Chapter 9 Integration
Square City.

Half a month later, Mo Chengjun's injury finally healed. He can walk normally and do some less strenuous exercise.

There is a saying that "one hundred days of injury to the muscles and bones", he recovered from such serious internal and external injuries in only 30 days, which made him more convinced of Lao Zhangtou's medical skills.

And during the chat, he also realized that the old Zhangtou looks old, but he is really, very old.

Now in his nineties, he still has no back pain, no sore legs, and he walks in a hurry. Although his hair is gray, there is no sign of age spots. He is also energetic and has a particularly good memory.

In this state, you can say that it is easy for him to live another 30 or [-] years.

But this made Mo Chengjun a little unbelievable.

You know, even in his era, medical conditions were extremely developed, and the average age of human beings was only seventy.

Counting the ancient and modern times of human beings again, the oldest person with clear records is only 130 years old.

And in this obviously ancient world of immortals, the lifespan of the human race has been greatly extended.

Also under Mo Chengjun's deliberate probing, old man Zhang didn't hide anything, and went back and forth several times, which gave him a clearer understanding.

In this world, you can't look at life expectancy, that's not accurate.

Because there are too many dangers and accidental deaths here.

Although the Daxuan Dynasty claims to unify Kyushu, there has never been real peace in the borders of the four directions, not to mention that there are all kinds of ghosts and ghosts in the territory.

Sometimes it's just the aftermath of the battle, which will cause hundreds of thousands of mortals to destroy their families and their souls.

In this world, if you want to observe the longevity of the human race, you have to look at those long-lived people.

Just like ordinary people, if there is no disease, no disaster, good food and drink, it is actually normal to live to eighty.

People who know how to preserve health, such as doctors and scholar-bureaucrats, are also very common to live over a hundred years old, and those who live a long life can even reach a hundred and twenty years old.

In the words of old man Zhang, as long as those immortal masters can complete the foundation building, the human body can be restored to its best condition, and the lifespan can be 50 and [-] years old.

This is also the maximum lifespan of ordinary human race.

Of course, this refers to the ordinary human race. Those martial arts masters and immortal masters are not among them. As for the longevity?

Old man Zhang said that he didn't know very well either!
Longevity, this may be the eternal obsession of human beings. Knowing this, Mo Chengjun became more interested in this world, and he even looked forward to the arrival of the female swordsman.

Unlike the rapid recovery of the body, Mo Chengjun's character learning is not ideal.

On the one hand, he always has to be somewhat concealed in front of others, and it is impossible to blatantly steal a lesson.

He is a fairy teacher!

This identity has long been known and respected by everyone in Xue's family, but if an immortal master doesn't know spiritual script, it would be a joke to say it.

Most importantly, it would be bad if the identity aroused suspicion from others.

In order to study better, he also helped the Xue family's private school teacher to suppress Xue Ling, his cheap godson.

This little guy is mischievous, he is not a master who loves to learn, let alone a person who saves face for private school teachers, wanton teasing is common.

But with Mo Chengjun around, it's different.

With him holding him down, the little boy had no choice but to sit obediently and study hard.

And this actually earned Mo Chengjun the gratitude of the private school teacher.

On the other hand, Lingwen and seal script are really complicated, and even have diametrically opposite meanings in different contexts.

As for him, he has memories from the past, and he always likes to bring them in when he writes. What he writes is either one more stroke, or one stroke less, and what he writes is completely different.

This made Mo Chengjun a little distressed, but he could only overcome this distress slowly.

With his body recovering, Mo Chengjun couldn't stay any longer.

After confirming that there was nothing serious, he walked out of Xue's mansion, led two servants, and wandered around Sifang City.

He likes to listen to books in the tea house, serve a cup of tea, watch the storyteller and the gavel tree, and discuss the past and present, the north and the south, the courts, the rivers and lakes, and the general trend of the world.

He also likes to go to the restaurant to listen to the music, the kind of Beijing accent that is almost disappearing in his era, and the twists and turns, experience a different taste.

Of course, he prefers to listen to the braggarts of those tycoons in the rivers and lakes, and it is enough to believe in the content, but the stories of the characters that are accidentally revealed are what he cares most about.

He prefers to take a stroll in the bustling streets, watching the merchants move out all kinds of goods, or yelling, or bargaining, which does not have a market atmosphere.

And what he likes most are all kinds of snacks and delicacies, which don't seem to be as exquisite and rich as in the previous world, but the taste is not bad.

He led two servants to eat from one house to another, from street corners to alleys, and even commented on each meal.

He thinks that if he likes it, he can eat it for a second time, and if he doesn't like it, he won't come.

As for money?

Cough cough, why do you think he brought two servants with him when he came out for a stroll?

Don't think that he took advantage of the two servants. Why do you think Xue Pan sent two servants to follow him when he knew he was going out?

Everything is silent!
Occasionally, he would also go to the bookstore, which is the place he most wants to go.

However, there are many books, but he knows too few characters, and it is extremely strenuous to read. He can't find anyone to ask for advice, and he can only worry while holding the books.

The only thing that allows him to "relieve fatigue" is actually the comic book, yes, it is the kind of comic book with illustrations, although there are words, it is very simple.

This kind of book is aimed at ordinary people who are not very old and have little literacy, and the content is mostly exaggerated. It is a standard cool style, and it is the most intriguing.

As for Mo Chengjun, he has become a loyal lover of comic books. Every time he goes to the book shop, he can always read them for a long time without feeling bored, which is very joyful.

But his behavior of not buying books made the boss hate him the most. Every time he came, he would be stared at fiercely by the boss, and he was almost kicked out.

Even the two servants who followed him couldn't stand this look, and occasionally they would exchange a few words with Mo Chengjun to remind him.

Anyway, the money was paid by the master, and they didn't care, let alone Mo Chengjun.

It's just that Mo Chengjun is very generous in other things, but this villain's book is very "stingy", that is, he just looks at it and doesn't buy it, which makes the boss angry, but he can't really drive people away.

He is not stupid, he is not an ordinary person who can take care of two servants without running around for a living.

Of course, if you think that Mo Chengjun is just wandering around in boredom, then you really have wronged him.

He seems to be playing around carelessly, but he is actually collecting information and trying to integrate into the world.

In Xue's family, at least he bears the name of an immortal master.

Even if there are some unexpected behaviors, it can be said that he has just come out of the blessed land of Xianjia, and he doesn't understand the world.

Even Xue Pan knew that he had neither real energy nor strength in his body, but after he used the spell for the second time, he felt that he had used some kind of secret technique.

Well, there is no need for Mo Chengjun to explain these. Naturally, someone will make up his mind and explain them clearly to him.

But this is just in this mundane world, when the female sword repairer arrives, all these things will be gone.

If he didn't want to be questioned, or leak something inadvertently, he had to work hard to integrate into this world, at least he had to act less conspicuously before the female swordsman came back.

On the other hand, he is also observing the world.

Don't think that the gossip in restaurants and tea houses can't collect information, and don't think that the business transactions on the street can't see through the world.

In fact, these are the ones that can best reflect the productivity and social structure of a society, and even the living conditions of the people.

Under his observation, although the world is in an ancient society, if you want to say how low productivity is, it is not always the case.

The grain stores here have a complete range of grains, sufficient quantities, and overall stable prices.

Even in the case of a war on the border, there is still no upward trend.

This at least shows that the food here is sufficient, the yield per mu is high, and the common people are not short of food.

The types of food here are also very rich, with various seasonings, some of which Mo Chengjun can't name, and the types of delicacies developed from this are also extremely diverse, satisfying people's appetites.

There are already mature printing and papermaking techniques here, the books in the book shop are not expensive, and the cost of knowledge dissemination is not too high.

There are also soap locusts, perfume, fired glass, and plenty of cloth.

All these have actually shown that the productivity of this world is not low.

Perhaps, it can't reach the level of mechanized production in the previous life, but this world obviously has the methods of this world, and the overall productivity has been raised.

Of course, Mo Chengjun also has the willingness to learn more about it, but obviously, he has no channels for the time being, so this can only be left behind.

Another dozen days passed by in a hurry, and when Mo Chengjun was trying his best to integrate himself into this world, trying to make himself no different from ordinary people in this world, he saw that shocking scene.

In the afternoon of that day, the wind was sunny and the sky was clear.

Mo Chengjun was basking in the sun in the courtyard, reading a little book.

On the side, Xue Ling was sitting obediently behind a table and chair, with the same enlightenment book spread out in front of him, shaking his head and reading it.

"At the beginning of human beings, the nature is good. The nature is similar, but the habits are far away. If you don't teach, your nature will change. The way to teach is to specialize..."

Yes, this primer is the Three-Character Classic, almost word for word, but why is there a Three-Character Classic in this world?
Don't ask him, even if he doesn't know.

At this moment, there was a noisy sound, from far to near, and it became more and more chaotic.

Mo Chengjun got up quickly, and listened carefully again, someone vaguely said, look at the sky, the sky...

He raised his head instinctively, looked around, and then froze suddenly.

He saw endless sword lights coming from the east, stretching for thousands of miles, as if dragging thousands of rays of light, piercing the sky, and then heading west.

At that moment, there was only one line of poetry in his mind: the sword energy spans thirty thousand miles, and the light of a sword chills nineteen continents.

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  The years when I created the ancient heaven

(End of this chapter)

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