The peerless black hand that covers the sky

Chapter 761: It's very simple! You just need to offer sacrifice to the Tao!

Chapter 761: It's very simple! You just need to offer sacrifice to the Tao!

The magnificent world seems to be within reach at this moment.

However, it seems to be separated by eternity, nothing but a mirage.

  But no matter what, this shows the extraordinaryness of Emperor Youqiu at this moment, and the horror of that "sacrifice to the gods"!

Sacrifice to the gods, sacrifice to the "gods", worship the "gods", sacrifice to the "gods"!

The concepts of faith, gods, worshipping spirits, and thoughts of gods are all transformed into branches on this road.

When they come together and sublimely reach their utmost, they will blossom with the most brilliant light in the world.

Faith can make you a god.

A person with great merit dies with evil thoughts left in him.

The gods want to be cleansed and sublimated, and to reproduce some of their former glory.

In a trance, all of this corresponded perfectly with the strange and ominous source, the owner of the three-generation bronze coffin, and merged into one.

You Jiao founded the Divine Religion, revered the gods from afar, conferred the Holy Spirit, and turned the tables on Tian Gang. His countless years of exploration and research were the cause, and the sacrifice to the gods at this moment was the result.

But, perhaps the cause and effect are already determined in the dark.

  Why do people with great merits have evil thoughts left after they die, lingering in the world, doing pure evil, instead of retaining good thoughts?

Why is it that when sincerity is the key to success and faith is gathered, the souls of the deceased can be reflected as a shadow and become a golden body of faith?

Why is it that the purest evil thoughts of gods, when they are pushed to the extreme or are about to be wiped out by humans, can bloom in an instant, transcend the constraints of reincarnation, and reproduce the fruits of their previous lives and beliefs, glorious and holy?

Perhaps, all of this is influenced by a source that sets the most basic rules.

  Because, the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations did indeed do evil after his death!

He had great merits during his lifetime, but after his death he evolved a plateau consciousness that lingered in the world of evil!

Likewise, He also left a shadow behind, silently influencing the world... His coffin, His urn, wherever they pass by, they will always sow some seeds and inherit some of the fruits of the Tao, such as the eternal dream, such as His transformation into freedom... and so on.

  When such a "seed" thrives, with a little true meaning of sacrifice in its heart, it gradually turns into a banner that leads all living beings, is admired by people wholeheartedly as the "Emperor of Heaven", and is gathered by faith... Perhaps, it is like becoming a side face of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations - not the same person, but a similar flower; not a reincarnated person, but a reincarnated thing!

very many.

Perhaps it was this cause that came first, which led to the result of Emperor Qiugu's exploration.

In the end, the ancient Immortal Emperor Overlord reversed cause and effect, took the initiative, and pushed the owner of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin onto the altar. As the Pope, he held the scriptures in one hand and sold indulgences with the other.

——No one understands the Master of the Three Generations of Bronze Coffin better than him!

  In the brilliant rays of light, he used the mental power of countless strange people to confer a holy son, simulating the evil thoughts of the god who was the master of the bronze coffin for three generations, and bloomed to the fullest in the instant of whitewashing. He really stepped into an incredible realm and was covered with a transcendent light!

Even though he had just stepped into this level, he already possessed unimaginable magical powers. Every time he raised his hands and feet, he touched a certain limit of this "world". If he crossed it, he might even enter prehistoric times!

With Emperor Qiugu, he seemed to be presenting perfectly at this moment the scene of the "divine thoughts" of the owner of the bronze coffin for three generations being sublimated to the extreme, rushing at high speed, infinitely approaching the realm above the sacrificial way!

Of course, as a price to pay, after the extreme brilliance, Youjiao will face dissipation and death... This is the trump card of mutual destruction!

But before that, it is enough for Youjiao to do many things.

For example, giving a final lesson to a young person.

At this moment, Ye Fan's tears were flowing into his heart, and those tears were the water that had just entered his brain.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine here, and you can only swallow your anger.

"If I had known...if I had known, I wouldn't have pretended to be so awesome..."

"If we kill Chang Heng and stop while we're ahead, maybe things won't get so bad?"

It's just that money can't buy it. I already knew it.

  After all, Ye Fan had won battle after battle and had developed a belief in his invincibility in his heart. How could he retreat or restrain himself under normal circumstances?

Are the ten ancient emperors and overlords so great?

  Hahahaha...the one I’m fighting is this ancient emperor overlord!

This is not just empty talk, Ye Fan has already proved himself with real achievements!

In the great dream of all the worlds and eternity, he only made a slight move and swept away the Jade Emperor, the Lord of Life and the Mahayana, defeating them to a rout.

  Three times in a row! The whole world is shocked!

Afterwards, he killed Dao Zun forcefully and unstoppably. Although there was a suspicion of being scapegoated...but this achievement was real!

  Four in a row! Invincible!

Afterwards, even though he was treated like a sandbag by the Ancient Emperor Changheng for a while, he still turned the tables and defeated Changheng, and was about to be wiped out here?

Five consecutive hits! Destroy heaven and earth!

If the realm of the sacrificial way can still be swept like this, let alone those below the sacrificial way. What about the funeral master, the butcher, the beginningless... If they were a little more advanced, the invincible Ye Tiandi would be too lazy to compete with them.

But if you don't play by the rules, it will just be a matter of taking three more heads!

Eight of the ten overlords have been defeated, demonstrating the invincibility of Emperor Ye Tian.

After so many hardships along the way, I finally saw the reward here.

Being invincible, how lonely it is; being invincible, how empty it is...

There was music playing in the dark, which made Ye Fan's blood boil, and he decisively chose to pursue the victory.

If he gets two more kills, he will have "ten kills"!

  However, one of the two seems to be grabbing his feet, which makes things a bit difficult... Never mind, let this one go for now and catch the last fish that has slipped through the net!

Just when I was struggling to find the "little mouse" hidden deep inside, it just "fell" out by itself... What is this?

This is door-to-door delivery, a stepping stone for Emperor Ye Tian to become invincible today, family members!

However, the car overturned inadvertently. An ordinary top-notch priest turned into the ultimate invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex, which made Ye Fan deeply realize that he was wrong.

"Do you know you are wrong?" The ancient emperor Youqiu disappeared, but he was smiling, "No, you are afraid..."

"But there's no point in being afraid..."

"Come, raise your head and chest, and die with dignity. Don't bring disgrace upon the heroic name of your evil ancestor."

As he talked and laughed, his figure left an imprint on eternity. In the broken river of time, under every historical sky, in every era, and in the world of every epoch, his figure covered and filled the whole world. He was omnipresent and all-pervasive, to the point of being omniscient and omnipotent!


In the world, pollen particles rose again, and You Jiao made a move. There was no method to speak of, but a fairy flower appeared silently in his hand, which was the fairy flower reflected in the small courtyard on the plateau.

The fairy flower is both real and illusory. It is blooming, raising endless pollen particles. In just a moment, it fills the entire world, scattering one after another, and in a trance, it changes into crystal clear petals.

  Each petal reflects a mark of a hero from the ages... However, when the wind blows, everything changes, and they all turn into the figure of Youjiao!

The pollen is endless, the petals are infinite... naturally, the flowers are endless and everywhere!

“The flowers are the same year after year, but the people are different year after year…Alas!”

You Jiao sighed. At this moment he felt too much inexplicable sadness, as if he was still himself, but also more than himself.

With a sigh, he slowly pointed a finger, and a beam of transcendental light wrapped around his finger, and then burst out, illuminating all the eternal unknown, from ancient times to the present!

  This finger was so stunningly brilliant that it caused the resonance of the endless petals' imprints, and they all pointed out one finger at the same time!

Great horror!

At this moment, the extremely sublimated Youqiu Ancient Emperor just walked over and shattered the stability of the world, causing the foundation to shake, and in a trance, the prehistoric world and era were reflected. What's more, he took action seriously?


In just a moment, endless blood rain burst out, and Ye Fan's real body burst into blood mist and shattered into pieces!

Even though he boasted that he had cultivated an indestructible physique and was worthy of being the strongest and hardest divine weapon in the world, even the Taoist priests would be jealous, and the owner of the Three Lifetimes Bronze Coffin would sigh that it was a good material for making a coffin...but at this moment he was still so fragile and helpless!

  He was the first to be hit, and most of his body evaporated on the spot... Even the two "weapon-wielders", whose bodies were like a dream bubble, were disintegrating and shattering at this moment!

"I tried my best..."

"The Master of the Three Generations of Bronze Coffin, invincible."

The figure of the "Demon Emperor" was muttering to himself, and he was melting like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

Wielding the magic weapon "Ye Fan" fought, defeated Chang Heng, and then faced the most brilliant and splendid attack of Emperor Youqiu after his ultimate sublimation. He has reached the end and will dissipate.

On the side, the figure of "Huang" faded even earlier, and was broken and withered by Youjiao's attack.

"There are so many heroes in this world..." Emperor Huang Tian's Scripture Body sighed softly, looking at You Jiao who was coming unstoppably, and finally smiled, "You Jiao? I can only sigh that I can't return in my true body to fight with you and see who is better!"

Smiling, he calmly "passed away" and his body spread out, turning into a rain of light that fell on Ye Fan. "Take it. This is my last gift. I'll do my best..."

Whispering, "Huang" dissipated, and Ye Fan burst into blood. After countless moments, he reappeared, returned to health, and had a more mysterious aura, as if his body had reached a higher level.

  In the shortest possible time, he hovered between life and death, was nearly wiped out by unparalleled power, and was pulled back by "Huang" with his last bit of strength, so naturally his body became stronger!

However, Ye Fan couldn't laugh at all - where is Huang? Where is Huang, who is so big? Just gone like that?!


Without you, how can I fight against You Jiao?!

Fortunately, there is still a demon...

The next moment, Ye Fan looked at the "Demon Emperor" in horror as he was also collapsing and disintegrating. This peerless warrior also withered and perished!

"Demon Ancestor, you can't just abandon me!"

Ye Fan's mentality exploded a little - No! Why are you all running away with buckets?

  Didn’t you just pick me up and beat Changheng?

How come they were all wiped out after just one move with You Jiao, and left me like this? !

"Ye Fan, you have to be strong and believe that there is always a way out. As long as you want to go, the way is right under your feet..."

The Demon Emperor sighed softly, "I give you my last bit of strength to strengthen you... Go ahead, kid, take my last will and defeat You Jiao!"

"You have to believe that you are the best, and there is no rival in front of you!"

There was another surge of great power and the gift of inheritance, which made Ye Fan feel many insights. Unconsciously, the evolution path of the bloodline law that he had been instilled with had reached perfection, and the fruit of the Immortal Emperor's Tao was achieved, just like the law of the secret realm.

  In addition, there is a special message, which is mysterious and difficult to guess, and it is called - "sacrificial coffin"!

This method stands side by side with a true meaning in the secret realm method, which is - "sacrifice to the living"!

When the inheritance was in place, the "Demon Emperor" disappeared with a smile. Just as suddenly as he came, he left just as cleanly, leaving behind a bewildered and helpless Ye Fan, facing You Jiao who was coming to kill him.




The sound of Emperor Qiugu's footsteps shook the entire world. He walked neither fast nor slow, as if he was remembering the beauty of the world in his last years.

After all, his life was like a dying candle, and like the thoughts of all gods who were trying their best to sublimate and regain the fruits of their lives, it was counting down.

His footsteps were like heavenly drums, growing louder and louder, representing how more terrifying he was becoming. It seemed that every step he took was opening up the worlds and destroying eternity.

Ye Fan's heart was forced to resonate, beating more and more violently. It was almost jumping out of his chest!

"Those two people walked very fast..."

You Jiao looked at the weak, pitiful and helpless Ye Fan, shook his head and laughed, "Are you worried that if I find out a little bit of the cause and effect, I will search out their true bodies and kill them with one finger?"

"It doesn't seem impossible... I don't even know how strong I am now."

"It's a pity that the sunset is so beautiful, but it's almost dusk... I'm going to die."

"Can you find them before I die?"

There is a faint and quiet path, neither sad nor happy, but it makes all living beings tremble.

  What would a supreme being who watched himself dying do before he died? It was unimaginable!

Maybe, if he goes crazy, the whole world will be silent, and will forever sink into the abyss of death and be buried with him!

"How about destroying the entire world and leaving them with nowhere to hide?"

Sure enough, Youjiao talked to himself, asked himself questions and answered them, and uttered the most brutal words.

"Alas, my life is pitiful and lamentable."

You Jiao sighed, "Before I became an Immortal Emperor, everything went smoothly. After that, it was a bumpy road."

"In the end, I saw the world beyond transcendence, but I was left in eternal silence, collapsing in front of the gate..."

"Xie Zu, what's the meaning of life?"

He asked Ye Fan with a smile, but there was no trace of smile in his voice.

Without waiting for Ye Fan to answer, he laughed at himself, "Perhaps, watching my enemies and friends suffer is one of the few pleasures."

"Unfortunately, when I reached the peak of my life, they ran away and walked away, unwilling to meet me and fight against me... What a pity."

You Jiao sighed. At this moment, he was arrogant and invincible.

"Why, have you forgotten me?"

Suddenly, a voice was heard. It was the ancient emperor Chang Heng, who laughed as he breathed his last.

Ye Fan nearly died suddenly, but it was a good thing for him, allowing him to struggle and crawl back from the brink of death... But that was all.

The bloody battle with Huang, Demon Emperor and Evil Ancestor, who "fought side by side", left him exhausted and just one breath away from death.

"Young man, cheer up, it's all up to you next!" While dealing with You Jiao, he sent a message to Ye Fan, asking him to cheer up.

"Cheer up? How can I cheer up? How can I beat this opponent?" Ye Fan was depressed.

"It's very simple. You just need to perform the Dao Sacrifice!" Chang Heng said faintly, "I will teach you the 'Sacrifice of Death' to help you!"

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