The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 728: Evil Ancestor, extremely sinful!

Chapter 728: Evil Ancestor, extremely sinful!
The eternal cycle of reincarnation, the completely buried prehistoric era, the source of the strange and ominous birth... When all these things point to the same person, then this person is bound to have big problems.

Perhaps, he is the culprit of all this, with sins that cannot be washed away.

Even if He has a spirit of sacrifice, the ambition to go forward even if there are tens of thousands of people against Him, an unshakable belief, the courage to give up everything, and is a true hero and a great man... He cannot be avoided.

No, or rather, it is precisely because He is a hero and a great man that this question cannot be avoided, and there is truly no solution - He cannot deceive his own heart!
This is how He became enlightened, and this is how His final collapse will also be!
If it were someone else, with lower moral principles, he might activate the skill of "History Book of Time" and find someone to take the blame, putting all the consequences on him, making him a horrible monster with unforgivable evil, while he himself would be innocent and flawless.

Even further, we construct our own spiritual concepts and regard the world as a fantasy bubble, just a big dream, or a game. Many unforgettable experiences are just a game with a strong sense of substitution and immersion. You can experience it but not get addicted to it. Only after transcending it can you reach reality.

All the living things in the world are nothing but NPCs. They can be destroyed with a wave of the hand and reappear with a snap of the fingers. No matter how many or how great the sacrifices are, what does it have to do with us, the honorable players of Paradox?
These are all necessary sacrifices!

Of course, this approach is most suitable for those who are born sacred. They are born from heaven and earth, but are extraordinary and detached from the mundane world. They are born not to be close to the mundane world and have lost the suffering of experiencing the various joys and sorrows of the world.

However, the owner of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin does not seem to be such a follower. Instead, he rose from the mortal world, came from the mortal world, went from small to great, and from humble to noble.

It is undeniable that His talent is amazing, surpassing all predecessors, opening up a path of transcendence, standing above the world and creating miracles.

However, He may be extremely powerful, and no one in this world can kill Him. As long as He does not want to die, He will not die.

However, even if one cannot kill him, one can still destroy his heart!

In fact, He did eventually “die”!
The body that is invulnerable to all kinds of attacks and is indestructible is experiencing the pain of being terminally ill. Even though it has been created from nothing and then revived again and again, the pain cannot be erased... In the end, out of melancholy, he set himself on fire, hoping to leave everything behind!
Thus, the life of an unrivaled strong man came to an end!
This is heart-breaking and murderous!
Back then, the owner of the bronze coffin of three generations died because of this. Today, Gao Yuan consciousness pays tribute to history, digs deep into its pain points, recreates the disaster of reincarnation, and detonates its mental illness to create an opportunity for himself to defeat the enemy!

This method is very dirty, and it involves using any means necessary to poke someone's lungs.

But, I have to say, the effect is very significant.

The "Master of the Bronze Coffin" who had fought his way into the plateau and fought against the strange creature suddenly lost consciousness at this moment!
He stared blankly at the world that had suddenly become strange. Endless evil spirits were sweeping in from the depths of samsara like an unstoppable wave, covering the whole world!

This shocking scene tore open the bloody scars in his inner world and actually... shook his will and soul!
After all, at this moment, He is the revival of the former faith of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations. He dominates the ominous body and therefore has supreme power.

But precisely because of this, the "heart" is infinitely powerful, and also infinitely sensitive.

When these evil shadows that were once familiar and unforgettable reappeared, they awakened the nightmare of the inner world!

He could be sure that everything he saw was not false, and even if it was false, it could not deceive Him.

But precisely because it is true, it can be truly heartbreaking!
He buried prehistory with his own hands, and buried the era that caused him torment and pain, and in a blink of an eye, it reappeared?!
The same evil spirit, the same group of dead souls... at this moment, it seems like it was at that moment!
It’s like falling into a nightmare cycle, the same flowers, the same people, the same fork in the road!

"bring it on!"

Gao Yuan's consciousness laughed out loud, "Kill this world once more! Slaughter this endless evil, these people who once believed in you and revered you as the Emperor of Heaven!"

The wind of time is howling, the supernatural force is surging, and the plateau consciousness condenses the boundless evil power into clothes and armor to protect the body and share weal and woe.

At the same time, Gao Yuan's consciousness struck out with a heavy punch, beating up his own Lao Deng. His arms broke through the obstruction of the unconscious "Master of the Coffin", and he grabbed his shoulder tightly like a claw, tearing it apart with force -


Blood splatters!
The true body of the "Owner of the Bronze Coffin" was torn apart!

Flesh, bones, internal organs… were torn apart and disintegrated by the tyrannical force, causing a torrential rain of blood to scatter everywhere.

"You want to kill me?"

The plateau consciousness was bloody and crazy, "Do you want me to be unable to personally inspect, taste, and feel this colorful world?"

"Just because of your ridiculous sense of justice and belief? You want to deprive me of my life and the traces of my existence?"

"How can I do what you want!"

"My birth and my sins, are they something I can choose? They are inherited from you!"

"You claim to be righteous, the right way in the world, sacrificial, fearless, heroic..."

"But in the end, it was you who left me into this world!"

"Now, you want to correct the so-called 'mistake', so you come to kill me? To destroy the race I created?"

The plateau consciousness is still advancing, and the entire doomed land is splendid with its power. Endless light shines down, blessing and baptizing every creature of the strange clan.

All the strange creatures that were killed before because the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" rushed into this place and the aftermath spread have reappeared, without missing a single person. They are protected, blessed, and blessed by the plateau consciousness. Every strange creature is glowing all over, like a god!
They are becoming powerful rapidly. Although no new Immortal Emperors are born, countless strange creatures have been promoted, broken through, and become quasi-Immortal Emperors!
It has to be said that although plateau consciousness is not a "good thing", the previous great sacrifices made by the ten ancestors to the world were the result of its secret influence. At most, some individual ancestors exaggerated this instruction, not considering the long-term benefits, but instead drying up the pond to catch fish.

However, while attacking heavily externally, Plateau Consciousness is still lenient and protective internally. At least the reason why many powerful members of the Weird Clan can be resurrected continuously is because Plateau Consciousness has delegated power and provided strong support in secret.

The original substance is ashes, which belong to the "body" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations. It is entangled with the plateau consciousness that represents his great power. With the power of magic, he can be reborn with a drop of blood.

The creatures of the strange clan absorb the original matter, and when they are recognized by the plateau consciousness, they can naturally be resurrected continuously.

Logically speaking, resurrection is actually unnecessary. After all, due to the strange and ominous special decision, it is easy to increase the number of troops. The old ones will die and the new ones will take their place.

The dead can communicate with spirits, waste can be recycled... After a grand ceremony, countless heroes from all ages died in battle. These are all top-notch materials that can be used for transformation at any time, changing their household registration and becoming the glorious and great people of the weird clan.

However, Plateau Consciousness did not do so.

It is very nostalgic and is willing to provide the best possible protection to the community it has created.

Even an existence like the Progenitor, which can be produced in large quantities, will suffer huge losses and die in battle against a powerful enemy. If it is alarmed and awakened, it will take action, secretly influence and change everything.

Compared with this abstract era, plateau consciousness seems very "simple".

Unfortunately, such a scene will never be seen, because all the ancestors were rebellious and none of them did not defect!

The plateau mentality did not give them room for advancement, and they did not pay them… So, the ancestors came up with other ideas and started a new business.

Until today's disaster, the true father-son situation began.

However, misfortunes often lie behind blessings, and blessings often lie behind misfortunes.

It was precisely because of this desperate situation that Gaoyuan Consciousness was forced to take a risk, and finally He achieved initial success and got the new life he had always dreamed of!

Of course, He needs to survive this catastrophe before He can enjoy His own new life. Perhaps, this is His catastrophe, the catastrophe of His enlightenment.

There will be disasters when achieving enlightenment.

At this point, the manifestation of catastrophe is no longer limited to heavenly catastrophe or thunder catastrophe, but is a kind of fateful evolution. The source of one's own strength is also the origin of catastrophe.

Like the owner of the bronze coffin of three generations, his cultivation is earth-shattering and unprecedented, and no one can kill him.

Therefore, because of his personal belief, his heart became strong and he developed a "heart calamity" that killed his heart and eventually caused him to burn to death.

Like the plateau consciousness, it is born noble and transcendent in nature. It has inherited the great power of the three generations of bronze coffin owners and has their legacy.

Therefore, his fate of "attaining enlightenment" and "transforming into a human form" is inseparable from the influence of the owners of the bronze coffins for three generations, or he might be killed by them!

Sure enough, the most terrifying opponent was right in front of him. If he wanted to kill him, Gao Yuan would be dead if nothing unexpected happened, even if he cut off the restraints and freed himself from the shackles.

The ancestor is the floor tile in the sacrificial path, and the plateau consciousness is also the floor tile in the level above the sacrificial path. With great power but lack of fighting experience, who can be defeated?

Thank you, Xiezu!

This "great villain" who has brought disaster to the nine heavens and ten earths and all the worlds has provided the most terrifying weapon for Gaoyuan Consciousness, which can destroy the heart of the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" and affect the direction of the battle!
The Evil Ancestor, he is no longer in the world, but his legend will always be there.

Even though he had disappeared, in a daze, and no one knew where his body was... this did not prevent the blame from falling on him one after another.

At this moment, new charges slowly emerged and gradually gathered - he had colluded with Gao Yuan's consciousness and tripped up the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" at the critical moment when he was trying to pacify the strange and ominous things in the world, causing him to fail. His crime was extremely heinous, extremely heinous!


The evil power condensed and changed into various forms in the hands of plateau consciousness.

Sometimes it is armor that protects against the strongest attack, and sometimes it is swords and guns that cut into the body of a powerful enemy.

The horrifying beam of light tore the world apart, as if it would completely bury the entire world and bring everything to extinction.

Gradually, the "Lord of the Bronze Coffin" was defeated. He retreated and was driven off the plateau and swept out of the disaster land.

Once, this was His home, but now, there is no place for Him in this home!

Gao Yuan was aware of his superiority and showed no mercy. He fought his way out of the plateau, stepping out of the cursed land for the first time in history!

The sharp spear pierced through the body of the "Master of the Coffin". Gao Yuan's consciousness shook vigorously, wanting to smash this great enemy. "Has anyone ever told you that you are a failure?"

He whispered, and only he and the Master of the Coffin could hear, "You betrayed your original ideals, the original intention of reincarnation... When you were young, you and the you who buried the entire prehistoric world will never stop fighting!"

"And I, the origin of you who are terminally ill, are you who want to give up your beliefs and forget everything in the cycle of existence and non-existence... My existence is your doubt and denial of the self that once buried the prehistoric self!"

"Three of you, three different mentalities, one longs for reincarnation, one denies reincarnation, and one lets go of belief..."

"The Three-Life Bronze Coffin was made just for you. It's really just right."

Gao Yuanzhi grinned, "In the end, you buried yourself. There is only one copy of your ashes, but three people died!"

"After all this, do you think you have failed?"

"Your younger self was hostile to you, and your older self denied you... What have you done?"

"Do you think you are fighting me alone?"

"You are wrong. You are totally wrong!"

"I'm not fighting alone!"

"At this moment, the remnants of the Lord of Samsara and the Lord of the Plateau are placed in my body. I am fighting on their behalf to bury you!"

"Your path has already failed, so don't bother tossing around in this world anymore!"

Gao Yuanyi's expression was grim, "Rest in peace!"

He shook the spear vigorously, and the ultimate evil power roared, wanting to completely destroy and annihilate the enemy!
But, he shook it once, and again, and a third time...but he couldn't shake it anymore!


A bloody palm was pressed on the spear, staining the spear shaft red and making it unable to move!

Gao Yuan's consciousness changed color, and he tried to pull the spear hard, but it didn't move at all, as it was tightly shackled.

He looked towards his great enemy and saw a pair of gray eyes, without any light but deep and boundless.

The body was broken, having been repeatedly hit hard by Gao Yuan's consciousness, leaving it badly tattered. Even with the great power of the sacrificial way, it could not be repaired quickly in a short period of time.

But even with such a broken body, people inexplicably feel an extreme firmness and strength.

"You don't understand..."

The Master of the Copper Coffin spoke, and his tone at this moment seemed completely different from before, with an indescribable complexity and melancholy, "Back then, was it only my passion that led me to take this path of sacrifice?"

"No... it was the unity of countless lives, their willingness to sacrifice, and their rushing to the battlefield one after another, just to put the world back on track... In the end, I was born."

"At that time, I no longer just represented myself, but also the epitome of the sacrifice and belief of that era..."

"I never regret what I did back then... Even if I didn't understand it in the past, it was because he was too young and too naive."

"I am not in denial in my later years, otherwise He could easily reset everything... He just feels guilty."

"I will never regret anything in my life!"

"Just like the souls who chose to die in that era, they also... have no regrets!"

As He spoke, He pressed hard, and the spear that had pierced His body broke!

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