After receiving this explanation, Han Chunming didn't know whether he should be happy or what.

The goal has indeed been achieved. After all, excluding the older ones, he, the first batch of students to stay in the school, is the senior!

No matter what, it's good that the goal has been achieved. All he has to do now is prepare things quickly.

The U.S. dollars were ready. Chen Lin brought him a hundred thousand U.S. dollars. He didn't plan to make any big moves there for the time being. He brought the money there mainly to buy some gifts or something.

This trip was with other schools, and he was one of the three leading teachers. When they got there, people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were there to help them, which was actually not difficult.

He had already planned that after sending the person there, he would stop by the school to see if there were any Chinese who were having an unsatisfactory life. If there were any, he would leave his contact information and contact him later!
After a month, Han Chunming was finally ready to leave. The main reason for waiting for so long was to apply for some documents.

These things are not like the previous pass to Hong Kong Island. This requires not only domestic approval, but also the approval of the US Embassy. Without action at the national level, it will not be possible!
Han Chunming is the youngest of the three leading teachers. According to his position, he has no say.

He didn't care. After all, it was his first time to go abroad and he wanted to study first.

He followed everyone out of the bank, holding the newly exchanged two hundred dollars in his hand.

It seems that the most you can exchange is that much. After all, our country’s foreign exchange reserves are not rich now. We can save whatever we can, so we have to be careful in everything we do!

Han Chunming didn't care. Anyway, he still had the 11 US dollars that Chen Lin brought him, and the remaining ones from before, totaling about [-] US dollars.

"Hey, I only exchanged it for two hundred dollars. I don't know how much I can buy there."

"You can't buy much, but at most you can eat something good. I've been there before, and I'm telling you, if you want to buy something, go find someone to exchange some foreign currency."

"But this thing is not easy to exchange. I heard that the exchange rate on the black market is as high as one to six!"

Han Chunming was surprised when he heard their conversation from behind. After all, he had just come out of the bank and he still knew the official exchange rate, one to three!
But I didn’t expect it to double on the black market!
"Team Leader Wang, if we go, do you have time to do some shopping for us?"

The person who just spoke was the team leader who led the team this time. He has been there several times before and is very experienced in going abroad.

"Yes, I will take a day off to let everyone go shopping and buy some souvenirs!"

"It seems that Xiao Han can exchange it for US dollars. Now he wants to spend it. Please help me and exchange some for me!"

The man next to him asked as he was told.

"Hey, I do have some US dollars in my hand. When I was in school, I often worked as a translator and tour guide for foreigners, and I made some money."

Han Chunming didn't want to say anything, but when the time comes and he spends a large amount of US dollars on shopping, these people will definitely have other ideas. It's better to say it now than to explain to them later.

"What's the benefit? You can make money when you go to school! Do you have a lot? Can you give us some in exchange? We won't let you suffer. Let's pay the black market price. I don't dare to go to that place where there is a mixed bag of good and bad."

"Okay, how much do you want? By the way, team leader, do you want it? I'll get it when we get home."

"I definitely want it. It's really hard to change this thing now. I didn't understand it when I went there last time, so I brought two cups of US dollars. In addition to eating some burgers and the like, I can afford some gadgets!"

"Okay, that person will go back and get the money now. We'll see you at school later."

Han Chunming only had 2 US dollars in cash with him, and asked Chen Lin to deposit the rest into a foreign bank account for him. Even according to the bank's ratio, it would be more than [-] US dollars. It would depend on how much they wanted.

He is not afraid that these people will sell them on the black market after exchanging money with him. After all, they are all scholars, and they still have this kind of character.

Some of the students who went this time usually save money in school, let alone exchange US dollars!
However, the living expenses for the first year are subsidized by the state, and then you have to make money on your own.

After all, the country is still very poor and does not have the strength to spend all the money on them.

Now think about it, the conditions for this group of people who have just started to go abroad are really difficult.

This is why so many people are trying their best to stay.

Seeing the huge gap between my country and that developed country, I am really desperate.The consequence of despair is that you don’t want to come back, whether it’s the agreement you signed with the country before going abroad, or your relatives at home, you can give up!
Han Chunming doesn't want to judge these people. Either they don't advise others to be kind without their suffering, or they think it's completely unnecessary. Even if such people come back, they don't know how much they can help, but the chance of being corrupted is still very high. big!

"Xiao Han is here. We plan to exchange for two thousand US dollars. This is 2000 yuan. This is the price on the black market. We brought the money."

"Team leader, please don't do this. I'm making money from you. Let's just follow the bank's exchange rate. This is two thousand U.S. dollars. You can just give me six thousand."

Neither of them refused, after all, this left them with a lot of money!Neither of us comes from a wealthy family, but the two of us are still very excited.

The two of them owed Han Chunming a favor.

Settle the relationship first, Hanchun Anonymous doesn’t want to be stopped by someone when he wants to do something!

We boarded the plane with the 28 students who were going to study abroad this time, and they would have to transfer on Hong Kong Island.There is currently no airport in China that directly connects to the United States.

Everyone has big bags and small bags. This is the habit of Chinese people. You can't go empty-handed. That would be disrespectful of such a long journey!

Han Chunming and the others are different. They will be back in half a month at most, so they just need to bring some clothes with them when they go.

The seat was really uncomfortable for him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Everyone was like this and couldn't get money to upgrade themselves in the tower!
Just bear with it, it’s only a dozen hours!
After getting off the plane, Han Chunming was not surprised at all. He just looked at everything around him with curiosity.

It was indeed much better than the current domestic situation, but compared with the era he had seen... it was just like that!

He had seen something that no one else had seen before. Those curious eyes, curious about everything they looked at, and clothes that looked out of place compared to other people in the airport. No wonder they all yearned for this place!

"Xiao Han, you have been here before. It doesn't look like you are here for the first time."

Han Chunming shook his head: "No, that's nothing. Isn't it just developing faster? I have confidence in our country. It won't take long for us to catch up."

Han Chunming's words were not even a scene statement, and no one believed what he said. Maybe even the leaders did not dare to think so, right?

"Haha, the country needs young people like you!" It was an obvious statement, but Han Chunming wanted to say, this is for sure, I know the answer!

The person responsible for picking them up from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already arrived, and he seemed to know their team leader. The ancestor came up and greeted him for a while.

"This is Xiao Han. He speaks very well! He has great potential among the younger generation. Please communicate more!"

"Hello, my name is Han Chunming."

"Why does this name sound so familiar? By the way, I get it. Did you refuse the invitation from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs before?"

"Huh? Am I that famous?"

"That's not true, it's just that I was in charge of this area before I left, because I was very impressed by your rejection."

The people nearby looked at Han Chunming in surprise after seeing it. This Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not somewhere else!Especially now that the country is actively moving internationally.

"I wanted to study abroad at the time, but I didn't get the choice. I was a little disappointed, so I stayed in school to become a teacher. Now I think being a teacher is not bad."

"I've heard about your story, hey, don't get into trouble, don't punish yourself because of others, just do whatever you want."

"I know, I'm living a pretty good life now, but I really can't stand it if I miss you and have to work so hard and stay abroad for such a long time."

What came to pick them up was a bus with advertisements plastered on it.

"Sorry, we have limited funds. Let's stay at a motel near the school today and then take you to school tomorrow."

After everyone got in the car, it was extremely quiet. It was the first time for them to go out so far away, and it was the United States on the other side of the ocean. There was excitement, but there was also fear.

This is inevitable, after all, they are still a group of young people in their twenties, but don't worry about the adaptability of this group of people, they must be very strong!
"Students, you can be said to be the most outstanding people in our country. Don't feel inferior. You may not be able to match them materially, but don't worry, your excellence is not realized through these materials!"

"You may be looked down upon by students of other colors, or you may not be laughed at, but you just need to remember that you represent our country!"

"I will wait for you to return from your studies at home. Don't be intimidated by the prosperity here. Believe in the motherland, this day will come soon!"

I really can’t help it, I’m really afraid that this group of people will stay in a few years, which will be uncomfortable!

Listening to him, you know that what he says won't have much effect, but you still have to say it. There is only one person who will listen.

"Teacher, can our country really develop like this in the future?"

"Yes, but this requires everyone's joint efforts. This cannot be done by one person. It requires many people."

"How long do you think this will take?"

"Let's leave this issue to time. It may be 20 years, it may be 30 years, it may be 50 years, but it will always come."

He doesn't want to be pulled out by someone like the Prophecy Emperor, and he can't leave any trouble for himself!
When we arrived at the hotel a few hours later, everyone was curious. Although this place was not very good, it was already very good in the eyes of this group of people.

There are definitely no single rooms. Han Chunming was assigned a room with a student because he was a young man.

This person is from the Mathematics Department of Tsinghua University. He will definitely be a mainstay after studying abroad.

It's very close to the school, but I can't catch up today. It will be very dangerous here at night.

After tidying up a little, Han Chunming first went to the room of the two team leaders. When he saw that they had tidied up, he invited them to eat. They were all exhausted, but when they heard that they were going out, they cheered up. After all, they were here. I've been in the car since then and haven't done much shopping.

I originally thought about giving out a red hat to each person like a tour group, but after thinking about it, I decided not to be regarded as a parade. Then a bunch of idle people will follow and participate.

"Everyone, please follow closely. It will be very troublesome if you get lost. Remember this."

We are all adults, so we still need to make this matter clear. If we get lost, it will be a big problem!

With only such a small budget, the team leader from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took them directly to a fast food restaurant.

"Everyone come here to order. It's a good time to try your speaking skills. From now on, you'll have to do it by yourself."

Since they are selected, their English must be passable, but some of them are still not very good at opening their mouths!
Han Chunming was standing on the side. If he really couldn't do it, he opened his mouth to help. In fact, there was nothing to eat, just hamburgers and fries, and nothing else at all.

But even so, this group of people also ate with gusto. After all, there was meat in it, and it was beef. It is really not easy to eat this stuff in China!

Fortunately, I didn’t eat these anymore. Han Chunming ordered a hamburger and fried chicken drumsticks. He didn’t have enough budget and had to pay for them himself. He didn’t like to eat them, but mainly wanted to taste them.

Someone on the side was pointing, but they were more restrained. There was nothing they could do. They were dressed too out of place, so everyone held back. After all, they were in a foreign country, especially Han Chunming, who knew that these people might have some... Da da da!
At this time, the staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs talked to them in Chinese while eating.

"Everyone has heard it. Don't you think it's incredible? In the future, you will find that this is the norm. All you have to do is tolerate it. It's not a joke. It's true. You have to know that this kind of discrimination exists in their own country."

"I'm going to emphasize this to you once, and your seniors will also tell you once when you enter school."

"Don't go out at night. Also, don't touch anything you shouldn't touch. If you encounter someone looking for trouble, run away quickly. If you can't run away, endure it and then call the police. No matter whether it is useful or not, you must do this first. Many people here have it. Someone with a gun."

"It's best not to go out in school at ordinary times. Even if you go out to work part-time, it's best to go out in groups, especially girls. Never go to a place with few people alone. Remember!"

What he said scared everyone who was eating burgers to stop. What he said was too scary. This is not learning. This is fatal!
Han Chunming can also understand. Now they are better than us. Even if they are bullied, what can you do?Explain this clearly to them now, so that you can save yourself the trouble of trying out these truths with your life later.

"Teacher, is it really that scary?"

"What I said are all real things that happened. You are all adults in your 20s. Don't joke with your own lives. That's all I have to say. You must remember that you will know as time goes by. .”

(End of this chapter)

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