Chapter 15 Old Master

When Mo Chengjun left, Elder Li was still leading the way, but after walking out of Xuanyuan Pavilion and stepping through the gate, Elder Li stopped in his tracks.

He looked at Mo Chengjun and said, "Oh, look at my memory, I still have a lot to do.

Brother Mo, you should go back by yourself, you know the way you came here, so I don't need to say more. "

Mo Chengjun stared slightly, and said with a smile: "It seems that Elder Li knows everything?"

Elder Li had a slight sarcasm on his face: "It is true that I have heard that Brother Mo is extremely talented, but it is a pity that he is a bit older, and at most he will enter an outer sect.

And I, Tim as the elder of the outer sect, will definitely take care of you in the task assignment, don't worry, don't worry! "

Mo Chengjun just felt sick for a while.

This one, if it is really useful, he will use it, and if it is not useful, he will suppress it. He has become so popular to the bone, and he doesn't even hide it at all.

However, Mo Chengjun didn't get used to him, but smiled and said: "Elder Li doesn't need to care about this, according to Fairy Ruoli's arrangement, I will still stay in Yunjian City for a while, waiting for her teacher, Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Zhenjun will talk when he comes back.

I am a bit older, but my aptitude is there after all. With Zhenjun Lao Shen helping me to take a look, maybe there will be a turning point? "

As he said that, Mo Chengjun looked at Elder Li and smiled brilliantly: "At that time, Elder Li, shall we get closer?"

Elder Li's smile froze, but he still didn't doubt Mo Chengjun's words, or rather, he didn't think that Mo Chengjun dared to pull the tiger skin of Four Seasons Sword Master Shen Jinxiu.

The smile froze for a while, then he suddenly looked back, slapped his head, and said: "Look at my memory, brother Mo, brother Mo, the matter on my side has been resolved, or I will accompany you to stroll around Fangshi. The night view of Fangshi is also quite interesting.”

This guy is really thick-skinned to the extreme, what he said is unambiguous.

Mo Chengjun didn't refuse, but said: "It's just that shopping is boring, why don't you buy some things. My little brother fell in love with some books, but I have been craving them for a long time, but I am too shy to buy them."

"Small things, small things, everything has a brother, there is a brother!"

"Okay then, let's go."

"Let's go, this way please!"

Well, from Mo Chengjun's point of view, this Elder Li is a real scumbag. Wherever the wind blows, he will fall there. Face is really not important.

If you rely heavily on this kind of person, it is absolutely impossible, but if you can really hold him, it is also very useful.

This night, Mo Chengjun beat him hard and bought several books that he had wanted for a long time in a certain bookstore.

Some of them record the ninth grade of martial arts, various methods of tempering the body, although they do not involve specific body training secrets, but there are explanations for each realm.

There is "Cultivation of Immortals" here, although there is no method, but it is a far-sighted explanation of the pass of the immortal journey, the six realms of ascending to the immortal, and all kinds of secrets.

There is also a geographical map here, the land of Kyushu, and the demon kingdoms and demon realms outside of Kyushu, and important local legends are all recorded.

There are also all kinds of arts of cultivating immortals, medicinal materials and spiritual objects, historical events, alchemy and equipment, and summary of spells.

If the "Basic Cultivation of Immortals" is just an enlightenment reading, then these books are professional books in various fields.

Although there are not many details and no specific method, but it is what Mo Chengjun needs most, and it is the basis for him to understand the world from a high altitude.

The books are actually not expensive, but if you add up to eight books, you will have Elder Li's face and cost hundreds of spirit stones.

Mo Chengjun could see that the old guy's hands were trembling when he took out the money, and his face was very ugly, but he had to force a smile, which made it even more ugly.

Maybe the money is not much, but he really feels distressed.

Mo Chengjun also knew that they had made a knot, but if he couldn't get up in the future, this old man would take revenge.

But that's all for the future, and now, he is only happy to get these books.

On Tea Tree Street, in the courtyard, Mo Chengjun flipped through the thick books, feeling very satisfied, but also a little headache.

Especially looking at those technical terms, he knew that his study of spiritual script and seal script not only had to continue, but also had to be strengthened.


The alley where Mo Chengjun lives is called Tea Tree Alley. As the name suggests, tea trees are planted in every household. Whenever winter turns to spring and everything recovers, there is always the fragrance of tea flying for ten miles.

The first one at the entrance of the alley is a private school. There is an old gentleman in the private school, who calls himself Fusheng Jushi. Of course, everyone likes to call him Old Master when they meet each other.

When Mo Chengjun first came to live in Tea Tree Lane, he had his eye on this old master. He chatted with people, asked many ways, and gradually got to know the basic situation of this old master.

The name of the old master is no longer known, it is probably a failed student who did not know how many years ago, came to this Yunjian City disheartened, opened a private school, specially took in some urchins and young children, and enlightened them.

As for how many years this private school has been in operation, there is no certainty.

Just looking back, it seems that those who are five or sixty years old and who are grandfathers have to respectfully call him master when they see him.

If you really want to count, it will take at least five or sixty years, and the old man has grown from a high-spirited youth at the beginning to an old man now.

The old man has no wife and no children, and is alone, only this private school is famous.

Many dignitaries wanted to ask him to enlighten the disciples of his family, but he never agreed. If you want to learn, you can only come to private schools.

And the students he recruited can come from poor families, and they only need to provide a monthly bucket of rice to attend classes.

You can also be rich, and you have to charge [-] gold every month without any counter-offer.

A wealthy businessman heard about it and was extremely upset, so he asked the old master to make a theory.

The old master said: "If the family is poor, a bucket of rice is the income of a few days of hard work, and it is already exhausted.

For those who are rich, fifty gold is only a drop in the bucket.


He Qing? "

As soon as this remark came out, the old master became more and more famous. Although he was a rebellious person, there were still many children from rich families who came to enlighten him and study.

And this old master, seems to be very old, but there is no doubt that he is very accomplished in Mengxue.

No matter how stubborn and dull Meng Tong is, he will be honest after staying in the private school for a few days.

Perhaps the more capable a person is, the more tempered he is. The old man's temper is extremely weird, and as he grows older, he likes to hate people more and more, and can make people lose his temper in just one or two sentences.

Over time, everyone respected him and stayed away from him, but there is no doubt that the old master has extraordinary knowledge and knowledge. Many virtuous scholars have come to ask him for advice. As long as he can endure his ridicule and ridicule, he will always return with a rewarding experience.

And this is what Mo Chengjun values ​​most!
Mo Chengjun brought Shu Xiu to the private school at noon the next day.

He saw that in the private school, many Mongolian children were shaking their heads with their hands behind their backs, and the sound of reading loudly seemed to dispel the heat of noon.

And under the big tree outside the private school, there are old people and reclining chairs sleeping soundly, accompanied by the sound of Lang Lang reading, it is the best time to sleep.

Mo Chengjun stood by the tree, neither interrupting nor leaving, just standing there quietly, with his head slightly tilted, listening to Lang Lang's reading, with a relaxed expression.

After half an hour, the sound of reading gradually stopped, and the old master on the recliner slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes full of vicissitudes of time looked at Mo Chengjun who was close at hand, and he was not surprised at all.

He just asked, "Why are you here?"

Mo Chengjun clasped his fists in salute, and said, "I'm here to study!"

The old master sighed: "A little older?"

This is the first question.

Mo Chengjun replied: "Life has an end, but scholars have no limits. I would like to search up and down to understand the magic of Taoism, and tirelessly day and night to fully grow."

The old master's expression was slightly restrained, his eyes were stunned for a moment, he chewed carefully, and suddenly laughed: "Well, people in the world are ignorant, and they talk a lot. You, an adult and a child, sit and study, and you may bear other people's gossip?"

This is already the second question!

Mo Chengjun didn't care: "What do other people's gossip have to do with me?"

The old master looked at Mo Chengjun, nodded slightly, and said, "You can come here to study tomorrow."

Mo Chengjun put Shu Xiu down, spoke respectfully, and called out, "Teacher!"

The old master said: "Good!"


That is to say, from this day on, there is a strange scenery in the private school on Tea Tree Street.

An adult sits in a group of small Mongolian children. Like the Mongolian children, he attends classes, practices calligraphy, listens to lectures, and reads while shaking his head.

You must know that the population flow in Tea Tree Street is not large. When there is an extra neighbor named Mo Chengjun, everyone is curious about his origin.

Originally, everyone thought he was a big shot, and there were many big shots in Yunjian City, but few of them could be personally arranged by the elders of the outer sect of Galaxy Sword Sect.

But it was such a character who was mixed among a group of ignorant children, learning the most elementary spiritual script and seal script, which was really surprising.

Of course, as Mo Chengjun himself said, the shock and suspicion of outsiders has nothing to do with him. He is just learning contentedly and working hard to absorb all kinds of knowledge.

This is no longer Sifang City, and he finally stopped sneaking after studying Lingwen and seal script.

It is also close enough to the world of practice, he can study hard while trying to understand the world.

And he, after all, is no ordinary Mengtong.

He has enough self-control and concentration, he also has a mature learning method, and he has the foundation of stealing in Sifang City.

In one month, in just one month, he completed the basic learning of the rotor in Lingwen and seal script. This speed even surprised the old master.

After a month of rain or shine, the old master finally saw his seriousness and hard work.

After that, he began to select books for Mo Chengjun alone, formulate courses, and impart more in-depth knowledge.

If enlightenment is like elementary school, then what the old master arranges is junior high school knowledge, which is no longer the same.

And Mo Chengjun, while studying, finally opened the practice books he bought.

It's not that he hasn't studied it before, but there are too many technical terms in it, and his knowledge is too narrow, so he can't read it at all.

But now, although he is still struggling, he also has someone to ask for advice, and the old master is the best mentor.

The old master really has a weird temper. When he doesn't want to talk to you, even if the king of heaven comes, he won't show a good face.

But the old master's knowledge reserve and extensive knowledge also exceeded Mo Chengjun's expectations.

Faced with his questions, even if it was about cultivating immortals, the old master could almost give answers. Even if he didn't want to answer directly, he would point out which book had records.

Sometimes, Mo Chengjun was suspicious, suspecting that this old man was also a cultivator.

Because he knows too much, beyond the boundaries that ordinary people should have.

Ordinary people, after all, are mortals, no matter how knowledgeable they are, it is impossible for them to understand cultivation.

But the old master is not, he can really solve almost all of Mo Chengjun's problems, even if it involves cultivation.

In this case, it was because of Mo Chengjun's lack of knowledge that he couldn't ask any valuable questions.

Of course, Mo Chengjun's doubts didn't last long before being denied by him.

Because, the old master is really too old, as thin as a gust of wind can blow away, completely different from a practitioner.

However, Mo Chengjun didn't get too entangled. He had no intention of inquiring about the old master's past, but was immersed in his own study.

Astronomy, geography, history, practice, martial arts, dynasties, political situation, humanities, etc...

He absorbed it almost fearlessly, and quickly absorbed it like a sponge.

It wasn't until another three months later that when he suddenly looked back, he had a rough outline of this world in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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