The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 583 Leading a Team Abroad

Han Chunming couldn't bear to stay in the private room for several days. No, Han Chunming, who was so idle, wandered in the car and stood by the side to listen when he met people who were gathering to chat.

He found that most of them were here to buy goods, with big and small bags, not very particular, slippers, smokers, all gathered together to spit and brag!
Don’t underestimate this group of people, there might be future bosses among them!
You don’t know if you don’t transfer, but there are also talents on the trains now!

I just met the son of the police chief in the car at the back, and now I met someone from the army compound!

Han Chunming really couldn't figure it out. He understood that the director's son wanted to make money, but for the big boys in the capital, it was more convenient than you to make money, right?

Not to mention anything else, just those approval documents, that thing is much more profitable than these!
Curious, Han Chunming stopped. He had been in the capital for so many years, and he had never seen the so-called big courtyard brother.

Aren't they just a bunch of second-generation people with connections in the family? He wanted to hear what was fun.

"I'm telling you, as soon as I take this thing back home, it will be ripped apart."

"You don't have to sell it yourself?"

"That's for sure. It's so cold outside that I don't want to go out. In fact, I'm not short of money. I just want to come and have a look!"

Han Chunming took a look at this big boy who was not short of money and just wanted to come here to have a look.

There was a hehe behind his ear, and Han Chunming wanted to go up and spit a few mouthfuls of saliva to help him rub it. The oil on his clothes was so shiny that it looked dirty!

Such awesome bragging, is this the virtue of the big courtyard boy?Oh my god, it’s so embarrassing!
Han Chunming is no longer interested. He knows whether this guy is bragging or not. What else is there to say?

"Also, the clothes you bought are completely unnecessary. Don't we have a clothing factory in the capital? The sales director there is my uncle. If you want to buy clothes next time, just come to me directly. Although it's more complicated than this It’s a little more expensive, but it’s fast, and you don’t have to take a train, which saves a lot of time going back and forth!”

Han Chunming became interested as soon as he heard this. To be honest, there really weren't many private clothing factories in Beijing now. He wanted to hear which one it was.

"The factory that was just built some time ago. The boss is from Hong Kong. I heard my uncle said that he is already rich. The big shopping mall that was just built in Sanlitun also belongs to him!"

Why does it sound more and more familiar the more I listen to it? Han Chunming has a feeling that he seems to be talking about his own clothing factory!
"Is it the one next to the Jingcheng Food Factory?"

Han Chunming directly told the address of the factory. He wanted to confirm whether there was a back door.

He is not that resistant to this, but he can't go too far. It will be different when he encounters it. If he doesn't check it, he will be sorry for himself!
"Yes, yes, it seems you know! Is that the factory boss? I'm telling you, I'm telling you, you don't have to run back and forth next time, just come to me directly!"

"I've been to that factory before, but they didn't sell it."

Indeed, that factory has not been exposed to the public for the time being, and sells directly in shopping malls, but that is only a small part, and most of them have been taken away by those supply and marketing cooperatives.

There's nothing I can do about it. After all, it's a public institution, and it's not like they don't want to give me money. Now my status as a trauma patient is really useful!

He remembered that at the beginning, there was a supply and marketing cooperative in the next city that refused to pay the final payment. Chen Lin went there twice but was shunned by Ge Hong. In anger, he went directly to the local government where the garment factory was located!

You know, Han Chunming didn't let Chen Lin take any of the money earned by the clothing factory. He first built a shopping mall, then expanded the clothing factory, and then he had other plans!

The leaders of several districts spontaneously formed a debt collection team and brought the money back within a few days!
So now Han Chunming is also very curious about whether the factory is open and what's fishy inside!
"Of course they won't be sold. There aren't enough for sale in other factories. How much do you want to pay for it? But I have a way. My uncle is the sales director. It's very simple to make this kind of clothes!"

"Can you get it? Where can I leave an address? I'll come find you then?"

"Okay, I'll write it for you, but let's agree first, we'll never owe you any debt!"

Han Chunming successfully obtained the address. He didn't want to cooperate with the sedan chair, but wanted to take it back and figure out what was going on.

He didn't know anything else, but he still knew that the two garment factories had been expanding because of insufficient production capacity!

He doesn't understand how clothes can leak out!

After looking at the address, this thing is exactly in the courtyard!
After Han Chunming started talking, more and more people asked for the address. After all, it didn’t count, just a round trip on the train would take more than ten days!

In fact, Han Chunming still wants to do something in the technology industry. He has always been thinking about it, but he hasn't found one that is reliable yet.

Among them are cars, but the current domestic supporting facilities are so poor that no matter how much energy he puts in, he will not gain much.

Unless...learning from Zotye?
But now he doesn’t seem that rich…

To be honest, even if he can make a car now, it doesn't matter whether he can get a license plate or not. It has nothing to do with the quality!
But these are all in his plan. There is no other reason. The main reason is that Big Brother in the north seems to be making trouble in a few years. It should be easy to recruit some people by then, right?

He was excited just thinking about it.

The light industry over there is indeed a bit awkward, but the heavy industry can compete with the United States!


We’re finally home. Fortunately, the time is right on time. The Chinese New Year will be here in two days!
He distributed the gifts he brought back to everyone and received unanimous praise from everyone.

They all praised Xiao Wuzi for his great achievements.

There were also a few little kids from the eldest brother and eldest sister’s family, who were extremely happy.

After all, they are all foreign toys, and they have seen this before.

Only Mother Han kept complaining, saying that Han Chunming spent money lavishly.

After the Chinese New Year, Han Chunming went to the factory, mainly to see if the words said by the sales director's nephew he met on the train were true or false.Chen Lin is not here at all. After all, the focus is on the clothing factory in the south. That factory is for the international market. The main thing is that the factory there can earn foreign exchange!
He went directly to Chen Wei. He didn't know many people in this factory. He was mainly afraid that he would be fooled by his relationship with the sales manager!
"Mr. Han, are you saying that someone in the factory secretly sells the clothes in the factory?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure yet. I met someone on the train who said it. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Mr. Han, I think it's better not to make this matter too public. After all, we don't know whether it's true or not. If we check the sales director in a big way, the people below will be very chilled. After all, his ability is indeed very good. It's Vice President Chen who works in the supply and marketing cooperative." He was poached here, and most of our sales clients were found by him.”

Han Chunming thought for a while and nodded: "You are right, but how to solve it?"

"You go directly to the security captain and ask him to investigate privately. I think this is a bit weird. I don't know now, but I knew before that the supply of our goods exceeds demand, and the sales department is chased by those people. If you want goods, you can’t wait to move the clothes you just made, so that shouldn’t happen, right?”

Also, many of the things they sell are not available in China now, such as jeans, the fabrics for which are shipped from Hong Kong Island.

Although the cost is a bit higher, the demand for the products exceeds supply.

"Okay, I'll let him investigate privately. I don't know if he can find anything."

"Don't worry, Li San is still very good. When we first came here, things were often stolen in the factory. Then we followed the rules on Hong Kong Island and found Li San. Not only has nothing been stolen again, A lot of things that were stolen before have been recovered!”

Damn it, the methods of doing things in Hong Kong Island have been passed down here!
"Okay, this is that guy's address. Go find Li San and remember to ask him to pay attention and don't cause trouble. We are a regular enterprise now!"

"Okay, I understand!"

Han Chunming didn't expect such a thing to happen in the capital. After all, this is the capital!

However, this matter was indeed done in an unconventional way. Han Chunming would not have thought of it anyway. All he could think of besides calling the police was to find more security guards. However, it was really clever to directly recruit the local gangsters!
There is also the poaching of directors of supply and marketing cooperatives. Many people may think that these people in the current system are just waiting to die. But don’t forget, how can people who can achieve this position be ordinary people?
Let’s just talk about the network of connections. No matter how much money you spend, it won’t be as powerful as it is!

Just give me more salary!

He felt that his mind had been opened up, and he felt that he could go and recruit people from the corresponding unit!
The extra salary now is just a few hundred dollars, so I can directly double it for him. If it doesn't work, I can add more!
Among them, regarding things like corruption, we can only find ways to avoid it, but it seems impossible to avoid it completely!

I don’t know why, but Han Chunming still wants to be richer even though he is already so rich!
Happy days are always so short, I gained a few pounds, got a few more bubbles on my mouth, and school started!

I have experienced the start of school several times. It is said that Han Chunming is also very experienced, so there is no need to talk about it separately, but it seems that he also has a chance to send international students this year!

Isn't this a coincidence? He has always wanted to go out and have a look!
Although it was just an opportunity, Han Chunming also actively pursued it. If he hadn't been afraid that giving gifts would offend others, he would have started giving gifts one by one!
People nowadays are not as direct as they were in the future, they are quite reserved. If Han Chunming had rushed over to give gifts like this, he would have pressed himself down if he had the chance!

This matter still needs to be discussed with the director. This director was his class teacher when he was in school, and he is still very familiar with it now. The class teacher also took good care of him before.

"Director, just tell me directly, are my chances good this time?"

"It's quite big. After all, you are also a young man, and your spoken language is one of the best among the younger generation. I have already registered the list for you, and I am also actively helping you move around, but you know that the person who wants to go there now There are too many, I’m really not sure if you can choose!”

Hearing this, Han Chunming thought about the quota for studying abroad. Yes, he was so angry at the time, but after that time, it seemed like that!
"Director, if I don't get selected, can I go there at my own expense? I mean, if I spend my own money, it would be nice if the school handles the procedures for me."

"What are you thinking about? Do you know how much tolls cost? With your salary... no, you have already driven the car, so you can afford this amount of money."

"I don't mind this. I'm mainly worried that you won't come back once you get to the United States!"

Han Chunming was speechless: "Director, my family and relatives are still here, how could I not come back?"

"I know this is useless, but don't worry, you are still very confident. This is different from your previous study abroad quota. This is not for studying. It will be useless if you don't have two brushes. The main obstacle in this matter is to rely on real ability.”

Han Chunming nodded: "Okay, then I will wait for your notification."

"Chunming, if you choose this time, you must check out the route there. After all, this happens every year. It's okay to go out and subsidize it!"

Is Han Chunming someone who values ​​that little subsidy?He mainly wanted to see if there were any opportunities to make money there.

It was really difficult without a computer. If I wanted to know the situation abroad, I would only read newspapers. I didn’t know how long it had been before I got it!

The timeliness is too poor, and what I want to read is not academic stuff.

There was no objection from the family. Everyone knew that Han Chunming was not the kind of person who would abandon his family and career.

The main reason is that there are too many people like this now, and they feel that even if they are begging for food abroad, they can make a fortune!

I don’t even think about it. If you can make a fortune by being a beggar, why wouldn’t the locals do it?Can you wait until they take action?
There are also some people who do such crazy things to go abroad. They sell their houses, divorce their wives, and don’t want them anymore, just to go abroad and become second-class citizens!
Han Chunming has already called Chen Lin and asked him to bring him some US dollars the next time he comes here. He really doesn't have much foreign exchange in his hands.

Han Chunming in the United States still plans to plant a nail there now. He will go there soon. After all, there is money to be made!

He still plans to find someone with yellow skin, but he really can't trust other people.

After changing his previous casual attitude, I can't say it was casual. It was more like completing a task before, but now he is even more active.

Organizing students to practice speaking, the location was chosen on the playground. There was no other purpose than to let the leaders see his efforts!

This job is quite torturous for Han Chunming. He used to come in at noon if there was no class in the morning. But it is different now. He has to rush to school at six o'clock and then lead the students to practice English. It is hard!

Hard work always pays off. A month later, the notice came out and Han Chunming was indeed selected!
The director also explained the reason to him. The main reason is that there are not many young teachers in the school now, and it is not easy for the elderly to travel such a long distance. Also, the school also hopes to train more young people. After all, this will be used for a long time in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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