The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 582 Investment Companies

After Han Chunming arranged for the two sisters Meng Xiaoxing, they returned to their teaching career.

Han Chunming's performance in school is really not enterprising at all.

He is capable, but he can just muddle along. Although many things in business are left to the people below him to do, Chen Lin will come to him to learn from him when nothing happens!

Although he doesn't know much about management, some of his notes are really useful in many cases.

The shopping mall is almost completed now. It's really fast enough. The main reason is that there are sufficient funds. After the clothing factory in the south started construction, its products are selling like hotcakes.

There is no problem at all in dedicating part of the funds to support the industries here.

Fortunately, today’s prices and labor are very cheap. If this happens in more than ten years, the cost will at least increase several times!
Han Chuming still attaches great importance to this shopping mall. After all, if this model succeeds, it will really become his main industry in the future.

And it won’t be outdated in 30 years.

Even if business becomes difficult in the future, the land can make you a lot of money!
If this mall succeeds, the next one will be Haishi, and then it will expand to first-tier cities.

But now is not the time, we have to take it step by step, and wait for the great development of Pudong.Get some land along the river.

Whether you build it yourself into an office building or a river-view house, you will definitely make a profit without losing money.

In fact, he really wanted to make some technical things, and the clothing factory really had no technical content.

It is only a matter of time before he is replaced, that is, if he does not have the talent, otherwise he would want to get involved in cars, mobile phones, and even computers!
But now is the time to accumulate capital, and these are all part of his plan.

Autumn turns to winter, and the cold wind begins to wreak havoc in the capital. It's already December. .Han Chuming was anxious to go to Hong Kong Island.

He was really anxious. After all, he planned to make a fortune from the Plaza Accord. He couldn't remember the collective time, so he had to enter first.

Fortunately, he is not the head teacher, but just a substitute teacher. It took a lot of effort to take a long leave!Just wait until the winter vacation!
I have already told my family about the matter. I just said that I would go on a long trip with my boss. I didn't tell them collectively.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will definitely come back before the Chinese New Year. Team, do you have anything you need to bring?"

"You have everything at home, so don't waste your money. Just take care of yourself."

Today's traffic is really unacceptable. The train takes several days. If you drive by yourself, unless an experienced driver leads the way, you will definitely get lost!
After all, there is no navigation now, only paper maps at most. He really has no confidence that he can reach his destination!
So, he still managed to get a sleeper ticket.

As for food, Han Chunming wasn't worried. Anyway, he had money in his pocket and there were places selling food on the train.

Besides, it only took a few days for the endurance to pass.

Now he is different from before. After all, he has a company, and he no longer needs to follow other people's teams to Hong Kong Island.

Just ask the company to apply.

On the train, Han Chunming took out a book to kill time, wearing a rain medical mask. It was not that he was being pretentious, but the smell was too strong.

To be honest, it was just bad luck that he didn't get a single room. Otherwise, he really wouldn't want to suffer this.

"Little brother, where are you going to make a fortune?"

Perhaps because he was too busy, the man in the lower bunk opposite started talking to Han Chunming.

"No, I'm going to see my friends. It's the Chinese New Year, so I'm going to have some fun."

"Oh, little brother, you know someone there. Let me tell you, it's best if you know someone here. You can make money just by bringing anything back!"

"What do you do for work?"

Han Chunming didn't want to talk to him. He knew that there would be basically no interactions with him in the future, so he didn't want to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him.

Put the book on the table and go to sleep!

I slept very soundly, and I didn’t bring anything with me, just a bag of food and a bankbook. What could I steal?Books? Clothes?


Han Chunming doesn't know much about stocks. He only knows a general idea, but for the specific operation, he needs to find a professional to operate it.

The most important requirement is to be obedient, don't have your own ideas, just follow your own words.

What if I do this blindly and lose the money?
Chen Lin knew the purpose of his coming here this time, but he didn't let Chen Lin recommend the candidate, so he had to find it himself.

Han Chunming went directly to the stock exchange. He had no intention of poaching that kind of big deal, mainly because it was not necessary. Once he gained more experience, he would have more to think about.

It happened that he was about to open an account, so he entered the stock exchange alone. He thought he could just call the bank directly, but he wanted to find someone.

It is said that Han Chunming already has millions of dollars in his account, which are all the profits he has made in the past few years, as well as the profits from the publication of his novels.

Suddenly I feel a sense of pride!

Before he even reached the counter, he was stopped by someone, who looked at Han Chunming with eager eyes, as if he was seeing the benefactor.

"Are you an employee here?"

"Hello sir, I am a stockbroker here. I can provide you with advice and help with operations."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Han Chunming suddenly felt that this was his goal!

"How long have you been working?"

"Well... I graduated from Harvard and I just started working this year. But don't worry, I have interned on Wall Street. You don't have to worry about my experience!"

"Harvard? That's awesome. Then why do you..."

"Because... I don't think my career on Wall Street will be very good, so I want to come back and give it a try. Also, I can't live without people at home."

Han Chunming even wanted to check his diploma. Really, it's impossible for a Harvard graduate to hold such a position, right?
Maybe he saw Han Chunming's doubts.

"I offended a kid from a big family here. I think I got my current job because of my senior's help. But there's something going on at home right now, and I can't leave Hong Kong Island."

Han Chunming was half relieved, but after all, they had just met.

"Well... how about I hire you? I need manpower now. I just need to let you operate the stock. How much is your salary here?"

"Um...sir, I'm doing a pretty good job here. I can help you if you need it."

"Annual salary of fifty thousand dollars!"

Han Chunming directly offered a price that he would never agree to.It’s not about anything else, I just want him to help me work seriously!

What’s more, this person is a highly educated person. He doesn’t know the global economy in the next few decades, but he understands it all!

If you can keep him, then you can make a lot of money if you don't like it!

"This... this..."

"If you're hesitating, I'll find someone else. I believe there aren't many people here who can win over me at this price!"

"I promise! Boss, my name is Li Fei, what are your orders?"

"Okay, my name is Han Chuning. I don't often go to Hong Kong Island, and I don't come here often. You make the most of the decisions. I'll give your brother my number, and we'll agree on a time to report on the work."

"Okay, do you have any specific ideas? Do you need my recommendation?"

"That's no need. Next, I will give you 180 U.S. dollars, and you will be long Japanese yen for me."

Although he didn't know the specific date, he still remembered the Plaza Accord of [-] clearly!

Isn’t it because the economy of the United States is not good and the economy of the little devil is too strong? Doesn’t it mean that the little devil plans to use money to buy the United States?
Doesn't this offend the master? He directly united with other countries to force the little devil to sign a Plaza Accord.

Then the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen decreases. For example, 100 million yen can be exchanged for 20 U.S. dollars before, but after signing the agreement, it can be exchanged for [-] U.S. dollars.

This is a good thing for ordinary people. For example, those who previously planned to exchange 20 U.S. dollars for travel can now exchange for [-] U.S. dollars, giving them another opportunity to travel abroad.

But it is different for many companies. They have borrowed large amounts of loans from banks.

Since major giants are going to the United States to open up markets, they borrowed 100 million dollars and exchanged them for 100 U.S. dollars. Now if they want to repay the 20 million, it will cost [-] U.S. dollars!
That's why we say that the little devil was cut off from leeks!

But this has nothing to do with Han Chunming, he is eager to do it!
"Sir, the Japanese economy is indeed very good now, but that is the United States. It seems..."

"You want to say it's unreliable, right? Just do as I say. You'll know after a while. And one more thing, don't make your own claims. Do you understand?"

In fact, Li Fei felt very uncomfortable after hearing this. He just came out of school and thought he was a genius!
But the reality gave him a heavy blow!He almost understands, what the boss needs is an agent!

But for the sake of the $[-], he still agreed!
"By the way, I will set up an investment company. Your position is the director. If you want to build a team, you can build it yourself."

"Okay boss, I see."

Although he knew that he was just a tool, he had no choice but to do so. He needed the money. As for his dreams and ambitions, he had better put them aside for now!

Han Chunming handed over all the management of the company to him, so it was a test of his ability to do things.

He still has more than 200 million in hand that he can use. This matter is actually easy to handle. He won't need so much for the time being. He just uses US dollars to exchange for Japanese yen.

As for going long on the Nikkei, we have to wait for the money to come down.

Although Han Chuming has only been here for a short time, he has already contacted the company responsible for finance through the company's finance department, and plans to ask the finance department to supervise the company's funds.

In fact, he has already planned to train his own team, but the wave has not yet begun, and many talents will not go to private companies at all.

While there was still time, Han Chunming planned to go shopping in the mall.

Many big international brands have branches here.

The first is the watch. It doesn’t matter whether he likes this thing or not. The main reason is that in his previous life, he was used to seeing watches whose prices were beyond his imagination. Anyway, now that he has money, he can collect it or keep it for show in the future. It’s a gift. Leave a way out for yourself!

As long as he knows the brand, unless he gets to know it, the value will increase, and he won't touch anything else!

What he still carries is the Rolex he bought in a second-hand store after returning from the countryside. He thinks it's pretty good!
This time he finally came here, and he planned to buy some gifts for his family and take them back.

He bought several items such as clothes, shoes, bags, toys, and even fishing rods. After all, his eldest brother and eldest sister had a lot of children at home.

After looking at the company established by Li Fei, he had already rented an office. It was not big and could only accommodate a dozen people at most.

In his words, if there is no time limit and someone is aware of it, he can do it alone!

Han Chunming ignored him and just asked him to start as soon as possible.

I stayed for another week and saw that the company was successfully established. They were all young men. After all, this job was indeed quite simple.

There is no need for analysts with extensive experience, as long as they can skillfully operate stocks.

Han Chunming stayed here just to meet everyone. Don't even know who the boss is!

When the time comes, if you listen to Li Fei and do everything for yourself, then it will be over!

You will go back as you came, except that you brought two extra backpacks. There weren’t many things anyway, so the crossing went very smoothly.

Before going back, he also visited a clothing factory in the south. The management was indeed good. Now the factory has grown to more than 1000 people.

The monthly profit alone can reach hundreds of thousands, most of which are exported to Hong Kong Island, and some are exported to Wanwan through Hong Kong Island.

After all, these are high imitations of big brands, and the prices are not low. There are really not many people in China who are willing to buy them.

This is why Han Cunming was able to spend so much money at once.

The current share of the novel I wrote before is not much. After all, it is a new book written by a newcomer. Even if the quality of the book is good, it will take a lot of time to ferment if it wants to become popular.

Anyway, it was just the end of [-], and there was still at least one year before the Plaza Accord was signed. How could he spare millions of dollars within this year?

On the train, Han Chunming took a camera and took pictures of the scenery outside the window from time to time.

Although it was winter and lonely, he still wanted to take pictures, not to capture the beautiful scenery, but to compare with the future.

Think about it, in a few decades, when you are older, following this railway, the same season, the same place, will definitely be different!
In fact, he would rather drive away so that he can park wherever he wants, but this would be too high-profile and not very safe.

After all, it was more than 2000 kilometers from Sijiu City to Shenzhen City, passing through more than a dozen cities and several provinces on the way. If something unexpected happened along the way, it would be too late for him to regret it.

After all, it was not like a few decades later. There were cameras everywhere. Once you encountered a car robber or a road bully on the road, it was no joke. Besides, there were not only a lot of guns now, but there were definitely a lot of them. He couldn't make fun of his own life.

"It is illegal to rob a police car!" He felt incredible when he first saw such a slogan. He still had the mindset of a later generation. He really didn't understand this slogan, but it was hung on the street. He even took a photo. Can't be wrong.

Not only now, but for many years to come, it seems that the only way he can go is by train!Don’t even think about flying, you don’t know how troublesome it is to fly!
(End of this chapter)

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