Han Chunming pursed his lips and did not speak. These words were indeed true, but it was still relatively safe to stay in school.

In addition, the school will also provide some work-study opportunities. Although the income is a little less, you will be able to live after all. It depends on your choice.

However, it is not ruled out that there will be no quota, so they will have to go out and find part-time jobs, or work as waiters while washing dishes.

"In fact, when you are working part-time, you can consider using your major to make money. That is to learn more about it and see if your major can be monetized. For example, if you are a math major, right? Then think more about whether there is a job around you. Can use this."

"Teacher, but we don't know where to find a job. We..."

"Don't worry for now. The state will provide you with living expenses in the first year, but you will have to pay them back after graduation. Remember."

"There is also the issue of finding a job. Your seniors will tell you when the time comes. Remember, it is best not to go out to look for a job in the first year. The probability of being cheated is very high. If you don't understand something, I'll ask you before. Seniors, don’t worry, they will tell you.”

They all come from the same country, especially since they are still disadvantaged groups here, so it is a sure thing to join a group to keep warm.

Han Chunming is a little lucky now. Fortunately, he didn't come over at that time. It seems to be of no use to him. If nothing else, can he reach the end of this road?
You won't be short of money if you come here by yourself, but so what?If you don’t want to go back then, don’t the girls own the family’s property now?

Besides, there is no need to eat or drink well here.

After dinner, everyone was very tired. After more than ten hours of flight and several hours of driving, we had reached our limit.

Han Chunming had to do the rest of the little things. He asked everyone to go back to their rooms and try not to come out. If anything happened, they would come to their rooms to find him.

There is no time to take them out to see them. They have plenty of time. The most important thing now is to send them to school quickly!
Han Chunming was also here for the first time. He behaved similarly to this group of students, which was quite curious. After all, this was the first time in his life that he had seen such a prestigious school.

The dormitories are all four-person rooms, and the living facilities are really good. It’s really disappointing that just one dormitory is so cramped!

Those who are lucky can live with compatriots, while those who are unlucky have to live with Xiao Baga. What can I do, I can only endure it!
Watching these people tidying up their beds, they cautiously looked at the facilities in the dormitory.

Han Chunming patiently taught them over and over again, all about trivial matters.

"Teacher, this is your first time here. Why do you know so much?"

"Because I've been to Hong Kong Island before coming here, and these things are pretty much the same."

After sending everyone off, there is another step, which is to meet the former international students. Han Chunming originally wanted to find classmates, but they were not in this school or even in this area. In the end, he thought about it.

They are all people who have been here for at least a year. Without the previous restraint, Han Chunming can even see a trace of... pride in their eyes!
No wonder, after all, those who can study abroad in this era are really not ordinary people.

All with their own pride, but Han Chunming didn't like this feeling of being superior to others!
The clothes I am wearing are also moving closer to here. After all, I have been here for such a long time. Although my life is not very good, I still have enough money to buy myself a set of clothes.

If the expensive ones are not enough, you can buy cheap ones. If the new ones are not enough, you can buy second-hand ones. There is always a way!
Han Chunming looked very uncomfortable. How long had it been since he came?Are you looking down on them?Say something like this or that in front of him.

"I'm telling you, it's easy to make money here. Washing dishes at any restaurant can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month!"

Why don't you tell me how much you spend in a month? In the eyes of this group of newcomers, you can't make so much money in a year in China!
But these are all individual cases. Most people are very kind. It is not easy to meet Chinese people in this place.

Looking at this group of people, Han Chunming had the idea to give them something as a small investment in advance!
I counted it secretly, grandma's, there were a bit too many people, so forget it and just buy it for the group of people I'm leading. After all, it's nice to have decent clothes for the new arrival. It can be considered as an encouragement to them!After getting to know each other, this can be regarded as a mutual aid group for fellow villagers. Now we just bring them to meet each other and let them get to know each other so that they can find someone if anything happens in the future.

After it was over, they planned to leave. Han Chunming pulled the team leader aside and whispered.

"Team leader, look at these kids who come here and don't even have decent clothes. I still have a lot of money here. Can I buy a set of clothes for them?"

The team leader looked at him like a fool and wondered if this man was sick.

"Chunming, let's not talk about it. Do you know how much it costs to buy a set of clothes for each of them? This is not a country. Like you said, a set of clothes costs at least dozens of dollars. This is more than 30 sizes. Where are the people!”

"Don't worry, team leader. It's just a one-hundred-dollar arrangement per person. I made some money in the hands of those foreigners before, and now I can make the best use of it by investing in these children."

"Haha, okay, that's a good thing, but you still said they are children. Do you know that some of them force you to be older? They just haven't returned to the dormitory yet. You should tell them, but tell them in advance They said, don’t tell the old students before you.”

"I understand, team leader, then I'll go now."

There were a total of 38 students on their trip, and only eight of them were girls, which was good. Before, there were even one or two girls in one team.

"Everyone, stop for a moment. I just discussed it with the team leader. I will buy a set of clothes for you personally. This is my expectation for you. I hope that in a few years, we in China will see you appear in front of me wearing the clothes I gave you."

"Teacher, there's no need for this. We will make money to buy it later."

"Don't worry that I don't have any money, and don't be embarrassed. Just treat me as the proud son of heaven who invested in you in advance. Maybe you can take care of me some time!"

Everyone laughed when they said this. After seeing the prosperity, who doesn't want to be one of them? Even if it's just pretending, they still want to pretend.

"Let's go, there's no class yet, let's go out and wander around together!"

After looking at the map and asking for directions, the group finally found a shopping mall two kilometers away from the school.

Fortunately, this mall mainly sells brands that are friendly to the people. After all, this is near a school and not a wealthy area.

The idea of ​​​​counting this group of people to choose on their own was extinguished 10 minutes after they came in. After seeing the price, none of them dared to do it. Oh my god, it was tens or hundreds of dollars. They were really serious about this thing. Never seen it!
Think about it, this amount of money is equivalent to more than half a year's salary in China, and it's just a piece of clothing. If the family members find out about this, they will definitely be scolded to death!

"Come on, Li Qing, let's try on this suit. You don't have to pay for it. What are you worried about? You are worried that I can't pay for it. Don't worry, I can still pay for it even if so many people come again!" Even after saying this, everyone still didn't take action. Han Chunming had no choice but to give up. Let him choose for them. He still has a good opinion of himself!
The clerk almost pulled out a gun and drove them out at first, but fortunately Han Chunming explained in time and took out dollars to show that he had the ability, so he lowered his guard.

Some stores don't like a single piece of clothing, while others buy a top from this store and a pair of pants from another store.

It just so happens that it's not the peak period, and there are not many people in the mall. More than 30 people were put on various clothes like Han Chunming's clothes rack!

Those who were watching the fun in the mall, from the beginning looking at the excitement and disdain, gradually became serious and unbelievable!

The clothes matched by Han Chunming really give people a different feeling!

Matching simple clothes with different clothes becomes no longer simple. Many clothes are obviously not from the same brand, but they will feel very comfortable when paired together!
"COM! Are you a fashion designer?"

"Um...no, I'm their teacher, and they're about to start school. This can be considered my start-of-school gift to them!"

"You are such a good teacher, can we show you your matching clothes?"

"Okay, it's about your clothes, isn't it?"

"Then...can you help us rearrange some of them? Don't worry, we can pay for it."

I wanted to show off, but I only had half a bottle of ink in my stomach. Everyone was shocked that many of the outfits were just copied homework!

After all, he is a person with decades of experience in future generations!

This vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Okay, I don't need to pay them. Can I change them into shoes? They don't have to be expensive, they just need to be comfortable to wear. In return, I can add the shoes to the matching outfits!"

I was thinking about clothes before, but when I put them on, my shoes didn't match.

I originally thought I would increase my budget and buy them for them, but now I can do it for free. Han Chunming didn't show politeness to these people and just chose two pairs of shoes each!

"In the future, when you get to know each other at school, you can also organize these merchants to hold a catwalk show in school. For example, each store will have a quota, let them match their own, and then the students in the school will vote. This can be considered a one-of-a-kind method! "

"Then how do you make money?"

"Are you doing this to promote these clothing stores? Do they want to pay you?"

"Be sure to budget the expenses required for running a catwalk show first. Don't do it too outrageously. If you want to run a show, you have to do it carefully."

"This sounds really good, teacher, let me tell you, you are so good at making money, so you can teach me some experience!"

"Okay, I'm happy to chat with you today. You can help deliver food. There must be many people in this school who don't want to go out, but they have to go out to eat. Then you can help them order food and charge a fee. That’s what it should be, right?”

"You must know that the school has the largest number of people, and it is also a battleground for businessmen outside. All you have to do is find a way to integrate these resources. I don't know how much you will make, but you will definitely be able to live a good life."

What Han Chunming talked about was very general. It wasn't that he was clumsy, it was that he really didn't know how these things worked.

A group of people were also confused, but they finally had a direction. They had one more choice, didn't they?
Now, in addition to washing dishes, they have another option to start their own business!

"Teacher, I am also from the School of Foreign Languages. Doesn't our school not have these? Have you never done this in school before?"

These stupid kids can ask such stupid questions. They are all people who can break a penny in half and spend money. How can they be willing to do so?
"No matter what you do, the first thing you have to do is to position yourself and see if the target group you choose has the needs and abilities. Think about it, there are still many people in our school who can't bear to eat. Can Are you willing to spend money to ask you to run errands? It’s good if I don’t steal your business!”

"But it's different here. The income of the locals here is dozens or hundreds of times that of ours. For those rich people, it is normal to pay people to run errands. You will know when you stay here for a long time. ”

"But let me tell you, don't forget that your duty here is to study. After you finish your studies, you can go back and help our country develop."

"You may not agree with what I am saying now. The status of Chinese people here is lower than that of black people. In the future, you will know that there is racial discrimination and color discrimination. Don't listen to what those people say about freedom. You must have Your own ability to think, think about what these freedoms bring?”

Han Chunming matched clothes and communicated with the students in Chinese. The conversation became so exciting that I felt like I couldn't stop talking!
"Don't look at the high wages here, but if you think about the consumption here, you will feel that they are almost the same. Maybe the conditions are really good, but all kinds of racial discrimination will let you know that no matter how hard you work, when you reach a certain position, it will be you ceiling."

Han Chunming just told what he knew, which may be one-sided, but it exists objectively.

When you enter a company after graduation, you can only do those specific things, and the rest has nothing to do with you. As for hard work, reaching a certain position cannot be changed by hard work.

But relatively speaking, the things you can access here are really not available in China, especially laboratories.

This group of people will become the competition targets of major laboratories.

The busy work finally came to an end in the afternoon, and not every store was satisfied. Although the sales results have not yet come out, they still have some idea that it will definitely be better than before.

All the clothes that could not be sold in the warehouse were given to them. Mainly because these people felt that Han Chunming wanted too little and were not used to it. They were even a little embarrassed. Anyway, the clothes could not be sold here and it was difficult to deal with them. Trouble, just give it to them.

There are 38 people, each holding several sets of clothes. These are clothes that have been out of date for a long time or have problems, but it is not a problem for these people. They just need to fiddle with a little needle and thread.

(End of this chapter)

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