The editor-in-chief was unhappy at first when he was interrupted, but he immediately realized what he was doing.

So he reluctantly raised his head and replied: "It's okay. We can publish this book and buy it out for [-] pounds. This price is pretty good."

Not bad, your grandma has such a leg, she really thinks I'm a stick vertebrae!
"Mr. Editor-in-Chief, since you don't respect me and my books, then we don't need to talk. I think many publishers should like my books!"

"Don't worry! Let's talk about it later. You tell us your requirements first!"

Originally, he couldn't reveal his trump card at this time, but Han Chunming didn't want to break up with him. The capitalist's face was undoubtedly exposed. If it didn't work, just change it!
"Publishing in the UK is left to you. You only have the distribution rights. Also, I want a 15.00% share!"

This condition is very harsh, but Han Chunming is not in a hurry and wants to bargain. Besides, he still has a big weapon to show off.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. You have to know that you are just a new author and not famous!"

"Yeah, what about my novel?"

"I admit that your novel is good, but it doesn't attract people to buy your book."

"Well, it seems we can't cooperate anymore, so I'll leave first."

"No, eight percent, but our publishing house wants global distribution rights!"

"This is impossible. Let's not talk about the profit sharing. Even if it is global distribution, you don't have the ability!"

"We have partners, don't worry, we can distribute it globally."

Han Chunming thought about it, and it would be fine to distribute it globally, which would save her a lot of trouble. Anyway, he didn't have time to do it now, and besides, he had other copyrights in his own hands.

"12.00% share, signing fee of 50 US dollars, by the way, I want US dollars, not pounds!"

These things must be discussed in advance, otherwise you will have to argue again. The US dollar is still popular internationally. Although the British pound is also an international currency, it is more troublesome to use.

"Impossible, such a high share has never been..."

"There are six more episodes to come!"

"Okay, we'll sign the contract now, and we'll have first dibs on your next works."

This is plausible, but the contract will definitely not be signed now, and he doesn't understand this, what if he falls into a pit, after all, these foreigners have dark hearts!Better to find a professional lawyer.

"You prepare the contract first, I need to call my lawyer."

After the matter was settled, Han Chunming went out with the contract documents and went straight to the law firm, looking for the best one. He was not short of money anyway!

One thousand Hong Kong dollars an hour, his grandma's, pretending to be rich, he really didn't expect that a lawyer in the 80s would be so expensive, if he had known, he should have studied law at that time!

"Lawyer Chen, I'll trouble you later. Let me tell you the conditions I negotiated with him first. My novel will be published by their publishing house, and the global distribution rights of the novel will be handed over to them. The sales share will be 50/[-] of the cost. Plus a signing fee of US$[-], and the settlement will be settled in US dollars.”

"I understand. There is one more thing to add. It should be noted that they only have the right to distribute. Capitalists are very shameless, so be careful."

Han Chuming did not leave everything to the lawyer. After all, it was the first time they met, so it was normal to be cautious 1
Returning to the foreign editor's office again, the two chatted without a word. As for the contract, the staff here were communicating with the lawyer Han Chunming brought.

Fortunately, Han Chunming spoke English. As expected, he dug a hole for himself again. Fortunately, the lawyer he hired was very capable!

After working for more than two hours, I finally signed the contract. The signing fee has not yet been paid. The main reason is that Han Chunming does not have a bank account yet. He will go and open the account tomorrow.

"Lawyer Chen, thank you very much for your trouble to come today!"

Han Chunming directly ordered [-] Hong Kong dollars, and the extra amount was considered as a tip.

Although he has been chatting with the editor-in-chief today, he has also been paying attention to them. How should I put it, he is very strong, as expected of a professional!
"This is all my business. Here is my business card. If you need anything, you can call me."

I don’t know if all lawyers are like this. They are strict and polite, but they also have a sense of distance. Maybe capable people have these quirks.

He was in a good mood today and bought a lot of food on the way back. Although he couldn't tell them about this, it didn't stop him from celebrating!

"Hey, you're too young, you must have spent a lot of money on so many things!"

"Hey, I found money on the road. It is our custom to spend the money you find immediately, otherwise your luck will be deducted."

"You're so lucky, kid. Since you found the money, we won't be polite!"

Not to mention here, I have never had such a sumptuous meal at home, even the plain ones are not worthy of being served!


On the way to the class account, Han Chunming saw the exchange, stocks!The reborn cash machine!
But it was miserable when he came here. Except for those familiar big companies, he didn't know anything else...

Not to mention this era/
But he remembers big events, such as the Plaza Accord in [-], which is why he is eager to make money.

Han Chunming, who had nothing to do, was shopping around first. Suddenly, he saw a burly fat man!

This horse riding can't be such a coincidence, isn't this Su Meng's uncle!

Across the street, a middle-aged man with a big belly was coming out of the hotel with a young woman in his arms.

That's right, this person is Su Meng's uncle.

However, Han Chunming did not choose to come forward to talk. After all, the two people in this world did not know each other.

Besides, even if he knew him, he wouldn't rush to answer him.

After watching the TV series, the person Han Chunming hates the most in the entire TV series is none other than this big fat man.

......... After shopping around the port city for a few days, Han Chunming found that the consumption here was too expensive, so he planned to help them.

Han Chunming set up a clothing company with a signing fee of 50 US dollars.

The person in charge of the company was introduced by Lawyer Chen. He is over 50 years old and his name is Chen Shen. He had worked in a foreign-funded factory before, but later the foreign-funded company moved away and there was no local industry for him to develop. of.

Anyway, this guy is quite capable.

Han Chunming couldn't find anyone else, so he simply handed it over to him. He found a secretary himself and took a look at it first. If it worked, he would reuse it.

Han Chunming's idea is very simple. To invest in the mainland in the name of Hong Kong capital, he doesn't need to do anything complicated, just make clothes.

As long as it's a good model on the market, just copy it. As for respecting the originality!That doesn't exist here. The company's initial stage did not rely on imitation to raise prices.

Just use price to open the market!

Not only the Hong Kong Island market, but also the Southeast Asian market are their targets, but this depends on Chen Shen's ability.

He still has a lot of ideas. The gap between the rich and the poor in Asia is quite large now. Going to a rich place to collect some old clothes at a low price and resell them to a poor country does not matter whether it will hurt your conscience. Han Chunming thinks it doesn’t matter, anyway, he If you don’t do it, some people will!

When investing as a Hong Kong investor, one is safety, and the other is the leadership's attention. You can choose any place, tax incentives, government protection, and the most important thing is that it is cheap.

If you want to occupy the market at a low price, you can only use this method. After occupying the market first, many things will be easier to handle.

On the train home, Han Chunming was a little surprised when he saw that the people who came with him were all in big and small bags.

"Is this... okay?"

"Why not? We don't bring much. They are all for our own use or as gifts for relatives and friends. What's wrong with this!"

Well, it’s Han Chunming who is naive, and it’s true as he said, so hard work always requires some reward!

"Why didn't you bring anything? What a waste of such a good opportunity!"

"I don't know, I'm telling you, I don't have any money either, so I just brought some books."

"I see you are quite smart. Why are you so stupid now? Just ask us. Wandering around outside all day is nothing!"

After so many days, I have become familiar with it, and my speech is no longer so formulaic.

Han Chunming still felt bad for giving Chen Shen 50 US dollars, but there was no return without investment. However, Han Chunming also told him, don't waste money, and must report more!
That is to say, it is not convenient to contact me now, otherwise I would definitely call once a day!
Back in the capital, Han Chunming is not busy with the business he started. Now he wants to keep a low profile. Anyway, he is not short of money now.

The time of the Eight Kings is still in the limelight, don’t get yourself caught up in it.

The economic market, which had finally regained its vitality, was directly hit a trough by this incident. Now everyone is in danger!
He came back and took classes safely for a month. Well, he finally graduated and his student career was over. He didn't want to pursue a postgraduate or doctorate degree. Being a teacher just meant that he could have a lot of time to do other things.

The class organized a break-up meal, and it was not easy to meet up with them. They were the first batch of college students after the college entrance examination was resumed. Many units were rushing to get them, and their removal had been decided long ago.

"Remember to find me if you come to the capital in the future. I will treat you well!"

"Then we've agreed. If I come to you in the future, I can't refuse. By the way, why did you stay in school? I heard that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has long been eyeing you."

"I'm terribly lazy. You know how great it is to be a teacher. You have winter and summer vacations, and Saturdays and Sundays off, so you don't have to worry so much."

"This reason doesn't convince us. If you are lazy, will you work as a translator and tour guide for others when you have a break?"

"The main thing is that I figured it out. At first, I wanted to study abroad. After I knew it was impossible, I actually thought about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But after learning about it, I found that it was not the life I wanted. I think this is good. It’s not too busy yet, how nice it is!”

"You, you are so smart, you don't want to serve the country, you just want to be comfortable. How can this be possible!"

"I already have you, and I'm not missing one. Besides, I'm serving the motherland by cultivating talents for the country in school. If my students are assigned to you in the future, I have to take care of them. By the way, I'm ready. In this notebook, please write down the address and contact information of your new unit so that you won’t be unable to find anyone.”

You can’t tell it now, but it will all be related in the future!He can't let it go like this!
There were more than 30 people in the class. Han Chunming took the written list of classmates directly to the school and made copies, one copy for each person, so that it would be easier to find someone if he needed something in the future.

After sending away the last person in the dormitory, Han Chunming was completely free. The summer vacation was coming next, and he had a holiday right after work.

Hehe, it’s so cool!
When he was idle, Han Chunming took the calligraphy and paintings to Liulichang for renovation, and let the old masters take a look at them to see if there were any good things in those shops.

Not to mention, Qi Baishi's paintings only cost a hundred and ten yuan now. Although they are not top works, they are of great collection value!
But if you want the works of ancient famous people, don't think about it. Nowadays, the price of antiques is low, but not for those who know the goods. Such high-quality products will be hidden as long as those who know the goods come across them.

But it’s not nothing, it’s just that the price is a little higher, but how high can the current consumption level be!
This is not a mistake, but an advantage of the times! !

After wandering around Liulichang for a week, all the merchants were well fed. After all, there was someone who was stupid enough to send money to them!
As long as it's a good item, the price is pretty good, and you won't even have to pay for it!
As for whether there are people trying to fool him with fake goods, there are indeed people who do. Although he doesn’t know whether things are genuine or fake, he has telepathy. As long as it’s something that doesn’t induce telepathy, he usually doesn’t accept it.

This week, I spent a total of 100 yuan and collected more than [-] good things.

We can't go on any longer. If we go on, we'll do him with technology and hard work.

Next, he planned to visit Panjiayuan, mainly because he didn't know if there was a market there now. Even if it was, it would probably be in the wilderness. He didn't care, mainly because he wanted to gain experience.

He heard that Ma Modu got a lot of good things here, and he really wanted to take a look. Although he still didn't understand many things, he had cheats!
After asking around a lot of people, Han Chunming finally found Pan Jiayuan, who occupies a place in the antique world!
In future generations, no matter whether they have come into contact with antiques or not, they will definitely know Panjiayuan!

Moreover, everyone knows that this place is 100% fake... You can't say that, 90.00% of it is still there!

Although he doesn't know much about it, there aren't many that are too fake nowadays. Basically, everything is available now, and antiques are only part of it. It should be better described as a flea market.

There were stalls on both sides of the road. Han Chunming was wandering around. When he saw something he was interested in, he would squat down and look at it. If he met someone discussing it, he would listen to it and treat it as learning!
But most of them don't like it. It's not a question of authenticity. It's just that this thing is the same as the dishes and bowls used at home. You just have to have a painting!

As I was walking, I saw a familiar person. I can’t say that I knew him. He knew him, but he might not have known him. This man was the famous Ma Dudu in later generations!
The look in his eyes left a deep impression on Han Chunming. Fortunately, when I first saw him on TV, I always felt that this man's eyes were particularly gloomy!
But there is no doubt about his identity as a collector!
(End of this chapter)

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