Chapter 8 Yongzhen
There is a mountain in Yunzhou, which is called the Great Wilderness, and there is a sword in the barren mountain, which is called the Galaxy.

It was the last year of the Great Xia, when Kowloon seized the throne, monsters and monsters were in trouble, ghosts were rampant, people were like pigs and dogs, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

At the time of the rise and fall of the human race, a sword came out from the wilderness, and the sword's energy rushed into the night, like a galaxy falling to the ground, and the sky and the earth were all dark.

It took another thirteen years to slaughter all the demons in the northwest.

When the Daxuan State was established, the Taizu climbed the mountain to watch the sword, talked with the Xinghe ancestor for seven days, and returned laughing.

Since then, Xinghe Sword Sect has established itself with the barren mountain, and Taizu bestowed the word, saying: Yongzhen Yunzhou.

——Intercepted from "Kyushu Fairy Trail Record"


The barren mountain is a mountain, thousands of feet high, black in color, no vegetation, no birds and beasts, only countless sharp thorns growing backwards, as if full of sharp swords, also known as: Yunjian Mountain.

To put it bluntly, this is a large mine with extremely high purity, and every rock in it is a rare pure metal, and it is also a holy place for sword repair.

However, the barren mountain is not just a mountain, but also a great barren mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles from east to west, with thousands of peaks, some magnificent, some steep, some handsome, some majestic, all less than one.

And around the barren mountain, there are seven peaks surrounding it, which are the Seven Palaces of Xinghe, which are passed down from the seven disciples of Xinghe's ancestor, each of whom is proficient in cultivation and has tremendous combat power.

At this moment, the main peak, inside the Xinghe Palace.

Rumor has it that the ancestor of Xinghe invited the masters of Qizong to make this hall. It took countless precious materials and it took 49 years to cast it. There are thousands of white clouds on the ground, which can reflect the sky full of stars.

Walking in it is like walking on the galaxy, with a broad mind and a wide field of vision, which is most conducive to comprehending the sword of the galaxy.

And at the high place of Xinghe Palace, amidst the white clouds, there is a futon, which is the seat of Xinghe Patriarch.

It's just that now, no one has appeared on it for a long time.

Under the futon, there are seven colored clouds, which represent the lord of the seventh palace and the actual controller of the entire Xinghe Sword Sect.

Of course, under normal circumstances, only one palace lord will appear on duty to handle various affairs.

However, today, here are the seven palace masters all standing on top of the white clouds, looking down at the center of the hall, listening carefully to the narration of the visitor.

In the center of the palace, the female sword repairman who appeared in Sifang City stood with her head bowed.

Even here, she still wore a veil, but she kept talking, narrating some information that was exchanged for an unknown number of lives.

After a while, she finished speaking, bowed slightly, and took a step back.

The hall fell into silence, as if everyone was digesting the amazing news.

It was not until a long time later that someone came up and said, "Okay, Ruoli, you have made great achievements this time, and you will definitely be rewarded. Now, go down and rest."

"Yes!" The female sword repairer named Ruoli responded, stepped back to the entrance of the hall, and then turned to leave.

After she was far away, the whole hall suddenly became 'lively', and someone said, "So, is Tiger Lu Wu really dead?"

Someone else replied: "The secret letter is like this, we should believe it."

The person who spoke first smiled: "Look, you guys, I'm not the only one who has doubts, right? Everyone is whispering in their hearts?"

The third person spoke, and a gentle female voice echoed in the hall: "I understand everyone's concerns, after all, that is a great demon who has lived for a thousand years, and is an undefeated demon king who has ruled the world.

It's really unbelievable that he died so silently and was stabbed in the back by his son.

But I think, because of this, it is more believable. "

The person who spoke first asked back: "Where is it credible?"

Gentle female voice: "Tiger and we have a tacit understanding, there may be small fights on the border, but now this kind of all-out war, I don't think he will easily start it.

This is not good for his rule, and it will break the existing balance. He has no reason and no motivation to do so.

But if he died, at the hands of his son, it would make sense.

Because the successor tiger needs to eliminate dissidents, arrange for his own people to take over, and more importantly, establish his own prestige and voice.

And these are nothing more convenient than a foreign war. "

The voice of the fourth one was a little old: "There is some truth in saying that, but these are still speculations.

Moreover, Millennium Tiger, I always feel that it will not be that simple. "

The gentle female voice spoke again: "Actually, we have all forgotten one thing, the millennium tiger, he has lived for a thousand years, even if he has cultivated into a demon fairy, but the thousand-year limit has come.

I believe that a young tiger can be undefeated, but what about an old tiger? "

It was a taboo subject, and when it was brought up, the entire hall seemed to fall silent.

Everyone thought of something, and their faces turned ugly.

At this time, the person who was located in the center of the seven white clouds and directly below the highest futon finally spoke. It was a majestic bass voice with undeniable strength.

"The tiger is getting old, but the tiger is still a tiger. He is not so easy to die, but if he still dies, then there is something we have to think about."

"His death will never be simple, I seem to see a cloud of shadow behind it.

And this war of monsters will not be easy.

Because this is also a temptation for us, the existence in those shadows has begun to doubt, we need to make a correct and effective response. "

A gentle female voice said: "Senior brother, what do you think we should do?"

"We will do what should be done normally, and we will not do what should not be done, otherwise, it will only make them more suspicious." The majestic male voice said:

"That being the case, let's fight!"


"I will reconsider."

"I will also reconsider. The only request is that I will go this time."

"I'm going too, I haven't killed happily for a long time."

So, in just a moment, the opinions of the lords of the Seventh Palace were unified, and when everyone had discussed and retreated, the bell outside the Xinghe Palace had already rang.

dong dong dong dong!
The bell rang nine times, and the sound shook hundreds of miles. The originally calm mountain peaks seemed to be boiling, and countless sword lights came from all directions.

This is the decree summoned by the Galaxy Sword Sect!
Of course, this kind of summoning still takes time. The barren mountains and mountains are too large, and the sword cultivators are scattered too widely. Even if they gather here after hearing the bell, it still takes a long time.

During this period of time, the bell will still strike at the frequency of nine rings per hour, from dark to dawn, and then from dawn to dark, until the sword cultivators gather.

This is also almost the highest level of mobilization for war.

All the disciples of the Sword Sect who heard the bell, except those who were closed to death, must come, and there should be no delay.

On the Four Seasons Peak.

With the ringing of the bell, the female Jianxiu Ruoli walked out of her room, walked on the road leading to the hall on the top of the mountain, crossed many restrictions, and walked into the depths of the hall.

Here she met the person she wanted to see, the lord of the Four Seasons Palace and her master, the Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu.

"Ruoli, don't go to this battle, stay here to recuperate, and accumulate the gains from this battle.

Your swordsmanship of the four seasons has reached the point of the winter solstice. If you can go one step further and complete the rotation of the four seasons, the road ahead will be opened, and your cultivation will be able to make great strides. It will be a different world. "

The female swordsman said lightly, but her words still revealed her concern for her disciple: "I have prepared all the medicines that should be prepared for you, and I have also applied for the auxiliary equipment that should be there for you.

After I leave, you can also use the Four Seasons Cave as you like.

In the end, I just want to give you a word as a teacher, don't be greedy for merit if you build a hundred-foot-high building on the ground. "

Ruo Li was moved, but the expression under the veil was still calm, she just bowed slightly, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Master, I would like to follow Master's instruction."

After finishing speaking, she straightened up, but did not leave, but showed hesitation.

"Huh? You still have something to do? It's not your character to hesitate."

Ruoli didn't hide it: "Master, do you think it's possible to activate spells without using real essence and magic power, and can achieve perfect spells and peak creatures?"

Shen Jinxiu tilted her head slightly, her eyes swept over, a little puzzled: "It's not impossible to not use real energy and mana, but the price is very high and it will hurt your body.

And the technique is perfect, the peak life.

This, um, how long has he been practicing? "

Ruo Li didn't know how to answer: "Should be the first time?"

"First time?" Shen Jinxiu's eyes changed. She looked at her proud apprentice and didn't speak again, but the meaning in her eyes was already clear.

Are you kidding me?

Ruo Li was also in a hurry, she didn't cover up anymore, but recounted everything exactly.

Including the results of her more than one follow-up investigation, they all made it clear.

"Is that right?"

Shen Jinxiu was obviously interested, her eyes flickered several times, and she suddenly said: "Ruoli, you don't have to go to this battle, so you should work hard again, go to Sifang City once, and bring this person here.

I want to see him, he is a natural manipulator, I have never seen such a physique in ancient books! "


Ruoli naturally agreed to this request.

In fact, she came here for exactly this sentence.


Not to mention the conversation between the master and apprentice, but as time went by, more and more sword cultivators gathered outside the Xinghe Palace.

A few days later, in the evening, when the golden crow was hanging down and the sky was full of red clouds, the sword cultivators had already assembled.

Outside the Xinghe Palace, above the sky, there were thousands of flying swords showing their sharpness, which made the world dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and there was only a chill and coldness left. Just the aura seemed to be able to split everything.

In Xinghe Palace, seven people walked out slowly. They looked at the disciples and grandchildren, and looked at the faces that were young, energetic, calm, or passionate, and their eyes became deeper and deeper.

Until the teacher walked out slowly, everything was silent, only the blood in his heart was boiling.

At this moment, the voice of Hua Ye, the head teacher, echoed in the sky and the earth: "The target of this battle is the Kingdom of the Mountain Monarch!"

"What I want is a large army where no grass will grow."

"If I let those monsters mention me, Xinghe Jianzong, they will tremble."

"In this battle, there is no retreat, no one is invincible, there is death but no life!"

"This battle, if you never return..."

The voice stopped at this point, and what answered him was a uniform roar that resounded through the world.

"Then go and never return!"

Since then, three thousand sword cultivators have come out from the barren mountain, split the sky, and headed northwest, never to return!
PS: The new book sets sail, rolling all over the floor for support...

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  The years when I created the ancient heaven

(End of this chapter)

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