The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 568 Translating for the First Time

Han Chunming directly gave a deposit of 100 yuan. Anyway, he is not afraid that he will run away. The director of the street introduced him, so he can't even give up his house.

After working on the furniture, Han Chunming wanted to build a toilet in the yard, but it was a bit troublesome. After all, there was no sewer nearby, so he had to dig a hole outside.

Han Chunming has already planned it, just outside the corner of the Nianbian wall. Fortunately, this alley is relatively wide, and he dug a hole more than one meter wide under the base of the wall, which is completely fine.

Nowadays, there are also special excrement workers. When the time comes, you don’t need to worry too much. You only need to spend a little money to clean it up.

In fact, Han Chunming didn't have time, otherwise he really wanted to tidy up the yard. Although the house was in good condition, there were still many things that needed to be changed.

After the carpenter left, the bricklayer came again. The wall of the bathroom in the courtyard needed to be cut, and the pit outside also needed to be dug. He also wanted to build another bathing place.

In fact, Han Chunming wanted to have a bathroom in the bedroom. After all, the room was quite large, and even with furniture, it was still a bit empty. However, there was a family behind the house, so there was no way to dig a septic tank.

"Master, do you understand the toilet and bathroom here, there is another place, come with me."

At this moment, there is a new arrangement. The bedroom and study are a bit big. There is no kang now. I don’t know how many stoves are needed to heat the room. Let’s make the room smaller.

This idea really came out of nowhere, it was really necessary to fight!

It's okay in summer, but when it comes to winter, it's really unbearable.

"Master, that's all. Can you help me see how long it takes to finish? Is there anything else that needs to be done here?"

"This job is simple, and it will be done for you in three days. The main reason is that it is not easy for you to make a kang, otherwise it will be comfortable to make a kang."

"There's no way around this. The reason for changing the room to a smaller size is because of this. Please help me speed up. I still want to move in sooner."


As for the decoration of the house, the more you work, the better. Fortunately, the school's curriculum is relatively tight, otherwise Han Chunming doesn't know how good he still has ideas.

The course is tight, so Han Chunming can only take time to take a look after class. Nowadays, the craftsmen are really self-conscious. Not to mention anything else, it is the septic tank dug outside. Han Chunming wanted to find something wrong, but he saw For a long time, I really didn't see anything wrong.

He didn't say anything, but he took the initiative to pull some momentum and cut to the side. What can you say?
The furniture in the place, well, I didn’t see that thing. I really didn’t have time to visit the carpenter’s house. Anyway, I had already said that the bed would be brought over when it was ready. He wanted to live in it in a few days.

Thinking that I am a time traveler after all, and I can be regarded as a person who has seen the world. There is no heating in this room. I must not trouble myself. I found a blacksmith to make an iron stove, and then made some thin iron sheets to make a long one. chimney.

I saw this thing in a barber shop when I was a child. Not to mention hot water at any time, the room is still warm.

After finishing everything, I can finally rest. I am really tired from running back and forth these days, and there are still a lot of things to do.

The class was still going on, but Han Chunming went out early and returned late these days without seeing anyone, which made several people in the dormitory look down on it. They all thought that Han Chunming had given up on himself!
"Chunming, you can't do this. Although you study well, you can't be so indulgent. You must know that studying is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

"I've asked for leave, don't worry, I haven't given up on my studies at all, I just have something to do outside recently!"

"Don't lie to us, think carefully, the course is tight now, so be nervous."

Han Chunming really didn't like to hear this, but you couldn't talk back when people said this, so you could only listen.

It was another unforgettable night, with people snoring, grinding their teeth, and talking in sleep. Fortunately, no one was sleepwalking. He really couldn't stay any longer.

The next day happened to be a rest. I went to my new home and rushed to the courtyard without stopping. When I went back to take a look, I just went to Tiananmen Square to have a look. Maybe I could get a job.

After all, I have already told the teacher in charge that it is not good if I do nothing at all.

This is Han Chunming. Even if the other students are on vacation, no one goes home. They all stay in school and continue to study. After all, they have all come from those ten years. It is not easy to go to college. Everyone’s attitude towards learning has changed moment by moment. Don't want to waste it.

Han Chunming rode a bicycle to Tiananmen Square.

Now that the gates of the country are gradually opening, you can see blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners here from time to time. Everyone is probably used to it, but they don't stare at it strangely.

Store the bicycle in the parking lot, and walk to the destination with one leg.

Han Chunming's idea is to follow these translators with foreigners first, to see how their level is, and to see if they have any advantages.

After following the two teams, Han Chunming finally knew that these translators were probably trained temporarily, and they used both hands and feet when translating, almost like sign language.

After all, there are not many people who speak good English in China in this era, and even if there are, it is impossible to come to serve as translators for these tourists.

Han Chunming wanted to go up to talk to him, but he never found an opportunity, so he couldn't just poach someone's wall in front of him, because it would be easy to get beaten up if he did so!

Han Chunming stared at the team of five people, and he could tell that none of them were the ones who were short of money.

Finally, he waited for the opportunity. He thought that the tour guide had no intestines in his stomach, but a bladder, and he didn't go to the toilet for such a long time.

After watching the tour guide walk away, Han Chunming went immediately, trying to strike up a conversation with these people with his proficient English.

"Hello, are you here for a trip?"

The proficiency in English also attracted a few people's surprise. They have been here for so long, and they have never heard such a proficient English. Although they are a little surprised at the spoken English, they can understand it!
"Hello, you can speak English, are you back from our country?"

"No, I am a college student in the School of Foreign Languages. I want to contact you when I see you. What do you think of my English?"

"Very good. We are going crazy. We don't know what the translator is talking about. He doesn't seem to understand what we are saying. Do you have time? Can you translate for us?"

Hehe, Han Chuming was still thinking about how to bring the topic to this, but he didn't expect them to come to his door.

"Uh, well, I'm in school right now, so..."

"We can pay you, you can just treat it as a part-time job, we can give you a very good fee."

Seeing that Han Chunming was going to refuse, these foreigners quickly spoke up, as if they were afraid of missing Han Chunming.

It's all about money, and it seems a bit bad for me to refuse, isn't that the purpose?
"Okay, but let's make an agreement first. I only accept US dollars. I also want to save money to study abroad in your country. Is that okay?"

My own vision is really good, and the money is paid directly according to the head, fifty dollars per person per day. This money is not much for them, but it is very powerful for me.

Don't think they are fools, thinking that they don't know how much money they gave, why don't they know, after all, the tour guide has taken them for so long, so why didn't they take any money?He wouldn't believe it even if he was killed, but who made his level so high.

When the tour guide came back, he saw that Han Chunming was chatting with no one in full swing, which was also very strange. After all, English is not a compulsory course in China now. In addition, the special decade has just passed, and there are not many people in China who can speak English.

"Who are you? Your English is pretty good. Are you interested in coming to work with us?"

The tour guide and translator asked curiously.

Is this going to poach yourself?This is not possible. How much money can I make by joining your company?
So Han Chunming immediately said: "No, I'm a student of the School of Foreign Languages. Didn't I see foreigners contact me about English? By the way, let me take them. They say that you are not proficient in English."

The tour guide was also very happy when he heard it. He knew what level he was. This half morning was torture for him, but he didn't expect that Han Chunming would take money, and he thought it was a pleasure to help others.

"Then I'll trouble you. Just send them back to the hotel at the end of the night. It's the one next to the foreign exchange shop. Do you know where it is?"

"I know. I'm an old Beijinger. There's still something I don't know about it. Don't worry, go get busy."

The tour guide left very happily, and the way he left was so blunt that he didn't even say hello to the foreigners!
"Let's go, let's take you to experience the Chinese culture!"

There are not many places in the Forbidden City that are open now, and Han Chunming doesn’t care too much. He takes them wherever they are open. If he knows what he knows, he will introduce it well. .

I took them around in the Forbidden City for half a day. Although there are not many places open to the public, I finished shopping all afternoon. When I was tired, I chatted with them. The way of thinking that was decades ahead also made a few people very addicted. , I also taught them a lot of Chinese in the process, and they got along pretty well!

In the evening, he took them back to the hotel after eating the roast duck. At the hotel entrance, the leader of the five handed over $250 to Han Chunming.

Han Chunming, who had been pretending to be calm all this time, couldn't help it anymore. The corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, just wanting to turn up. After all, this is foreign money earned.

"Han, you're really nice. Can you pick us up tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, let's meet at eight o'clock in the morning. I'll take you to have breakfast, and then we'll go to the next place."

Han Chunming quickly replied, after all, the half-day was paid for one day, and the service must be in place, making money, not sloppy!
Looking at the two one-hundred-fifty banknotes in my hand, I felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in my heart. When I came here, I thought I might be empty-handed today, but I didn't know that there would be a surprise!
On the way back, I made a small red flag at the tailor shop and ordered ten red hats. As a tour guide, you also need to have a sense of ceremony!

Thinking about myself walking ahead with a small red flag tomorrow, followed by five blond foreigners wearing red hats, I couldn't help but feel happy. Compared with the money I earned, this little money is not worth mentioning!
Back in the dormitory again, it was no different from before, the quietness was a bit scary, everyone was studying with their heads down, which made Han Chunming a little out of place, this group of people is really too rollicked!

The reason why Han Chuming went back to the dormitory instead of the courtyard was mainly because he was afraid that Han’s mother would talk about it. After all, Han Chunming was not the only college student in the courtyard. He stayed at school to study during the holidays, and he ran back by himself. If his family found out, he would definitely be accused again. .

"I brought you something to eat, let's fill up our stomachs and watch it first?"

On the way back, Han Chunming saw some snacks and bought some, but the few people were still embarrassed to eat them. Except for Han Chunming, there was no one rich in the dormitory, but these people were good, as long as Han Chunming brought them some snacks. All the food and whatever he tried to do had to be returned to Han Chunming.

"Don't be embarrassed, let me tell you, buddy made money today!"

Hearing that making money, several people are interested. After all, everyone is short of money. If there is a way, they don't want to miss it.

Seeing the eyes of several people, Han Chunming knew what they wanted to ask, so he said, "I'm working as a tour guide for foreigners outside. Let me tell you, those foreigners are very generous!"

As soon as they heard this, several people shut down. They were all mute in English. They could make do with writing and talking directly to foreigners. They really had the courage.

"Let me tell you, this English needs to be spoken more, it is useless for you to bow your head and study hard!"

"Chunming, we are different from you. We really don't know the spoken language. It seems that money has nothing to do with us."

I wanted to help a few people, but it was no use. They immediately backed down when they heard this!

"Don't be nervous, just talk more. When it's almost time, talk to foreigners. If you don't dare to be a tour guide, just go and talk. You don't need to spend money anyway. Don't you want to go abroad in the future?"

A few people were not sure about this, so Han Chunming stopped persuading them. Their current level is indeed a lot worse. After all, they have only studied for one semester, and they have no foundation at all before. Although they have worked hard, they still need to learn.

After chatting with a few foreigners for a long time, I felt that my thoughts became clearer. I took out the draft of Harry Potter, and my writing was like peeing, and the tip of the pen kept sliding irregularly on the paper, turning into letters one by one.

This is what I came up with after meeting a few foreigners today. If I want to earn foreign exchange in a short period of time, what could be more comfortable than writing novels?
At ten o'clock, these people were still reading quietly just like when they first came here. Han Chunming couldn't get over them, so he picked up the washbasin and washed up before going to bed. Those snores are gone.

Han Chunming didn't worry about getting up late in the morning at all, even if it was a rest day, this group of people would definitely not get up late!
No matter what time you go to bed at night, you will wake up at around [-] o'clock the next day. I don't know why these people are so hard. .

I got up in the morning, washed up, and went straight out of school. When I passed by the tailor shop, I took the red hat that was made to order with extra money yesterday. If I didn’t have to wear it myself, I would have asked for a green one. That thing is just two words—— Spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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