Chapter 762

No one knows what kind of mood the ancient emperor Changheng was in at this moment when he wanted to help Ye Fan.

You know, before, he and Ye Fan fought to the death, one was the hunter and the other was the prey... And then, the situation turned around unexpectedly, and Ye Fan counterattacked and almost killed Chang Heng on the spot!

Not only did the cooked duck fly away, but it also tried to kill the chef... It's hard to imagine how complicated Emperor Changheng's mood was.

If Ye Fan hadn't been unable to control himself and had seen the unexpected "windfall" - the Emperor Youqiu who fell from the sky, he would have been unable to resist taking action and finding a scapegoat to take the blame for himself... and ended up with a tragic failure, and now Chang Hengdang has been forever dead.

But even so, at the moment when Ye Fan's mood was exploding with ups and downs, it was the dying Chang Heng who spoke, distracted You Jiao's attention, and wanted to give Ye Fan a huge fortune!

Sacrifice to the dead!

This was the highest achievement of the Ancient Emperor Changheng in his dominance of the world. He once relied on it to fight against the Demon Emperor, and the outcome was difficult to determine for a short period of time. Later, it even oppressed the Emperor Huangtian so much that he could not breathe, forcing the Emperor to take a desperate risk, bury his current body, reincarnate, and create the method of "sacrifice to the living"!

One can imagine how precious it is. It is enough to drive countless powerful people in the world crazy, and yet... it was promised to Ye Fan so lightly.

At this moment, even someone as depressed as Ye Fan was stunned, because he tasted the taste of failure again, and his teammates who had "fought side by side" with him ran away, leaving him behind. His explosive mentality was frozen and he could not react.

"real or fake?"

It cannot be said that Ye Fan’s determination is not strong enough, it is just that the world is unpredictable and fate plays tricks on people.

He has been walking on thin ice all the way. Before becoming the Immortal Emperor, his life was full of hardships, ups and downs. As long as you can endure hardships, there will be endless hardships to endure. If you are not being humiliated, you are on the way to being humiliated.

Although he always made a leap forward "by chance" at the end of each time, but... it was really tiring.

After much difficulty in becoming the Immortal Emperor, he finally made it through. He swept across the land, defeating one majestic ancient being after another, tasting the sweetness of victory, nourishing his invincible confidence. His courage grew more and more, baptizing his scarred heart and silently deciding to cut off from his past life.

This is what a man should do!

With my invincible body, I roam the world, defeat all who I encounter, and subdue all who I attack. I am the only one who is supreme in the world!

  What does "I am the Emperor of Heaven, I must kill all enemies in the world" mean? !

At the moment when he suppressed Chang Heng with one punch, Ye Fan only regretted that his feet were held by others and he could not lean back to look down upon the world and laugh at himself.

At that moment, Ye Fan was confident and his mentality underwent a huge transformation.

——I was wrong, I was wrong, I am the evil ancestor, I am a disaster to the world, I am guilty of heinous crimes...

——I was wrong, I was wrong... No, where did I go wrong?!

  ——My dear ministers, I think that the merits and demerits of this "Ye Fan" should be viewed dialectically. Even if he is a disaster to the world, doesn't he have a little bit of kindness? We should give him a chance to reform!

——Look what this is? It’s a fist as big as a casserole, and there’s Chang Heng’s blood on it!

As a result, at the moment when Ye Fan was most proud of himself, he was almost killed in an instant!


That’s all.

The key point is that the two "good teammates" were so decisive. They ran away so thoroughly. Each of them was as fast as the wind and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Ye Fan was left alone to face the super-evolved ultimate boss. How complicated must his mood be?

This is like the geniuses fighting against the dark turmoil. When the supreme being in the restricted area roars to the utmost, the comrades who help fight back turn around like the wind, declaring that they will never play against the wind and just suffer a bit more and be in the front row.

  What about conscience?

What's the bottom line?

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

For a moment, Ye Fan's hands and feet were cold and his face was distorted. Even though his body was indestructible, he felt cold limbs and trembling hands and feet.

Even though the two teammates left behind a valuable treasure, great power, and their own experience of breaking through the path of sacrifice before they disappeared... but, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a scumbag giving a breakup fee to get rid of them!

Fortunately, there seems to be a turn for the better.

Mountain darkly, vista.

At the critical moment, Changheng lent a helping hand.

This shocked and confused Ye Fan.

"I'm going to die." Chang Heng's voice was faint and calm, without any sadness or joy.

"I'm only a breath away after fighting you. Facing You Jiao now, I won't have any chance of survival."

"Hey... I have been through a lot in my life, but it ends like this. It's really sad."

"Since I am destined to die, I will naturally choose a way to die that satisfies me... I can die, but my Tao, my law, and my philosophy will not disappear, and will continue to resonate in this world!"

"Young man, I think you are a very good carrier... Moreover, you already have the marks of the Demon Emperor and Huang, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to add me to your body."

"It's just right. Let the world see how brilliantly our Dao Fruits can flourish when they complement each other!"

Chang Heng's words stirred Ye Fan's heart, making his soul vibrate and his blood boil. All kinds of mysterious information emerged naturally, emerging out of nothing and evolving out of thin air.

  It was the supreme forbidden secret called "Sacrifice of Death". When it first appeared, the secret realm of the Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit in Ye Fan's body vibrated violently, and even caused the ripples of another forbidden secret lurking in it - sacrifice of life!

Sacrifice for the living, sacrifice for the dead... Their masters were mortal enemies, but now they coexist in the body of the same person!

The collision was about to break out at the first moment, with Ye Fan's body as the battlefield, tearing him apart alive.

Fortunately, there is a third supreme mystery in Ye Fan's body, which was left by the "Demon Emperor".


The ripples passed by; it was the “sacrificial coffin” intervening, temporarily calming the confrontation.

There is no doubt that the "coffin" is special. It is a bridge between "life" and "death", serving as a medium for coordination and communication.

The living die and are carried in coffins.

Even the owner of the Three Generations Bronze Coffin recognized this point. When he chose eternal death, he personally made the coffin for himself.

  Therefore, the "coffin" is the most noble model of the utensil in this world. Apart from these, tripods, bells, towers... are just trifles!

Even if the coffin is removed, the next things to come are the jars (ash jars), mills (reincarnation millstones), furnaces (time furnaces), and zithers (stone zithers).

When there is such a taboo mystery, with "coffin" as the core, it is destined to be extraordinary.

It spans life and death, communicates reincarnation and the weird and ominous, and eases the two different taboo mysteries of water and fire. It brings peace and tranquility to each other, making the three Immortal Emperor fruits in Ye Fan's body throb.

The Golden Elixir Method, the Secret Realm Method, the Bloodline Method... After Ye Fan mastered the three evolutionary paths, he also mastered the three sacrificial mysteries! When "life", "death" and "coffin" coexisted, Ye Fan was in a trance and lost his mind. He had an indescribable understanding and feeling.

He seemed to be ruling the "world" that he had evolved, losing all his past memories and starting a brand new life in it, growing, rising, and becoming respected.

He walked confusedly in this "world", no longer from his previous bird's-eye view, as a game developer or script editor, but he had merged into it and become the protagonist.

As the protagonist, his talent is naturally extraordinary and he can break through various realms at the fastest speed.

When he first embarked on the path of spiritual practice, he had many friends, relatives, and neighbors who gave him great inspiration in his practice, allowing him to get on the fast track from the start. His progress was so rapid that it was impossible to tell outsiders.

It seemed that next door to him, there was an old man who was smiling all day long and holding a birdcage in his hand.

This old man is called Jiang Hengyu. We can vaguely see his demeanor when he was young. He is probably a handsome young man with a bit of scumbag style.

On the other side, there is a young man named Ji Xukong, who is full of vigor, always passionate, always sincere, and has a heroic spirit that makes people admire him.

In addition, there are those named Taiyin, Taiyang, Fuxi... and so on.

Each of these relatives and friends was extraordinary. Their casual words deeply touched Ye Fan, and he made rapid progress on the path of cultivation.

In the end, Ye Fan did not disappoint the expectations of these "relatives and friends" and achieved the supreme realm, powerful and unprecedented, standing at the end of the road.

However, the more powerful he became, the more Ye Fan felt that this "world" lacked a sense of reality.

Because sometimes, he felt that he was very serious in his practice, but also felt inexplicably bored, as if he was playing a text-based game of cultivating immortals. With a click of the mouse, the game would automatically hang up, and then his realm would rise rapidly.

Even he himself felt very dreamy and empty.


He said to himself that he felt that the world was incomplete, not real enough, something was wrong, something was missing and perhaps it should be supplemented.

In a moment of touch, he inexplicably realized that this world needs "reincarnation".

He embarked on the path of opening up reincarnation... Everything happened so naturally, he succeeded, and by doing so, he reincarnated himself and broke the limits that bound him.

As an individual, there are limits. People have to admit that many things are not achieved simply by hard work, but require talent. It's like there is a complete evolutionary path in front of you, leading directly to the Immortal Emperor, but how many people can reach the end? Perhaps, after halfway, you can no longer make any progress.

Not to mention the emperor in the immortal world, even the emperor in the human world is out of reach, like a dream or bubble.

However, reincarnation can break the limits. When this life comes to an end, hope will be left for the next life, along with the results of this life's practice.

After thousands and millions of years of accumulation, one day, there will be hope that quantitative change will lead to qualitative change.

This is an extremely thorough nirvana, which cuts off and discards everything, leaving only a bit of the purest true spirit to reincarnate, going from existence to non-existence, and from non-existence to existence again and again, starting again from a blank slate, and once again standing at the highest peak of the realm of cultivation.

In a trance, "Ye Fan" succeeded. He surpassed the Immortal Emperor and exhausted the mysteries of various great ways and rules. There was no way in the world that he had not mastered. Naturally, he could break them all. He broke all the great ways in the world and eliminated their influence on himself. Nothing could restrain him anymore, which was equivalent to being sacrificed.

  But after reaching this step, "Ye Fan" was completely at a loss. Is there any way forward?

There is nothing in this world that he does not know and does not master. He stands in the realm of omniscience and omnipotence, but even so, he still cannot escape from this world.

"Ye Fan" always felt that there was always someone better than him, and he wanted to transcend.

This "world" is very gorgeous, but it always makes him feel unreal, like a dream bubble.

“Is there anything I haven’t explored yet?”

“How can I transcend this world?”

  "Ye Fan" pondered, and finally realized something. Perhaps, what he really wanted to sacrifice was not only all the great ways in the world, but also himself, to make everything empty and return to eternal silence!

Eternal extinction, complete death, no trace left in the "world", it becomes a blank.

If a living being has no record of anything in the "world", how can this "world" bind him?

He believed that this should be the case.

This kind of eternal silence is completely different from the death that people imagine.

People in the world are ignorant. What they think of as death is not the real "death". Their souls are being reborn, and their remains are recombining various substances... In short, they are still within the barriers of various avenues in the world.

Reincarnation, fate, cause and effect... and so on, there is always a great way that turns into a shackle, around the neck.

One must establish oneself in the realm of "Sacrificing to the Tao", break and burn all the influence of the great ways of the world on oneself, and be detached from them, only then will one be qualified for real and complete "death".

In such a "death", becoming nothing and not existing in this world should be able to transcend this world!

  After transcending, reviving in extinction, and coming back to life again, perhaps you will truly be above everything!

"Ye Fan" gradually became clear, and an inexplicable inspiration was vaguely guiding him.

But soon, he hesitated again - he was too strong, beyond the limits that could be understood by all living beings in this "world", and also beyond his own cognition.

This was because even the avenue of death represented by this "world" had its influence on him eliminated, and he could not die even if he wanted to!

Even if he committed suicide, it might just be a short rest and a good sleep for him.

  Moreover, if the "suicide" is really successful, what if it is too successful?

Dead, completely dead, never to come back to life...won't it become a joke?

"Ye Fan" sighed.

Until one day, he was traveling in the "world" and saw changes in the heaven and earth. On the road to rebirth of all living beings in reincarnation, day by day, a strange substance was evolving, full of weirdness and ominous atmosphere.

That substance allows the dead to come back to life, makes the corpse psychic, is full of magical charm, and blurs the boundary between life and death.

He felt like he had found a treasure and began to research it.

In the end, he gained something, a very valuable but dangerous result, touching the boundary between life and death.

  "Ye Fan" had a complicated expression. After difficult thinking and struggle, he finally prepared a coffin and buried himself!

(End of this chapter)

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