Chapter 10 Sword Immortal
It is said that at the end of the Great Xia, the human emperor Ku died of a sudden illness, and his nine sons fought for the throne, causing civil strife in the dynasty, and the people were in dire straits.

There are also big demons and trolls born, ghosts and ghosts are everywhere, and spirits are rampant, causing disasters in the world.

At this moment, on the top of the wild mountain in the northwest, there is a fairy holding a sword, seeing the chaos in the world, people are not as good as dogs, and feel sad.

If you want to go down the mountain to cross the world, to save the people, in the midst of water and fire, a friend heard about it, came to stop him, cried loudly, and said: "I will go, there will be many dangers, or I will never return, what should I do?"

Holding the sword in his hand, the immortal laughed and said, "If you don't come back once you go, then you won't go back."

——Excerpt from "The Legend of Kyushu: Yunzhou Chapter"


Sifang City, the inner courtyard of Xue Mansion.

Mo Chengjun was reclining on the reclining chair, holding a copy of "Kyushu Fairy Trail Record" and reading carefully.

He bought it from a familiar book store at a high price. It is said that it is a masterpiece written by a strange person whose pen name is 'Suiyuan Layman'.

However, perhaps it was related to the inside story of the immortal way, or maybe it was for other reasons, this book was not recognized by the imperial court, and it was listed as a banned book.

But people's hearts are always unsatisfied. The more banned a book is, the more interest it will arouse mortals, and the better it will sell.

Yes, do you really think that the owner of the bookstore makes his fortune by selling books?
No, that can only be a food and clothing.

Only these banned books are sold for three years after opening.

The reason why Mo Chengjun was able to get it was because he had been 'in love with each other' with the shop owner for a long time, and the shop owner took it out to earn his money and because he was interested in it.

The title of the book begins with 'Kyushu'. Naturally, this book is divided by state and has nine chapters in total.

What is recorded are all the deeds of immortals that appeared in the major states, some of which are convincing, while others are just speculation.

The layman Suiyuan who wrote the book is indeed knowledgeable, but he is not a real monk of the immortal sect.

To be honest, it's like a mortal looking at the world of immortals, with all kinds of conjectures and thoughts, absurd but not lacking in truth.

At this time, Mo Chengjun was turning to the Yunzhou chapter in Chapter Nine.

He still doesn't know many words now, and it is very laborious to read, and often he has to guess, but this does not prevent him from understanding the spirit of it carefully.

Once you go there, if you don't come back, you don't go back, it really makes people's blood boil.

But in reality, after the Sword Immortal crossed the border, there were more and more news about the war on the northwest border. It seemed that the entire Sifang City had only really faced up to this surprise attack launched by the Mountain Monarch and Monster Kingdom at this time.

At this point, the Daxuan officials seemed to have reacted, they tore off the fig leaf, and really started to work for this war.

As a result, more news spread to the people.

Only then did Mo Chengjun know that there were five big cities on the entire northwest border, and hundreds of Wubao fell.

The Tiger Demon Kingdom has mobilized at least one million demon troops, constantly encroaching and occupying the thousand-kilometer-long border.

That posture was not the usual way of robbing goods, resources and population and running away, but a genuine desire to occupy, to eat away at Daxuan's territory.

And the corruption of the defense system on the entire northwest border is beyond imagination!

Calculated according to the time, if there were not three thousand Sword Immortals passing through, the entire army of the Mountain Lord and Monster Kingdom would have been pushed to the Sifang City by this time.

At that time, Mo Chengjun might have to embark on the road of escape again.

In terms of scale, this is already an out-and-out national war.

Of course, this was previous news, a situation that Galaxy Sword Sect had never intervened in, and it was different now.

The three thousand sword immortals left the barren mountain and headed west with their swords all the way. They did not disperse their forces to wipe out the demon soldiers, nor did they fight for the land and population.

They just went straight all the way, and the monsters were wiped out wherever they passed!

They just aimed at the capital of the monster kingdom, which belongs to the base camp of the monster kingdom, and went straight away, slaughtering all the way!
Good guy, when this news reached Mo Chengjun's ears, he was a little confused.

Before he fell asleep, he was a proper man of science and engineering, but he also liked novels.

He has read those wars and the like, but he has never read any novel where wars are fought like this?
There is no seizing positions, no offensive and defensive swaps, and even less interspersed encirclement, and no encirclement.

Some are just me going straight to Huanglong.

And you, feel free to...

Yes, in Mo Chengjun's view, this is the tactic of the Three Thousand Sword Immortals, which has reached the extreme without recklessness.

For this reason, he also wanted to find a map to see if they had any follow-up arrangements.

Of course, the map and the like are banned books in banned books, and he couldn't get them at all.

But he still made a simple simulation based on the news that kept coming in.

Then, he realized that he was thinking too much. Those sword fairies were really just going forward.

For a time, Mo Chengjun felt that he was looking at a fool, but as more and more news of victory came, he had to start to face it squarely, and also had to start to reflect.

Gradually, he suddenly discovered that it was not these people who were fools, but he was.

He always looks at everything in this world with the eyes of his past, and always likes to use his previous knowledge to measure the right and wrong of this world.

This is a kind of mistake, and it is even more a hindrance.

With reflection, Mo Chengjun began to analyze and observe rationally.

Then, he discovered that the methods of this group of sword fairies were straightforward but very clever.

The Three Thousand Sword Immortals are very strong, but in the final analysis they are only three thousand.

If you really want to allocate it to the long northwest border and compete for land ownership with millions of demon troops, that is to disperse your own power.

Sword Immortal, never good at guarding, not good at defense, not good at commanding war.

The only thing they are good at is attacking, attacking, and attacking.

They are the most lethal group of people in all the sects of Immortal Dao, and what they like most is to break through the south wall and move forward bravely.

The combination of three thousand sword immortals is enough power to overturn the table directly, and that's what they did.

The more he understands and sees clearly, the more Mo Chengjun sighs.

The war in this world is different from what he remembers.

In this world, there are strong men who can fight against ten thousand, and some conspiracies and tricks are really not as good as absolute power!

Of course, people are human after all, there will be hesitation, there will be apprehension, there will be concern for family affection, and consideration of consequences.

And these will affect a person's judgment, even if he knows it is right and the right path, he may not dare to do it.

That's how people never really look at the long run, but these sword fairies didn't.

They are decisive and brave, and there is a kind of Taoism. Although there are tens of thousands of people, I am determined to go on.

They seem to be like the fairy in that short story, with a kind of heroism of "If you go and never return, you will never return".

Under the sun, the breeze was blowing, and the mottled tree shadows were dancing. Mo Chengjun shook his head slightly, as if he felt that he understood this group of people.

He suddenly wanted to take a look, to see the group of sword fairies, to see the galaxy sword sect, to see if they were the same as the people he imagined.

He looked forward to it even more, looking forward to the arrival of the female sword repairman.


As if sensing Mo Chengjun's thoughts, a rainbow light came from the sky and fell beside him, causing him to straighten up in shock.

When the rainbow light dissipated, the female sword cultivator he had been thinking about appeared, and before he could react, the female sword cultivator had already grabbed his wrist.

Her hands are white and slender, as if they were carved from white jade, just looking at them is a kind of enjoyment.

But the aura protruding from that palm was icy cold, and it penetrated into his body, wandering indeterminately with his whole body.

Mo Chengjun shuddered involuntarily, the breath was so cold that it gave him the illusion that he was in the cold winter.

And the female swordsman frowned slowly, as if something incomprehensible was bothering her.

After a while, she withdrew her hand, looked at Mo Chengjun with bright eyes and asked, "You really don't have real essence and mana, even now, there is still no trace?"

Facing her search, Mo Chengjun couldn't laugh or cry: "Didn't you confirm it before?"

"At that time, you were seriously injured. Although I checked, I can't rule out that you used some special forbidden technique.

But looking at it now, you really haven't cultivated, not even a trace. "

The female swordsman's eyes brightened slightly, and asked: "So, how did you do it?"

Mo Chengjun really didn't know how to answer this question.

In fact, before that, that brat Xue Ling had pestered him countless times.

But if it’s done, it’s done. If you insist on him describing it, he really doesn’t know how to say it.

So, he used the simplest method.

"Actually, that's how it was done."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and a spiritual red flame crow appeared in his hand, as if seeing its owner again, he happily uttered a tweet of 'Jiujiujiujiu'.

The female sword cultivator's gaze was a little straight. This was not the first time she had seen him, but it still felt unbelievable.

This time the distance was very close, and she felt more and more clearly that this spell had a wave of inspiration.

But the problem is that, apart from this, there is no guidance of hand skills, no fluctuation of mana.

Everything that should be there is gone, but the technique appears.

If this hadn't happened right in front of her eyes, she would be as unwilling to believe it as her master.

So she asked another question that shouldn't be asked: "How on earth did you do it?"

Mo Chengjun smiled wryly again, he didn't want to spend too much energy on this matter, but directly dissipated the spell.

With another wave of the hand, countless light spots bloomed, forming a gorgeous galaxy around them.

This is the result of his research in the past few days, and it seems to have crossed a certain boundary between life and death.

Now, he can really control the lights within a certain range to light up with his mind.

And Mo Chengjun pointed to the light in his hand, and asked a question that had been lingering in his heart for a long time: "These are inspirations?"


The female swordsman frowned slightly, and slowly shook her head, as if in denial.

But in the next second, she said: "This is an idea.

Or to be more precise, Heaven and Earth Ingenuity. "

"This is also the cornerstone of all immortal cultivation and long-term vision."

(End of this chapter)

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