they didn't like it, or it was a small courtyard with many people crowded together. There were also single-family houses, but they were dilapidated. Look down on.

After all, I am renting a house to live in by myself this time.

There is no way, because I am completely hopeless, I'd better try my luck on the streets.

At this time, the streets are really all-encompassing, and everything is in charge.

No, after coming here, I really found the house I wanted, but it was sold directly, no one would rent it.

It's only a 5-minute ride away from the school, and the yard is very clean, mainly because Han Chunming really likes the walnut tree built in the yard.

The owner of the house used to be a teacher at the school. Isn't it catching up with those ten years? He has been staying in the cowshed all the time, and the house was only returned to him recently.

It's just that the teacher was completely disappointed, and planned to dispose of the house and go abroad to join relatives.

Han Chunming didn't want to say anything about this matter. You can't say that your house will be worth a lot if you keep it for decades. Besides, this teacher came back from abroad, so he is really sad now.

There is no furniture in the house, and there are no imaginary antiques. Also, the house has just been returned, and even if there are antiques in it, they have already been disposed of.

The house is not expensive, 500 yuan, which also reassures Han Chunming. Although the house is not expensive at this time, he doesn't know how much money it is.

That is to say, this place is not yet part of the city center, otherwise it would be impossible to buy at this price.

In fact, the house has always been expensive. Thinking about the current salary, it is basically tens of dollars a month, 500 yuan. Even if you don’t eat or drink, you have to praise it for ten years!

Cheap houses are also relatively speaking. For most people, buying a house has never been cheap.

"Director, this is the price. By the way, can I apply for the current real estate certificate?"

"Okay, I'll help you handle it. Teacher Wu is also in a hurry, so let's do it tomorrow."

The key was given to Han Chunming directly, and Teacher Wu never came. He really didn't want to come, so he wanted to escape here quickly. After all, his wife and children were gone, and he was really alone now.

Han Chunming sometimes wonders, if what he travels through is not the current era, but the era Mr. Wu and the others experienced, with a family and a family, and adding the problem of composition, will he be able to persevere?
What he thinks is that it is probably impossible, the worst environment, the most tiring work, and the pain of the young and old in the family being dragged down by him, he probably really wants to die!

Fortunately, everything is over now, and everything is developing on the positive side. After all, he has experienced prosperity in later generations.

Although the house was confirmed, Han Chunming was still busy running around. He had to go to class during the day, so he really didn't dare to skip class, because the school really dared to expel you.

There is not even a decent piece of furniture in the house, and it is a bit too clean.

I wanted to find some old furniture, but I really didn't have time, not to mention that those old furniture were not very convenient to use.

Or follow the normal way.

The director of the sub-district office introduced an old carpenter. He heard that the craftsmanship was well-known in the neighborhood, but his family was also poor.

After all, in this day and age, every house is new for three years, old for three years, sewn and mended for three years, and the clothes are like this, let alone furniture. How can so many people make new furniture.

I was very happy to receive such a big job all of a sudden, so I came to the gate of Han Chunming Courtyard and waited that day.

After school, Han Chunming just arrived at the door on his bicycle when he found someone squatting at the door, which startled him.

Don't forget that someone has been watching you for your extravagant spending recently, so you put your bicycle on one leg and pretended to be passing by.

"Master, is something wrong with you? But this yard has been unoccupied for a long time."

"No, the director said that this company plans to make furniture, it can't be wrong!"

The uncle was a little confused.

"Are you the carpenter introduced by the director of the street office? Sorry, this is my house. I'm a little nervous to see a stranger at the door."

"It's okay, it's my question. I'm not too excited, so I didn't think about it that much." The uncle waved his hands repeatedly and said.

"Let's take a look first. I just bought this house. There is no furniture in it. I just wanted to live in it first. You can show me what you need."

Han Chunming didn't want to make the house very good, just tidy up the three main rooms in this yard, anyway, the other rooms are not needed for the time being, and it is not known whether the yard will be demolished in the future, it is completely unnecessary!

"Just help me get the furniture out of these three rooms, and don't worry about the rest."

This house is not a courtyard, it should be an ordinary folk house, three main rooms, two east wing rooms, two west wing rooms, and the south gate has only one wall, but it does not prevent it from being a good house.

"This is what I think. In the bedroom, there is a bed, a bedside table, and a large wardrobe. In the living room, there is an Eight Immortals table plus a few stools. In the study room, there is a big desk and a few bookshelves. What do you think? Sample?"

"Okay, you can call a few more people, and it will be done in half a month. As for the material, you can help me figure out a way, let's use fir wood, how much is the total?"

"Three hundred and two, please give me a deposit first. I need to spend money to buy this material."

(End of this chapter)

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