The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 578 Han Chunming buys a car

Han Chunming came to pay attention. Although Ma Dudu is now a novice in the antiques field, this guy can get in touch with the top people in this industry!
Han Chunming just followed him silently, squatting next to him from time to time to discuss with him. Not to mention, Ma Dudu already knew a lot about it.

"Look, there's something wrong with this glaze color. It's from the Republic of China at most, but don't even think about it from the Ming and Qing Dynasties!"

After visiting a few stalls, the two of them got to know each other, and they were discussing with a bottle.

Although Han Chunming's understanding of calligraphy and painting is somewhat lacking, his skills in porcelain and bronze are still good. After all, there is an old man behind him!

If Han Chunming hadn't just spent money to buy a red sandalwood treasure box at this stall, which is the kind of small cabinet that is placed on the desk, the stall owner would have driven them away!
"Why are you buying this thing? Let me tell you, it's not cost-effective to buy this thing here. You can go to the furniture factory to find it. There are a lot of these things there. They are all unnecessary. Just sell them for money!"

He knew that Han Chunming definitely had no way. In fact, many of the ways to pick up leaks mentioned in later generations were definitely not accessible to ordinary people. Even if they knew about it, they would not necessarily pay attention to you. Why would people in a good furniture factory let you go in to find things?

"Really, I still like old furniture. Let's go and finish eating. Let's chat while eating."

They found a noodle stall and each had a bowl of beef noodles, sprinkled with spicy sauce, and the two couldn't wait to eat.

No time to talk at all!
After 10 minutes, the two men put down their chopsticks.

"Editor Ma, can the old furniture you just mentioned be bought with money?"

The two have exchanged information. He calls Ma Dudu Ma Editor, and Ma Dudu calls him Teacher Han.

"What can't be sold here? There's no use in putting things there. They're all piled up there."

Think about it, people nowadays like foreign furniture such as sofas, and no one wants these old furniture.

"Then can you please give me a clue? I like old furniture. They don't use it anyway. I will bring it back to study it."

"Okay, I went to their factory for an interview and got to know the logistics director. Let's find a time to have a meal. He also has a headache. If you spend money to buy the factory, you will get an extra income, which is also a good thing for their factory!"

With this, Han Chunming felt relieved. He planned to bring them all back, since his family had a lot of space anyway.

After dinner, the market is almost over.Ma Dudu was not as free as him. He had to go to work, so Han Chunming continued to stroll on the street. There was nothing to do when he went back anyway.

In the afternoon, I made a phone call to Chen Lin as usual to learn about the progress there. Fortunately, the land had been taken down and we were about to find a construction team to build the factory.

Han Chunming called him not just for this matter, but mainly to ask if he could get a car for him.

Thinking about having to ride a bicycle for more than an hour every day to go to work after school starts gives me a headache. It’s okay now, but I won’t be able to survive it until winter!
"Boss, it's not difficult, as long as you have money. By the way, what brand do you want, a Mercedes-Benz?"

"Better say goodbye. It's too ostentatious. I'm just a teacher. It's not good to be too high-profile. There is a car called Fiat 126P over there in the south. Just get one for me."

This car is a minicar sedan produced in Poland authorized by Fiat. 126 is the model number and P stands for Polish production.It is equipped with a rear-mounted air-cooled two-cylinder engine. Due to its cute appearance, many places in China call it big-headed shoes or potatoes. When it first arrived in China, the price was only 4000 yuan, and later it increased to about [-] yuan. It should be It is the earliest private car in China and is also commonly used by taxis.

Han Chunming also saw it when he went to the south, so he remembered it.

He doesn't want to be too high-profile now, he just wants to put it aside comfortably, as long as it can protect him from the wind and rain.

Besides, if the car is too big, it won’t be able to drive into the alleys in Sijiucheng.

This car is small enough to pass in alleys, and it doesn't look unassuming.

When I called him, Chen Lin didn't say anything. He just said what the boss said and said it would be delivered within a month.

It's very efficient, and Han Chunming likes it very much, but there is still something to do now, which is to open another door on the wall to use as a garage.

It's very simple. Regarding a house, Han Chunming wanted to dig a garage underneath at first, but he failed...

What is this place?This matter is rooted in the imperial city, can you be allowed to dig blindly?

As soon as the garage was repaired, news came from Ma Dudu that the matter was done, and there was no need for a car to get food, so just go and negotiate the price.

Damn it, he forgot about it!
When he arrived at the furniture factory, Ma Dudu was chatting and laughing with a man in a Chinese tunic suit. When he saw her coming, he immediately waved.

"Come to Chunming, let me introduce you. This is Director Li. Just talk to him."

"Director Li, just call me Chunming."

"Teacher Han, I heard Editor Ma say, he is awesome, a university teacher!"

"I haven't reported it yet. Didn't I hear from Editor Ma that we have a lot of useless old furniture here? I just like it. I thought about putting it away, so I thought about transporting it back for research."

"Okay, they're all in the warehouse. Let me tell you, we have a lot of headaches because of this. We can't sell them, we can't use them, and they still take up space here!"

When Han Chunming saw the mountains of furniture, he couldn't think of any other words. He could only express his shock by saying "Fuck!"

"so many?"

"That's a lot. Let me tell you, there is a warehouse next to it. Can I take you to see it?"

You must take a look. Although he didn't know the material yet, Han Chunming took a casual look and saw several pieces of furniture made of rosewood and huanghuali, and the proportion was very high!

"These are all good wood. They used to be used by wealthy families. A few years ago, when their homes were ransacked, there was no place to store these things, so they were all taken to our lumber factory."

"No one will come looking for you, right?"

This is what Han Chunming is worried about. After all, this kind of thing has never happened before.

"Looking for? What are you looking for? These things have been here for more than 20 or [-] years. Besides, what if you find them? If he says they are his, then they are his!"

Also, Han Chunming didn't hesitate anymore. If someone really tried to argue with him, he would just ask him to come to the furniture factory, which he bought back with real money.


Wherever they are piled up, it feels like a lot to the senses, but if you really move it into the car, it is estimated that three or four rooms can be filled.

In fact, these pieces of furniture require very little repair. Most of them are in good condition, but they have accumulated a lot of dust when left outside and need to be taken good care of.

Han Chunming didn't plan to find anyone for this job, he could do it himself, apply a layer of tung oil to maintain it, and divide it into categories.

The empty room in the front yard is littered with these pieces of furniture, which have been roughly classified, with the good ones together and the bad ones together.

There are many surprises. That pile of parts turned out to be a Qiangong Babu bed from the Ming Dynasty!It was still made of small leaf rosewood, but he really couldn't do the job. It was too complicated and he didn't even know how to assemble it.

Han Chunming didn't plan to sleep on this bed. He didn't know how many people had slept on it. His idea of ​​these old furniture was that they were valuable and beautiful!But when he actually used it, he was still not used to it, and the practicality was really not very good.

There are not many antiques in Panjiayuan, and they are not available every day, so Han Chunming began to visit major credit stores and foreign exchange stores. As long as he liked it, he would pay directly!

Happy time is always so short, no, the foreign language college is about to start.

After all, it was his first day at work. Han Chunming rode his bicycle to school early. The bus hadn't arrived yet, but it would probably be there soon.

He is not a class teacher. Even if he is a good teacher just after graduation, the school is unlikely to agree. Besides, he doesn't want to be a teacher yet. Anyway, he doesn't lack the few dollars and he can still spend more time.

He doesn't have any enterprising spirit. He became a teacher just to find something to do for himself. He can't just play at home every day. Nowadays, business is so strict.

The restaurants jointly owned by the three of them are now temporarily closed.

There is nothing we can do about this, after all, so many people are watching, but it will be over soon. When this matter is over, it is estimated that the policy will be more liberalized.

After attending the class for a week, he felt that it was just like that. After all, he had been taking classes for more than three years, and he was just copying cats and tigers. There is also the self-consciousness of students nowadays, you don’t need to tell me!
On Sunday, Han Chunming did not sleep in and got up early because the car arrived today.

They took the railway and went through formal procedures. Han Chunming was afraid of any accidents, so he sent someone to follow him.

He arrived at the train station early. After all, the trains were really not on time now, so he still had to wait.

I heard the whine of the train in the distance, and saw the number of trains on the train slowly approaching the platform. This is it!
When he arrived at the designated place, a white car appeared in front of Han Chunming. To be honest, he was a little disappointed. After all, he had seen the prosperity of later generations, and he felt that such a car was a bit rustic.

A group of people gathered around the car to look at it, and the brave ones even touched it. Han Chunming cursed in his heart. It wasn't that he was stingy, it was because his hands were so dark and unreasonable!

The young man following the car was conscientious. He drove away the crowd of onlookers and waited by the car without getting in.

Han Chunming walked over. The two of them had never met before, so how could they connect? Of course it was a secret code, which was a bit exaggerated, but it worked really well.

"Boss Han, these are the keys and the car's documents. You can check and get out of the car. If there is no problem, I will go back."

"No, just rest for two days before leaving. Don't be in such a hurry. It takes two days to finally come to Sijiu City!"

"Maybe there is a chance. Mr. Chen is very busy there, and I have to go back to help."

What else can such hard-working employee Han Chunming say?Of course, let her go. It's a good thing that people want to make progress!

I took out 200 yuan and handed it over. It was already a lot. I didn't give him a chance to refuse. After giving him the money, I opened the door and got in directly.

Although his driver's license has not yet been issued, Han Chunming is a real experienced driver. After getting familiar with it for a while, he is on the road steadily.

By the way, there are no private cars yet. The car is registered under the name of the company. Han Chunming also has a name in the company as a consultant!
I know everything!

I drove directly to the courtyard house. Anyway, I had to tell my family about this matter sooner or later.

This car really turns heads. The white body is reflective and the shape is ugly. But it is still a car after all!
He could have imagined that taking the car back would cause a stir, but he didn't expect it to be that shocking.

"Chunming, is this car yours?"

As soon as Han Chunming parked his car at the entrance of the courtyard, Uncle Guo from the front yard ran out and asked.

While asking questions, he stroked the car body with his hands, his eyes shining.

"It's not mine, it's our company's. You just gave me the car to drive."

Han Chunming got out of the car with the key, closed the door, and then turned to Uncle Guo and replied.

"Aren't you a teacher in school? Your school even provided you with a car?"

Uncle Guo was a little shocked. You must know that Su Meng from the backyard was assigned to the Education Bureau after graduation. He was also a cadre, but he was not equipped with a car!
"It's not a car assigned by the school. I work as a consultant for a clothing company, and it was assigned by the company."

"What kind of company is it? It's so rich and it provides cars to its employees!" Uncle Guo didn't believe it. There are many garment factories in the city, but there is no one that provides cars to employees. Let alone a car, it's just a car. There are no bicycles either!

And this consultant, what is this position?Anyway, he has never heard of it.

"It's not our domestic garment factory, it's a company from Hong Kong that came to invest in our mainland." Han Chunming explained patiently.

After saying that, regardless of whether Uncle Guo understood it or not, he took the key directly and entered the courtyard.

But the entrance to the courtyard became lively. I heard that a car was parked in the alley, and nearby residents came out to watch. It happened to be the weekend and everyone was resting at home, so soon the car was surrounded by people.

Su Meng and Cheng Jianjun, who lived in the backyard, also heard the noise and ran out to watch the fun.

"This little boy from the old Han family is really promising. He's already driving a car. It's true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance."

Uncle Guo expressed his emotions in the crowd.

Cheng Jianjun on the side was unhappy: "Uncle Guo, whose car do you think this is?"

"Chunming's, what's the matter?"

"Who? Han Chunming? Impossible! Absolutely impossible. As poor as he is, he can still afford a car. Besides, it is impossible for private individuals in China to own a car now!"

After graduating, Cheng Jianjun went to work at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and was very familiar with national policies. That's why he was so sure that this car couldn't be Han Chunming's.

"I don't know about that. Anyway, I watched Han Chunming drive the car here with my own eyes."

Chen Jianjun's eyes were darting around, feeling that there must be something he didn't know about, and he had to find a way to find out.

This matter is quite simple for him. After all, he is considered a public official, so it is very simple to check the status of a car.

He thought about it, and when he got to work on Monday, he would ask his colleagues with the license plate number to see where the car came from.

Su Meng, who was on the side, watched the excitement with an expressionless face. As for whether the car belonged to Han Chuming, she didn't really care.

It has nothing to do with her anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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