The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 579 The shock brought by the car

And the commotion brought by the car doesn't stop there.

Before it was time for dinner, the eldest brother, eldest sister, second brother and second sister all came to the house.

After all, in this day and age, bicycles are considered large items, let alone cars.

It is completely a luxury product that can only be purchased by the owners of state-owned enterprises and government agencies.

Personal family, wanting to own a car is simply a fantasy, and I can't even imagine it.

Because everyone knows the conditions of Han Chunming's family. Let alone being wealthy, they are not even considered a middle-income family.

What is said to have caused such a sensation was that even the eldest and second brothers who had not lived at home for a long time also got the news.

"I knew our Chunming family was promising. He drove a car back just after graduation. He is worthy of being a college student! I have never been in a car in my life. Chunming, I had time to take my sister-in-law on a car ride that day. It’s a car.”

No one said anything, but the sister-in-law on the side smiled and said.

As for where Han Chunming's car came from, she didn't care, as long as she knew the car belonged to the old Han family and she could sit in it.

"Don't make trouble here. What kind of college student is worth a car? Cheng Jianjun and Su Meng are also college students. Why didn't they provide a car? Chunming, let me ask you, where did this car come from? Let me make it clear."

The sister-in-law had just finished speaking, but before Han Chunming could speak.The eldest brother couldn't wait to ask.

The main reason is that he is afraid that Han Chunming will make a mistake. After all, this is a car. What kind of person can be equipped with a car?Even the director of the hardware factory where he works uses a bicycle to commute. There are only two cars in the entire factory, and they are both trucks.

Therefore, he did not think that Han Chunming's car was a regular one. Although Han Chunming was a college student, he had just graduated and had no merit at all. Why should his employer give him a car?

"Boss, Wu Zi told me that this car is not his, but was given to him by another company. It was for the convenience of work."

Hearing the eldest brother questioning Han Chunming like this, Han's mother sitting next to her said in confusion.

"Mom, please stop guarding me here. This is a car. What company would give a newly graduated college student a car? It must be Xiao Wuzi who is fooling you."

Boss Han couldn't help but have a headache. His mother was not good at this. Ever since his father passed away, he began to play the role of a father, and he would discipline his younger brothers and sisters.

But every time when Xiaowuzi is involved, Han's mother will come out to protect him, regardless of right or wrong.

"Brother, what I said is true. This car was really assigned to me by the company. I am also a college student after all. I still know what I should do and shouldn't do."

Han Chunming said very speechlessly that he also had a headache for his elder brother. Although he knew that his elder brother did this for his own benefit and was afraid that he would do something out of line, he really didn't want this kind of concern.

"Listen, Xiaowuzi is not honest. How can a company match you with a car for a newly graduated college student? You really think that none of us know anything."

As soon as Han Chunming finished speaking, Boss Han stood up and accused him.

"That's right, Chunming, you haven't done anything you shouldn't have done, have you? Why don't you hurry up and send the car back to him?"

The second sister on the side also asked worriedly. Among the brothers and sisters, she had the best relationship with Han Chunming. Although she believed in Han Chunming's character, she was also afraid that Han Chunming would do something wrong.

"Brother, second sister, I really didn't lie. This car was really allocated to me by the company. If you don't believe it, you can check it tomorrow with the license plate number. This is a Hong Kong company. Our country is vigorously attracting investment. Isn't it? People from Hong Kong Island came to invest in us, and I was a consultant specially recruited by their company."

"If you don't believe me, take a look at this." As he spoke, Han Chunming took out a stack of documents from his bag and put them on the table.

There is a contract here, as well as all the information about the car and the car purchase procedures.

Looking at the documents in front of them, the people in the room remained motionless.

In the end, the second brother was more curious, so he picked up the file and read it.

"Brother, it's true. Xiao Wuzi didn't lie to us."

"Ugh!" Han Chunming took a deep breath and finally explained clearly. If he continued, his head would get big.

"Mom, look, Chunming is now the first person to drive a car near our courtyard. He has really embarrassed our Han family. Let's see who dares to look down on our Han family in the courtyard in the future."


at the same time,

Cheng Jia,

With a "clang", the Cheng family's half-opened door was kicked open.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Jianjun walked in with a pale face and dull eyes, like a zombie.

"Jianjun! What's wrong with you?"

Mother Cheng, who was clearing the table, was frightened by the kick just now, but she calmed down when she saw that it was her good son who came in.

Seeing Cheng Jianjun's hurried steps, he hurriedly stepped forward to support Cheng Jianjun and asked with concern.

"I..." Cheng Jianjun's throat moved with great difficulty, but it seemed to be blocked by something.

He didn't know how to speak these words.

His face was immediately pale, and his eyes were even more red.

"Jianjun, don't scare your mother."

"What happened? How did you become like this?"

Hearing the noise, Cheng's father also rushed out of the small study.

He asked loudly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you go out to buy a car? Did you buy the car?"

Because Cheng Jianjun graduated from university and entered the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Cheng's father was also very generous once, and directly gave Cheng Jianjun 200 yuan to buy a new car.

"Buy... bought."

Cheng Jianjun managed to spit out a few words from his mouth in despair.

"Buy it?"

Cheng's father also opened the curtain in doubt, looked outside the door, and suddenly became anxious: "What about the car? Where did you park it?"

When he became anxious, Cheng Jianjun also became anxious, and shouted with red eyes: "I threw it away!"

Cheng Jianjun was originally in a good mood. After graduating from college, he joined the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and became a small boss. Although he was not a big official, he was still an official. He was better than Han Chunming, a university teacher.

Who would have thought that Han Chunming would actually drive a car back today. Originally, this was nothing. He thought that Han Chunming's car did not come through formal procedures, so he planned to wait until Monday to investigate.

If he came from wrong reasons, Han Chunming will be brought to justice directly.

When he came back after buying the bicycle, he suddenly thought that although he was not going to work today, there was someone on duty in the office, so he called directly from a public phone.

Ask a colleague to help check the license plate number and see if the procedures are complete.

But I didn't expect that the procedures for this car were really complete. It was shipped directly from the south. Just as Uncle Guo said at the time, the car was owned by a Hong Kong-owned company.How could Chen Jianjun accept this?

So this happened.


"You fucking threw it away!"

Cheng's father and mother's complexion changed drastically.

"The car you just bought, why did you throw it away?"

"That's nearly 200 yuan!"

"This money was saved by your father and I through frugality!"

Cheng's mother waved her hand, and she was so anxious that tears were about to fall.

He pushed Cheng Jianjun directly, and patted him on the shoulder hard.

Although the conditions of the Cheng family are good.Both of them earn wages, but the main source of income is Father Cheng. Mother Cheng's salary is not high, and the last time she lent money to Teacher Su for medical treatment, it wiped out their entire family fortune.

In the past few years, Cheng Jianjun went to college again, and his younger brother also had to go to school. Plus the family's expenses, so he didn't have much money saved.

Although this 200 yuan is not all of their family's belongings, it is still more than half.

This was because Cheng Jianjun had graduated from university and started working, and had become a small leader. He was afraid that he would lose face by riding an old car, so he gritted his teeth and took it out.


Father Cheng was even more furious!

He turned around and picked up the broom and hit Cheng Jianjun hard on the back with a "pop!"

He yelled directly: "You are really a loser, you are a loser!"

"Say, where did you throw it?"

Cheng Jianjun was angry after being hit so suddenly and hard on the back!

He raised his hand and snatched the broom from Father Cheng's hand.

"Bang!" He threw it to the ground and yelled, "I'll throw it away!"

"Isn't it just a broken bicycle? Just throw it away!"

"Why don't you throw it away? Why would it be embarrassing to keep it?"

"That guy Han Chunming is already driving a car! Isn't it embarrassing for me to ride on this old car?"

After saying that, Cheng Jianjun kicked the door open again, and then closed the door with a clang.

This sudden outburst frightened Cheng's father and Cheng's mother into silence.

That was so angry that my blood surged!

I wish I could teach this unlucky traitor a lesson right now.

But then he couldn't help but recall Cheng Jianjun's words.

"Has Han Chunming in the front yard gotten into a car?"

"How is this possible!"

It's no wonder Cheng's father and Cheng's mother didn't get the news. Their family basically didn't have much contact with the people in the compound, and today was the weekend. They were resting at home and didn't even go out.

Cheng's father and Cheng's mother both looked at each other, then stood up and ran towards the door at the same time.


Han Chunming thought that driving to school would cause a shock, but he didn't expect it to be so shocking.

No, the school leaders have talked to him!

"Chunming! Did you bring this car? Isn't it cheap?"

They all study foreign languages ​​and know a little bit about the outside world, so they are no strangers to private cars.

"I bought it, but it was in the name of another company. As you know, I made money from the English novel I wrote, so it's not too much to reward myself with a car."

"You, you should keep a low profile. Many people in the school think you are uncomfortable." The head teacher said speechlessly.

"Do you think I'm uncomfortable? I didn't spend their money. Besides, how can their wages be increased if I don't drive?" Han Chunming said nonchalantly,
Anyway, he came to school to work just to find something to do, and he didn't want to get promoted. He didn't care about maintaining relationships.

"That's what you say, but do you have them? What can you do? But the car has been purchased and the procedures are fine. I guess they can only be jealous, but you have to be careful not to make any mistakes."

After becoming a teacher, Han Chunming realized that it is more difficult than being a student!When you were a student, the teacher could still help you if you made a small mistake, but not the teacher. Now he doesn't even dare to be late. After all, there is a large group of people waiting for him to make a mistake!
It really confirms that sentence, I am afraid that you will have a bad life, and even more afraid that you will have a better life than him.

Han Chunming is the only one retained in his class this year. He is considered a newcomer, the kind of newcomer who can do whatever he wants. Printing test papers and posting notices are all tasks for him!
But it will be good if you get through this year. When the next class graduates, there will be several students who will stay in school.

After all, there is a shortage of talents everywhere, especially now that the country is actively moving abroad. It is even more difficult for them to learn foreign languages. All departments are rushing to get them, but schools are ranked last.

Han Chunming is very busy every day and is responsible for organizing the English corner. There is no way. His spoken English is famous in the school. When he was a student, he could use the excuse of studying, but now he can't. Teacher, this is his job!
But he had a new idea, and more and more people were setting up stalls secretly. He had no choice. Although it didn't sound good, it was so profitable. As long as he kept his dignity, he could earn a month's salary in one day.

However, there are still many families whose lives are in such a mess that they can’t stand it. Han Chunming doesn’t understand. What on earth do they think? Even though they are like this, they still look down on the vendors?

There are more and more stubborn people wandering around in the alleys. In good words, they are called stubborn people, but in bad words, they are unemployed refugees!
They all came back from the countryside and couldn't find a job, so they could only wander around like this. When they were idle, they would have all kinds of ideas, such as collecting protection fees, robbing, and stealing.

Therefore, now Han Chunming does not dare to let Cai Xiaoli go home alone. Although it is only more than ten minutes away, he still lets Tao Zi pick her up every day.

He also told the two of them that the restaurant's operating hours should not be too long. If someone caused trouble, they should not let Taozi conflict with others and go to the police directly.

After all, Cai Xiaoli is getting more and more beautiful now, and it is inevitable that those street guys will come up to her and talk to her when she walks on the street. This is not bad, but I am afraid that these street guys will have bad thoughts and they will not have time to regret anything that happens. .

Han Chunming saw that most of the stalls were clothes, especially those hanging around on the street, such as bell-bottom pants, and asked about the prices. They were quite expensive!

When you have an idea, you must realize it. Although money is not used much now, it will be of great use in the future!

So Han Chunming didn't hesitate and called Chen Lin over. The south side was already loading the machine, so just send someone to keep an eye on it.

When he heard that it was a new business and it was still in the capital, Chen Lin came here without thinking. After all, he grew up here when he was a child, and now he can be considered a rich man returning home.

This is also the reason why Han Chunming approached Chen Lin. Chen Lin's family moved to Hong Kong Island from Forty-Nine City in the 60s. It was also because of the composition problem that they had to move.

(End of this chapter)

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