The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 729: Entering prehistory!

Chapter 729: Entering prehistory!
The most ferocious weapon in the world was broken!
It was the weight of evil that carried an era's worth of energy and condensed the fruits of reincarnation. It should have been the most lethal to the owner of the Three Lifetimes Bronze Coffin, and it should have been indestructible and a hurdle that no one could overcome.

Otherwise, after going from nothing to something and back to nothing again and again, the idea of ​​abandoning everything would not have quietly emerged, and finally put it into practice, burning oneself to death and burying everything.

In fact, the results of this fierce weapon were also splendid and glorious. It allowed the newly "born" plateau consciousness to control it and was able to severely inflict a heavy blow to the resurrected "master of the bronze coffin", tearing his body apart and bathing him in his blood.

However, some unknown trigger made the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" who was at a disadvantage wake up!

At that moment, His eyes were extremely deep and terrifying, with an indescribable charm, which was the determination and unswerving resolve to bear the sins of eternity alone!
This is a unique temperament, which comes to me at this moment, making my plateau consciousness frightened and my soul tremble.

He looked at the creature in front of him, and in a trance he saw a past that had long been refined into nothingness... A young man, ascending the road to heaven, singing as he walked. He had a glorious journey, but also had countless regrets. He experienced all kinds of life and tasted the vicissitudes of life throughout the ages.

He witnessed all kinds of joys and sorrows in the world, some of others' and some of his own... When he was young, before he embarked on the path of spiritual practice, he just wanted to live a quiet and peaceful life. Even if he was just a mortal, a happy life and a happy family would be enough.

However, an unexpected change gave him a great opportunity and he embarked on the path of spiritual practice. However, this also took him away from his hometown, his parents and relatives, and opened up a brilliant life that he did not want to have.

It was not until several years later that he achieved success in his practice and was able to cross the sea of ​​stars and travel through the void.

Immediately, he used up all his strength to cross the starry sky, just to return to his homeland and see his family again.

He succeeded, but also failed... Because when he returned to his hometown, his parents were no longer around. Before they died, they kept muttering his name, and he was buried with regret.

Big regret in life!

Because of this, when he woke up in the middle of the night, a thought emerged, an obsession. He hoped that there would be an "afterlife" in the world so that he could see his parents again.

Over the long years, this obsession has continued to take root and sprout, from myself to others.

He has seen the joys and sorrows, life and death, and so much regret and sadness in the world, all because of this.

After death, everything becomes empty. For the dead, it is a long sleep, but for the living, it is a long-lasting grief.

He wanted to change something.

If there is no "afterlife" between heaven and earth, then he will create an "afterlife" for countless sentient beings!
Incredibly, he succeeded!
There was no reincarnation path in the world, but because of a young man's ambition, a "reincarnation path" was finally created!
"When I attain reincarnation, all sentient beings in billions of worlds will be protected, time will flow like water, and the true spirit will be eternal..."

"When I attain samsara, all the heavens and the millions of millions of tiny beings who chant my name and believe in my teachings will be free and will not fall into depravity. They will be reborn in samsara and their wishes will be granted..."

"When I realize reincarnation, all time and space, past and future, all kinds of stars will be broken into dust and countless sentient beings who think of my name will not fall into eternal silence. He will transform himself freely, he will transform for eternity, reincarnate in the heavens, and my way will last forever..."

The astonishing sound of Tao resounded through the heavens and the world, and resounded in every corner of the world, causing countless sentient beings to cry for joy. All living beings were cheering his name and praising his achievements. Even his competitors were moved and submitted to him!

Everything is so beautiful.

If the story ended here, it would be a happy ending.

Unfortunately, no.

The supreme Emperor of Samsara generously promised blessings to all living beings. Samsara protects them and keeps their souls clear and eternal. Death is not the end, but a new life begins immediately. People can do whatever they want in this world without any restraints or shackles.

It’s too late.

Since when did all living beings lose their fear of death, and also... their fear of life?

Because life and death are interdependent, like the mutual generation and restraint of yin and yang. If either one is lost, the balance will be broken.

The supreme Emperor of Samsara freed all living beings from the constraints of life and death and granted them the power to reincarnate, but he did not simultaneously give them a perfect and flawless mind that could tolerate life and death and exercise self-discipline and self-cultivation.

Then, a catastrophe came!
This is the calamity of the "heart", which comes from every living being that has trampled on life and death!
When coupled with the erosion of the heaven and earth by unlimited reincarnation... finally, the ultimate horrifying evil nightmare descended, dragging the entire era into destruction!
However, in the wave of destruction, there are heroes shining. They want to do something to quell this catastrophe and put shackles on reincarnation.

However, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

Since all living beings have enjoyed the benefits of the “cracked version” of reincarnation, how could they be willing to accept the restrictions of various rules and regulations?
The hero died in battle!

Moreover, dying once is not enough. The blessings of reincarnation are equal to all, and resurrection will never stop.

But this is not a good thing. People will block the fountain, squat on the corpse, and kill you every time you are resurrected. It is simply eternal torture!
At this point, the instigator was at a loss.

His original intention was good, but why did the world become like this?

He wanted to intervene and make adjustments, but he found that "reincarnation" had already become too big to be stopped and could no longer be controlled!
This is a path that embodies his original intention and integrates the will of countless living beings. Even though he is the ancestor of Taoism, he can no longer have the final say!
He may even be affected in the opposite direction, being swept away and forced to go with the flow.

When the time comes, heaven and earth all work together, and the heroes are not free!
When he established the Samsara cycle, he had many supporters. Countless living beings longed for the birth of the Samsara cycle, and they formed an almighty force to add fuel to the fire and help him achieve his goal.

At that time, he was people's faith and a hero in their hearts.

But when he wanted to restrain the cycle of reincarnation, he went to the opposite side and was no longer a hero, but an enemy and a foe!

As a result, the most horrific dispute broke out, which eventually turned into a continuous war and blood on the earth... A Heavenly Emperor was in great pain. He had to kill people because his ideals were going against his ideals. He also had to watch his followers die in the matter of binding reincarnation, because he could not let them reincarnate because of his current position.

——If we allow our troops to die and fight again in reincarnation, how can we talk about restraining reincarnation? We will only be labeled as hypocritical!
It is hard to imagine what a painful struggle and torment this is... Especially for these heroes who faced death calmly and chose eternal silence. Even at the end of their lives, they still comforted their leader, telling him not to be sad, not to be upset, that they died a worthy death and did not regret participating in such a great cause!
They said that even if they died, they would not have the slightest regret, except that they would not be able to see the world return to normal. They hoped that the leader would carry on their will and witness their final victory.

At that moment, the Emperor of Heaven, who had created the cycle of reincarnation, cried all his tears dry.

There was only one belief left in his heart, to end this catastrophe!
Those who followed him did not regret it, so how could he regret it?! He could not regret it, he could not fall!

If he fell, wouldn't the sacrifices of those heroes who had sacrificed everything for this ideal, for this belief, and preferred eternal death to reincarnation, be in vain? !

From then on, he had only one way left, to swallow up the world, never regret his life, and put an end to all enemies, past and present!

Finally, in the flames that burned the entire era and purified the entire world, he sat alone on a plateau, buried the world, and left a grave in his heart!
He won.

But at the moment of winning, it seemed as if he had died as well...his "heart" died.

All the splendor, all the brilliance, all the determination were buried with the destruction of that life, along with his original ideals and the heroes who followed him, buried in the grave of his heart, leaving behind the most brilliant pollen particles.

This is a belief that cannot be violated.

Gao Yuan's consciousness could beat him up, but when it came to the "road" and failure, this triggered something that made the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" change instantly, and became extremely terrified!
“Perhaps, I am indeed a loser.”

The "Owner of the Bronze Coffin" spoke calmly and in a low voice.

This situation is very scary. It's no longer about shouting and killing right away, but compared with the previous murderous aura, it makes Gao Yuan more terrified.

"The Master of the Bronze Coffin"... He seemed to have found his true self. He was no longer a passionate believer, but a true, clear, and unshakable will, and had perfect wisdom.

He looked at Gao Yuan's consciousness as if he was looking at a rebellious child... The child was very wild and would do anything to get what he wanted. He only cared about playing and clamored to his parents to go out and play with his bad friends.

At this moment, He seemed to speak calmly with an expression that would make every parent shudder at their children: “Go, you can go, go ahead!”

Beneath this calmness lies an unspeakable horror that makes one's soul tremble and makes the naughty child feel extremely terrified mentally.

"You are right. Everything is my fault. Are you satisfied?"

The "Master of the Bronze Coffin" pulled out the broken spear from his body. The ferocious weapon that had torn his body and stabbed into his body time and time again before now seemed to be subdued by him. It was quiet and did not reveal any ferocious edge!
He held the broken spear, without even looking at Gao Yuan's consciousness, and ignored the "rebellious son" who was stiff all over and holding a short stick. He just swung the broken spear casually and swept it through the void!

The heavens shook violently, the worlds wailed, accompanied by endless roars of pain!


The shrill roar came from the endless evil shadows that swept across every corner of the world. These terrifying existences that had been stirring up trouble from the depths of reincarnation and showing off their power in the world seemed to be suffering immense pain at this moment. They were crushed by the supreme power and exploded and shattered one after another!
So cruel!

At this moment, the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" was like a great devil who destroyed everything, even more cruel and violent than the great priest of plateau consciousness!

But this seems unexpected, reasonable, and natural?
After all, even if the plateau consciousness is a great sacrifice to the world, and even if the ancestors added elements to it, it still left the spark of life in the world, allowing it to reproduce and spread.

However, the owner of the third-generation bronze coffin who did not want to reveal his name truly destroyed the era he once lived in and completely buried the entire world. No one could survive the prehistoric era and enter the present world!

Even the prehistoric history was buried, making it impossible for later generations to trace it. It was nothing more than destroying the body and erasing all traces!

When the "Owner of the Bronze Coffin" became truly cruel and ruthless, Gao Yuan realized that things were getting serious.

There is no doubt that the "Master of the Bronze Coffin" is a hero and a great man, and he treats his comrades as warmly as spring.

However, when facing the enemy, it is as cold as winter!

A cold and murderous sound shattered the eternity. The "Master of the Bronze Coffin" showed his cold and ruthless side, wielding a butcher knife in the world to wipe out all the evil!
Moreover, not only that, the murderous force swept and stirred, and also encompassed Gao Yuan's consciousness. The endless power bombarded, causing Gao Yuan's consciousness to continuously retreat, and blood flowers bloomed on his body one after another!

"Back then, I was able to suppress you once, and now I can wipe you out a second time!"

The "Master of the Copper Coffin" said indifferently, "As long as I have faith, I will be invincible!"

“Roar!” Gao Yuan’s consciousness roared, and He burst out with supreme strength, charging forward with all His might. The short stick in His hand changed into a long sword, and He tried to move forward to fight, “Your time has long passed!”

"Invincible? How can you say you are invincible?"

"Your strength is invincible, but your mentality is confused and weak, which laid the seeds of disaster and led to everything we have today!"

"Really? But it doesn't matter now." The "Master of the Coffin" said calmly, "Now, I am using my power to talk to you, teach you, and instruct you."

"You can't teach me!"

The plateau consciousness roared, and at this moment under the doomsday land of the plateau, the four suppressed outposts erupted, shining in the endless bright light, they collided together, and turned into a road, running through the years, through the void, and through nothingness!
In a trance, it seemed to turn into a ball of light, illuminating eternity.

Moreover, the plateau consciousness itself is also glowing, extremely blazing. Correspondingly, wisps of mist are rising from the plateau's doomsday soil, gradually condensing and turning into a strong ominous force, which is the primordial matter.

Plateau consciousness is bankrupt!
He used up all the remaining original materials in his control, which were his private money. In an era when the ancestors were rebelling, these materials were supposed to be used to build a new team of thugs for the ancestors.

But at this moment, Gao Yuan's consciousness could not care about this and mobilized all of it. In the terrifying fluctuations, these primordial substances gathered and evolved, condensing into a vague figure, which was hazy and unclear and could not be seen clearly.

Then, the figure moved, as if walking on a road, and seemed to merge with a ball of light, which erupted with earth-shaking power, causing the wheel of reincarnation that spread across every corner of the heavens and the world to stir and resonate. For a moment, time and space stagnated, the wheel of reincarnation was moving, and its reflection in the body of this figure made him seem like a towering existence!

"Kill! Kill into prehistory! I'll end this with you!"

Gao Yuan's consciousness screamed, "Let's put an end to everything there, to the death!"

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