Chapter 14 Root Bone
Yunjian City, Tea Tree Lane, inside a small courtyard.

Elder Li knocked on the door with a smile, and came with his mouth open: "Little friend, Mo Xiaoyou, my brother is really busy these days, so I didn't come to see you.

how about it?
Are you used to the life in Yunjian City? "

Mo Chengjun looked at the old face that seemed to be a blooming chrysanthemum, squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Of course it's very good, this is Yunjian City. Looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the morning and the clouds in the sky in the evening, can you see the clouds?" There's nothing wrong with that.

It's just that this person is unfamiliar with the place, and it's not easy to do anything. Brother, I can't even enter the market, it's really pitiful. "

The smile on Elder Li's face faltered slightly, and he laughed again: "What is this?
In two days, I will take you to have a good tour of that square city. With me, there is no place you cannot go.

When you buy something, please report my name. If you don’t get a [-]% discount, it means that I am incompetent. "

Mo Chengjun smiled, and his smile was slightly restrained: "Elder Li, what's the matter?"

Elder Li's smile remained unchanged: "What can I do, that is, Fairy Ruoli came to look for you again, waiting in Xuanyuan Pavilion, or should we go there now?"

"So this is ah!"

Mo Chengjun smiled meaningfully: "Then Elder Li, do you know why Fairy Ruoli came to me?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I saw two senior brothers from the Hall of Enlightenment follow me. I don't know what happened?"

"The Hall of Enlightenment?!"

Mo Chengjun smiled again: "It seems that they are testing my spiritual roots."

Elder Li lost his voice: "What? You haven't tested the root bone yet?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Mo Chengjun asked strangely:
"It's okay, it's okay!" Elder Li's smile became more friendly: "Why don't we go there now, and we can't make Fairy Ruoli and the two senior brothers wait in a hurry."


Mo Chengjun agreed, and when he stepped out, he suddenly replied: "I don't know if what Elder Li just said is true?"


"Just to report your name, you can get a [-]% discount on shopping?"

"Ahem, of course."

On the long street, Mo Chengjun and Elder Li walked side by side, and the passers-by consciously avoided it, but everyone felt that Elder Li's smile was a little stiff today.


Yunjian City is said to be a city, but it is different from ordinary cities after all. It is not under the jurisdiction of the Daxuan court, there is no county magistrate, no city god temple, and there are no yamen arrests.

All the functions here are replaced by the Galaxy Sword Sect, whether it is taxation, legal system, city layout, population management, public security environment and other functions are also in charge of the Zongmen Foreign Affairs Hall.

And the office of this foreign affairs hall is Xuanyuan Pavilion, which is located in the middle of Fangshi, the largest and most magnificent building.

At this time, Mo Chengjun was taken to Xuanyuan Pavilion, and after entering the inner hall, he was led away by two people, one old and one young, without seeing Ruoli.

They come from the Hall of Enlightenment of the Galaxy Sword Sect, and they specialize in the collection of exercises, the preservation of spells, the maintenance of the Library Pavilion, the teaching of the Dharma in front of the hall, and the recruitment and entrance examination of new disciples.

In other words, they are the education department of Galaxy Sword Sect. They are not very lucrative, but extremely important. They are the cornerstone and guarantee of a sect's inheritance.

And the strictness and complexity of their entrance examination for new disciples has reached the point of outrage.

Originally, Mo Chengjun thought that the whole process was just to touch his bones and test his physique with a technique.

But it turns out that it was a novelist's words!

If technological civilization uses various machines to observe the world, then here, inspiration is used.

And with inspiration as the starting point, they already have a complete understanding of the world, methods and means of observing the world.

Root bone detection is actually an extremely rigorous science. In an hour-long period, from bone palpation, blood test, perspective, to attribute affinity, meridian tension, and dantian volume.

Then there are dozens of items such as inspiration perception, xinxing, mental concentration, etc., which makes Mo Chengjun feel like he is doing a full-body physical examination.

Even in the end, he could no longer understand many items.

Mo Chengjun also somewhat understood that this was probably the initial stage of his being a guinea pig, and he had expected it a long time ago, so he calmed down and let the two of them toss.

Until an hour later, the sky will be late, and the sky will be full of red clouds.

Yunjian City, Fangshi, Xuanyuan Pavilion, Inner Hall.

"Two junior brothers, how are you doing?" Ruo Li put down the teacup in his hand, and said softly:
Opposite her, two disciples of the Enlightenment Palace, one old and one young, couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes full of indescribable complexity.

"You should read it yourself?" The older man handed a piece of paper in front of Ruoli.

Ruoli didn't answer, just glanced at the densely packed records, then looked at the old man and said, "Are you sure you want me to read?"

The old man froze for a moment, as if he had come to his senses, he retracted his hand a little embarrassingly.

Well, this thing is so professional that non-professionals can’t understand it at all. It’s the same as you show a movie to ordinary people. The movie knows him, but he doesn’t know the movie.

"Tell me in detail?" Ruo Li didn't make things difficult for them:

The young man and the old man looked at each other again, and the young man spoke first: "This, um, brother Mo's body does not have any traces of cultivation, but it is extremely sticky to inspiration.

In other words, as long as the inspiration enters his body, there will basically not be any leakage.

If other people practice one night and can leave three points of inspiration, then he can at least keep six points, which is twice as fast innately. "

The old man continued, with envy in his voice: "It's not a big deal, he also has a very high ability to perceive inspiration, and in my test, the value of this item has been fully drawn.

However, I suspect that it is actually these values ​​that limit his performance. If he really says that he can directly see the inspiration with his eyes, I don't doubt it. "

The young man said again: "His bones are not perfect, but they are not bad.

But his xinxing is the most astonishing. After asking the heart, he has passed the ninth floor, and he can be said to be a natural seed of cultivating immortals without hindrance. "

Speaking of which, he couldn't hide his longing anymore. It was difficult to climb the fairy road step by step. In fact, he was not afraid that he would not see progress, but he was afraid that he would be stuck at a certain level and would not make any progress.

This 'questioning' level, you say it's not important, right?
It is invisible and does not seem to affect practice.

But you want to say it is important?

Any great virtuous person of Xianzong who doesn't have the corresponding state of mind will only lead the demon into the body, and the body will die and the dao will disappear.

The old man took up the conversation again, and his tone was full of disbelief: "His blood is very pure, unbelievably pure, and there is almost no heterogeneity.

In other words, his ancestors had not been mixed with the blood of the monster race for at least a thousand years.

If I hadn't seen this, I would have found it unbelievable!

I suspect that he should have some kind of physique, similar to the Innate Dao Body or something, but obviously different, it may be something we haven't found. "

The young man said again: "The most commendable thing is that such a pure human blood has a good affinity for all attributes, whether it is Earth Fire Feng Shui or Green Wood Geng Metal are extremely balanced.

That is to say, he doesn't really pick anything about the secrets of exercises, he can practice techniques, or use swordsmanship, it just depends on what he likes. "

The old man spoke again, his voice was already full of jealousy: "Also, we also tested..."

Ruoli couldn't listen anymore, he interrupted quickly: "Wait, wait, I asked you to do the root bone examination, not to sing the oboe.

Now, put away all the envy, jealousy and hatred on your faces.

Then, tell me the final result?Also, your suggestion? "

The old man and the young man looked at each other again, their eyes full of regret.

In the end, the old man said: "The outer door, you can put him in the outer door, um, give it a try?"

"What?" Ruoli looked at the two of them, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

The two of you have just been blowing for so long, and your roots are almost overflowing, and you can only enter the outer door?
The two seemed to know Ruoli's doubts, and the young man immediately said, "Brother Mo is amazing in everything, except for one thing."

"Stop selling it."

"It's Shouyuan!"

"Shouyuan? What happened to Shouyuan?"

Ruoli was surprised: "His face is at least twenty years old?"

"Maybe his physique is too special, or maybe he has eaten some spiritual fruit like Zhuyan grass by mistake?" The young man's voice was full of helplessness:

The old man's eyes were full of regret: "In the end, he has already passed his forty years."

"Not confused?"

This time, Ruoli was also stunned, and after a long time, she asked again: "Are you sure?"

The old man murmured, "We can't measure the exact bone age, and it would require the use of heavy equipment from the sect, which would consume a lot of energy. Although the Temple of Enlightenment has it, we can't bring it with us.

But in a simple way, we changed at least three kinds.

Techniques, utensils, and blood curses are basically determined. "

"Just the basics?"

Ruoli did not give up: "Why don't I submit an application to the Zongmen with the authority of the true biography?"

The young man was more assertive, and said directly: "Actually, there is no need, we can fully confirm it.

He has passed the age of forty. "

As soon as these words came out, Ruo Li was speechless.

After a long time, only a faint sigh sounded in the room.


Mo Chengjun went in and waited in the back hall after finishing the root bone examination. Even with his disposition, he was a little nervous at this moment.

Galaxy Sword Sect has outer sects and handymen, but the truly amazing talent is able to directly enter the inner sect.

A certain Jindan Daoist is accepted as a student and can be taught by hand.

This starting point has been completely different.

After changing two cups of tea, Mo Chengjun finally saw Ruoli.

She walked through the front hall step by step, and walked up to Mo Chengjun. The tulle covered her face, but the complex charm in her eyes almost flowed out.

Mo Chengjun didn't notice well: "What's wrong?"

If you leave your mouth: "Your talent is excellent, even in Xinghe Jianzong, you can directly enter the inner sect.

But there is only one thing that cannot be avoided. Let me ask you, have you passed the age of forty? "

A question mark popped up in Mo Chengjun's mind, and it took him a long time to realize that the age of forty refers to 40 years old.

People over forty are not confused.

But is he over 40 years old?
Well, there is really no answer to this question.

The last moment he can remember must have been under forty.

But he has no experience in traveling through this kind of thing?

Who knows if his body has changed during this process?
Not to mention, until now, he still hasn't figured out how he got here!
But Ruoli had to answer the question.

After thinking for a while, Mo Chengjun still nodded, and said in a joking tone, "I just look young, but I'm actually very old."

"But the bad is here!"

Ruoli sighed slightly: "You have to know, whether it's cultivating immortals or practicing martial arts, the first level is to entrain qi.

Introduce the spirit of heaven and earth into the body, flow and grow with the meridians, if it returns to the lower dantian, you can use it to wash the blood, strengthen yourself, strengthen the blood, temper the body, go straight to the ninth rank of martial arts, climb step by step, and finally enter the realm of martial arts. Condensing the Dharma body, the combat power is infinite.

But if it belongs to the upper dantian, it can nourish the body, strengthen the soul, strengthen the connection between the body and the heaven and the earth, use mana to attract the power of the heaven and the earth, and use all kinds of incredible magic methods. This is the way of immortality.

The ninth rank of martial arts, the sixth realm of the immortal way, the barriers are like a moat, and only after breaking through the barriers can one step up to the sky. "

"However, no matter whether it is martial arts or immortal journey, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, there is not enough time.

You must know that the state of entraining qi not only cannot increase the lifespan, but will overdraw the lifespan due to various hidden injuries.

Only by breaking into the seventh rank of innate or building a foundation before the age of 40 can it be possible to continue climbing, and it is possible to become a master or a golden elixir.

If it is over forty but before sixty, it means breaking through the innate or Dao foundation, but there is no hope of a master or golden elixir for life.

And you, over forty years old, have not yet started to practice! "

Mo Chengjun suddenly asked: "What if the age is over sixty?"

"There is no hope of building a foundation for life, and the twelve levels of entraining qi are already the limit."

Ruoli said categorically, paused, and said again: "The suggestion given by the Hall of Enlightenment is to let you enter the outer door. This will not take up too many resources, and it will give you a chance. As for where you will end up, no one knows." I don't know?"

"And my advice to you is, wait until my master comes back!"

"So, you go back first, when this war is over, and when my master returns..."

(End of this chapter)

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