The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 576 Trip to Hong Kong Island

The old man kept wrapping up Han Chunming's paintings with great effort. Some of them were closed before they were fully opened, and they were put aside, while others were put aside after looking at them for a while.

Han Chunming didn't bother, poured a glass of water and put it on the side, free labor, no need for nothing.

It took a long time to look at it, until it was completely dark, and the two boxes of calligraphy and painting were finally divided.

"Young man, this pile is all imitation, this pile is all good, and I can't make up my mind about these five calligraphy and paintings. After all, they have too few paintings. A few days ago, I asked my friend to show you that he works in the Palace Museum and is much more powerful than me."

Han Chunming hesitated, how could he not know about that place?If it is really an authentic painting by a famous artist, I will definitely pester myself to donate it!

"Old man, let's just leave it like this for now. It's all in my hands anyway, and it doesn't matter that much whether it's true or not. Let's talk about it when we have a chance."

"I know what you think, too, those people, seeing good things is like moving them to the Forbidden City, but you have to deal with these calligraphy and paintings, otherwise they won't be preserved in good condition. Let me tell you a place, You know about Liulichang? It’s the first one to enter the door, and it’s a veteran craftsman with a good reputation.”

Can he not know about Liulichang? Although the later generations are not as famous as Panjiayuan, this place has existed for a long time. In the past, it was full of masters!
So Han Chunming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take my things there when I have time."

In fact, there are a lot of good things at home, but Han Chunming is afraid to take them out. The things here are all of average quality. The real good things are all placed in the courtyard beside the Forbidden City. After all, that There is a basement in the yard.

"Don't be nervous, I don't want your stuff. I'm so old, can I still take it away? I see a lot of porcelain in your study, but I don't understand these things. If you really want to play, I can give it to you." You introduce a master."

"I don't need this. I know a master craftsman who has a deep research on things like porcelain. I have learned a lot from him, but I don't know much about things like calligraphy and painting."

"Oops, it seems that you are also a person who has a chance. I should have thought of it a long time ago, otherwise how could I get such a large-scale collection. Okay, it's getting late and I have to go back. Let's meet by chance."

I don't know what's wrong, the old man Han Chunming I just met unexpectedly took him home by accident, and even showed things to others, which didn't fit his cautious personality.

Looking at the pile of dozens of calligraphy and paintings that the old man judged to be fakes on the table, Han Chunming didn't have too many mood swings.

After all, even if it is an imitation, it does not mean that it is worthless.

They were rearranged according to categories, and Han Chunming found another box to put those calligraphy and paintings judged as imitations.

As for the five controversial ones, Han Chunming directly placed them on the bookshelf, thinking that he would go to some experts and professors for appraisal when he had time.

Now that there are more and more things in the house, Han Chunming really has a headache looking at the bottles and cans all over the house.

Han Chunming lay flat at home for a few days. He thought about continuing to lie down. This thing is really comfortable. If the teacher in charge hadn't come to find him, he probably would have been lying down like this forever.

"There is news. It just so happens that a friend of mine can help. I will go with a study group. It will take half a month. You can do your own activities when you get there, but you have to report to the team leader."

Now these are nothing to him, as long as he can go through the formal procedures, as long as he gets to the place, he has a way!

"Okay, you make preparations first, and you will leave in a week. I will send you the formalities at that time. By the way, if the book is published, remember to bring me a copy. Also, write the follow-up and send it to me as soon as possible. I think you are really good, and that novel is really good."

Han Chunming didn't know how the head teacher did it. Anyway, the head teacher didn't say anything, and he didn't ask.

Han Chunming was in a good mood when things were settled.

"Teacher, please keep this matter secret. I don't want many people to know."

"Why? This is a good thing, and it will greatly help your future development."

"I'm afraid of trouble. I'm afraid that if there are more people who know about it, there will be more things. It's better to keep a low profile."

"Okay, but let's say it first, don't forget to bring me a copy when it's published."

Han Chunming didn't want this incident to cause a lot of trouble in the city. At that time, many people would flock to it. Not to mention the manuscript fee, there would probably be quite a few people just wanting to catch the heat!
Don't think that there is no hype right now, it's just that the spread of information is slow now, but there is no shortage of speculators at any time.


A week later, Han Chunming, who packed his bags, came to the train station early and waited. He thought that he would spend a month together and get to know him first, but the reply to him was that there was no need!

Very proud, Han Chunming still doesn't know what these people are doing, and he thought they were carrying out secret missions, but if they were carrying out secret missions, how could he slip himself in so easily?
I finally saw someone, but the other party just nodded. There were too many people at the train station, and there was no time to say hello.

Followed this group of people into the train carriage, directly into the sleeper berth, it seems that they have a lot of background!
Except for him, the remaining five people have kept their faces cold and silent since they got in the car.

"Hello, my name is Han Chunming. I'm a student of a foreign language school. I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

After all, it came in through relationships, so you still need to have the attitude you should have.

"Hi, I'm the team leader. The leader has already told me that you don't have to come with us when you get there, but let's make an agreement first. You must report where you go, and don't cause trouble!"

"I know, I have already told me, by the way, what are you doing?" Han Chunming couldn't help asking curiously.

"Don't worry about this matter, we will be busy in our own places."

Good guy, so mysterious, it makes my heart itch.

But after all, they just met each other, and Han Chunming didn't want to ask too many questions, so he just lay on the bed and read a book.

"Little brother, you can speak English, yes!"

The middle-aged man on Han Chunming's left who had been silent all this time saw the English book in Han Chunming's hand, and asked curiously. After all, there are very few people in China who can understand English books in this era.

"Yeah, that's what I learned!"

"You are studying English, have you graduated this year?" The middle-aged man was surprised.

"Not yet, there are still a few months."

"You're still a top student. By the way, it's not school time. Why do you want to go to Hong Kong Island?"

"I've never been there before. I'm going to work after graduation. I guess I won't have a chance to go. I just have time to go there now. It's a good experience."

The middle-aged man nodded: "I have an idea, but the place is quite messy, you must be careful when you get there, we have something to do here, otherwise we can take you around."

This is a person who loves to chat, and he will chat with Han Chuming for hours, talking with everyone from all over the world, and talking about whatever comes to mind.

Seeing that the group leader had gone out, the man hurriedly whispered:
"Let me tell you, we are here to do business, and there is nothing to keep secret, but it is not easy to tell you the specific situation."

I really can't hide my words, but Han Chunming is even more curious, business?Then use this?

"Your company is really good. You can still go to Hong Kong Island. What's your name? I'll see if I can assign it after graduation."

"Hey, maybe it's really possible, Poly Group, I haven't heard of it, you'll know when you come in, our company is very good!"

Good guy, when Han Chunming heard this name, a storm immediately blew up in his mind. It couldn't be the one he knew, but now there is no one called the company except for national units!
Han Chunming knew in his heart that this group of people was in the arms business, and they were still working with certificates. Suddenly they didn't dare to ask any more questions. Could this be what he could hear?no!

Pretend to take a big breath, which means that we don't want to talk anymore, I'm sleepy!

In the days that followed, Han Chunming was even cautious when speaking, not only complaining about the middle-aged man in his heart, why did he tell him these things, why is he so loose when he does it, this person is really bad!

After getting off the train, Han Chunming didn't talk much. Although he was very familiar with this place, it was his first time in this world!

"Follow up, don't get lost, we don't have time to look for you, and ah, look good, there are many thieves in this place."

Han Chunming nodded, although his tone was not good, but his heart was good.

Han Chunming followed them with his head down.

"Look at which building is taller. Let me tell you, there are many tall buildings here. Also, you must ask the price before buying something. It's expensive!"

Han Chunming pretended to be very surprised, but at the same time nodded to restore him, he was really enough, this man was so good at chatting, he never stopped talking along the way except sleeping!
When we arrived at the hotel, my good fellow, this group of people are really thrifty. They can be found in such a remote place, so I admire them! !

"Brother, do you all live here when you come here? Why do you feel so remote?"

"This place is cheap, half cheaper than the ones outside, you don't know, any place costs tens of Hong Kong dollars, how much is my monthly salary!"

"Isn't it reimbursed?"

"It's reimbursement, but now our country doesn't have much foreign exchange, so it's good to save a little bit."

Han Chunming admired them very much.

It's admiration from the bottom of his heart, and sometimes he would think, why are these people doing this?But I couldn't figure it out all the time, and I found an answer that convinced me in a book.

"In every era, there will be a group of people who take national rejuvenation as their responsibility!"

Han Chunming took out the money, Hong Kong dollars, which was regarded as his own room fee, and the captain of the team leader was not polite, and took it directly.

"By the way, are you going to eat with us? If you go together, you have to pay for the food. We basically cook by ourselves."

Han Chuming shook his head: "No need, I finally came here, I plan to experience the delicious food here."

Han Chunming took the basin and went to the bathroom. The weather was too hot, and it was really uncomfortable to toss all the way.

"What kind of way is this kid, at first glance, he is not short of money!"

"Who knows, the leader didn't say anything, he just said to take care of him as much as he can, and what's more, he must be taken back!"

"I guess I don't know the prices here. Think about it when we first came here, grandma's. I was almost scared by the price and ran back."

"But I don't think this kid looks like he wants to run away. You see, except for being surprised at the beginning, he is not excited at all!"

"Never mind him, we're busy with our business, let's finish the work first and then talk about it."

The next thing will be easy to handle. First, I inquired about the branch of the British local publishing house here, but he wrote in American English, and I may need to correct it when the time comes, but these are trivial matters!

Han Chunming is very confident that this book will be an instant hit, but it needs to be published first! !

In fact, Han Chunming had noticed it a long time ago. Although he planned to publish it directly in the United States before, he couldn't help but inquired about it.

There was already some news, and it was much easier to find it. Early in the morning of the third day, Han Chunming was already standing at the door of the publishing house.

This is just an office. After all, this is still a British colony, and there are quite a lot of people who can speak English.

It may be that the newspaper office over there is not acclimatized here. The few people in the office are idly drinking coffee and did not notice that Han Chunming came in.

I thought it was about blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners, but I didn't know that the whole room was full of compatriots...

"Excuse me, is the editor-in-chief here?" Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Han Chuming asked aloud.

"Who are you? Do you have anything to do with the editor-in-chief?"

"Well, I have a novel I want to publish, and I want to ask the editor-in-chief to read it."

"Put it here, leave an address, and we'll write to you if we can."

Arrogant! This is Han Chunming's first feeling. He told Han Chunming that he has not stood up from his chair until now!
But people are under the eaves, this is not the time to pretend to be aggressive, so he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and stuffed them in the hand of the man who was talking to Han Chunming.

"Help me, English novel, I'm in a hurry, help me introduce it!!"

Han Chunming didn't stingy on this either, he only bought good cigarettes, the ones that looked good!
"Okay, come with me, but I can't guarantee the result, it depends on the quality of your novel."

After finishing speaking, he really got up and took him inside, until he came to the door of an office.

"Editor-in-chief, an author met you, and he brought an English novel for you to read."

"come in."

Chinese is a bit broken, but Han Chunming can still hear it.

After entering the door, Han Chunming really didn't want to listen to Da Guai guess what he said, so he communicated with him directly in English.And block the manuscript of the first episode in front of him.

Perhaps it was Han Chunming's English that gave him extra points. The editor-in-chief took the manuscript and put on his glasses and began to read it seriously.

The reading lasted two hours, and Han Chunming couldn't bear it anymore. If he had to wait until he finished the novel, how long would he have to wait!
"Editor-in-Chief, how is my novel going?"

(End of this chapter)

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